IIIani^rBtnr Evraftts $mO> BATURDAT, APRIL' 4.188*. AVraAOE DAILY dBCITLATIOM THE WBATHEB for the Month of Maroh, 1986 Forecast of U. S. Weatbei BarsMi. Flowers and Plants Hartford for all oocaaiona. EYES EXAMINED A FREE Delivered anywhere I WATKINS BROS., - 5 , 8 4 8 Bain this afternoon and possibly The private duty nurwe of Man­ Sale of Food and FILMS INCURPOBATBO BCeaber a< the Aodit c h e s te r wlin meet a t the clinic DEVEMtPEU ANU eau-ly tonight; colder tonight; Tues­ Small Weekly Payments. BorcM of Otroolatiana. day fair and colder. \M lding on Haynes street Monday PKIATED ENLARGEMENT ROBERT K. ANDERSON “emoon' ht 6 o'clock. Ail are re- Hot Cross Buns^ 24-HOUH SERVICE WITH EVERY ROLL OF FILM Foneral Director MANCHESTER — A (ITY OF VILLAGE (HARM ^^tteated to attend. Prescriptions Filled. > Classes Repaired. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED Thursday, April 9, 2 :30 P. M. VOL. LV„ NO. 160. (ClaaalBed Adverttslng on Pago 10.) Film Deposit Box At Ail work done on premises. Wm. 3. Bergeron, Optometrist Funeral service in home­ MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1936. (TWELVE PACES) PRICE THREE CENtS ■ Hale’s Store Basement We do irmeral machine and *> Store Entrance. 40e like surroundings. ttperimeniai work, also make Group 9, Center Church Women. apeclal machines. Jigs, tools. RICHARD STONE, Optician TM£ TLOR/ST 142 EAST CENTER ST. Delirious Home Made Buns with 17 Oak Street Fruit, 25c a do*. Order by Mon­ Elite Studio Telephone: Fred H. Norton day night Dial S57S or 6905. KEMP'S 739 Main St., State Theater Building, Tel. 4720 988 M ain|Street — Cpstalrs BORAH CLAIMS 180 Main St., Manchester, Conn. OflSce 5171\ House 7494 1 0 0 KiUed by Tornadoes FREE HAND ON SEC WITHOUT POWER Some Reports Say As High Visit To Hospital Is Lesson To Reckless Drivers There Is No Place Liked—^^Like Home! Get Four G.0,P,_N0MINEF SPRING FLOWERS 3 WHOLE HAMS FREE As 1,000 Met Death m IN THE JONES CASE, Treat It to FRESH Clip this coupon. Yon may be a winner. Three Standard the best Inside Brand Hams given sway Easter Saturday. One in the morn­ and n u t From the Growers ing, nfiemoon and evening. SPRINGTIME Sonthem States; Red Reserves Right to 'lo o k A.M»ERSON UREE.VHOL'SES NO STRINGS ATTACHED Cross Units Sent to Scenes Over Convention's Job”; SAYS SUPREME COUR’ ISS Eldridge S t Sign your name on this coupon and deposit at the Phone 8480 h Planting Time Reed Assails New Deal; POPULAR MARKET Atlanta, April 6—(AP) —Tor­ S.'vS Main St., Rubinow Building, nadoes claimed nearly 100 lives — Declines to Pass On Claimj Flowers For Coughlin Talks to Leaders, Near Gale Calls Off Name ........................................ A ddress................................ perhaps 200^and heavy property All Occasion* damage In the south today, levying That Seenrities Act Is UiH the greatest toil at the cities of Washington, April 6.—(A P)—The Army Day Observance Tupelo, Miss., and Gainesville, Ga. Constitution remained a moot caip- constitutionaL Bot De^j C.E. W ILSON & CO. Seventy-one bodies were recover­ MANCHESTER ed at Tupelo, and about a score palgn issue today to the echo of were killed In half a dozen other "Red” charges against the New New Ixuidon, April 6 — (AP) — ,t. civilians from this city to Fort dares Promoter. Canno towns of Mississippi, Alabama, Deal from a foe, and an author’s Rain and a near gale combined to­ Wright aboard an Army vessel to Now Is The Time To Plan Your Garden Arkansas and Tennessee, day to erase tn extensive program witness the program, but officers gibe at Republicans' attitude to­ said the heavy rain made demon­ Be Made to Testify; HoU^ How many died at GalnesvUle, ward states’ rights. planned In^observance of Army Day strations Inadvisable, and the army With Perennial Plants SALESROOM NOW OPEN was a subject of frantic speculation Former Senator Jamea A. Reed, at Fort H. O. Wright, Fishers is­ pasaengcr and freight vessel Gen. as repair crews labored to restore Democratic enemy of the adminis­ land, N, Y,, off thl.s port, and the Richard Arnold turned back to the No Public Interest (Ail Under Cover) communication wires snapped by tration, said In St. Louis that If the army called >ipon the Const guard Army wharf here when waves the storm. Persons at the scene Republicans nominate a man on a to enri-y supplies from this city to swept over the deck as she nosed THAT WILL BLOOM said' 100 may have been kUled. piqtform that haa no tinge of red the fort. out past ^uthwest Ledge light at volved; Cardoza^ Brandeii Rumors of 81,000 dead” could not be and pink In It, the people will rally While the storm called a halt to the moutn of the harbor. F rigidaire Commerical CHECK YOUR PERENNIAI- NEEDS NOW. WE INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR COMPLETE LINE OE confirmed. to It.” the program which Included demon­ The boat carried supplies for tbe and Stone Dissent; Red Cross headquarters In Wash­ Addre.sslng a dinner of the John strations of Army duty and gun fir­ fort, and Army officers enlisted the ington heard that 20 were killed. Marshall Republican club last night ing, men at Fort Wright were aid of the Coast Guard at Base 4, Geum Twelve physicians and 20 nurses tlio former Missouri Senator de­ granted leave from all but essential hero, which sent a sea-drfylng 78- dais See Little Effc Phlox were ordered to the stricken manu­ clared the nation waa being run by duty to mark the holiday. foot patrol boat to effect tbe de­ R efrigeration ROSE BUSHES PERENNIALS facturing center of 8,000 from a "third party that la half-brother It bad been planned to carry livery of the supplies. Tritoma Athens. Oa. to tbe Soviets of Russia.'' On A ct ^ All Types of Installations, Including? Ckjreopsis Red Crdss sources also announced Reed asked for the upholding of Aquilegia a report that between 100 and 175 the Constitution, and said that "not FRUIT TREES EVERGREENS persons were killed in the Tupelo one qltizen dreaded we ever would CampanuL'i disaster. Field workers were sent Waahlngton, April 6.—-(AP)—In j Yellow Hollyhock have a president who would say: "I a 6 to 3 decision which did not *>» • L to both cities to give aid. Hammering home a lesson In safety to reckless drivers. Municipal Judge John Gulknccht, shown at left pass these bills and don't worry GREAT BRITAIN PROTESTS MILK COOLERS of toe nurse, conducted 39 youthful speeders to the Chicago hospital Ledslde of John McCann, a traffic Chineso Lantern SHRUBS and VINES C. C. Reed, managefV)f the Gaines­ about the Constitution'.” on the constitutionality of the 1988:1 (New Aerating System — No Bulky Brine Tank) Sweet William ville Telephone Company, said the victim, shown with his Injured limbs strapped up and elevated. Following that, the party visited the Securities Act. the Supreme CouAJ death toll "may be heavy.” Business morgue and the offenders'contributed a fund of about 8200 to aid victims of careless driving State's Rights Delphinium Experts In attendance. If you have a plan or photograph of your grounds bring houses about the town square were Herbert Agar, author and edi­ ruled against the Securities Contatj Gaillardia torial writer on the Loulsville-Cour- USE OF GAS BY ITALIANS mission today In Its effort to comp WALK-IN BOXES — DISPLAY CASES 11 along, ADVICE FREE. , blocked badly. ler-Jnumal, struck at Republican Digitalis The twister struck at Gainesville solicitude for state's rights in a J. Edward Jones of New York to^ WATER COOLING — ICE MAKING Hardy'Chrysanthemums t...- .a t 8:45 a. m.. about twelve hours radio broadcast. testify concerning a proposed 11 And many others. after the other storms ripped from HOFFMAN TO CONTINUE TRADE IMPROVES He declared that state's rights Eden Starts for Geneva to HAUPTMANN BODY of oil securittee. Arkansas to Tennessee. was once a weapon In the war for The promoter was-, wltbtn AIR-CONDITIONING Y’oii don’t have to b« an expert* Other tornadoes killed 43 persons, rights, the court held, in contend principally in Cordele, Ga., and the little man, "but since the 14th Lay Charges Before the to grow our Perennials a« comploU IN NEW ENGLAND Amendment, since the era of huge that withdrawal of the reglst: instnictionfl are fumiRhed with Greensboro, N. C„ last Thursday CREMATED TODAY statement for the stocks made Estimates Furnished C. E. WILSON & CO., Inc. and Friday and did property dam­ PROBE OF KIDNAP CASE financial amalgamations. It's been a them, antT beat of all they’re not no longer Incumbent upon him I'lower age estimated at 83,000,000. broken weapon and a rusty one.'' League; Hears That Open cxpen,alve. MANCHESTER, CONN, Agar said the Republicans Invent­ respond to the demand b te*ti|F:' and Vegetable Seeds Seventeen were killed prcvloualy He also bad attacked the leglalattM | In southern windstorms of 1936. ed the whole doctrine of loose con­ TWO SIZES LOCATION: ENTRANCE THROUGH ALLEN PLACE, 282 NO. MAIN STREET, Jersey Executive Asserts He Merchants in Many Cities struction of the Constitution in the Towns Are Bombed. Simple Last Rites for Kid Itself as unconstitutional. 10 each 20c each 5c 10c y FIVE MEN KILLED "We are unable," said the KEMP»S, INC. ' 200 FEET WEST OF DEPOT SQUARE. 87 DEAD IN TUPELO first place to strengthen the hand ty In a decision by Justice Suti of the Federal government.
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