Eastern Illinois University The Keep December 1969 12-9-1969 Daily Eastern News: December 09, 1969 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1969_dec Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: December 09, 1969" (1969). December. 1. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1969_dec/1 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the 1969 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in December by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ntsd in EHingham Different look for the 'News' l.yGayle Gleichman NEWS. There. was a bi f period Daniel Thorn!lurgh, the during World War II "'1en the Eastern NEWS facu. y adviser, To day's NEWS looks family did not print the NEWS said he regretted the printers• dllferent-what you because two of the members decision very much. "Prather the fint wis the red ink at were in the service. of the page, and yet, Printer has been·very interested, -The NEWS, since 1915, has helpful, and professional in our w the rest ·or the paper ·grown from a four-page monthly relationship with them. 101Dewhatdifferent too. to its prelient size, the 12-page "ONE COULD not praise ar more than SO years, them enough the gC>Od they semi-weekly. In 1 %5, Prather's for the Printer, 6 20 Van have done for the journalisJD purchased a Goss Ce>x-o-type , his been printing the students of Eastern. Many press, enabling ihe NEWS to use NEWS. But because of former editors of the NEWS a 16-page format. dlanp this1Chool year from have told me that working with THIS FALL, with urging by eekly, eight-page issue Prather helped them immensely the Student Senate, the East�rn 91111-weekly. 12-page issue, in the newspaper and public NEWS staff decided to produce 'I feel they can no longer relation jobs they held later in the expanded NEWS. the 12-page issue instead of the eight-page forinat which was life." ..-111_a� D, THE NEWS is After Prather's printed --by the used last year. announcement, the NEWS, AIL Y NEWS in the Se>on, it became evident to finding no other letterpress IUJaography method of the printers tJtat they would be printer which coUld handle the •ictic:IJl. Prather's have been unable to continue to produce­ paper, was forced to switch to the NEWS by the older, the paper because they did not the offset method. letterj)ress have the time, nor the personnel Thornburgh_ said the Eastern to handle the additional pages. NEWS staff will soon ge.t all the Also the NEWS staff has had Photo by I ctr Ncl 11 difficulty -preparing fletterptess equipment necessary to produce Harold (foreground) and Leonard Prather keep a wary eye issue on time. (C ontinued on page 2) on their press as they print the 'News' for the last time. Eastern- News EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY, CHARLESTON, ILL. TUES., DEC. 9, 1969 .frqf{�s to ch'!rifies . Eastern has 1st annual Xmas by Mary Winegarner dance with proceeds going to Decoration of the tree will Hoping to make Christmas a Christmas Seals. take place from l p.m. to 6 p.m. little more cheerful for students, The 40 foot Christmas tree, Sunday in the quadrangle. American soldiers and Christmas composed of nine smaller trees;"' The second part of the �als charities this year, three­ was erected last Saturday project, Christmas cards to Viet campus organizations are afternoon between the Union Nam, began noon Sunday. sponsoring the First Annual EIU and the library. Students may sign a card in the Christmas. Organizations and individuals Union lobby by donating 10 The joint project of Alpha are asked to help make cents mailing cost. Cards will be Phi Omega Service Fraternity, d�orations and trim the tree. available during ·union hours WELH Campus Radio, and the Materials for decorations may be . until Saturday noon. Eastern NEWS will include picked up t6day and tomorrow The remaining part of the erecting and decorating Eastern's in 129 Life Science Annex. project wiil be a charity dance fi.rst campus Christmas tree, Further information is available held from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. sending cards to men in Viet from Doug at 1-3663 or Keith at Saturday �n McAfee Gym. Bare • NaJD;. � holding. a charity 1-3815. (Continued on page 2) 0 kays $2 Debaters diop ·� fee hike· 2 in tourney The Board of Governors of Americans -a nd American State Colleges and ·Universities Indians. One squad of Eastern's on Nov. 21 approved Eastem's A student referendum on debate team, Dave Moreland and controversial proposal for a $2 the measure was defeated by a Margaret Ann Hutchings, were offers vote ·ch�nge per quarter fee increase to raise vote of 1,148 to 932 in October. defeated 0-7 in a meet at Iowa Student Senate Financial university-owned residence halls. funds aimed at minority group A press release from the State Univer81ty last weekend. Vll:e-President Tom Wetzler Wetzler's plan would also students. Board of Governors said, "The Mike Clipp and Laur.a The fe.e increase will offehct .a reapportionme nt plan provide for 3.6 senators, of president (Doudna) said general Masek, freshman debaters, faired become effective fall -quart�r at ftunday's senate meeting which 18 would be elected from administi:ative plans call for no slightly better with two wins and l 970, according to Eastern that -would oliminate the Greek an at-large district, nine from an concession as to standard& for five loses. President Quincy Doudna. The Yoti ng district from on-campus district, and nine admission; economic need to be The varsity faced Gustavus from an off-campus district, program will be reviewed yearly determined by the office of Adolphus College, �atation in the senate. which would include by Doudna and the board. financial aids� students receiving Northwestern, Northern Illinois, Wetzler, a member of the commuters. The measure was initiated the pants m\lst supply a part of St. Olaf CC>liege, St. John's Delta Clli fraternity, said, The plan provides for in the Student Senate last their resources tlu-Ough parental University, Macalester College "There is no reason to . have a "proportional representation" in quarter and passed that body help or work or bot!t; and and the University of South 1e1>arate di$trict for members of that it acllreres to "one-man, Sept. l 8 by a 21-0 vote. The academic qualifications ·for Dakota, a qualifier for the a aocW 01Pnizatioa when the o-Re-rote represen tation." senate has· asked that the grants.under the proaram would natioaal tournament.. rest of the · camplls is acce>rditl.1 to Wetzler. incroase be assessed over a five be based mainly if not entirely Another 11quad faced Ohio 1p1ortioae4 accorcling to Wetzler wUMd against a year period. on rank .ia high school class with State University,, another team fDOIRplrlCalhK:atioa." Grffk-IDclepenclo.t split in the The fee increase will fund a factor added tq pve some. Jaeaded for tile national meet, aea ate o'fe r the iMue of schohr sh.i ps for 1ocio­ advantage to persons bl Minority while still another pair attended GREEKS, under llis plan, reapportiouaent, the only issue, economically deprived, groups in recognition of the a tournament at tile Air Force would be represented only by Wetzler said, a.at "baa had academically qualified students, inteRt of the program to give Acad�n y in Colorad!l. The theirplace of residence, whether overtones of Iuvin1 a Greek line with an emphasis on blacks, emp hasis to helpiq such results of both meets were not off-campus or in or an iAdependent line. Pu erto Ricans, Mex ican 'persons." available at press time. Piii" 2: Eutcrn News Tua., Dec. 9, 1969 New look .joumatilili studentJ experlenee staff had thought that the /st Chris tmas to parti°\:ipate in the event to _ ·in both Meth� of printing newspaper would be printed insure its succe�- (Continued from page 1) which they would need. entirely by offset, because that (Continued from page l) Co-chainnen for "Christmas" the newspaper so that it will be The Eastern NEWS staff has is the method that is' being used are ,Doug McDonald of Alpha Wire will play while WELH DJ's ..camera-ready" for the printer. leased from the IBM Company a by most of the smaller Phi Omega, Ron Stephenson of act as emcees. Admission is SO Th is year, the staff had type compositor that sets types newspapers, Thornburgh said. WELH, and Jeff Nelson of the cents stag and 75 cents drag. · anticipated putting out the from magnetic tapes for use in Eastern News. NEWS supplement, PRISM, by the newspaper, student literary The Eastern student will Another feature of the dance offset and the regUlar newspaper m11pzine, faculty magazines, probably notice a considerable will be the announcement of the by letterpr :;. and other projects. difference in the product at first numb1=r of cards signed, the TH I S W 0 UL D I! L v e Within 11 couple of years. the because a number of errors, both number of decorations made, NONSENSE Virginia OF COURSE YOU CAN STILL­ mechanical and editorial, will be and a drawing of those who ONE-STOP-SHOP with a dollar (our �alf-price barrel) and a made because of the switch to signed cardsfor 20 .free LP's. lot of imagination! Out of Ferrari's?rry Rome and a Villaor offset.
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