STATISTICAL HANDBOOK ASSAM 1989 FOREWORD The current issue of 'Statistical Hand Book. Assam is the Twenty-Third in the series. It presents a concise factual account of Social and Economic trends in Assam with the avil- able data uptt 1989-90 as far as possible. With a view to mal±ig the brochure more useful to the data users. Statewise Statistical da^a and kev Statistics Of the countrs' are also included here. The data presented in tliis issue have been collected from various Departments of the State and the Central Government. Public Se­ ctor undertakiig and a few private institutions. The continued and genorous Co-operation extended by \'arit)us departments of the Cen­ tral and the State Governme;its and other agen­ cies in making available the required Statistical data for the publication is gratefully acknow­ ledged. Suggestions ^Dr improvement in quality and content of the publication are welcome. Guwahati. 6th December, 1990. H. K. BHUYAN. Director of Economics and Statistics, Assam. Guwahati-6. CAPACITY AND VOLUME \ Gallon (Imperial) - 4*54596 Litres. I Gallon (U. S.) 3-78533 Utres. - 0*83268 Gallons (Im perial) 1 Litre — 0-219967 GaUons (Impsrial), 1 Cubic feet 28*3168 Cubic Decimetres — 0.028 Cubic metres 1 Cubic metre n 1*30795 Cubic yards. 1 Cubic yard SSI 0-76455 Cubic metres. AREA 1 Square inch 6*4516 Square centimetre a. 1 Square foot — 0*092903 Sq. Metres. I Square yard 0*836131 Sq. Metres. Square metre — 1*19599 Square Yards. 1 Acre 0*404686 Hectares. 3*025 Bighas. o. 4840 Sq. Yards. 1 Square mile <» 2*58999 Sq. Kilometres. —i 640 Acres. 1 Square kilometre a 100 Hectares. » 247 Acres. a 0*386101 Square Miles. I Hectare 10000 Square Metres - 7*46993 Bighas. — 2*47105 Acres. I Bigha 0*13387 H ecnm . _ 0*33058 Acres. CONVERSION TABLE WEIGHTS 1 Grain ■= 0’065 Grams« 1 Oram =. 0-035270 Ounce. - 0-085735 Tola, 1 Ounce n 28*350 Grams. 1 Pound «= 0-4536 Kilograms. 1 Kilogram - 2-20462 Pomids. 1 Quintal - 100 Kilograms 1 Tonne ■t* 10 Quintals* - 0-98420 T obs. 1 Ton »» 1-01605 Tonne. mm 0.508024 Quintals I Cwt -I 50-802 Kilograms. LENGTH 1 Centimetre 0-393701 Inches. 1 Inch 25*4 Millimetres. 0*0254 Metres. I Foot 0*3048 Metres. 30*48 Centimetres. 1 Metre 1*09361 Yards. I Yard 0*9144 Metres. 1 Mile 1*609344 Kilometrcf. 1 Kilometre 0-62137 Miles. r o a d d is t a n c e f r o m GUWAHATI (in K «t.) d h u b k i 290 523 DULIAJAN MANKACHAR 269 491 TINSUKIA KOKRAJHAR 236 465 NAMRUP GOSSAIGAON _277 443 DIBRUGARH GOALPARA 150 363 SIBSAGAR a b h a y a p u r i 201 411 SONARI JOGIGHOPA 212 308 JORHAT BONGAIGAON 288 GOLAGHAT s a r u p a t h a r ba r PET A 140 340 KAZIRANGA PATACHAR- 97 225 KUCHl 220 KAHARA NALBARI 71 185 SILGHAT RANGIYA 52 123 NAOAON LUMDINO MANGALDOI 68 224 UDALGURI 177 HOJAI TEZPUR 181 78 MARIGAON BISWANATH- 255 271 DIPHU CHARIALI DHEKIAJULI 137 247 HAMREN N, LAKHIMPUR 396 368 HAFLONG OHEMATT VTA- 469 397 m a ib o n g BORDOLONI 338 KARIMGANJ JONAI 554 »43 SBLCHAR SAIKHOWA- 537 OHAT 336 HAILAKANDI DIGBOl 103 SHILLONG CONTENTS r ABLE Pages 1. POPULATION 1.01 District-wise number of Villages, Towns, 1-5 Police Stations, Out-Posis, Revenue Circles, C. D. Blocks, Gaon Panchayats and Mahkuma Parishads, Assam. 1.02 Population trend in Assam 6 LOS District-wise Area, Population, Density and 7-9 Literacy 1971. 1.04 Area, population and Density of Population 10-16 in diflferent Towns. 1.05 Towns notified after 1971 Census 17 1.06 Sub-division-wise Scheduled Caste and Sche- 18-23 duled Tribe Population, 1971. 1.07 Population by Religion 24-26 1.08 Speakers of Languages 27-39 1.09 Population by broad Industrial' Category ol 40 workers and non-workers. 1.10 Persons classified as non-workars by type 41 of activity. 1.11 Distribution of Population by age-Group 42 and Sex. 11 1.12 District-wise estimates of mid-financial 43-47 year population. 1.13 Birth and Death rates based on three years 48 naoving average. 1.14 Fertility indicators, Assam 49 1.15 Age specific Fertility Rates, Assam 50 1.16 Infant Mortality Rates in Assam 51 1*16 Caste-wise Scheduled ca^tc population in Assrsam 52 1971. 1.18 Tribe-wise Scheduled Tribe population, 1991 53 1971. 2. CLIMATE 2’01 Station-wise monthly maximum and minimum 54-f Temperature. 2’02 Station-wise average Relative Humidity by 58-59 months (At 08-3*^ Hour') 2.03- Staticr) wise Average Relative Humidity 60-61 by months. (At 17-30 Hours) 2.04 Station-wise Monthly Rainfall and number of 62-65 Rainy days. 3. AGRICULTURE 3.01 Number, Area and Average size of Opera- 66-67 tional holdings. 3.02 Total Area and classification of Area 1981-82 68-71 3*03 Index number of Agricultural production in Aisam 72-73 3*04 Index number of production, Area under crops 74 and Productivity. IIJ Pmtm 3*05 Area under principal Crops 75 76 3.06 Production of principal crops. 77-78 3.07 Yield rates of some selected Crops 79 3*08 District-wise area under high yielding variety 80-81 of paddy. 3.09 District-wise ^nd season-wise consumption of 82-83 Fertilizer. 3.10 Crop-wise Irrigation potcatia! utilised 84 3.11 Irrigation potential utilised 85 4. LIVESTOCK AND VETERINARY 4.01 District-wise Livestock & Poultry population 86-87 4.02 Number of Agricultural implements, etc. 88-89 4.03 Veterinary facilities in Assam 90-91 4.04 Performance of Veterinary Hospitals etc. 92-93 4-05 Production of Milk Egg ani Meat 94 3, FOREST 5.01 Area under Forest. 95-96 5.02 Out-turn of Timber and Fuei wood 97-98 Table Pagei 9. POWER 9*01 Installed Capacity and Generation of 125-127 Electricity. 9 02 Sale of Electricity by type of Consumers 128-129 9*03 Number of Villages electrified and Irrigation 130-131 Pumpsets energised. 10. INDUSTRY lO.Ol Index Number of Industrial Production 132-133 10*02 Production of Some Selected Industries 134-135 10'03 Number of Registered Factories in Assam 136-139 10*04 District wise Distribution of Registered 140-147 Factories. lO'OS Annual Survey of Industries, Assam 148 10*06 Small Scale Industries Registered Under 149 the Directorate of Industries. 10" 07 Assam Khadi & Vill. Industries Produc- 150-151 tion ?nd Employment. 10*08 Number of Industrial Estates 152 10 09 Growth Centres of Industries Department and 153 their present position. 10-10 Capital Investment & Subsidy Sanctioned. 154 VI Table Paag s 10*11 New Units established by type of Industries 155 10*12 Statistics on Industrial Disputes 156 10*13 Grant and loans. Disbursed to various 157-159 Induitries. 11. TEA INDUSTRY 11*01 No. of Tea Gardens, Tea Factories, Employment 160 and production etc. 11*02 Dfctrict'Wise Tea Gardens area. Production 161 and Average yield. 11*03 Catagory wi»e Average Dailj^ number of Labour 162 employed 11*04 Area under Tea accoiding to age-gioup 163—165 of Bushes. 1105 Composition of labour employed 166 11*06 Number of Labour on Roll 167 11*07 Tea Sold in Guwahati Tea Auction Centre 168—169 11‘08 Moathwise Sale and Price of Tea at Guwa- 170 hati Auction . 12, MINERALS 12*01 Production of Coal, Crude Oil, Natural Gas 171 and Lime Stone. Vll fable P»ge« 12.02 Index of Mineral production 172 12-03 Colliery-wise Production of Ck>al 173 13. CO-OPERATION 13.01 Co-operative Societies in Assam 174 |3.02 Number of Co-Operative Societies in Assam 175*177 13.03 Statistics of Primary C^redit Societies 178 13.04 Statistics of Co-operative Bank? Assam 179-181 13.05 Processing Societies iti Assam 182 13.06 Statistics of the consumers, co-operative 183 in Assam. 13.07 Statibtics of the Sugar Faaories in 184 Assam. 13.08 Statistics of the Consumers & Marketn.r 185-186 Co-op. (Statfed). 13’09 Statistics relating to Fishfed 187 13*10 Statistics relating to Housefed 188 VlJl Table Pages 14. PUBLIC ENTERPRISES AND JOINTSTOCK COMPANIES 14.01 Growth of Jointstock companies in Assam 189 14.02 Rcgiitralion of Jointstock companies in A'sam 190 15. TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION 15.01 N um ber of Motor Vehicles onroad in 191-195 Assam. 15*02 Number' of Motor Vehicles registered 196-199 in Assam. 15*03 Number of Motor driving Licenses issued 200-201 and Renewed in Assam. 15*04 Composition dnd capacity of Water-Ways, 202-205 Fleet and Ferries in Assam. 15*05 Cargo and passengers handled by Ferries at 206-207 different points on the bank of the Brahmaputra River in Assam. 15*06 Assam State Road Transport Corporation 208 Reet strength, number of employees, nationa­ lised route length and number of passengers and goods handled. 15*07 Movement of principal commodities by 209*213 Railways. IX Table Pages 15.08 Movement of passengers and goods to and 214 from Assam stations by Indian flight in Assam. 15.09 Statistical profile on N. F. Railway 215-221 15.10 Rail and River borne flows of goods of 222-226 Assam. 16. ROADS 16*01 P.W.D. Road length by Type of Assam 227-228 16'02 Length ofRoadi under P.W.D, in Assam 229-230 16‘03 Length of Roa4 under P.W.D.
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