333.3 N894CEf CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS PART 6 \l Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/cavalierspioneer16nuge JU£ AJ<^^. 133.3 Vol. I. No. 6 Cavaliers and Pioneers A CALENDAR OF VIRGINIA LAND GRANTS 1623 - 1800 COMPILED BY NELL M. NUGENT RICHMOND, VA. Press of The Dietz Printing Co., Richmond. Va. ^ •M qiMTf Cavaliers and Pioneers 1623 A CALENDAR OF VIRGINIA LAND GRANTS 1800 Vol. I. No. 6. PATENT BOOK No. 2 By Sir William Berkeley, Knight, Governor, &c. EDWD. MURFREY & JOHN 1644, Page 3. Trans, of himself, wife VAUGHAN, 1,200 acs. upon South- Margarett, Edwd. Rendrick (Kendrick ward side of Potomack River, on the ?), Wm. Praise. Eastermost side of Cedar Island Creek. THOMAS STAINOE (indexed 24 Feb. 1643. Page 1. Trans, of: Tho- Staines) 62 acs. called the Chesnutt mas Denham, Eliz. Taylor, Eliz. , Neck, adj. Garrett Stephens, parallel to Wm. Sorwell, Eliza, his wife, Fra. Har- land of Xpofer. Bare. Trans, of 2 per- rison, John Readwood, Wm. Barring- sons: John Parkes, Benja. Tenner. As- ton, Isaac Jones, Eliz. Wotter, Robt. signed to him by Ann Moore, wife and , John Povey, Edw. Samuell, Tho. attorney of Joseph Moore. Anderson, Ann Franklind, Ann Frank- laine, Henry Reeves, Tho. JEREMIAH CLEMENT, 200 acs. , Jone Proper, James Sams, Mary Griffin, James City Co., Jan. 10, 1643, Page 4. Crough. On Swd. side of James River, at the upper E. his THOMAS WOODHOUSE, 200 acs. Chipoake, upon former devident. of: James City Co., 24 Mar. 1644, Page 1. Importation Amey Cle- Upon the Southerly side of James River, ments, Richard Boore, Ezekiel Clement, about 2 mi. from the river, N. E. upon Richd. land of Henry Short. Due by virtue of JOHN HILL, 200 acs. Upper Nor- former patent. folke, Apr. 1, 1644, Page 4. Upon WILLIAM MILLS, 450 acs. Isle of Ewd. side of N. W. br. of Nansimond Wight Co., Feb. 10, 1643, Page 2. Up- River, adj. William Eyres. Due by as- on the maine head of the lower bay signment from Apha. Lawson for trans, creek. Sd. land surveyed & proved due of 4 pers.: his own per. adv., Mr. Wm. by Nathaniell White, dec'd., for trans, Hill twice, Robt. Tows. of 9 persons, & due sd. Mills by inter- JOHN HILL, 400 acs. Up. Norfolke, marrying with the relict of sd. White. Apr. 2, 1644, Page 5. On W. br. of Pers. trans, by White: Richard Davis, Nansimond Riv., about the head of sd. Edwd. Walker, Eliza. Nitingale, Danll. br., near John Stalls. Due by assign- Jenkins, Samll. Burnett, & 4 pers. more ment from Epha. Lawson & for trans, of from the County Court of the Isle of 8 pers.: Edwar dAllen, Ralph Thamnes, Wight due but noe name expressed. George Turner, Jno. Brook's, Francis JOHN NEWMAN, 150 acs., James Vaughan, Edward Vaughan, William City Co., 1st Apr. 1644, Page 2. Near Rolles, Robt. Yenny. the head of Smiths Fort Cr., W. upon Xpher. Lawson, E. upon John Buckmas- WILLIAM BROOKE, 250 acs. Up. ter. Said land first granted unto Stephen Norf. Co., Feb. 24, 1643, Page 6. Ewd. Thompson, Dec. 16, 1637, by him as- side of the Swd. or mayne br. of Nansi- signed unto John Saind, by him assigned mond Riv. being the Indian Town. unto John Rawlins, by him unto Rich- Trans, of: his wife, 2 children, James ard Harris, by him unto John Esgrame, Cicks, Ann Davis. by him unto said Newman. MR. MOORE FANTLEROY, 1,400 STEPHEN TAYLOR, 200 acs. Hamp- acs. Up. Norf. Co., Feb. 20, 1643, Page ton Parish, at the head of the Norther- 7. On the N. W. side of Bently Cr., most br. of St. Andrews Cr., 10 Apr. distant to Otterhole Br., running E. by 230 Cavaliers and Pioneers S. to a gutt on Mount Lawsons Bay, S. Brewere poynt, near land of Mr. Tho- W. through Poplar Neck Cr. Due as mas Steeg & Isaac Wattson. Due by follows: 200 acs. by patent unto John virtue of an Act of Assembly. Lewin, July 20, 1639, assigned by Tho. JOHN WHITE, 1 acre, James City, Lewin, brother & heir to sd. John; 200 Aug. 28, 1644, Page 10. Bounded W. acs. by patent to Tristrium Noseworthy, upon the Church Yard, East upon land June 5, 1639, by him assigned to sd. appertaining to the State House, North Fantleroye, & 1,000 acs. for trans, of: towards Thomas Hampton & South up- George Fantleroy, Richard Lee, Bayly, on James River. Due by virtue of Act Richard Ellit, Richard Mercer, Joane of Assembly Mar. 2, 1642. Required to Ball, John Lloyd, Evan Burgen, Wm. build within 6 months after the date Freeland, Ann Perry, Martin, Negro, hereof. Francis Marsh, Lewis Marsh, John Marsh, John King, Richard Andrew, RICHARD SANDERS, 1 acre, James Joan Stanny, Javis Bell, Edward Gee, Citty, Aug. 28, 1644, Page 11. Neare Moore Fantleroy, his 2nd. trans. the Blockhouse bounded W. upon the river, E. upon the marsh, N. upon the MOORE FANTLEROY, 250 acs. blockhouse land & S. upon Edward called Royes rest, Norf. Co., Feb. Up. Challes. Same as above. 20, 1643. Page 8. Upon New Town "have been," commonly called Chuck- RICHARD BROOKS, 1 acr. in James tuck, beginning at the mouth of a cr. or Citty, Aug. 28, 1644, Page 11. Bounded br. called Tentford, adj. Epha. Lawson. N. upon the Doctors Swamp, S. upon 200 acs. due by appraisement from Ma- the Gallowes Swamp toward the back reen Delamde of a patent of Oct. 16, river & W. towards James River. Same 1638, & 50 acs. for trans, of Moore as above. Fantleroy. RADULPH SPRAGGON, 1 acr. in CAPT. HENRY BROWN, ESQR., James Citty, Aug. 18, 1644, Page 11. 900 acs. James City Co., Feb. 25, 1643, S. upon Geo. Gilbert, E. towards Mr. Page 8. Beginning at Journing poynt Hampton. As above. Cr., near Francis Fowler, Mathew Ed- EDWARD CHALLIS, 1 acr. James lowe. Due by the will of Mrs. Antonia Citty, Aug. 28, 1644, Page 12. W. up- Fowler, the late relict of Mr. Francis on the river, E. upon the marsh, N. up- Fowler, being due sd. Fowler by patent on the blockhouse land & S. towards dated Aug. 14, 1639; also due sd. land of Radolph Spraggon. As above. Brown by order of court dated Nov. 21, 1643. ROBERT LAWRENCE, 200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Sept. 12, 1644. Page 12. WILLIAM WILKINSON, Minister Upon Eastermost side of Lownes Cr., of the word of God, 100 acs. Eliza. adj. Mr. Hardings land, along land of City Co., 21, 1644, Page 9. In or June Widdow Bennett. Due by patent dated neare Buckerowe, adj. land lately in Aug. 25, 1642 for trans, of 4 pers. possession of George Chowinge, now (Names not given). Sept. 12, 1644. Capt. Wm. Claiborne's, towards land late in tenure of Doctor Casvert (Cal- TOBY SMYTH, 150 acs. Up. Norf. vert ?) now in possession of Anthony Co., Sept. 25, 1644. Page 13. Upon Elliot Leighe (changed to Leithe) near the W. side of Nansimond Riv., 35 acs. Point Comfort Cr. Due for trans, of: called Raming Island, the res tbeing Henry Herrick & Ann Herick, his wife, marsh & adj. the island opposite land by certificate fro mthe Court of Eliz. of Francis Maldin, bounded Ewd. with City, Sept. 23, 1642 & transferred to sd. Dumpling Island Cr., which parts land Wilkinson under the hand of sd. Herick of William Parker. Due for trans, of Sept. 12, 1643. 3 persons, 2 of whom are mentioned: Joane Corraway & Thomas Wilkins. By Richard Kemp, Esq. TOBY SMITH, 650 acs. called Hum- JOHN WATSON, 1 acre, James City, berton, Warwick Co., Sept. 10, 1644, 23rd August, 1644, Page 10. Near the Page 13. Upon the head of the back Cavaliers and Pioneers 231 river called Smiths foard being behind ton. 1,050 acs. due by patent dated & adj. to the westward devident of Tho- June 4, 1635 unto her father, & 150 mas Faulkner, adj. Thomas Boulding. acs. for trans, of: Tho. Cole, John Due sd. Smith by patent dated Feb. 15, Stonner, Tho. Symmons. 1640 for his per. adv. & trans, of 12 EDWYN CONAWAY, Clarke, pers. (Clerk), 500 acs. Northampton Co., THOMAS FAWKNER aged 43 Oct. 8, 1644, Page 17. At Hungers Cr., yeares or there abouts sworne saith that E. upon land of Richard Smith. Trans, about February last was twelve months of: Wm. Burrell, Elizabeth his wife, to Mr. Smiths p(ro) cured Thomas Brise Fra. Harison, Richard Fixmus, Ja. Land- a Surveyor of land to come to Nansi- wood, John Powell, Eliza. Potter, Ed- mond quarter for to survey a parcell of ward Daniell, Mr. Burrell have assigned land there neare adjoyning called the his write to Edwyn Conaway this 8th of name of Round Pond which land the October 1644. Thomas Knight, Mary said Smith then claimed to be rightly Knight, Richard Lathberry. (This patent belonging to him, and this depont. be- renrewed July 22, 1645 in the name of ing in company with the said Smith and John Severne. Brice and assisting the said Brice to EDWARD MAJOR, 450 acs. Up. survey the land, one Thomas Stephens Norf. Co., Oct. 4, 1644, Page 17. Att came unto them about such time as the Nansimond River, S. W. upon Majors one fourth part of the land was sur- Cr., adj. land claimed by Olliver Sprye. veyed, and p(ro)hibited the survey Due by patent (but misbounded) dated thereof any further alleidging that the 18th of May, 1637, for trans, of 9 pers. land was the his whereupon the said Smith and the Surveyor answered and RICHARD LEE, 91 acs.
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