![The American Legion Monthly [Volume 3, No. 1 (July 1927)]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
MERICAN EGION OHonthltf Rupert Hughes -Herbert Raven el Sass — Samuel Scoville.Jr. - Karl W. Detzer "Let s **>" The Official Transports of the Second A. E. F. Paris, France September 19 to 23, 1927 The official transports of the second A. E. F. are all de luxe ocean-going liners. Each one is a floating palace! No bunks, mess lines or restrictions. In- stead—spacious staterooms, beautiful dining salons and full freedom of the ship. There will be no class restrictions on the CUNARD transports of the 2nd A. E. F. Write your state France Con- AND ANCHOR UN es vention Officer or communicate with your local representative of any of these official steam- ship lines for full details con- cerning the Ninth Annual Con- 8 vention of the American Le- tape gion, Paris, France, September 19-23, 1927. , .ted ; "WHJ€l cr I THEM IK ©iP PELMANISM is a big, vital, signifi- Its big value, however, is the instruc- cant contribution to the mental life tional note. Each lesson is accompanied of America. I have the deep con- by a work sheet that is really a progress viction that it is going to strike at the sheet. The student goes forward under very roots of individual failure, for I a teacher in the sense that he is fol- see in it a new power, a great driving lowed through from first to last, helped, force. guided and encouraged at every turn by conscientious experts. I first heard of Pelmanism while in England on war work. Sooner or later Pelmanism is no miracle. It calls for application. But I know of almost every conversation touched on it, nothing that pays larger returns on an investment for the movement seemed to have the of one's spare time from day to day. sweep of a religious conviction. Men (Signed) Lindsey. and women of every class and circum- Ben stance were acclaiming it as a new de- Note: As Judge Lindsey has pointed parture in mental training that gave out Pelmanism is neither an experiment promise of ending that preventable in- nor a theory. For almost a quarter of a efficiency which acts as a brake on hu- JUDGE BEN B. LINDSEY century it has been showing men and man progress. Even in France I did women how to lead happy, successful, not escape the word, for thousands of well-rounded lives. 600,000 Pelman- officers and men were Pelmanizing in ists in every country on the globe are Judge Ben B. Lindsey is order to fit themselves for return to the guarantee of what Pelman training known throughout the can civil life. do for you. whole civilized world for No matter what your own particular When I learned that Pelmanism had his work in the Juvenile difficulties are poor memory, mind been brought to America, by Americans Court of Denver. says, — He wandering, indecision, timidity, nervous- for Americans, I was among the first to ness or lack of personality—Pelmanism enroll. My reasons were two : first, be- "The human mind is not will show you the way to correct and cause I have always felt that every mind an automatic device. It overcome them. And on the positive scientific needed regular, systematic and will not 'take care of it- side, it will uncover and develop qualities exercise, and secondly, because I wanted self.' Will power, origi- which you never dreamed existed in you. to find out if Pelmanism was the thing nality, decision, resource- It will be of direct, tangible value to you that I could recommend to the hundreds fulness, imagination, in your business and social life. In the who continually ask my advice in rela- files at the Pelman Institute of America initiative, courage— these tion to their lives, problems and ambi- are hundreds of letters from successful things are not gifts but Pelmanists telling how they doubled, tions. results. Every one of these trebled and even quadrupled their sal- aries, Failure is a sad word in any lan- qualities can be developed thanks to Pelman training. guage, but it is peculiarly tragic here in by effort, just as muscles "Scientific Mind Training" is the America, where institutions and re- can be developed by ex- name of the absorbingly interesting sources join to put success within the ercise." booklet which tells about Pelmanism in reach of every individual. In the twenty detail. It is fascinating in itself with years that I have sat on the bench of its wealth of original thought and clear the Juvenile Court of Denver, almost observation. "Scientific Mind Train- ing" makes an interesting addition to every variety of human failure has it makes the student discover himself , it your library. passed before me in melancholy proces- acquaints him with his sleeping powers and shows him how to develop them. sion. By failure I do not mean the mere- Your copy is waiting for you. It is The method is exercise, not of the hap- ly criminal mistakes of the individual absolutely free. Simply fill out the hazard sort, but a steady, increasing but the faults of training that keep a coupon and mail it today. It costs you kind that brings each hidden power to life from full development and com- nothing, it obligates you to nothing, full strength without strain or break. plete expression. but it is absolutely sure to show you the way to success and happiness. The human mind is not an automatic lacks Don't put it off and then forget about It is to these needs and these device. It will not "take care of itself." answer. it. Don't miss a big opportunity. MAIL that Pelmanism comes as an Will power, originality, decision, re- THE COUPON NOW. The "twelve little gray books'" are a sourcefulness, imagination, initiative, remarkable achievement. Not only do courage—these things are not gifts, but THE PELMAN INSTITUTE OF AMERICA they contain the discoveries that science results. Every one of these qualities can developed effort just as muscles Suite 107 71 West 45th St., New York City knows about the mind and its workings, be by can be developed by exercise. I do not but the treatment is so simple that the Approved as a correspond' nee school under mean by this that the individual can the laivs of the State of New York truths be grasped by anyone of may add to the brains that God gave him, average education. but he can learn to make use of the ?»«-"»«-' brains that he has instead of letting THE PELMAN INSTITUTE OF AMERICA, In plain words, what Pelmanism has * them fall into flabbiness through disuse. Suite 107, 71 West 45th St., New York. done is to take psychology out of the o Please send me without obligation your free college and put it into harness for the Other methods and systems that I 64-page booklet. "Scientific Mrnd Training." day's work. It lifts great, helpful have examined, while realizing the value I a truths out of the back water and plants of mental exercise, have made the mis- Name them in the living stream. take of limiting their efforts to the de- velopment of some sir le sense. What As a matter of fact, Pelmanism ought Pelmanism does is to consider the mind , Address to be the beginning of education instead as a whole and treat it as a whole. It I of a remedy for its faults. First of all, goes for mental team play, training the it teaches the science of self-realization mind as a unity. • City State JULY, 1927 fca^i H iMlii i^n ^ii^iimwiwwWwmmi Mfc^i Wiwwl giwnijl r \\]mmti\ mum\ 4mu\m ttttmtm dfcniJf dfcwM JULY, 1927 Vol. 3, No. 1 9£MERI CAN EGION CMonthly Contents Cover Design: by Howard Chandler Christy The Indian squaw Sacajawea guiding the L ;wis and Clark expedition The Message Center by The Editor i The Invisible Force by Elisabeth Marbury Decoration by Walter Jardine The Wolf Moon by Samuel Scoville, Jr. I Illustrations by Clark Agnew There s Only One Kind of Americanism by Rupert Hughes 12 Decorations by William Heaslip Reillvs Battery by Fairfax Downey 14 Decoration by Howard McCormick The Two That Killed the Twenty by Herbert Ravenel Sass Illustrations by Remington Schuyler You and Your Bank by Arthur Reynolds Photographic illustration by Underwood and Underwood Studios The Affair at the Spanish Restaurant by Karl W. Detzer 24 Illustrations by Kenneth Camp Editorial with cartoon by John Cassel 28 Put Up or Shut Up by Jack O'Donnell 30 Illustrations by Paul Brown For Auld Lang Syne: photographs They Also Serve: pari- six by Peter B. Kyne 34 Illustrations by Cyrus LeRoy Baldridge Strictly Business by Woodward Boyd 38 A Personal View by Frederick Palmer 41 Ten Years Ago by Wallgren 4^ Bursts and Duds with cartoons by Paul Carruth 43 First Aid by Clara Ingram Judson 44 Keeping Step by Right Guide 46 Then and Now by The Company Clerk 55 On to Paris with photographs by Yvon 59 THE STARS IN THE FLAG IRGINIA: Oldest of the thirteen original colonies. In New York took the lead. Virginia once included, among 84, Sir Walter Raleigh claimed much of the eastern other territory, the region that is now Ohio, Kentucky, Indi- coastal region of North America for England by ana, a part of Illinois, and West Virginia. Virginia right of discovery and his ill-starred attempt at has mothered eight Presidents—Washington, Jef- colonization. In 1007 colonists established the ferson, Madison, Monroe, William Henry Harrison, first permanent English settlement in America at Tyler, Taylor and Wilson.
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