Volume 100, Issue 9 December 11, 2018 West Haven, Conn. CHARGER THE BULLETIN The student news source of the University of New Haven. Q&A WITH KAPLAN ON CONSTRUCTION, THE CENTENNIAL, SAUDI ARABIA, AND LYME ACADEMY The Charger Bulletin @ChargerBulletin @ChargerBulletin @ChargerBulletin December 11, 2018 BULLETIN BOARD Page 2 Bulletin Briefs The Page 4 SpongeBob Creator Charger Bulletin Remembered Through 300 Boston Post Road | West Haven, CT 06516 his Work [email protected] | www.ChargerBulletin.com Page 6 office: 203.932.7182 | text: 270.864.6397 Our office is located on the second floor of 46 Ruden Street, Room 202. Celebrating AIDS Editor-in-Chief Karina Krul Managing Editor Kiana Quinonez Since 1938, The Charger Bulletin has been the official student news Awareness Month Staff Writers Nicole Manall, Thalia Rodriguez, Ethan source of the University of New Haven. Cardona, Sommers Smith, Matt Verrilli, Majelique Advertising Lewis The Charger Bulletin ad rate sheets are available upon request or by Page 8 calling 203.932.7182 or via email at [email protected]. The Student Life Editor Everett Bishop Charger Bulletin reserves the right to refuse any advertisement. Adver- Sports Editor Chris DiGeronimo tisements within The Charger Bulletin are inserted by outside sources Men’s Basketball identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the University Entertainment Editor Anna Downs of New Haven. Advertising material printed herein is solely for infor- Loses Third Game Opinion Editor Mitsouki Garvey-Sanchez mational purposes. For the most up-to-date information, visit www. in a Row Multimedia Editor Kailey Feshler ChargerBulletin.com/advertise. Associate Editor for Photography Nicole Rivera Letters to the Editor Page 10 Staff Photographers Cole McManus, Kiara Greene The submission deadline for letters to the editor is 5 p.m. on Friday Tyler Butler for publication in Tuesday’s issue. Letters to the Editor are also pub- Associate Editor for Graphic Design lished online the same day as the release of print issues. Letters should Staff Graphic Designers Georgette not exceed 300 words if they are to be considered for print publication. Letters: Against the Michael-Duncan All submissions by outside writers to The Charger Bulletin, unless otherwise Associate Editor for Videography Justin Cella approved by the Editor-in-Chief, will be treated as letters to the editor. New Harvard Policy Letters to the Editor are published under the discretion of the Community Engagement Editor Christina Editor in Chief, and not every submitted letter will be pub- Genovese lished. The Charger Bulletin also reserves the right to Business Manager Kenneth Sorrentino withhold Letters to the Editor that are excessively vul- Page 12 gar or nonsensical, or do not meet our editorial standards. Letters can be sent via email to [email protected] and must contain the writer’s name and contact information for Beat the Flu This verification purposes. The opinions expressed in Letters to the Editor are of the authors themselves and not The Charger Bulletin. Season * The Charger Bulletin staff strives for excellence and ac- curacy in writing and reporting. We recognize that mis- takes may occur and encourage readers to notify the Bul- 1st Place - ASPA Annual Contest/Review for Scholastic Cover photos courtesy of the University of New Haven. letin if they feel a correction is necessary. Please email the Yearbooks, Magazines and Newspapers, 2018 Lyme Academy photo taken by Editor-in-Chief at [email protected]. Honorable Mention, Mobile App of the Year - Pinnacle Patrick Smith. Awards by College Media Association, 2017 The Charger Bulletin @ChargerBulletin @ChargerBulletin @ChargerBulletin December 11, 2018 NEWS Page 3 President Kaplan On... Healthcare Program Receives Accreditation BY KARINA KRUL advising and ensuring that The New Success Building BY KIANA QUINONEZ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF university programs’ meets “...We’re building a very innovative, cutting edge facility... MANAGING EDITOR There are no faculty offices, it’s focused on learning spaces, or exceeds their criteria, which is no simple feat . free spaces for students to engage with one another and with The accreditation took four faculty. I think we’re doing something almost futuristic...” years and checks the curric- s the University Photo by Kiana Quinonez/The Charger Bulletin ulum, faculty qualifications, Aof New Haven grows, its that the program is constant- Raising $100 Million for the University’s programs have to follow suit ly changing in order to im- Centennial and, as of Nov. 16, one grad- prove, and requires collecting “...We’ve actually raised it. We’re right at 100 million, I mean we’re uate program did just that. data about students, alumni, close, and we already have a few gifts that will take us over that. So The university’s master’s and faculty, said McGee. we’re increasing the goal to 115 million...I think we’ll meet 120...Of degree in healthcare admin- “We compiled that data istration is now accredited by the 100 million about 22 million is for the new building. A lot of the over a 2-year period and the Commission on Accredi- money has been raised and already spent on facilities and scholar- submitted a self-study report tation of Healthcare Manage- ships. The focus in the last few years has been on scholarship money. in summer 2017,” she said. ment Education (CAHME), Part of this is going to be for athletics in the final stretch, to improve “We then had a site visit in which makes it the only one the athletics facilities and also some scholarships...Some of them March 2018 with a team of of its kind in the state. are brand newand designated for specific programs but they’re all reviewers from the top 10 “It is one of just four pro- around helping students come here and stay here and succeed...” healthcare administration grams in New England and Photos Courtesy of Creative Commons programs in the U.S. These the only program between reviewers provided us with Lyme Academy New York City, Boston, and feedback on our program and “...I think everyone came to the conclusion, including their governing board, that as a four-year art Syracuse,” said Summer wrote recommendations for college it was probably long-term not sustainable...The class that’s there now, the seniors will graduate... McGee, dean of the school of the future.” some of the juniors will be completing their degree early, we’re going to help fast track them, some will health sciences. “We are the CAHME officials recom- finish their degree at our Prato campus, and about 20 of the students from what we can gather, in that only place where students mended the program for ac- range, will transfer here can be assured that they will creditation and in November into a new illustration major that we’ve built around the illus receive a competency-based the school was voted in by tration major at Lyme. In many ways the students there are education with the tools to the CAHME Board of Direc- being well-served and the retention has been quite good succeed in the rapidly chang- tors, accrediting the program among the students that are there. I think they’ve adapted to ing healthcare industry.” for three years, said McGee. the fact that the school will cease, as a college, to exist in May CAHME is the “gold stan- “This was a tremendous but we’re hoping that as an art academy it will continue to dard” for healthcare manage- team effort,” said McGee. ment programs, said McGee, thrive...” “The support of our admin- Photo by Patrick Smith/The Charger Bulletin and accreditation can be a istration, faculty, staff, and big draw for students look- Our Program in Saudi Arabia students has been vital to ing for opportunities after “...The Saudi’s are reconsidering the nature of the program and it could be that, and I don’t achieving this goal. It truly graduation. Students in have this factually, that they want to cut back on what we’re doing. My sense is that if any does take a village to achieve CAHME-accredited pro- development is taking place it’s probably going to be over time that we’re reducing our pres- an accreditation like this grams have access to fellow- ence...I think they’re re-assessing the way the program is structured and they’re re-assessing one.” ships, internships, scholar- whether or not they want it to be a Bachelor’s degree and our intent was to go there and help From a nursing leadership ships, and job opportunities, them develop a Bachelor’s degree so if they change that, that’s going to change the nature training in 1994 to a na- according to their website. of what we’re doing there. I should add...that this whole program started in 2012 with Sau- tionally-accredited MSHA, The mission of CAHME is di students, in addition to the several hundred Saudi students we had here in business and McGee said the next step “to serve the public interest engineering, students coming here specifically to study in the Lee college, in national security, is to become one of the top by advancing the quality of 70 healthcare management and criminal justice...The program that we’re helping them develop in Saudi Arabia is really healthcare management ed- graduate programs by U.S. a mirror of the program that students are coming here from Saudi Arabia, and many other ucation,” said their website. News and World Report. countries, to take already...” They do this by supporting, December 11, 2018 ENTERTAINMENT Page 4 Hillenburg Lives on Pop Punk Christmas Through SpongeBob BY NICOLE MANALL Follow the Charger STAFF WRITER Bulletin on Spotify! and impacts physical functions, screenrant.com, followed by the BY SOMMERS SMITH STAFF WRITER causing muscle spasms and joining of well-known faces to difficulty speaking.
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