Worthington Baldwyn Minnesota, Mississippi Radio KWOA(AM) -1947: 730 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 730 (56187). WESE(FM) -Oct 1, 1980: 95.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. (507) 376 -6165. Worthington Broadcasting Co. Net: Stereo. Box 2439 Tupelo (38802). (601) 844 -1490. UPI, NBC, NBC Talknet. Rep: Torbet. Format: C &W, Magnolia Communications Corp. (acq 3- 1 -83). Rep: Farm. Josephine C. Olson, pres; James J. Wychor, Roslin. Format: BHI mus. Zane Roden, pres & gen Booneville VP & gen mgr; Larry Lamphere, coml mgr; Dan mgr; Jim Duke, prog dir; Truman Patterson, chief engr. Dobson, prog dir; Bruce L. Lease, farm dir; Larry WBIP(AM)-Sep 1, 1950: 1400 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. Rogers, news dir; Steve Larson, chief engr. Rates: Box 232 (38829). (601) 728 -5301. WBIP Broadcasting $42; 25; 20; -. Batesvillé Corp. Net: ABC /C. Format: C &W. R. J. Bonds, VP & gen mgr; Don Murphy, prog dir. Rates: $3.50; 3.50; kw. KWOA FM -May 3, 1961: 95.1 mhz; 100 Ant 650 WJBI(AM) --June 19, 1953: 1290 khz; 1 kw -D. (CP: 3.50: 3.50. - ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Format: Adult contemp. 728 w). Box 73 (38606). (601) 563 -4664. Batesville Rates: $18; 18; 18; 18. Broadcasting Co. Inc. (acq 4- 1 -78). Net: ABC /E. Rep: WBIP -FM-Jan 15, 1976: 99.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 170 ft. Bunchez. Format: Farm, MOR. J. Boyd Ingram, pres (CP: Ant 300 ft.). & gen mgr; Marilyn Johnson, coml mgr; Bobby Worthington- Marshall Anderson, prog dir; Kenny Goodwin, mus dir; Greg WVMAE -FM-December 1983: 89.5 mhz; 85 kw. Ant 660 ft. Stereo. Box 4343 Jackson (39216-0343). (601) 'KRSW December 1973: 91.7 mhz; 99 kw. Ant Hays, prom mgr; Dave McDowell, news dir; J. Boyd -FM- 982 -0500. Mississippi Authority for Educational Tele- 800 ft. Stereo. Worthington Community College (56187). Ingram, chief engr. vision. Net: Am Pub, NPR. Format: Class, talk. Spec (507) 372 -2904. Minnesota Public Radio Inc. Net: WBLE(FM)-Co-owned with WJBI(AM). Aug 1, 1978: prog: Jazz 10 hrs, folk & acoustic 5 hrs, new age 5 hrs Amer Pub, NPR, MNN. Format: Class, Jazz. William 95.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. wkly. Forrest L. Morris, exec dir; Mike Morgan, dir of H. Kling, pres; Lee Axdahl, gen mgr; Mark Steil, stn (601) 563-7266. Format: Farm, C &W, relg. Spec prog: radio; T.J. McSparrin, dew dir; Dave Miller, prog dir; mgr; Paul Derby, chief engr. Black 3 hrs wkly. William Fulton, fine arts prod; Laura Lee Rochester, prom mgr; Sandra Burke, pub affrs prod; Martin Mississippi Bay St. Louis Mangold, chief engr. WXGR(AM).- March, 1974: 1190 khz; 5 kw -D. Blue Boyle Meadow Rd. (39520). (601) 467-5452. W.R. & Freda V. Crews. (acq 9-22-82). Net: Mississippi. Format: WRDC(AM)-June 25, 1958: 1410 khz; 1 kw -D. (CP: LAUREN A. COLBY C &W. Bill Gannett, pres; Jim Odom, gen & prom 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N, DA-2). Highway 61 North (38732). Hoda, mgr; 301 -663 -1086 mgr, mus dir & chief engr; Tony coml Jay (601) 843 -1400. WRDC Ltd. (acq 1986). Net: ABC/I. Heitzman, prog & news dir. Rates: $7; 6; 7; -. COMMUNICATIONS ATTORNEY Rep: MidSouth. Format: C &W Bill Riales, prog dir; Norman Rowsey, opns mgr; Karl Rushing, chief engr. Special Attention to Bay Springs Rates: $5; 5; 5; 1.85. Difficult Cases WIZK(AM) -June 26, 1971: 1570 khz; 5 kw-D, DA. Box 548 (39422). (601) 764 -3151. Cotton Valley Brandon Broadcasting Co. Net: ABC /I. Format: C &W, div. Spec Aberdeen 1967: khz; 1 -D, prog: Black 21 hrs, farm 6 hrs wkly. Jerome Hughey, WRKN(AM) -June 970 kw DA. Box pres, gen & prom mgr, prog dir; Walter Hearn, chief 145 (39042). (601) 825 -5045. WRKN Inc. (acq 2 -71)'. WWZO(AM)-February 1952: 1240 khz; 1 kw -U, DA-1. 1 engr. Rates: $8; 8; 8; 8. Net: UPI. Format: C &W. Spec prog: Farm hr wkly. Drawer 1240, 1031 S. Meridian St. (39730). (601) Roy Harris, pres & gen mgr; Tommy Phillips, mus dir; 369-9672. Tenn -Tom Broadcasting Corp. (acq 12 -31- WIZK-FM -July 7, 1975: 93.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 167 ft. Randy Harris, chief engr. Rates: $4.80; 4.80; 4.80; -. 85). Net: ABC /D, US Progmg, Mississippi. Rep: (CP: Ant 328 ft.). Dups AM 80 %. Spec prog: Black WRJH(FM)-Co-owned with WRKN(AM). Dec 1, 1974: Hooper Jones. Format: C &W. J.D. Buffington, pres gospel 21 hrs wkly. Rates: $1.23; 1.23; 1.23; 3.50. 97.7 mhz; 3 kw Ant 290 ft. Stereo. WRJH Inc. Format: & gen mgr; Vance Tucker, opns mgr. Rates: $8.50; Relg. Spec prog: Farm 1 hr wkly. June Harris, gen 8; 8.50; 8. Belzoni mgr; Randy Harris, mus dir. Rates: $4.80; 4.80; 4.80; 4.80. WWZO -FM -June 1, 1975: 105.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 341 WELZ(AM)-1959: 1460 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 299 ft. Stereo. Dups AM. (601) 369 -4561. Net: Progsv (39038). (601) 247 -1744. Heart of Dixie Broadcasting Farmer. Format: C &W. Rates: Same as AM. of Miss. Inc. (acq 7- 1 -83). Rep: Bunchez. Format: Div. Brookhaven Bennett Strange, pres; James Swett Jr., VP & gen & prom mgr, prog dir; Jack Moore, mus dir; Herb WCHJ(AM) -Aug 15, 1955: 1470 khz; 1 kw -D. Box Ackerman Guthrie, news dir & chief engr. Rates: $7; 3.55; 5; -. 711 (39601). (601) 833 -6221. Bogue Chitto Commu- nication Co. (acq 4- 1 -87). Net: ABC /D, Miss. News. WVRD(FM)-Co-owned with WELZ(AM). 1986 107.1 WFCA(FM) -1986: 107.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 614 ft. Format: C &W. Tommy McDaniel, pres; Gene Dow, mhz. Stereo. French Camp (39745). (601) 547 -6414. French gen mgr; Chuck Ivey, prog dir; Lana Faber, mus dir. Camp Radio Inc. Net: MBS, Miss. News. Format: Relg. Rates: $7.37; 7.37; 7.37; 7.37. Stuart C. Irby Jr., pres; H. Richard Cannon, gen Biloxi mgr; Chas S. Carroll, gen sls mgr; Margaret Maehl- WBKN(FM) -Co-owned with WCHJ(AM). July 29, 1976: 92.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Stereo. Prag dups mann, mus dir; David E. Vincent, chief engr. Rates: WBND(AM) -May 1948: 1490 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. AM 85 %. Net: ABC/D, Miss. News. Format: C &W. $9;9;9;9 Box AM (39531). (601) 388 -1490. La Terr Broadcast- Rates: AM. ing Corp. (group owner; acq 6- 7 -82). Rep: Smith. Same as Format: Big Band. James J. Buquet Jr., pres; WJMB(AM )-April 1948: 1340 khz; 1 kw -U, DA-1. Box Amory Raymond A. Saadi, gen mgr; Robert Wantland, news 546 (39601). (601) 833 -6911. Brookhaven Broadcast- dir; James Wilkinson, stn mgr; James W. Newman, ing Inc. (acq 6-10-59). Net: MBS. Format: Adult WAMY(AM) -Oct 23, 1955: 1580 khz; 5 kw -D. Box chief engr. contemp. Aubrey H. Felder, pres & chief engr; Carole 458 (38821). (601) 256 -9725. Bob McRaney Enter- WVMAH December 1983: 90.3 mhz; 100 kw Ant Swann, off mgr & news dir. Rates: $2.75; 2.75; 2.75; prises Inc. Rep: Midsouth. Net: US2. Format: C &W. -FM- 1,410 ft. Stereo. Box 4343, Jackson (39216 -0343). 2.75. Spec prog: Farm 1 hr wkly. Ed Stanford, stn mgr; Bill (601) 982 -0500. Mississippi Authority for Educational Abney, gen sls mgr; Jim Wells, mus dir; Jack King, chief engr. Rates: $4.50; 4.50; 4.50; 4.50. Television. Net: Am Pub, NPR. Format: Class, talk. Bude Spec prog: Jazz 10 hrs, folk & acoustic 5 hrs, new age hrs wkly. Forrest L. Morris, exec Mike Morgan, WAFM(FM )-Co-owned with WAMY(AM). 1974: 95.3 5 dir; WVMAU -FM- December 1983: 88.9 mhz; 100 kw Ant radio; T.J. McSparrin, dew dir; Dave Miller, prog mhz; 3 kw. Ant 255 ft. Prog sep from AM. (601) dir of 960 ft. Stereo. Box 4343, Jackson (39216- 0343). (601) fine Rochester, 256-2760. Net: US2. Format: Top -40. Dean Thom- dir; William Fulton, arts prod; Laura Lee 982-0500. Mississippi Authority for Educational Tele- prom mgr; prod; Martin pson, prog & mus dir, prom mgr. Rates: Same as AM. Sandra Burke, pub affrs vision. Net: Am Pub, NPR. Format: Class, talk. Spec Mangold, chief engr. prog: Jazz 10 hrs, new age 5 hrs, folk acoustic 5 hrs W WZO-FM-See Aberdeen. WOID(FM )-Listing follows WVMI(AM). wkly. Forrest L. Morris, exec dir; Mike Morgan, dir of radio; T.J. McSparrin, Dave Miller, prog WZBR(AM) -Sep 29, 1979: 1170 khz; 500 w -D. Box dew dir; dir; WVMI(AM)-April 1, 1950: 570 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N, William Fulton, fine arts prod; Laura Lee Rochester, 539, 316 N. Main (38821). (601) 256 -5655. Wayne C. DA-2. Stereo. Box 4606 (39535). (601) 388 -2323. prom mgr; Murphy (acq 10 -86). Net: USA. Rep: Midsouth. Format: Sandra Burke, pub affrs prod; Martin Family Group Radio Inc. (acq 10 -87). Net: ABC /E. Mangold, chief engr. Southern gospel. Spec prog: Farm 1 hr, black 6 hrs, Format: C &W. Spec prog: Farm 1 hr wkly. Ian instructional Wayne gen 9 hrs wkly. C. Murphy, & Wheeler, pres; Wayne Vowell, gen mgr; Georgia prom mgr, prog & news dir; B.J. Crabb, chief engr. Edmiston, gen sls mgr; Rick Mize, prog & mus dir; Bob Calhoun City Rates: $4.12; 4.12; 4.12; -. Lima, opns mgr; Keith Burton, news dir; Bob Thornton, chief engr.
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