...-J THE WASHINGTON STAR 30TII YEAR-NUMBER 25. WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. .J., THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1897. SUBSCRIPTION: 81.50 PER YEAR;' • HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT. UHLE'S liKliAT FEAT. "Billy" Hill and his coltn (nit colts' HAPPY OHILDEEN'S DAY. ed with "The Young People's Repub- will go to Stanhopo this Saturday for lic," which consisted of tho adoption thofr gnmo with Koclcawny. UJiIo and of a constitution by several young The Clo»In<* Kxorelnos of tliv (Jlnss u Didn't Allow tlicMI/|inlis of I'av T!u>Sitn<Iii:'-H(<h<Hil of the M. K. Churi'li peoplo who were about to found a re- to Muke ii Hit—Tho Iloinu IV.i Cox will bo tho battery. Observed the Day In it Very Suc- '1)7 a IMVIIHIIIK SIICIM'SO*—KIKII- Tho Wood's College team boat Pen cessful Milliner Last Snndtiy. public. Aa each articlo of the consti- toen (JraduaU'H. Argyl on Saturday at Pen Argyl by a Children's Day with all ita bright- tution was prf-sentcd and adopted a The graduating oxorcises of the class The greatest feat in pitching ever flcoro of 9 to 8 The reserve team from ness and beauty, music and flowers, star containing the heading was fasten- '07 of tho Washington High School seen here wns performed by Uhle lnst Lafayette College also won at Flem summer linta and more summery gowns ed on tho Republic's flag. > wejroheli d ..In. Dawes' Music Hall last S iturdny afternoon against the Mizpah ington by a acoro of 12 to 4. was observed for the first time in the Miss Nellie Wood represented "Lib- Friday night. Every seat in tho hall Club, of Passaic. Tho visitors failed to handsome new Methodist church last erty." Mr. S. N. Tressler presented was tukon, and thoro were liardly half securo a single base hit, so mystifying Sunday ,and It will go down in the his- "Law" as an article in the constitution; as many people present as would have wore bis curves, and tho Mizpah's only A. W. OREVELING-SELLS OUT. tory of that institute as one of the "Intelligence" was presented by MIsa been had there been more commodious run was obtained through u combina- moat sueccssuil series of services thir Gertrude Voorhees; "Fraternity," by accommodations and no admission feo. tion of rank errors nnd bad umpiring. congregation has over carried out. • Miss May Gordon; "Temperance," by Proilting by the experience ofa yenr This solitary run. which saved the Tho Stock of the Mammoth ltii/,)ir , Tho threatening weather; of the John Hall; "Uprightness," by Miss ; ago, whon tho hall was packed to sufil- visitors from a whitewash, WQB secured morning did not keep away a church- Lena Fritta and "Patriotism," by Geo. cation and hundreds could not gain in the fifth inning.. With two men McirhiiiitH of lliiiitvnlon Co. ful of worshippers. This service waa F. Snyder. .. admission, including friends of the out, Clarknon hit a slow one to Uhle, The well known mercantile house of devoted to the report of Rev. J. R. : The evening's program was excel- graduates, the Board of Education who after fumbling it, throw to first A. W. Crevellug has changed hands. Wright, the pastor, which was given lently rendered, and the fact that this wisely adopted a safeguard in. the way quickly. Tho throw was quite wide After quite a half-century career of the clnaeBt attention and was a source was. so waa In a great part: due to the of reserving a certain numbor of seats and Craft had to lean from the base succeBS under tho able generalship of of surprise and pleasure to the Metho- efforts of Mrs. Oscar Jeflery and Mra. for the graduates' particular friends considerably but still retained his foot Washington's oldest and most success- dist people who have so nobly stood Henry S. Groff, who drilled the speak- ' and soiling the remainder at 15 cents on the bag. Umpire Hoi man believed ful store keeper, the big business enter- by their church and pastor in the great ers in their respective parts. each. The rosult was that those who differently, however, and called the prise comes into the control of the firm work of building the handsome edifice After the arduous work necessary to runner safe, although ho seems to have of Hall & Trewin, two enterprising which stands as a monument to thoir bring to a successful finish two such attonded did so with comfort and with- J been tlie only person on the grounds perseverance and liberality. •:. out fear, and the income was-nearly who thought that way. Uhle then young merchants of Hunterdon coun- excellent programs, those who in any sufllcienttopay the expenses incident 1 I tried to catch Olarkson napping at first ty, who took possession on Monday. measure helped make the day a suc- to theoxerolfles. and threw wildly to Craft and tho run- The now firm proposes to continue The pastor's report was as follows: cess should feel well repaid for the. Tho graduating class of this year ner went to third. The next man up the business upon the same general "Of tho amount subscribed two years happy consummation of their eflbrta. numbered 18 members. Tt was not sent the prettiest kind ofa fly to Lance lines as heretofore, although thore ago §20,044.91 has been paid in; on tho Tlie decorations consisted of flowers deemed advisablo to have,so largo a will bo some changes in the methods. first subscriptions of §17,000, which are massed on the pulpit platform. • In the .n right field, and with two out, the now due, there remains a balance of numbor glvo orations and essays, as it run should havo been shut off. Lance The st?«kriwitl be largely increased rear wna an immense bank of ferns and would consumo too much time, so the however, let the ball slip through his and extenbi;'^"i~o1^ratlons are to bo only §2,278.70; since April 1st, two flowers; around the front was a row of - nino having tho highest averages wore flngeis and a very ingloriously secured made in the building. The present months and nineteen days, there has potted plants, ferns, palms and bo- assigned a performance. Tho essays run utis tallied. corps of employee will be retained and been paid in $2,109. There "are 000 quets, arranged high on either side and of the other nine aro published in full tho largo list of old patrons will be subscribers to the building fund." gradually reaching the flqor in the in this issue. The Mizpahs area team of vory good Recorded the greatest consideration Besides this remarkable financial center. A large croas of daisies was in The Metropolitan orchestra, an or- ball players and aro capable of playing that a liberal yet safe policy can sug- ihowlng there was added to the church the center of the platform ; nnd palms ganization of young men who aro not a better game than they showed here. gest. membership by a recent revival 200 and ferns occupied convenient nooka. yet thoroughly drilled, furnished music The seemed unfortunate in making During the summer months a vigor- probationers, making the total mem- The whole effect was very prelty. ofa highly pleasing character. It con- errors at critical stages of tho game. ma campaign of house clearing will bership 600. Those who had charge of the trim- sisted of eleven pieces and the selec- The catcher and third baBeman were >e on, and tho public will be kept fully From noon on, the weather was ming wore Mrs. Win. Vannatta, Mra. tions rendered were artistic and tho THIS VOUXC LADIKS IN C(>3II>O.SITK. exceptionally clever players, and the informed from week to week of the everything that could be desired, and D. B. Laubach, Mrs. A. F. Florey and latest out. The renditions were a The above Is a composite picture of the girls-.of the Washington High School pitcher did elegant work. He kept the irogreas of the sacrifice sale of the the church was full in the afternoon Misses Beulah Risler and Grace Yaundt." medley overture, "The Vitoscope;" graduating.cliiaa/' if the features of them all were molded intu one, thjB is what lome team down to six hits. Consider- ireaent stock through the moat natur- when the primary department of the "The Butterfly," "Ma Angellne," "I the result wc;uld be. The head shows an even and well balanced tomperment. ng that his work was done with a 1 and efficient of mediums—the news- Sunday school, which is 150 strong, Love Nono EIBO But You" and "The Tho chief^oilaraetoduties Bhown in this portrait are benevolence, veneration team behind him making ten errors, paper. held their Children's Day exerciser Close of it Successful Business Career. Mariner's March." , and.flr»*iiieH8, coupled with ideality, sublimity and cautiousness, giving intel- his record is almost equal to Uhle's. Mr. D. S. Hall is now in the mercan- The little people had seatB on the , The recollections of a busy life cen- , Following tho invocation by Rev. ligence, refinement, and purity to the personality. It is tu be hoped thnC these One of the very peculiar happenings tile business in Flemington, and Mr. large pulpit platform aud their smiling tered in the career of Mr. A. W. Grove- Chas. W. Haines, F. Clark Thompson prominent and excellent points may be further developed and prove the ruling of the game was the odd manner in T.
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