1877. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 169 ( .! HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ond time, referred to the Committee of Ways and Means, when ap­ ~ pointed, and ordered to be printed. MoND.A.Y, October 29, 1877. OTHNIEL P. HOLLIS. { The House met at twelve o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Mr. LINDSEY introduced a bill (H. R. No.8) for the relief of Oth­ ,-) JOHN POISAL. • niel P. Hollis; which was read a first and second time, referred to the r The Journal of Thursday l:J.St was read and approved. Committee on Invalid ·Pensions, when appointed, and ordered to oo Mr. BEEBE. My colleague, Mr. Hewitt, a Repr~ntative from the printed. State of New York, is present, and I ask that he now be sworn in as a GOVERNMEllo'T OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. / member of this House. Mr. HENDEE introduced a bill (H. R. No. 9) to provide a perma• ( ABRAMS. HEwrrr, of New York, then came forward and took the nent form of government for the District of Columbia; which was ~ oath prescribed by the act of July 2, 1862. read a first and second time, referred to the Committee for the Dis-­ . ORDER OF BUSINESS. trict of Columbia, when appointed, and ordered to be printed. The SPEAKER. The morning hour begins at eleven minutes paat PERLEY P. ROBERTS. twelve o'clock. This bein~ Monday, the first business in order is the Mr. HENDEE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 10) granting a :pen· call of States and Territones, commencing with the State of Maine, sion to Perley P. Roberts; which was read a first and second time, for the introduction of bills and joint resolutions for reference to :..p­ referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, when appointed, and propiate committees when appointed. Under this c:J.lljoint resolu­ ordered to be printed. tions and memorials of State and territorial Legislatures are in order. AG!o.TES FAIRLY. Mr. DURHAM. I ·ask unanimous consent that this call proceed Mr. HENDEE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 11) granting a pen­ until the list of States is completed, although the morning hour may sion to Agnes Fairly, wife of David Fairly; which was read a first expire before that time. and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions1 The SPEAKER. That requires unanimous consent. when appointed, and ordered to be printed. Mr. BLAND. In connection with that proposition I ask that the right to call for the reading of bills at length during this morning EDGAR A. BEACH. hour be waived; otherwise we will not get through to-day. Mr. HENDEE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 12) for the relief of The SPEAKER. The Chair has nothing to do with that. Edgar A. Beach, of Essex, Vermont; which wa-s read a first and sec­ Mr. BLAND. Then I must object. ond time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, when appointed, -- The SPEAKER. The right to call for the reading of a bill is a and ordered to be printed. ~ right which each member has, and it can be waived only by unani­ ' H. G. BOARDl\IAN. mous consent. Mr. HENDEE also introduced a bill (H. R. No.13) for the relief of Mr. BLAND. That is what I aak, that by unanimous conaent that H. G. Boardman, postmaster at Milton, Vermont; which was read a right be waive<l. first and second time, referred to the Committee of Claims, when The SPEAKER. Is there objection f appointed, and ordered to be printed. Mr. BURCHARD. I object. Mr. DURHAM. I hope there will be no objection to my proposition. SAMUEL STINSON, JR. The SPEAKER. There is objection by the gentleman from Mis- !.Ir. HENDEE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 14) granting a pen­ souri [Mr. BLAND] to the proposition of the gentleman from Ken­ sion to Samuel Stinson, jr.; which was read a first and seoond time, tucky, [Mr. DURHAM,] unless there is accepted as a. part of the prop­ referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, when appoini.ed, and osition the waiving of the right to call for the reading of any bill. ordered to be printed. The Chair would sug~est to the gentleman from Kentucky that at DE FOREST W. CARPENTER. the close of the mormng hour the Chair will recognize him to move Mr. HENDEE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 15) for the relief of • to sttspend the rules for the purpose he indicates ; and it will then De Forest W. Carpenter, postmaster at Richford, Vermont; which be under the control of two-thirds o.f the House, and not of any one was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee of Claims, member. when appointed, and ordered to be printed. Mr. BLAND. I do not object to continuing the call until every member has had an opportunity to introduce bills; my objection is D. D. WEAD. to the reading of bills at this time. Mr. HENDEE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 16)to re-imburse The SPEAKER. The Chair has no power to deprive any member D. D. Wen.d, postmasteratSheldon, Vermont,forstamps and moneys of the right to call for the reading of any bill if he desires it. The stolen from him December 31, 1873; which was read a first and sec­ call will now proceed. ond time, referred to the Committee of Claims, when appointed, and COMMISSIONERS OF ALABAMA CLAIMS. ordered to be printed. Mr. FRYE introduced a bill (H. R. No.1) to revive and continue EDGAR A. BEACH. the court of commissioners of .A.labama claims, and for the distribu­ Mr. HENDEE iLlso introduced a bill (H. R. No. 17) to pay Edgar tion of the unappropriated moneys of the Geneva award ; which was A. Beach, of Essex, Vermont, the sum therein named; which was read a :first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Judi­ read a first and second time, referred to the Committee of Claims, ciary, when appointed, and ordered to be printed. when appointed, and ordered to be printed. NOTARIES PUBIJC IN DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, BANKRUPI'CY. Mr. FRYE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2) to amend chapter 30 Mr. JOYCE introduced a bill (H. R. No. 18) to repeal the let en­ of the Revised Statutes of the United States relating to the District titled ".A.n act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy through­ . of Columbia, aud especially to notaries public; which was read a first out the United States," approved March 2, 1867, and all laws and and second time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, when parts of laws amendatory thereof; which was read a first and second I appointed, and ordered to be printed. time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, when appointed, BOND OF APPEAL. and ordered to be printed. Ii Mr. FRYE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 3) to amend section ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR TRAFFIC. 1 1000 of the Revised Statutes of the United States; which was read a J .first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, Mr. JOYCE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 19) to provide for the when appointed, and ordered to be printed. appointment of a commission on the subject of the alcoholic liquor traffic; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ INJURY TO PUBLIC LIBRARIES. mittee on the Judiciary, when appointed, and ordered to be printed. Mr. FRYE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 4) to provide a penalty for wanton injury to the public libraries in the District of Columbia HOMESTEAD FOR ACTUAL SETILERS. and in the Territories of the United States; which was read a first 1\Ir. BANKS introduced a bill (H. R. No. 20) to extend the scope and second time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, when and efficiency of an act entitled ".A.n act to secure homesteads to appointed, and ordered to be printed. actual settlers on the public domain," approved May 20, 1862; which OATH OF OFFICE. waa read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Mr. FRYE also introduced. a bill (H. R. No.5) prescribing an oath Public Lands: when appointed, and ordered to be printed. of office ; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ REPEAL OF THE TENURE-OF-OFFICE ACT. mittee on the Judiciary, when appointed, and ordered to be printed. 1\Ir. BUTLER introduced a bill (H. R. No. 21) to repeal the several COURT OF CLAil\18. sections of the Revised Statut.es embracing the tenm'6-of-civil-office Mr. FRYE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 6) to enlarge the juris­ act; which waa read a first and second time, referred to the Commit­ diction of the Court of Claims, and for other purposes; which was tee on the Judiciary, when appointed, and ordered to be printed. read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Judi­ DISTRIBUTIO~ OF GE!o.TEVA AWARD. ciary, when appointed, and ordered to be printed. Mr. BUTLER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 22) for the distribu­ BOEHM BROTHERS. tion to those who are entitled to it of the remainder of the Geneva. Mr. FRYE also introduced a bill (H. R. No.7) to refund duplicate award; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ tax to Boehm Brothers, of New York; which was read a first and sec- mittee on the Judiciary, when appointed, and ordered to be printed.
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