MAY 2013 Issue 4 Volume 63 Delta Kappa Gamma promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education. Theof Alpha VoiceDelta State A publication of ALPHA DELTA STATE OHIO, The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Members Fondly Remembered at Celebration of Life Three Alpha Delta State Honorary Mem- Mary Ethel Dunbar, JoAnne Felton, Lattanner**; Delta Tau: Rae F. Man- bers were fondly remembered at the 2013 Marian Roberta Hales, Lela McKenzie, del**; and Delta Phi: Myra T. Gray. State Convention Celebration of Life Ser- Gyla Nicely, Joanne K. Witt, Thelma Doris Allen ***. vice. Thomas; Alpha Theta: Ann Black; Al- * Chapter Honorary Members ** Chapter Charter Members Doris Allen was initiated into Alpha pha Lambda: Virginia Hedges; Alpha *** Alpha Delta State Honorary Members Delta State in 1963. Xi: Nancy S. Azbell, Aline Dean, Mary Dr. Lois Bing was a Doctor of Op- Ruth Krinn**; Alpha Omicron: Myrtle tometry specializing in children’s vision. Fri, Roberta Wilson; Alpha Pi: Virginia She was initiated into the Society in 1971, M. Kline; Alpha Sigma: Margaret and was assigned to Epsilon Chapter. Blair, Martha Hayes; and Alpha Phi: Jane Meinert was initiated into the Patsye Gilliard, Kathryn Heavenridge, Society in 1959 and assigned to Beta Clara M. Waldroup. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Omicron Chapter. At the time of her ini- Beta Alpha: Laura M. Baker; Beta tiation, Jane was the president of the To- Gamma: Carol M. Roser; Beta Delta: President’s Message 2 ledo Board of Education. Bertha Louise Cooper; Beta Zeta: At the Ceremony of Remembrance, Golda N. Boyer; Beta Eta: Marillyn Literacy Project SUCCESS 3 conducted by the Membership and Ex- Steffen; Beta Kappa: Mary Edna pansion Committees, 77 members were Leistner, Madeline C. Maurer; Beta Strickland Grant Recipients 5 honored. Lambda: Anne Jackson Barry; Beta New Initiates 7 Remembering those who passed Nu: Florence Kelly; Beta Omicron: away: Alpha: Dr. Anita Aldrich, Jean Jane M. Meinert***; Beta Pi: Janie Jen- Convention Photos 8-9 Forsythe Dye*; Beta: Kathleen S. Norris; kins*; Beta Upsilon: Catherine Grun- Gamma: Norma Grener, Kathryn P. dish; and Beta Omega: Ruby S. Haw- Chapter News 11 Thomas; Delta: Marjorie M. Kieffer, F. thorne. Eileen Thompson; Epsilon: Dr. Lois Gamma Alpha: Marilyn Jones, Red Roses 12 Bing***, Elizabeth Viering; Zeta: Wilma Neva D. Locker**; Gamma Gamma: Mae Van Camp; Theta: Virginia M. Zenobia Faulkner; Gamma Eta: Audrey Special Thank You 12 Kitchin; Iota: Cynthia Ann Hatch; J. Dick, Mary Louise Nippert*; Lambda: Helen Jane Ridgeway; Mu: Gamma Iota: Melody Jo Perkins, Al- Mary B. Smith; Omicron: Eileen Hutch- ice Kosher Rolla; Gamma Rho: Rose eon; Pi: Mary Carol McWhirt; Chi: Doris Barth, Ellen P. Kofron; Gamma Sigma: J. Rinal; and Psi: Mary Wilma Campbell. Jennifer Sue Inman; Gamma Phi: Amo- Alpha Beta: Marguerite Brown, ret Butler, Anita Johnson*; and Gamma Wilhelmina Ferguson; Alpha Gamma: Chi: Louise Ann Dompier**. Virginia Riffle; Alpha Delta: Elizabeth Delta Alpha: Lois Willliamson; Ann Chaney, Mary E. Foster; Alpha Ep- Delta Delta: Margaret Soller*; Delta silon: Margaret Dawson; Alpha Iota: Theta: Laura Siegfried; Delta Iota: Joy Page 2 The Voice of Alpha Delta State May 2013 POSTMASTER: Send address changes HONORING OUR PAST — BUILDING OUR FUTURE to International Headquarters, P.O. Box 1589, Austin, TX 78767. Dr. Norma Kirby, State President Dear Alpha Delta State Members, The biennium has been very busy, and it doesn’t seem possible it is coming to a close. It has been fun, challenging, Dr. Norma Kirby .............................. President and a learning experience to serve as the 6310 State Route 41 N.W. president of Alpha Delta State. The 75th Washington C.H., OH 43160-9442 (740) 335-0945 Alpha Delta anniversary of ADS inspired the selec- E-mail: [email protected] tion of my theme: Honoring Our Past– Building Our Future. As your president, Emily Williams ............... First Vice-President I have worked to build our future 3872 Cherrybridge Lane Dublin, OH 43016-4382 through sound fiscal planning, strategic (614) 766-7943 Gamma Nu planning, strengthening membership and E-mail: [email protected] continuing the business of our organiza- tion. Patricia Cermak ......... Second Vice-President 9504 Greenhaven Parkway Thanks to the support of the leader- Cleveland, OH 44141-1607 ship team, chapter officers and all chap- (440) 526-8934 Gamma Rho ter members, we carried out the ‘regular’ E-mail: [email protected] work of ADS. In addition, we have re- Diana Haskell .................................. Treasurer vised our Bylaws, reclaimed members, 8726 Redcloud Court initiated new members, carried out a Membership Challenge, approved a dues in- Cincinnati, OH 45249-2317 crease, have a Strategic Action Plan in place to guide us into the future, completed Home: (513) 489-4069 Gamma Phi worthwhile 75th Anniversary projects, have increased communication with chapter Cell: (513) 607-3212 E-mail: [email protected] presidents, have a fabulous new website, and celebrated our 75th Anniversary in style with a very special convention. Your part in making the biennium a successful one is Tammy Schroeder ........ Recording Secretary truly appreciated. P.O. Box 415 The best part of being president is the opportunity to work with the wonderful Kalida, OH 45853 (419) 532-3762 Beta Eta women of Alpha Delta State, visit chapters, meet new friends, and build relationships E-mail: [email protected] with our members. It has been an honor and pleasure to work with you. I am looking forward to continuing the work of ADS through my membership. Jane Meese .............. Corresponding Secretary Special times, special places, special friends together. The moments pass so 11467 Highland Park Road Logan, OH 43138-9560 quickly but the memories will last forever. Yours in Genuine Spiritual Fellowship, 740-385-3499 Alpha Xi E-mail: [email protected] After reflecting on the 2011-13 biennium, some recommendations for future work Judith G. Gebhart ................ Parliamentarian 7595 Meeker Road and/or things I wish I had accomplished are listed below. Dayton, OH 45414-2043 Continue utilizing, reviewing, and revising the Strategic Action Plan to build the (937) 665-0537 Pi future of ADS both short-term and long-term. E-mail: [email protected] Work to increase membership of ADS. Invite early-career educators. Support SEE. Ann M. Todd ......................................... Editor Continue to investigate and implement cost-cutting measures and consider ways to 3621 Butler Road increase income for ADS. Wakeman, OH 44889 Seek applicants for state scholarships; review Grimes (Miami University) and White (440) 839-2069 Zeta (OSU) Scholarship regulations. E-mail: [email protected] Develop an investment policy to assist the Finance Committee and Treasurer. Beth A. Archer ...... Immediate Past President Continue the work on Supporting Corporation with 501(c)3 status for ADS scholar- 1140 Ellen Drive ship and grant monies. Zanesville, OH 43701-6012 Complete paperwork required to compensate paid personnel as contract employees. (740) 453-6439 Alpha Psi E-mail: [email protected] Revise the Policies and Procedures Manual for ADS. Support International projects and increase our presence at International. Schedule chapter visits to not only highlight chapters, but to also support chapters The Voice of Alpha Delta State (ISSN 0891- that are struggling; make a plan. 5636) is published in the months of October, Investigate an e-mail service that could be used by the state leadership team, and for January, March and May by The Delta Kappa distribution of The Voice. Gamma Society International of Ohio at 3621 Consider sponsors for the state conventions. Butler Road, Wakeman, OH 44889. Continue to share all of the benefits of membership in ΔΚΓ, show our pride, and remember the honor of membership! alphadeltastate.weebly.com May 2013 The Voice of Alpha Delta State Page 3 Reaching Out to Children Through Literacy Boyd Recipients Project: Success! Success! Success! Express Gratitude Webster’s Online Dictionary defines success as “an event that accomplishes its in- “Thank you for a wonderful weekend.” tended purpose.” The goal for the children’s literacy project was set at one thousand “Everyone was so nice.” “Thank you for (1,000) books to be divided among the children’s hospitals of Akron, Cincinnati, making me feel so happy.” Those were Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton and Toledo. The 75th Anniversary Ad Hoc Commit- the sentiments of our A. Margaret Boyd tee felt this to be an attainable goal. You, the members of Alpha Delta State, are to recipients, Gesnita Nugraheni (Indonesia, be complimented and thanked. YOU adopted this project and fulfilled the goal six University of Toledo) and Thu Hoan Do times its original number. Almost six thousand books were collected, giving each (Vietnam, Ohio University) after attend- hospital approximately one thousand books to be shared! What generous, kind ing the 2013 State Convention. Both la- hearts, YOU, the members exhibited. The contact person at each hospital has been dies participated in meetings and various overwhelmed by your generosity, for they have all commented that our Delta Kappa workshops throughout the convention. Gamma Society International must be a phenomenal organization of educators. The They are most appreciative of the support members of the 75th Anniversary Committee wish to thank you again and again for they continue to receive from Ohio chap- making this project a huge success and for touching the lives of many, many young ters and members. children and their parents. We know books can take us to many places which are The Selections Committee will meet beyond our imagination and will help us reach great heights of success. on May 18 to rank the dossiers received from the Institute of International Educa- tion. The committee will also consider the application of an Alpha Delta State member who submitted an application by the February first deadline. Alpha Delta State members can learn more about the A.
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