S390 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 1, 2010 These individuals—and countless oth- they sought to open the port in Port- from the President of the United ers—are real examples of the early con- au-Prince an provide humanitarian as- States, together with an accompanying tributions of African Americans in Col- sistance and evacuation for the criti- report; which was referred jointly, pur- orado and throughout the American cally injured. Working under the joint suant to the order of January 30, 1975 West. Yet I do not speak of these indi- task force and partnering with the Hai- as modified by the order of April 11, viduals so their stories remain in his- tian port officials and maritime com- 1986; to the Committees on the Budget; tory books or museums, but instead to munity, the Oak’s crew surveyed the and Appropriations: highlight the continuing efforts and port and placed out buoys to improve To the Congress of the United States: contributions of Colorado’s Black com- the conditions. Having spent time in We begin a new year at a moment of munity to our State. From the time Haiti on previous missions training the continuing challenge for the American that James Beckwourth and ‘‘Aunt’’ Haitian Coast Guard members in CPR people. Even as we recover from crisis, Clara Brown made their way to Colo- and first aid, small arms maintenance, millions of families are still feeling the rado along with other Black men, and boat maintenance, the Oak’s crew- pain of lost jobs and savings. Busi- women and children until present day, members were able to quickly improve nesses are still struggling to find af- there have been many other commu- the situation. I am especially proud of fordable loans to expand and hire work- nity leaders, public officials, and entre- the crew’s accomplishment in reopen- ers. Our Nation is still experiencing the preneurs who have overcome the strug- ing the port to traffic on January 21, consequences of a deep and lasting re- gles of progress. They rose above the 2010. Because of their efforts, life-sav- cession, even as we have seen encour- challenges of frontier life and those ing relief aid reached the Haitian peo- aging signs that the turmoil of the past hard times of the great depression. ple. 2 years is waning. Moving from reces- They joined many others to mine Colo- In addition to opening the port, the sion to recovery, and ultimately to rado’s mineral wealth and forge the Oak’s crew distributed food, water, and prosperity, remains at the heart of my steel of Colorado’s railways to con- medical supplies and aided in evacu- Administration’s efforts. This Budget tribute to Colorado’s burgeoning econ- ating hundreds of American citizens provides a blueprint for the work omy. They have fought in every major and critically injured Haitians to the ahead. American war to protect a collective United States. Their quick response to But in order to understand where we freedom that for so many years they a terrifying situation saved the lives of are going in the coming year, it is im- were denied. And they have risen in many people, and these impressive portant to remember where we started solidarity to defend the civil rights of achievements bring great credit upon just 1 year ago. Last January, the every American citizen regardless of the Oak. United States faced an economic crisis It is with great pride that I thank the color of their skin. unlike any we had known in genera- Commander Mike Glander, the com- Today, I am proud to see Colorado’s tions. Irresponsible risk-taking and manding officer of the Oak, and the African-American community continue debt-fueled speculation—unchecked by men and women under his command. sound oversight—led to the near-col- as a vibrant force in our State, just as These crewmembers have upheld the lapse of our financial system. Our they can be found in our history. best traditions of the Coast Guard and As I marched recently in Denver’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was have represented the city of Charles- annual Martin Luther King, Jr. falling at the fastest rate in a quarter- ton, the State of South Carolina, and ‘‘marade,’’ I was reminded of Dr. King’s century. Five trillion dollars of Ameri- this Nation with honor and distinction. cans’ household wealth had evaporated dream of a nation where people are not They have worked diligently to support in just 12 weeks as stocks, pensions, judged by the color of their skin but by the values that make this Nation and home values plummeted. We were the content of their character. We have great. I know the Coast Guard is espe- made much progress in working to ful- losing an average of 700,000 jobs each cially proud of the heroic actions of the month, equivalent to the population of fill Dr. King’s dream; and it was evi- Oak’s crewmembers, but on behalf of dent to me, that his message is still the State of Vermont. The capital and the people of the State of South Caro- credit markets, integral to the normal being heard. lina and our great country, I salute the Mr. President, I hope all Coloradans functioning of our economy, were vir- outstanding work of the crewmembers and Americans can reflect on the con- tually frozen. The fear among econo- of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Oak. tributions of African Americans of our mists—from across the political spec- This January, the men and women of State and throughout our great Nation trum—was that we risked sinking into the Oak were a living expression to the not only during the Black History a second Great Depression. world of the Oak’s motto—Decora Month but in every month of the year. Immediately, we undertook a series Fides Robur—Honor, Faithfulness, of difficult steps to prevent that out- f Strength. come. We acted to get lending flowing RECOGNIZING THE CUTTER OAK f again so that businesses could get CREW MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT loans to buy equipment and ordinary Americans could get financing to buy Mr. DEMINT. Mr. President, I would Messages from the President of the homes and cars, go to college, and start like to congratulate the crewmembers United States were communicated to or run businesses. We enacted measures of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Oak, a the Senate by Mr. Pate, one of his sec- to foster greater stability in the hous- 225-foot sea-going Buoy Tender retaries. homeported in Charleston, SC, for their ing market, help responsible home- bravery, stamina, and fortitude in f owners stay in their homes, and help to their response to the tragic aftermath EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED stop the broader decline in home val- of the earthquake in Port-au-Prince, As in executive session the Presiding ues. To achieve this, and to prevent an Haiti. Officer laid before the Senate messages economic collapse that would have af- One day after the earthquake, with from the President of the United fected millions of additional families, just a few hours’ notice, the Oak’s States submitting sundry nominations we had no choice but to use authority crewmembers departed from Charles- which were referred to the appropriate enacted under the previous Adminis- ton stocked with medical supplies, food committees. tration to extend assistance to some of provisions, and 62,880 bottles of water. (The nominations received today are the very banks and financial institu- Their engineers and food service spe- printed at the end of the Senate pro- tions whose actions had helped precipi- cialists worked around the clock to en- ceedings.) tate the turmoil. We also took steps to sure the ship had all the supplies they f prevent the rapid dissolution of the needed for the humanitarian rescue American auto industry—which faced a mission, and on January 18, 2010, the BUDGET OF THE UNITED STATES crisis partly of its own making—to pre- Coast Guard Cutter Oak arrived in GOVERNMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR vent the loss of hundreds of thousands Haiti. 2011—PM 43 of additional jobs during an already The crew faced a tremendous chal- The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- fragile time. Many of these decisions lenge both physically and mentally as fore the Senate the following message were not popular, but we deemed them VerDate Nov 24 2008 03:33 Feb 02, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01FE6.003 S01FEPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE February 1, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S391 necessary to prevent a deeper and their loved ones, while their incomes and wellness—as well as to improve the longer recession. flat-lined and their sense of economic health of the Nation by increasing the Even as we worked to stop the eco- security evaporated. Beneath the sta- number of primary care physicians, nomic freefall and address the crises in tistics are the stories of hardship I’ve protecting the safety of our food and our banking sector, our housing mar- heard all across America. For too drugs, and investing in critical bio- ket, and our auto industry, we also many, there has long been a sense that medical research. began attacking the economic crisis on the American dream—a chance to Because small businesses are critical a broader front. Less than 1 month make your own way, to support your creators of new jobs and economic after taking office, we enacted the family, save for college and retirement, growth, the Budget eliminates capital most sweeping economic recovery own a home—was slipping away.
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