4B Friday October 7, 2016 ONLINE: Sidney Sun-Telegraph LEGALS www.suntelegraph.com L1145 First Publication Room, Cheyenne County the City Council Room, /s/G.F. Anthony, NEBRASKA, IN THE NOTICE 09/23/2016 , final Court House, 1000-10th 1115 13th Avenue, hold a City Clerk AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL IN THE COUNTY COURT 10/21/2016 Avenue, Sidney, Nebraska. PUBLIC HEARING upon the [Published in The Sidney Sun- AMOUNT OF NOT TO OF CHEYENNE COUNTY, Published in the Sidney An agenda for such meet- following: Telegraph on October 7, 2016.] EXCEED FOURTEEN NEBRASKA Daily Sun-Telegraph ing will be kept current Consideration of L1183 MILLION FIVE HUNDRED Estate of Vergie Marie K&M Filename: and available to the pub- Amendments to the City of Sidney, Nebraska THOUSAND DOLLARS Atkins, Deceased WILELNO4 lic during normal business Codified Ordinances of the Notice of Public Hearing on ($14,500,000) FOR THE Estate No. PR16-37 For additional informa- hours at the Cheyenne City of Sidney, Nebraska Modification of PURPOSE OF PAYING Notice is hereby given tion please visit Auction. County Clerk’s office and re: Chapter 1252 Mobile Redevelopment Plan INTERIM FINANCING FOR that, on September 19, com. may be modified at such Homes; Section 1252.02 Public notice is here- THE COSTS OF STREET 2016, in the County Court THIS FIRM IS A DEBT meeting to include items of Occupancy; Locations; by given by the Mayor IMPROVEMENTS IN STREET of Cheyenne County, COLLECTOR AND ANY an emergency nature pur- to provide for recre- and Council of the City of IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Nebraska, Carol Atkins, INFORMATION WE OBTAIN suant to Section 84-1411 ational vehicles in mobile Sidney, Nebraska, that a NOS. 53, 54, 56, 58, 59, whose address is 1108 7th FROM YOU WILL BE USED of the Nebraska Revised home parks when cer- public hearing will be held 60, 61 AND 62, SEWER Avenue, Sidney, Nebraska FOR THAT PURPOSE. Statutes. tain conditions are met; at 7:15 p.m. on October SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 69162, was appointed *KM10874834KM* /S/Beth E. Fiegenschuh and Consideration of 25, 2016, in the Council IN SANITARY SEWER by the Court as Personal [Published in The Sidney Sun- Cheyenne County Clerk Amendments to the room at 1115 13th Avenue, EXTENSION DISTRICT Telegraph on September 23, 30 and Representative of the [Published in The Sidney Sun- Codified Ordinances of the in Sidney, Nebraska. The NOS. 21, 23 AND 24, October 7, 14, 21, 2016.] Telegraph on October 7, 2016.] Estate. City of Sidney, Nebraska purpose of the hearing AND WATER SYSTEM Creditors of this Estate L1153 L1177 re: Chapter 1254 Travel is to obtain public com- IMPROVEMENTS IN WATER must file their claims with NOTICE OF FORFEITURE Notice of Public Meeting Trailers; Section 1254.03 ment regarding a second EXTENSION DISTRICT this Court on or before PROCEEDING The Board of Education Occupancy of Trailer Parks; modification to the rede- NOS. 21, 22 AND 23; November 28, 2016, or be Notice is hereby of Cheyenne County School to provide for recreational velopment plan entitled PRESCRIBING THE forever barred. given that the State of District #3 (Leyton Public vehicles in mobile home “Redevelopment Plan for FORM OF SAID BONDS; /s/Tracey Bartling Nebraska, by and through Schools) will meet in parks when certain condi- East Old Post Road Area,” PROVIDING FOR THE Clerk of the County Court Paul B. Schaub, Cheyenne regular session, Monday, tions are met. which was approved by LEVY AND COLLECTION 1000 10th Avenue County Attorney, has filed October 10, 2016 at 7:30 Copies of the proposed the Mayor and Council on OF TAXES TO PAY THE Sidney, Nebraska 69162 a Petition for Disposition p.m. in the District’s amended Ordinances are June 24, 2008, and modi- SAME; ENTERING INTO Steven F. Mattoon, NSBA of Seized Property pur- Administrative Office in on file in the office of the fied by the City of Sidney A CONTRACT ON BEHALF No. 15110 suant to Neb. Rev. Stat. Dalton, NE. Secretary of the Planning Community Development OF THE CITY WITH THE Matzke & Mattoon, L.L.C. Sec. 28-431. The petition The agenda for said Commission at 1115 13th Agency with a non-sub- HOLDERS OF SAID BONDS; P. O. Box 316 alleges that on or about meeting, which shall be Avenue, 308-254-5300, stantial modification on AUTHORIZING OFFICERS Sidney, Nebraska 69162- September 13, 2016, a kept continuously cur- where they may be exam- August 25, 2015 (together, OF THE CITY TO MAKE 0316 2001 Mercedes C240W, rent, is available for public ined and copies may be the “Existing Plan”). The ARRANGEMENTS FOR (308) 254-5595 VIN WDBRF61J5115741 review during regular busi- made. At the above time proposed modification is set THE SALE OR PLACEMENT [Published in The Sidney Sun- was unlawfully used in vio- ness hours in the District’s and place all citizens and forth in a modification enti- OF THE BONDS AND TO Telegraph on September 23, 30, lation of state statutes as interested parties will have DESIGNATE THE FINAL and October 7, 2016.] Administrative Office locat- tled “Second Modification follows: the vehicle was ed at 504 Main Street, an opportunity to be heard. to Redevelopment Plan TERMS, RATES AND L1147 used or intended for use Dalton, NE. /s/Cynthia K. Heilbrun for East Old Post Road MATURITY SCHEDULE Notice of Trustee’s Sale in the transportation of [Publshed in The Sidney Sun- Planning Commission Area” (the “Second FOR EACH SERIES OF The following described controlled substance, to Telegraph on October 7, 2016.] Secretary Modification”). The Second SAID BONDS WITHIN property will be sold at wit: Marijuana, in viola- [Published in The Sidney Sun- Modification relates to an STATED PARAMETERS; L1178 Telegraph on October 7, 2016.] APPROVING POST public auction to the high- tion of Neb. Rev. Stat. Sec. LEGAL NOTICE area within the Existing est bidder on 11/08/2016, 28-416 (Reissue 2008). L1180 Plan, and is described as ISSUANCE COMPLIANCE IN THE DISTRICT COURT POLICIES AND PROVIDING at 3:00 p.m. at the East The petition was filed in OF CHEYENNE COUNTY, The Airport author- follows: front doors of the Cheyenne Cheyenne County District ity of the City of Sidney Lot 2A, Block 2 of Runza FOR PUBLICATION OF THIS NEBRASKA CASE NO. ORDINANCE IN PAMPHLET County Courthouse, 1000 Court, Case No. CI 16-183. CI-16-180 will hold their meeting on Third Addition, Re-plat of 10th Avenue, Sidney, NE The owner is unknown, Tuesday, October 11th, at Lot 2 and Lot 3 of Runza FORM. IN RE NAME CHANGE OF Said Ordinance was 69162: but there is a reasonable Zachary Paul Hutchinson. 4:00 p.m., at the Sidney Third Addition to the City of THE LAND DESCRIBED probability that there are Municipal Airport terminal Sidney, Cheyenne County, published in pamphlet form Notice is hereby given on October 3, 2016. Copies HEREIN IS SITUATED IN persons with interests in that on the 22nd day of building conference room Nebraska THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, the property. For anyone located at 11149 Rd 16, Copies of the Existing of said Ordinance as pub- September, 2016, a peti- lished in pamphlet form are COUNTY OF CHEYENNE, having an ownership inter- tion was filed in the District Sidney, Nebraska. The Plan and the proposed AND IS DESCRIBED AS est in the property, you meeting is open to the Second Modification are available for inspection and Court of Cheyenne County, distribution at the Office of FOLLOWS: LOT SEVEN are hereby notified that Nebraska, the object and public. An agenda, which is available for public inspec- (7), BLOCK TWO (2), you have until December kept continually current, is tion at the office of the the City Clerk, in the City prayer of which is to change of Sidney, Nebraska. MCFADDEN`S FIFTH 9, 2016 to file an appro- a minor child’s or children’ available for public inspec- City Clerk. All interested ADDITION TO SIDNEY, priate response or answer tion at the office of the parties shall be afforded /s/ G.F. ANTHONY, name(s) from Zachary Paul CITY CLERK CHEYENNE COUNTY, with the court, or a default Hutchinson to Zachary Paul City Clerk/Treasurer, locat- at such public hearing a NEBRASKA. judgment will be entered ed in the City of Sidney reasonable opportunity to [Published in The Sidney Sun- Librande. Telegraph on October 7, 2016.] All subject to any and against you and you will A hearing will be had Administration Building express their views regard- all: (1) real estate taxes, lose whatever ownership on said petition before at 1115 13th Avenue, ing the proposed Second L1185 (2) special assessments, interest you have in the the Honorable Derek C. Sidney, Nebraska, between Modification. Notice of Meeting (3) easements, covenants, above-describe motor Weimer, in Courtroom the hours of 8:00 a.m. to /s/G.F. ANTHONY, Cheyenne County restrictions, ordinances, vehicle without any further No. 1, 1000 10th Avenue, 5:00 p.m. Monday through CITY CLERK Historical Association and resolutions of record proceedings. Sidney, Ne, on the 2nd Friday. [Published in The Sidney Sun- Board Telegraph on October 7, 14, 2016.] which affect the proper- s/Paul B. Schaub day of November, 2016, /s/Jarod Konz Notice is hereby given ty, and (4) unpaid water Paul B. Schaub at 3:30 p.m. or as soon Chairman. L1184 that an open and public bills, (5) prior mortgages Cheyenne County Attorney [Published in The Sidney Sun- thereafter as will be conve- NOTICE OF PUBLICATION meeting of the Cheyenne and trust deed of record [Published in The Sidney Sun- Telegraph on October 7, 2016.] nient for the Court and that OF ORDINANCE NO.
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