ADAS TORAH Rabbi Dovid Revah 9040 W Pico Blvd. BULLETIN Los Angeles, CA 90035 פרשת וארא ג׳ שבט תשפ״א • January 16th 2021 take place in the main Shul, Simcha Hall, and the front SHUL courtyard. SHABBOS SCHEDULE Motzei Shabbos learning this ANNOUNCEMENTS week is sponsored by Michael Shelli Borkow in celebration & הדלקת נרות Candle Lighting 4:49 pm MAZAL TOV of Binyamin Moshe receiving מנחה Mincha - Fri 4:55 pm Shacharis 7:30/8:00/8:50/9:15 am Mazal Tov to Shayna & his first Siddur and Chumash. Shoshana Kleinman on their Please speak to Rabbi Revah if מנחה Mincha - Shab 4:40 pm Bas Mitzvah! Mazal Tov to you would like to sponsor. .Tomer & Jamie Kleinman מעריב Maariv 5:50 pm All adults and children must Mazal Tov to Evan Silver wear masks the whole time SHABBOS ZMANIM for being the first person in during Motzei Shabbos our Yoreh Deah Chabura to learning, even when sitting in complete all the tests. We wish their seats. שקיעה Shkiyah - Fri 5:07 pm him continued hatzlacha in his DAF YOMI/SHACHARIS עלות השחר Alos Hashachar 5:41 am limud HaTorah! Rabbi Simcha Bornstein gives זמן ציצית Tzitzis 6:10 am SHABBOS a 6:00 am Daf Yomi Shiur via הנץ החמה Sunrise 6:59 am .Thank you to the Aharon Zoom סוף זמן ק’’ש–מ׳’א L/T for Shema 8:51 am family for driving Tomchei this Rabbi Revah gives a Mishnah סוף זמן ק’’ש L/T for Shema 9:31 am week. Please click here for the Berura Shiur daily from 7:30 am סוף זמן תפילה L/T for Tefilah 10:21 am new Tomchei Shabbos sign up - 7:45 am live and on Zoom. חצות היום Midday 12:03 pm schedule. Rabbi Matt Rosenberg gives a מנחה גדולה Mincha Gedolah 12:34 pm .FRIDAY NIGHT BAIS MEDRASH Daf Yomi Shiur at 7:15 am פלג המנחה Plag Hamincha 4:05 pm Our Bais Medrash will be open VE’DIBARTA BAM CHABURA שקיעה Sunset - Shab 5:08 pm on Friday nights for anyone Our Ve’dibarta Bam Chabura מוצאי שבת Shabbos Ends 5:49 pm who wants to learn. is at 8:00 pm on Monday and ר’’ת Rabbeinu Tam 6:21 pm INYAN SHIUR Wednesday. WEEKDAY DAVENING Rabbi Revah will be giving We are learning Perek his Inyan shiur on Shabbos Hamafkid, the third Perek of SCHEDULE morning after the 9:15 am Bava Metzia. The chabura will Sunday 8:00 am minyan on “The ACUVUE on be on Zoom, click here, ID: 220 Mon, Thu 6:40/7:45 am Lenses in Halacha”. 134 707, password: 9040613. Tue, Wed, Fri 6:45/7:45 am MOTZEI SHABBOS FATHER - MRS. REVAH WILL BE Mincha/Maariv 5:00 pm SON LEARNING PROGRAM SPEAKING THIS MONDAY Late Maariv 7:45/9:00 pm Please join us every Motzei NIGHT Shabbos from 6:45 pm – 7:45 Mrs. Revah will be continuing pm to learn with your son. the Tefila series this Monday Rabbi Simcha Bornstein will be giving Daf Yomi at 6:30 pm Motzei Shabbos on In order to facilitate social night at 8:30 pm on Zoom. Zoom distancing, the learning will NITZACHON Nitzachon is back in business! We are now accepting articles for the next issue of Nitzachon. This issue will BE”H cover topics relating to the moadim of Purim, Pesach, Sefira, Shavuos, and Bein Hametzarim. We will also have a section for halacha and machshava topics unrelated to the moadim (such as Shabbos, Tefilla, Eretz Yisrael, etc.) and would welcome such articles. Please discuss any of the non-moadim topics with the editors before starting to write. Articles are now due. If you would like to contribute an article, please speak with Michael Kleinman, Yaakov Rich, or Yaakov Siegel. We are also looking for sponsors - there are dedication opportunities in honor or in memory of loved ones. KIDS CORNER! Dear Kids and Parents, Mazal Tov to Ezra and Dovi Spinrad for winning the Shabbos Checklist raffle for an Amazon card! This week’s parsha craft will be edible makkos! They made - וימררו את חייהם as it says ,מרור The answer to last week’s riddle was, the food is the time of our freedom. The bonus answer was ,פסח until מרור their lives bitter. We don’t eat Yocheved and Miriam are mentioned by the names Shifra and Puah. This week’s parsha question is: We like cold and wet, but for Hashem we went into hot and dry, what are we? Bonus question: When in our Parsha did 4 fit into 1? Who am I and how - פרשה gratitude) in this week’s) הכרת הטוב Midah in the parsha: I showed did I show it? Good Shabbos, Rabbi Avrohom Wagshul HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Shaya Brull - January 16th Keira Korobkin - January 19th Adina Ross - January 17th Lielle Tsarovski - January 20th Moshe Braid - January 17th Ahuva Zarmi - January 20th Tzvi Kauffman - January 18th Eliora Teller - January 20th Joseph Lynn - January 18th Rebecca Kauffman - January 21st Yosef Greenbaum - January 18th D’VAR TORAH Steve Kirschenbaum In 9:24, there was fire miraculously within the There’s a discussion whether darkness is just Barad (hail), the last Makka mentioned in the the absence of light or is darkness a creation, a Parsha. There’s a tremendous insight that Metzius unto itself. The GRA in Parshas Bereishis emerges from a Rashi regarding the Barad explains that Choshech is a creation. He cites a on this verse. Rashi says it was a Neis B’soch proof from ‘Yotzer Ohr U’vorei Choshech.’ The Neis, a miracle within a miracle. Aish V’ha’barad Pasuk says that G-d created light and created M’uravin, V’ha’barad Mayim Hu, the fire and darkness. We see that darkness isn’t just an water were mixed together. V’la’asos R’tzon absence of light, but it’s own creation. With Konam Asu Shalom Bainaihem, to do Ratzon that, the Pasuk continues ‘Yotzer Ohr U’vorei HaShem, Shalom was created between them. Choshech, Oseh Shalom.’ We see from here that Shalom is a creation unto itself and not just an While fire and water are in separate places, absence of conflict. VaYaas HaShem. G-d created there’s no incongruity between them that they something that’s positive. Something that must would need to make Shalom. By bringing them exist and places a potential for controversy. together, you didn’t make Shalom, however, the miracle was that there was no conflict between The Sefer Davar Tov adds that the Gemara the fire and the water, and so Shalom emerged. Berachos teaches that when a friend is leaving, you say Leich L’shalom, go to peace, and when Shalom is often thought of as a lack of Ketata, a someone has passed away you say Leich lack of discord. That would be a negative, to lack B’shalom, go in peace. There are different or miss something. In fact, Shalom is a positive explanations given. However, in line with our idea, Middah. The Gemara Yevamos 62b mentions he explains Leich L’shalom, a living person can that a man who is not privileged to get married still go to peace and still have a relationship with is missing in joy, in Beracha, in Tovah. Then, the someone else and achieve Shalom. However, a Gemara states that a man who doesn’t marry is Niftar who no longer has the potential to disagree missing in Shalom. However, it would seem to the with anyone and realize Shalom, must be Leich contrary, that marriage is prone to dispute. The B’shalom. Go to a place that there will be Shalom. one thing a person who isn’t married and is living alone has is peace and Shalom. There aren’t 2 The Meishiv Davar has a Teshuvah that Shalom opinions in the home. So why does the Gemara was created on the second day of creation. On say that one who isn’t married doesn’t live in the first day of creation when there was only Shalom? How does marriage create Shalom? oneness, there was no potential for Machlokes and therefore, no opportunity for Shalom. On The answer is this Yesod. To have no dispute the second day however, there is a potential for doesn’t make Shalom. If a person is alone there dissension and so on that day, Shalom was created. is no one to fight with. It’s not a Middah of Shalom but rather a lack of Ketata; however, That’s why the Shir Shel Yom Sheini is Shir that isn’t what we are looking for as a Middah Mizmor Livnei Korach from Tehillim 48. It Tovah to have Shalom. On the contrary, the was written by the children of Korach who Middah Tovah of Shalom is possible only were involved in Machlokes. The Pasuk ‘Yifei when there are multiple opinions that co- Nof Mi’sos Kol HaAretez’ is contained within exist harmoniously. When there’s a possibility this Kapittal. The Gemara Rosh Hashanah of discord, then the Middah of Shalom can Darshuns that Yifei Nof, a good wife, Mi’sos prevail. Marriage is an opportunity for Shalom. Kol HaAretz, makes the whole world seem happy. Again, the potential for Shalom is So too with the Barad and Aish. When the Barad only where the possibility of Machlokes lies. and Aish are in two separate locations, that isn’t yet Shalom as there is no clash between them. To say Asah Shalom Bainaihem means to bring them together when there’s potential for one to be fighting the other.
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