22 Contents Established in 1902 as The Graduate Magazine FEATURES The Advocate 22 Whether organizing day laborers, finding lawyers for immigrants or spreading the word on Chicano literature, Ray Rojas has one message: Let my people go. BY MEGAN HOPE A Man Called Hoss 26 Forensic anthropologist C. Elliott Moore scours the wilds of southeast Asia with a solemn charge—finding the remains of service members lost in the Vietnam War. BY CHRIS LAZZARINO COVER The Particular Genius 28 of Richard Schiefelbusch The man who laid the foundation for KU’s Life Span Institute built a career and a research model on the idea of helping others shine. At 91, he’s engaged in perhaps the most personal scientific study of his life. BY JULIE METTENBURG Cover photograph by Steve Puppe Volume 107, No. 6, 2009 26 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MAN- AGEMENT, AND CIRCULATION (Required by 39 U.S.C. 3685) Lift the Chorus 1. Publication Title KANSAS ALUMNI MAGAZINE 2. Publication No. 0745-3345 3. Filing Date September 21, 2009 4. Frequency Bimonthly (Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept. Nov.) 5. No. Issues Published Annually 6 6. Subscription Price $55 Day and ‘Night’ Unfortunately everyone 7. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication was requesting Scotch The Kansas University Alumni Association, 1266 Oread Avenue, Lawrence, KS The article by Robert 66045-3169 and his supply was going 8. Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters or General Business Office of Day about Prof. Ed Ruhe Publisher fast. Dr. Ruhe sent me [“Parts of Their Night,” The Kansas University Alumni Association, 1266 Oread Avenue, Lawrence, KS into the night with $20 66045-3169 issue No. 5] may be the 9. Full Names and Complete Mailing Addresses of Publisher, and orders to buy Chivas Editor and Managing Editor finest piece of writing Regal (this was 1976). Publisher Kansas Alumni has ever Kevin J. Corbett Happily I got to a liquor The Kansas University Alumni Association,1266 Oread Avenue, Lawrence, KS published. May I thank 66045-3169 store right before closing. you and Bob Day for a bril- Editor We last met in his Jennifer Jackson Sanner liant evocation of Ed Ruhe, The Kansas University Alumni Association, 1266 Oread Avenue, Lawrence, KS Ruhe Wescoe Hall office, 66045-3169 whose memory we hold around 1982. I had our 10. Owner dear. The Kansas University Alumni Association, 1266 Oread Avenue, Lawrence, KS toddler Dana, f’03, in tow. While I caught 66045-3169 Ed was one of the truly unique KU fig- 11. Known Bondholders, Mortgagees, and Other Security Holders Owning or Ed up on my new corporate career, he ures whose numbers have sadly dimin- Holding 1 Percent or More of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages, or other Secu- entertained Dana with one smoke ring rities. If none, check here. ❏ None✓ ished over the years. His influence on the 12. For completion by nonprofit organizations authorized to mail at special after another from an always present rates. The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the best students was pervasive in the opti- Camel. Although Dr. Ruhe was a mar- exempt status for federal income tax purposes: mum sense. We miss him and his genera- ✓❏ Has Not Changed During Preceding 12 Months velously dramatic and erudite teacher, I’ll ❏ Has Changed During Preceding 12 Months tion of faculty profoundly. 13. Publication Name KANSAS ALUMNI MAGAZINE remember him more as a friend. Congratulations on a wonderful article. 14. Issue Date for Circulation Data Below September 2009 Doug Hill, c’77 15. Extent and Nature of Circulation Average Actual No. Grant K. Goodman No. Copies Copies of Norman, Okla. Each Issue Single Professor Emeritus of History During Issue Published Preceding Nearest to Filing Lawrence 12 Months Date I enjoyed Bob Day’s thoughtful a. Total No. Copies (Net Press Run) 37,158 36,250 b. Paid and/or Requested Circulation Thank you for Robert Day’s touching tribute to Ed Ruhe. I was never in any (1) Paid/Requested Outside County remembrance of Professor Ed Ruhe. of Ruhe’s classes, but I was certainly Mail Subscriptions on Form 3541 (Inc. advertiser & exchange copies) 35,653 35,211 As an English major in the 1970s, I guided and deeply influenced by other (2) Paid In-County Subscriptions had a similar relationship with the lov- professors, especially from the English on Form 3541 (Inc. advertiser & exchange copies) 00 ably eccentric intellectual. The reference department. (3) Sales through Dealers & Carriers, Street Vendors, Counter Sales & to “annoying personal mannerisms” My first semester it was Stuart Levine, Other Non-USPS Paid Distribution 00 recalls an instance typical of Dr. Ruhe. In who taught Moby Dick with great enthu- (4) Other Classes Mailed through USPS 00 class with a completely straight face he siasm. He’d done his doctoral disserta- c. Total Paid and/or Requested would refer to Don Quixote as Don tion on Moby Dick. So did I. Circulation 35,653 35,211 d. Free Distribution by Mail Quicks-Oat rather than the more com- Second semester I had Charlton Hin- (Samples, Complimentary, Other Free) (1) Outside County as Stated mon Spanish pronunciation. This drove man, who took me aside one afternoon on Form 3541 00 some students batty, but none were bold and asked if I’d ever considered becom- (2) In-County as Stated Form 3541 00 (3) Other Classes Mailed 0 0 enough to correct him. ing an English professor. I hadn’t, but I through USPS Ed was undoubtedly my first adult did. e. Free Distribution Outside the Mail 250 250 (Carriers or Other Means victim of a home-cooked dinner, in an And then there was Ed Wolfe, one of f. Total Free Distribution 250 250 g. Total Distribution 35,903 35,461 apartment at 1653 Louisiana. He very the loveliest men I’ve ever known. He h. Copies Not Distributed 1,255 789 politely suffered what was probably a was quirky indeed. Long after gradua- i. Total 37,158 36,250 j. Percent Paid and/or Requested horridly prepared Mandarin-style whole tion, I sought him out in his Old Fraser Circulation (15c/15g x 100) 97 98 red snapper. Hall office and he treated me to a stun- 16. This Statement of Ownership will be printed in the November 2009 issue of this publication. Senior year Ed asked me to tend bar at ning view of the Kaw Valley by leading 17. Signature and Title of Editor, Pubisher, Business Manager, or Owner I certify that all information furnished on this form is true and complete. I a large party for friends in his wonderful me out his office window and balancing understand that anyone who furnishes false or misleading information on Mass Street loft, filled floor to ceiling on the building’s ledge. Long remember. this form or who omits material or information requested on the form may be subject to criminal sanctions (including fines and imprisonment) with Australian aboriginal art. He John Middleton, c’64 and/or civil sanctions (including civil penalties). instructed me that the house cocktail for Mattapoisett, Mass. the evening would be whiskey sours. 2 | KANSAS ALUMNI November 2009 Publisher Kevin J. Corbett, c’88 Editor Jennifer Jackson Sanner, j’81 Creative Director Susan Younger, f’91 35 Associate Editors Chris Lazzarino, j’86 Steven Hill Staff Writer Katie Moyer, j’06 DEPARTMENTS Editorial Assistant Karen Goodell Photographer Steve Puppe, j’98 2 LIFT THE CHORUS Graphic Designer Valerie Spicher, j’94 Letters from our readers Advertising Sales Representative Whitney Eriksen, c’08, j’08 5 FIRST WORD Editorial and Advertising Office The editor’s turn KU Alumni Association 1266 Oread Ave. 6 ON THE BOULEVARD Lawrence, KS 66045-3169 KU & Alumni Association events 785-864-4760 • 800-584-2957 www.kualumni.org JAYHAWK WALK [email protected] 8 The haunting of Sigma Nu, the creampuff criminal, a Jayhawk brood and more KANSAS ALUMNI MAGAZINE (ISSN 0745-3345) is published 10 HILLTOPICS by the KU Alumni Association six times a year in January, March, News and notes: Two NSF grants bolster research May, July, September and November. $55 annual subscription includes membership in the Alumni Association. Office of while record giving defies economic downturn. Publication: 1266 Oread Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66045-3169. Periodicals postage paid at Lawrence, KS. 16 SPORTS Basketball: Men tip off atop the rankings and POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Kansas Alumni Magazine, 1266 Oread Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66045- women gear up for a breakthrough year. 3169 © 2009 by Kansas Alumni Magazine. Non-member issue price: $7 35 ASSOCIATION NEWS Millie winners recognized for volunteer spirit; Roundup and reunions unite far-flung flock. 42 CLASS NOTES Your opinion Profiles of a paralympics supporter, a comedy counts! writer, a Hispanic leadership mentor and more IN MEMORY Kansas Alumni welcomes letters to 60 the editor. Our address is Kansas Alumni Deaths in the KU family magazine, 1266 Oread Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66045-3169. E-mail responses may 64 ROCK CHALK REVIEW be sent to the Alumni Association, Ward’s way with words, McLeod’s fanged frog [email protected]. Letters appear- and Fischer’s latest pop-up treasure ing in the magazine may be edited for space and clarity. 68 GLORIOUS TO VIEW Scene on campus ISSUE 6, 2009 | 3 Explore your world Flying Jayhawks 2010 Costa Rica's River Life: Jewels Italian Lakes & Dubai Natural Heritage of the Amazon Dalmatian Coast SEPT. 18–26 • $2,174 JAN. 7–18 • $2,795 MARCH 12–21 • From $3,695 JUNE 16–27 • From $4,095 China and the Cruise the Panama Canal Paradores and Pousadas The Great Journey Yangtze River JAN.
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