IntroductionIntroduction toto HangHang GlidingGliding andand ParaglidingParagliding GinnyGinny FarnsworthFarnsworth HangHang Glider,Glider, Paraglider,Paraglider, SailplaneSailplane PilotPilot 1/19/2005 1 HangHang GlidingGliding onon Mt.Mt. TamTam Courtesy of Marin County Hang Gliding Assoc. 1/19/2005 2 ParaglidingParagliding inin PacificaPacifica Courtesy Merlin Flight School, San Anselmo, CA 1/19/2005 3 SoaringSoaring FlightFlight SinceSince thethe dawndawn ofof time,time, ManMan hashas lookedlooked upup inin aweawe ToTo watchwatch thethe birdsbirds -- SoaringSoaring andand dancingdancing onon thethe windswinds…… AndAnd wishedwished hehe couldcould emulateemulate them.them. Author Unknown 1/19/2005 4 HangHang GlidingGliding && ParaglidingParagliding –– FormsForms ofof aviationaviation thatthat comecome closestclosest toto birdlikebirdlike flightflight 1/19/2005 5 BriefBrief HistoryHistory ofof FootFoot LaunchedLaunched FlightFlight PioneersPioneers ofof flightflight –– MythicalMythical characterscharacters ofof IcarusIcarus andand DaedalusDaedalus –– LeonardoLeonardo DiDi VinciVinci –– OctaveOctave ChanuteChanute –– SirSir GeorgeGeorge CayleyCayley –– OttoOtto LilienthalLilienthal –– JohnJohn MontgomeryMontgomery –– OrvilleOrville andand WilberWilber WrightWright 1/19/2005 6 RogalloRogallo WingWing FrancisFrancis andand GertrudeGertrude RogalloRogallo ExperimentedExperimented withwith designdesign andand constructionconstruction ofof kiteskites inin thethe 19401940’’ss andand 5050’’s.s. PatentedPatented severalseveral designs.designs. InitialInitial designdesign envisionedenvisioned toto bebe reentryreentry vehiclevehicle forfor NASA.NASA. VisionVision adaptedadapted overover time,time, designdesign becamebecame thethe basisbasis forfor todaytoday’’ss hanghang gliders.gliders. 1/19/2005 7 RogalloRogallo WingWing 1/19/2005 8 BirthBirth ofof ModernModern HangHang GlidingGliding Bill Bennett, Bill Moyes, water skiers/kiters, towed Rogallo wings aloft from boats in Australia in the early 1960’s. Dave Kilbourne, Australian water skier/kiter, drove the boat for the Moyes/Bennett operation, envisioned enlarging the kite and foot launching from a hill. Dave foot launched a Rogallo Wing in Coyote Hills, along the San Francisco Bay in the fall of 1971. Credited with first foot launched flight of the Rogallo wing. Bob Wills soared a Rogallo wing for 8.5 hours in 1973. The rest, as they say, is history…………… 1/19/2005 9 HangHang GliderGlider oror ParagliderParaglider?? ManyMany similarities.similarities. JustJust asas manymany differences!differences! OftenOften shareshare thethe samesame thermalthermal oror ridge.ridge. BothBoth cancan soarsoar aloftaloft andand flyfly distancesdistances ofof 100100 milesmiles oror more.more. 1/19/2005 10 SharingSharing thethe airair 1/19/2005 11 HangHang GliderGlider WeightWeight shiftshift controlledcontrolled flexflex wingwing glider.glider. InternalInternal aluminumaluminum frame.frame. WeightWeight varies,varies, approximatelyapproximately 7070 lbs.lbs. FoldsFolds intointo bagbag approximatelyapproximately 1212 inchesinches inin diameter,diameter, 2020 ft.ft. inin lengthlength forfor transport/storage.transport/storage. RequiresRequires assemblyassembly onon site.site. PilotPilot fliesflies proneprone inin aa harnessharness attachedattached toto thethe glider.glider. PilotPilot controlscontrols speedspeed andand directiondirection byby movingmoving body.body. 1/19/2005 12 HangHang GliderGlider TransportTransport VehiclesVehicles Mt.Mt. Tam,Tam, MarinMarin County,County, CaliforniaCalifornia 1/19/2005 13 ArrivalArrival andand SetSet--upup ElkElk Mountain,Mountain, MendocinoMendocino County,County, CaliforniaCalifornia 1/19/2005 14 HangHang GliderGlider SetSet--upup AreaArea MtMt Tam,Tam, MarinMarin CountyCounty 1/19/2005 15 AdvantagesAdvantages ofof FlyingFlying aa HangHang GliderGlider HangHang GlidersGliders areare somewhatsomewhat faster.faster. HaveHave flatterflatter glideglide angles.angles. CapableCapable ofof flyingflying inin higherhigher winds.winds. GreaterGreater speedspeed capability.capability. 1/19/2005 16 HangHang GliderGlider CertificationCertification HangHang GlidersGliders areare certifiedcertified byby thethe HangHang GlidersGliders ManufacturingManufacturing AssociationAssociation (HGMA)(HGMA) HGMAHGMA isis anan internationalinternational organizationorganization whichwhich administersadministers standardsstandards forfor airworthinessairworthiness forfor HangHang GlidersGliders TestingTesting includes:includes: –– VehicleVehicle teststests forfor strengthstrength andand stability.stability. –– FlightFlight teststests forfor performance,performance, stability,stability, handling.handling. 1/19/2005 17 VehicleVehicle testingtesting ofof HangHang GlidersGliders http://http://www.hgma.netwww.hgma.net 1/19/2005 18 WorldWorld DistanceDistance RecordRecord inin HangHang GliderGlider Pilot:Pilot: ManfredManfred RuhmerRuhmer ofof AustriaAustria Distance:Distance: 435435 milesmiles FlightFlight Location:Location: Zapata,Zapata, TexasTexas Date:Date: JulyJuly 17,17, 20012001 1/19/2005 19 ParagliderParaglider AerodynamicallyAerodynamically controlledcontrolled withwith togglestoggles (brakes)(brakes) attachedattached toto trailingtrailing edgeedge ofof glider.glider. FramelessFrameless soaringsoaring craftcraft –– ramram--airair canopy.canopy. FoldsFolds intointo backpackbackpack bag.bag. WeighsWeighs approximatelyapproximately 1515 lbs.lbs. RequiresRequires nono assembly.assembly. PilotPilot fliesflies seatedseated inin harnessharness attachedattached toto gliderglider 1/19/2005 20 ParagliderParaglider TransportTransport SystemSystem PilotsPilots hikinghiking outout fromfrom thethe trainingtraining hillhill atat SandSand CityCity 1/19/2005 21 AdvantagesAdvantages ofof FlyingFlying aa ParagliderParaglider TakeTake offoff andand landland inin smallersmaller spaces.spaces. EasierEasier toto learnlearn toto fly.fly. Economical.Economical. PortablePortable –– moremore sitesite access.access. Launches,Launches, lands,lands, fliesflies slower,slower, turnsturns aa tightertighter radius,radius, maximizingmaximizing lift.lift. OutOut climbsclimbs otherother formsforms ofof aircraft.aircraft. 1/19/2005 22 ParagliderParaglider CertificationCertification DHV is certifying agency – German Hang Gliding and Paragliding Federation International organization which administers standards for airworthiness for paragliders and hang gliders. Testing includes flight testing for stability, handling, performance. Approves manufacturers and maintenance organizations for compliance with standards and regulations. 1/19/2005 23 DHVDHV Information regarding safety and airworthiness standards for paragliders Deutscher Hangegleiter Verband http://www.dhv.de/typo/DH V.23.0.html 1/19/2005 24 ParaglidingParagliding ConstructionConstruction Top and bottom surfaces are connected by ribs Rib shape similar to aircraft wing cross section Rounded at leading edge, tapering to pointed at trailing edge Form a wing that is rounded on top, flat on bottom Ribs connect top and bottom surfaces to form cells. 1/19/2005 25 RamRam –– AirAir ConceptConcept Cells are open in front, shape is defined by rib design, closed at trailing edge. Some have internal openingsopenings thatthat allow air to move between adjacent cells. Forward motion fills cells Wing stays rigid due to lack of escape route for the air. 1/19/2005 26 ParaglidingParagliding vs.vs. SkydivingSkydiving CanopiesCanopies ParaglidersParagliders havehave 4040 –– SkydivingSkydiving canopiescanopies 8080 cells.cells. havehave 77 –– 99 cells.cells. ParaglidingParagliding canopycanopy isis SkydivingSkydiving canopiescanopies elliptical.elliptical. moremore squaresquare toto rectangular.rectangular. ShapeShape ofof airfoilairfoil isis ShapeShape ofof airfoilairfoil designeddesigned toto createcreate lift.lift. designeddesigned forfor descent.descent. FlyFly efficientlyefficiently FlyFly lessless efficientlyefficiently 1/19/2005 27 LearningLearning toto FlyFly ParaglidersParagliders andand HangHang GlidersGliders SchoolsSchools andand instructorsinstructors areare certifiedcertified byby thethe UnitedUnited StatesStates HangHang GlidingGliding Association.Association. TheThe UnitedUnited StatesStates HangHang GlidingGliding AssociationAssociation (USHGA)(USHGA) isis thethe nationalnational organizationorganization forfor hanghang glidinggliding andand paragliding.paragliding. 1/19/2005 28 USHGAUSHGA StructureStructure andand PurposePurpose Nonprofit membership association for pilots and HG, PG enthusiasts. Provides pilot rating program. Provides structured instructor training, certification, and recertification programs. Provides training structure for tandem flight and aerotowing. Provides local club affiliation for the benefit of negotiated site insurance coverage. Publishes national magazine for flying, product and safety information. Provides third party and participant liability insurance coverage for members. 1/19/2005 29 USHGAUSHGA BenefitsBenefits forfor PilotsPilots MaintainsMaintains membershipmembership inin FAIFAI forfor recordsrecords andand competitioncompetition flying.flying. LiaisonLiaison withwith FAA,FAA, eliminatingeliminating thethe needneed forfor FAAFAA licensing.licensing. HGHG andand PGPG ratingsratings areare issuedissued byby USHGAUSHGA basedbased onon USHGAUSHGA InstructorsInstructors andand ObserversObservers witnessingwitnessing completioncompletion ofof thethe
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