COMMENTARY Zoonotic NIH Nobels frontline 1030 1033 LETTERS I BOOKS I POLICY FORUM I EDUCATION FORUM I PERSPECTIVES LETTERS edited by Jennifer Sills Barry Commoner’s Place in History Commoner’s Four Laws of Ecology (8) (everything is connected to everything else, THE BRIEF ANNOUNCEMENT ON THESE PAGES OF DR. BARRY COMMONER’S PASSING ECHOED everything must go somewhere, nature those of mainstream media outlets, which lauded his work in environmental politics (“Early knows best, and there is no such thing as a leader of environmental movement dies,” News of the Week, 5 October, p. 23). More impor- free lunch) are perhaps of more social con- tant, Commoner’s life in science offers a crucial perspective on the development of science sequence than scientifi c, but by the 1970s and public life through the 20th century. Commoner was—as TIME magazine rightly In addition to receiving the 1953 Newcomb Cleveland Prize for his work on the tobacco observed—a scientist “with a classroom mosaic virus (1) and conducting groundbreaking work on of millions” (9). His life and career consti- free radicals (2), Commoner was at the vanguard of the tute a model for science activism and social science information movement, an early effort to promote engagement. He should be remembered for on November 25, 2012 science literacy and to engage the public in the importance of his deep-seated belief in the scientist’s social science to public life and policy. Commoner sought to stress responsibility, his duty to the public, and his that the scientist’s primary obligation was to society, and he unwavering faith in an informed citizenry. practiced that belief in his professional work. He worked tire- MICHAEL EGAN lessly through the 1950s to affi rm AAAS’s integrity and rel- Department of History, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON evance. As early as 1953, Warren Weaver recruited him to L8S 4L9, Canada. E-mail: [email protected] revitalize the society’s examination of science’s social inte- References gration (3). He became a member of the Social Aspects of 1. About AAAS, History & Archives, Barry Commoner (http:// www.sciencemag.org Science Committee and subsequently chaired the Committee archives.aaas.org/people.php?p_id=460). 2. B. Commoner, Nature 174, 689 (1954). on Science in the Promotion of Human Welfare. During the 3. M. Egan, Barry Commoner and the Science of Survival: 1955 conference in segregated Atlanta, Commoner worked The Remaking of American Environmentalism (Massachu- as a catalyst with former AAAS president Detlev Bronk and setts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 2007). Barry Commoner. Margaret Mead to push for a AAAS Council anti-segregation 4. About AAAS, History & Archives, AAAS: AAAS Annual Meetings and Freedom from Racial Segregation (http:// resolution (4). archives.aaas.org/docs/resolutions.php?doc_id=249). Commoner was prominently involved in raising public awareness about the threats inher- 5. Linus Pauling and the International Peace Movement, ent in nuclear fallout. Linus Pauling’s 1957 petition to the United Nations to end nuclear The Right to Petition (http://osulibrary.oregonstate.edu/ Downloaded from specialcollections/coll/pauling/peace/narrative/page27. weapons testing (5) was drafted in Commoner’s offi ce at Washington University in St. Louis. html) In addition, Commoner helped to direct the Greater St. Louis Committee for Nuclear Infor- 6. L. Z. Reiss, Science 134, 1669 (1961). mation, whose studies on strontium-90 absorption by primary teeth were reported in Science 7. L. Johnson, Televised Address, 12 October 1964. 8. B. Commoner, The Closing Circle: Nature, Man, and (6). This work was cited by President Lyndon Johnson as an important infl uence for the deci- Technology (Knopf, New York, 1971). sion to ban above-ground nuclear weapons testing (7). 9. TIME, “Environment: Paul Revere of ecology” Commoner would later claim that his efforts to stop nuclear weapons testing made him an (2 February 1970); www.time.com/time/magazine/ environmentalist. He dedicated his career to promoting greater awareness of the risks to pub- article/0,9171,878180,00.html. lic health derived from certain industrial practices, and remained an outspoken critic of both the petrochemical and nuclear industries. In Climate Change–Induced Letters to the Editor 1966, he founded the Center for the Biology of Natural Systems, which continues to work Letters (~300 words) discuss material published Salinity Threatens Health S at the intersections of science and policy to BI in Science in the past 3 months or matters of R O advocate more environmentally sustainable SEA-LEVEL RISE, STORM SURGES, AND C general interest. Letters are not acknowledged / S upon receipt. Whether published in full or in part, solutions to continuing pollution and health- cyclones exacerbated by climate change AAS related problems. This work remained con- have begun to severely affect coasts and M Letters are subject to editing for clarity and space. T R Letters submitted, published, or posted elsewhere, sistent with his early devotion to informing river estuaries in low-income countries. BE O in print or online, will be disqualifi ed. To submit a the public, providing them with an accessible The resulting increased salinity in soil and R © : Letter, go to www.submit2science.org. T vernacular body of scientifi c information on drinking water has health implications for DI E R the environmental crisis. large populations. C 1028 23 NOVEMBER 2012 VOL 338 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org Published by AAAS 3. P. Elliott et al., Br. Med. J. 312, 1249 (1996). The value Cell of origin 4. World Health Organization/Food and Agriculture Orga- of biochar and cancer nization, “Diet, nutrition, and the prevention of chronic diseases: Report of a joint WHO/FAO expert consultation” (Technical Report Series 916, World Health Organization, Geneva, 2003). 1034 1035 5. Xinhua News Agency, “Salt Tide in Pearl River Estuary Receding” (March, 2006). 6. W. Fleenor, E. Hanak, J. Lund, J. Mount, “Delta Hydrody- namics and Water Salinity with Future Conditions: Techni- cal Appendix C” (Public Policy Institute of California, San Francisco, 2008). In coastal Bangladesh, natural drinking for other areas, such as the Pearl River Delta, 7. M. Bonte, J. J. Zwolsman, Water Res. 44, 4411 (2010). 8. S. K. Merz, “Evaluation of salinity outcomes of regional water sources such as rivers and groundwa- China (5); the San Joaquin Delta, California investment” (Department of the Environment and ter are threatened by saltwater intrusion from (6); and in the Netherlands (7), Australia (8), Heritage and Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Bay of Bengal (1). The U.S. Environmen- and Brazil (9). These estimates show that Forestry, Australian Government, 2006). tal Protection Agency’s recommended water salinity may be an increasing problem in a 9. A. M. Medeiros, J. E. Barbosa, P. R. Medeiros, R. M. Rocha, L. F. Silva, Braz. J. Biol. 70, 551 (2010). sodium level for human consumption is number of coastal areas affected by intru- 0.02 parts per thousand (ppt), and the World sion of salty water into rivers. Health Organization’s drinking water stan- To mitigate the risk of high blood pres- Journals: Increase dard, above which sodium may affect the taste sure, cardiovascular disease, and other of drinking water, is 0.2 ppt. However, river associated health problems caused by cli- Revisions, Not Rejections salinity in some southwest coastal districts mate change–induced salt intrusions, we of Bangladesh reaches as high as 4 ppt in the must take immediate action. Adaptation IN THEIR REPORT “FLOWS OF RESEARCH rainy season and 13 ppt in the dry season (2). measures, including rainwater harvesting manuscripts among scientifi c journals reveal The increased salinity in drinking water and solar distillation, require coordination hidden submission patterns” (this issue, will likely affect health over the long term. among governments and nongovernmen- p. 1065; published online 11 October), V. Excreting more than 100 mmol/day of tal organizations. Putting these prevention Calcagno et al. discuss an enlightening and sodium over a 30-year period is associated plans in place will be far less expensive than unexpected fi nding about the path that manu- on November 25, 2012 with an increase in systolic blood pressure treating the disease that will occur later if scripts often follow in the publication process. by 3.1 to 6.0 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) salt intrusions continue unabated. Among other insights, they show that previ- and in diastolic blood pressure by 0.1 to 2.5 PAOLO VINEIS* AND ANEIRE KHAN ously rejected manuscripts that are submitted mmHg in an average man or woman of 20 MRC-HPA Centre for Environment and Health, Imperial to other journals ultimately receive more cita- to 59 years (3). In a coastal Bangladeshi College, London, SW7 2AZ, UK. tions, once published, than papers in the same rural population, the mean urinary sodium journal that were not previously rejected. In *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: excretion among healthy pregnant women [email protected] light of this result, a feature on this Report in in 2011 was 170 mmol/day of sodium (2), Nature (1) quotes physicist Michael Schreiber www.sciencemag.org twice the recommended level (4). Extrapo- References from the Technical University of Chemnitz in 1. M. L. Parry, O. F. Canziani, J. P. Palutikof, P. J. van der lating forward 30 years, this level of sodium Linden, C. E. Hanson, Eds., Climate Change 2007: Germany, who suggests that journal editors will signifi cantly increase systolic and dia- Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of should reject more manuscripts because that stolic blood pressure, potentially leading to Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the improves their citation count. I argue that edi- a substantial rise in cases of hypertension, Inter governmental Panel on Climate Change (Cambridge tors should do the opposite to improve their Univ.
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