S.Ali C I.E M E N T E ,. CaHf. conHdenco Saturday its present'rate, then I see no that the nation was In the midst need for a tax cut,” Nixon told of a strong economic upturn, a qucstiorver. ‘'If it does not but s^id he would consider a then wft'Win act/' ' tax. cut or other action If t^^' .lid'his’ ad^iihistration boom fizzled but. ' take action where ho With birds chirping loudly ^ >t-approprlate • to^stltnu-; the back^ound, the Presidont _ je' economy and said that —mat^reporters-ior -the -^ec^d.. bogs down “wo t ^ e lit threi day^,‘ aci on tho tax,front and outdoors under a big . ir fronts.” at his California homo 10“ chlofTKTxccutfve, who "Housing stiirts uro .up'. ho ^ould continue "on ho had''only been asked Retail sales are up. Productlvl-' ty is up. And Ju?t as important inflation is down.” . i..., -Nixon said some “zigs and Tags” sUIl couid be expcci^, hot that he would sknd by his 'forec&it that this would bd-a I P A L M -address (c'om Palm Sprihgs. *good year economically and JPI)~ Fleelng c 1^0 President is due to discuss ” 1972 wqdd be a very good res overca farm problems and kick off > . /, , .SHOSHONE — An era ended better than on its stml^lnal run the Chicago-San Francisco passenger service units will ; other communities to board Western Whites fl'-’v week long Wbute to agriculture He Indicated he would w k Saturday, night wlfen the last I-Yiday night. It wasn’t expected route, and at Ogden, on the probably be 'taken- back to trains. Ident-fJlion MJ in the 12:^ p.m. PDT address, I S uw an )^ a|250 paasenger train,"IhC westbound to arrive in Shoshone "until 2 J0 same run. Idaho's only Omaha or Chicago by freight In recent yeocs rail passei^er friends to the < ot <Vith'the ^President wer« C. mHUon loan "®‘P City of Portland, glided quietly a.m. Saturday f o a r h q u w l^ . scheduled stop is at Sandpoint.. units. Some w ill. continue >in •service has been used less and Ambassador. W icn- G. ”Bet»” Rebozoi' of . Key t a a n c ^ y 4 ^ k h « d a„ay from.lho Union Pacific The Magic VaUoy \4\. four x>n the Seattie-Chlcago route. service-with Unlon-Paclflc QtiU; . less wftR'— better- . airline berg |)ere Satui Blscaynei Fla.; industrialist AlrcT.nuid.Mldhswouldhave depot licro and down tho Uttio daUy passenger trains with the Union Pacific Railroad of­ participating with Arhtrak from scheduling. ■ . ' ■ ^ Ttie.Presldent i i| the JRobert H. Abplanalp of New an announcement on this Wood Hlvor valloy. • advent ot A m tra k - - the ficials In Pocatello said three Ogden to Denver.^-, Union Ptfcific officials in both n im b le ^ol( c I- York and Hobart U w ii. the Traln'-No.iOSwas about aii” National Railroad Passenger clerKs have been dropped from Buiir OS one of the first towns Pocatello and Shoshone said In g " t h e >Ann^n6i I president of Roaders Digest. All . ^ ■ ««'onstraUons hou^ late. Union Pacific of- Corp. ^ taking oyer intercity the UP staff In Pocatello as a In MagLc-Valley, Shoshone grew passenger rldes-4»ve. about, seven ^mi!' 1 are longiimo porsonaMi:i£nds.of.. going on In W i^ g t o n . Nixorr udaU at Pocatello ^ i d the passenger service.^' result of the. elmlnation and ^_with_lhe--raikoad^IL-hah been taken i n ’ the past -few ' S p r in g B s f t e r m h the President.' --- — said Iw r e s p e ^ the r l ^ t of irflTn - scheduled to arrive In. Idaho lost two other Union telegraphers and 6lhcr workers always been a rail center weeks as "last rides” by ride from SenCle NUon- <plans, to. return to' prolcstera to dsajp-w with hla siio«|l)ono at 10:42 p.m. - was Pacific li*alns, running between may also be -cut In the near b^caosff^^of the main line ser- ; residents In the area and they H e w a s < . lain WaahinKton from San Clemente policy of gradual withdrawal runnin« 50 minutes late on Its- Salt U k e Cilv and Butte. Mont. future; -.^-vice. Persqna traveling by train ^Iw i-e-tiiUiFSuiid^ ■frhiri.;;.Vffitnani--- ^ . ..........■■ th« —pnear est— u i l ---Pa«a»ni [i^ .radlu____ Portland. ^ ^ ^ passenger service to the”MagtC"^sierjrtnp*^^cars*^ and ' "olber At- that, No. 105 was dolog->- VallcywlUbcat-WeUs.Nev.;on — j-i S c h o ip J \ L o o l i . C o u n c i l m r c e W rite ^ \ M e e t i n g t a n ^ e t ■ K o o H lf ' Ion. denfed a SAIGON (UPI)-Comii»unisl-three Ameriiajis-and.^wunding' i'aul hoy h Uitf" s ta lfe '" ^ ------troops-defending'South-Viet-’noner'----— ^---- --- '.andi-bUnd | ' i ' | ■ nam’s ASh«u,Valley-killed five - •U.S.-fd’rces st^k-back.-and- J l i n h K h o o l In the n e a r - . l 0 ^ C l 0 1 * l G S S ' Ameri^cansan^wounded IM h a_two more Amerlcwii were ■ — • ......... ’ahaJT), ~battIo_lh which an killed and nihrw ere wounded.' b a s e b a l l , [6"v^idity to such a PHNOM -PENH (Ul^l-Tliie American helicopter was shot Cammunlques.said Communist .... g o l f (ourjjtt , '■>Uom_i8aidi_j_l;;;/^ic,e«reJected-pwt-of^prim6T-downi-communique8-reporied-casoalties T^encnot k n o w n .- ^ you wantwant.to to un*'ui^*' minister was offered Saturday Saturday,Saturday. baigonSaigoh neadquartersheadquarters *• Field reports said u,s.U.S. —Math er of^yea\ \ v th a t.lt ia. tno t5 National Asseml)ly President announced plans to . withdraw aircraft * attacked 'a ifortlfled' of thltj Tani 'tilt he withheld 3(1.000moraiy.S. troops. ':" '. V : buDker*coniplex~lh the A Shau and rV-eyaluate Im m edlat^acce^^ce-and the - ^ the. pace cbmufij Valley area Fflflajrind killed of th§ r .an d . I3 ^ a v Dolitlcal crisis in_C am bo^quickenMJtLthe..A Shau.Valley- 21 Cnm m unlats---- — ----- - --*'1g/aciHtyjlAontf Wa deepened. ; ’ near the Laotian border, where ■pie seventh phase of Presr In' Tam, a highly r e ^ d ^ thousands o f ^ u ih Vietnamese ident Nixon’s troop withdrawal ___ the board of military and‘~polltical figure, troops -have bew « p o r ^ program'began Saturday and [ion is ”ln the pr<Kess” of wasle^meet with Chief of State massing ior an offensive. U .a...m llltary sources said-«l,000 coining June^x^ the uselulness of the Cheng Heng to discuss the Air Force B52 Stratofortr«sse9 . Americans would be sent hQmi Institution,- keeping in political situation before decld- battered the area w ith 500- in the next two months. Itiese Kaam vk wAn*> lltA iU i. v 5 It's been a bfg\\in year for tho th6.Magi(>yalley.-; fact that Ihe I d ^ ing whethet^o accept the )ob of pound and 75i^und- bomtM. men will include tht remaining Magic Valley. ^ > 1 • Wo,hope t% present what has ■ [&turo -'has apprdpriated forming a new^qvemment. Some of the raids blasted, the M arine -■ combat. .troops in —A.hew.M^^oKlMtQry.^-----beieri^golng--X)n -'behind -the— -through the Permanent. -11>e dapper hrigadler general-^Ho CWrM lnh^lVallrlnJL^ Just-Vietnam anil;lh«cr^ucUon'Will —Processors.-begin .w rloui headlines, Building Fund to construct a was the fourth nominee to the opposite the valley. cut the size of the o v t r ^ U.fi; pqlluUbn cleahup. ^ _ now ”})lind 8chool" at G oo(^g. pbslUon in four days. It was th e .valley .battle broke o u t ~ ^ e to about 250,000 men. firm e r‘s A special olghf^ctionodiUoh — •.■pr-InfUtlon cuts -Is boTntf-VrcDared ' “Ohfe board wants ti) make refused by fonner Premier U n . W d ay afternoon when a large Headquw-ters reported that ’ .......... sure l^oarW 't doing soifnethlng NoVwls'deputy Slsowath Sirlk U.S,Armyreconnalasflncetiam 3,760 Amerlcans*began jta- - - a S 'o ti at CSIV ■ " ::ftogreM ’71- Magic VaUey irsfrom M a ^ ' and Choup Hel); an landed by helicopter on V bill nddown Saturday In preparation Kiser to Oien^ Heng. > -three miles northeast bf the f6r return to the'United Suites Playing dirty through, - , ,a tour-moWh-long' , iu- Vvaiioy aiorure nie ------------Uedared -that "Wo-- are— ■rtratu5tIgirtiflgHn-April-l&-B0fter-rC0mnuinlst-amhnshprn , 4hff largest single group slnc^ project: to re-exBimnore^iiam lno the ‘no- gftlng to reevaluate our when Lon Nol resigned because opened fire, and. one of the the withdrawal program began — ANi l -WAR aanaiiitraliiwtralle1irBiii<H<cilifc[rtflwtla)n*»l~~^ forccs; and^. events that ,have _ ,Suggestlons-for.-arliclcs .'»fillr reaponslbilUies. We cannot - of a paralyzing'stroke suffered ;hellcopters, a UHl " ’troop,v ift July 1960. Another 600 ;lwtweeii Lincoln Memorial u d .W u b l^ id i Hoimnieat. shaped and continue to shape bo appretlated.' ' w y t^uIollokT ” ------ two months ago. • - carrier, was shot down, killing 'navymen headed home aboard Demonitraton proteitliif Indochina «>r hay^ t k m l n ^ to . the hospital ship Sanctuary.. ' shut dotrt gbve^<ffnej|[i * « k . (U P I). , The men 'standing d o ^ Saturday Inclilaiil8'*"flr8t • elfri.. its .of the! 1,01st Alrborcia a w jt-which has seen War oppon^ts. jo m e of the heaviest fighting of the war, Including action in the A'Shau Valleyr throngdcapital:; ' WASHm OToiiTljpi) -Tens “their right to d iugre «" with of thousands of antiwar prot«- his \r«r policy.
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