September 1977 Issue 48 SAN FRANCISCO FREE CBOSADER -AROD DAM ÎÎ ‘ \ Photo by EDDIE VAN of RICK H O U L IH A N , is a young Iri&h lad w h o w o rk s at LT. ADVENTURE STUDIOS the HOT’L, 975 Harrison Street. Rick came to San RICK Francisco.in October of 1976. SAN FRANCISCO CRUSADER ^ COURTS SOFT ON CRIMINALS!!” NEWS District Attorney“A Coward” Districtir^k ■ ««A** « ^ AttorneyB « JosephT —. Frietas Judge ALBERT C. WOLLENBERG TURNS LOOSE shocked those few supporters he i Brief ACCUSED KILLERS ON “COURT FREE BAIL”! has left in the gay community, when ! “WOLLENBERG A DISGRACE TO THE BENCH”, it came out that ne was “making SAYS ONE JUDGE IN CONFIDENCE. deals” or “plea-bargining” with the DISTRICT ATTORNEY FRIETAS’S DEPUTIES four accused killers of Robert Hills­ borough. Those gays who are in TEXAS LEGISLATURE APPROVE PLEA BARGINS THUGS, PUNKS, AND OTHER SUCH CRIMINALS BACK ONTO THE STREETS the know down at the Hall of Justi­ OF ANTI-GAY STATEMENT! ce were not at all surprised. Most AUSTIN:A Statement of Intent has OF SAN FRANCISCO! POLICE OFFICERS AND CITIZENS ALIKE DE­ agreed that this is the “Frietas-way’' passed the Texas State Legislature ..... he has been accused by Supervi­ which will encourage state college NOUNCE THE MUNICIPAL AND SUPERIOR COURT JUDGES FOR BEING “TOO SOFT” AND sor candidate Rev. Ray Broshears campuses to prohibit any gay stu­ of being “a coward” in that he re­ dent organizations. It was introdu­ TURNING SAN FRANCISCO INTO A ‘JUNGLE ( i Tom Spooner....x>ne of OF CRIME! ’ fuses to face up to the duties at ced by the Rep. Clay Smothers, a I the BccuBed kiU«rs*......! hand. Broshevs, as have many of black legislator, who hates homosex­ the San Francisco Police Departm—~ uals and was a George Wallace dele­ ent„ charge that Frietas gets stiff gate to last year's Democratic Natio­ sentenees when it comes to “con­ nal Convention. Smothers says he doesn't want any “queers" building sumer fraud” and “prono-making”. any organizations in tax-supported but when it comes to murder, rape institutions. "A black Wallace supp­ assaults, etc., he is a “coward”! orter?”....only in Texas!! When a NEW WEST Magazine arti­ *****««««• cle came out barii^ the past of the slain homosexual Robert Hillsboro­ STATE SENATOR JOHN BRIGGS ugh, Frietas’s office began "plea- AND THE “LAVENDER TIES”! barganing ” the killers (alleged) of State Senator John Briggs let it be Hillsborough. known that he is upset over a gay In the killing of George W. Andrews Republican group, the Teddy Roo­ a homosexual, by three persons off sevelt Clubs, having contracted with of the Tenderloin's “meatrack” in a private investigation to look into late July, Frietas, along with the his private life (early youth) in an udge and Public Defender Harriet effort to learn ‘ihings" about John J!oss, gave “Free Court Bail” to one Briggs and what makes him such a who says he was “merely with the vehement homophobe! other two,” whom he claims did the killing, but that he is a nice guy and only arove the car! “ACID HEAD OR PROPHET OF As one veteran cop put it, “Well, if GOD?” That is the heading of an that is the rationale, then none of article sent out by a “David Ichabod the guys killed for war crimes shou­ of the Gay Coalition i Against Drug ld have been hanged, for they only Abuse” in New York City. It is an “drove cars” also!” attack upon a well-known Los Ang­ eles based gay minister, which many Judge Albert C. Wollenberg who feel is an attack upon the Christian faces re-election in the near future, Churches by a group composed in may have a surprise awaiting him, “ADOPT A GHOST!" - “ according to noted Trial Lawyer, the main of persons of Jewish back­ In the above photo, seated left to right, is Tony Barreiro, of Palo Alto, California, an ground. In &n Francisco, a similar Jack Morgan. Morgan told the SF antique dealer turned ghostly entrepreneur and creator of this year's sensational gift CRUSADER that alot ot lawyers group has been attacking the Christ item “ADOPT A GHOST”, having tea with his own curvacous ghost, Isadora. The ain Churches here, and they too are are “fed up” with Wollenberg's re­ ADOPT A GHOST kit comes complete with legal adoption papers for the homseless cord on the Bench. gay, most of whom have Jewish na­ ghost, a small amount of anon-allergenic haunted house dust to help your ghost imme- mes. “They are a disgrace to the dialtely adapt to his or her new surroundings, a delightful 19 chapter booklet, ‘The The San Francisco Police Officers Jewish peoples”, one well-known Official Ghost Handbook”, a return card to register your ghost for adoption with the Association has a group of Officers gay Jewish spokesperson related. International Foundation For The Adoption of Homeless Ghosts when the time comes, who are acting as citizen watch­ ****««***111* an “ADOPT A GHOST” button, and a stunning “ghost cloak” to wear on important dogs” on the Courts, and their find­ i outings with your ghost (i.e. halloween). This is so your ghost will not be ashamed to ings arc truly shocking. JIMMY CARTER MEETS HIS be seen with you, one person told the CRUSADER. The ADOPT A GHOST will be in Over 40% of those arrested for vio­ “WATERLOO” IN THE PANAMA most stores in mid-September, in the meantime, if you wish to get yours right away, lent crimes are returned to the SF CANAL ISSUE! Gay Republicans send S4.00 to Invisible Enterprises, P.O. Box 207, Cupertino, California 9S014 streets via plea-barginings....all of have risen up in “arms” against the which the Judge goes aiung with. giveaway of the Panama Canal to the The I udge does not have to agree to Communist dictator of Panama, it aeal-making but does as a rule.the was overheard that ‘The peanut far­ The San Franeitco Police Departm ent hat been buttinc huttert around the St. Fran­ Recently, a member of the Public mer may have met his Waterloo!” cise Hotel« and on Polk Street. On W ednesday, 8 rather sad looking hustlers and drags Defender's office tried to get a per­ appeared for arraignmentin M unicipal Court, having been busted on Geary Street at ************ the St. Francis Hotel. Five Polk Street hustlers were busted Ute W ednesday night son who was injured by a thug, m a They were hanging around the Towne Squire and Pine A Polk and Bush A Polk, Polk Street bar, to drop the charges. CHINATOWN MASSACRE KILLS 5 and WOUND 16 OTHERS Chinatown is nearly empty at night now, after the Sunday slaying of S Andrew Betancourt innocent persons and the wounding of 16 others by three unknown per­ sons in the Golden Dragon Restura- Supervisor in Five nt in Chinatown. STRONG CONTENDER FOR SUPERVISOR SURFACES ************** Andrew J. Betancourt has lived in San Francisco for 15 years. He is in the real estate business, and is fully aware of the many GAY CANDIDATES ALL OVER problems which confront the city; today. He is a strong suppor­ THE PLACE IN SUPERVISORS ter of equal rights and opportunities for all people. Betancourt ELECTION. In the Castro-haight does not believe that any district “belongs” to any group. He is 5th Supervisorial District, Harvey one of the founders of the Pride Foundation, and! alongtime me- Milk, Rick Stokes, Jim Eamshaw, meber of the old Society for Individual Rights. Rita George, Shelly Fernandez, An­ Andrew told the CRUSADER that he feels the Supervisor should drew Betancourt,and Justin Raim- be a full-time position, and that when he is clecteo he would he ondo, all very gay, are running for a full-time Supervisor. Office. In the 4th District, which He told us that he is opposed to the initiative circulated by includes the southern Polk Gulch, State Senator John Briggs, “The Briggs initiative is an insult to Tenderloin. Hayes Valley, and Fill­ anyone of intelligence, and gay people suffer indignities daily in more area. Rev. Ray Broshears is the all forms and walks of life that snould be corrected.” candidate of the gays. And over in Andrew Betancourt says he is very much opposed to any fare in­ the south of Market & Mis.sion, gay crease on the MUNI for “each increase brings less riders.” He is activist, Larry Littlejohn has tossed a supporter of Jitney routes for Market Street, Geary' Street, and his Depdty Sherrif’s hat into the Polk Street. race. His number one priority when elected Superv isor would be to * « 4c I» 4c 4t « 4MB * * * * have the Board of Supervisors be a full-time job with a full-time GAYS TO PLAY STRAIGHT? staff because the city cannot run on a Monday afternoon basis SOFTBALL TEAM FROM RADIO only. He further said that each Supervisor should have regular STATION.......see inside page 2. hours and be able to devote his or her time to running a large ANDREW J. BETANCOURT, SUPERVISOR CANDIDATE IN DISTRICT 5. Andrew Betancourt it aenaitive to the peo­ city business in a manner similar to a successful private corpora­ ple of hd Diidrict . He la a fiacal conservative and a longtime tion. Part-time work means a job half done, he concluded! worker for equal rights for gay people. SAJt ruMBM piBganBH |SAN FRAiroiSCO ^ T w o Gays Ousted Srom THE CARPETBiMMERS DISCFIRE ISLAND AFTER DARK EXPOSED DISCO DANCE G.O.P.
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