> North wilmUiRt fen, Mas a. CALL FOR BIDS ASKED FOR LAST WILMINGTON SECTION OF RTE. 38 Bids were asked thia week for the monwealth will contribute ten per- construction of another major link cent. of Interstate Rte. 93 (Relocated Rte "When completed the highway 2»>. will traverse ten communities and In a report to Gov. Furcolo, Stale efficiently servo the 1957 traffic Public Works Comm. Anthony needs of twice that number along N. DiNatale said the section will its broad area of influence," Com- cost more than $4,000,000 and missioner DiNatale said. close the gap between contracts now From its southerly terminus in under construction. the vicinity of Boston, the northern The section to be advertised for interstate expressway will consist of The Wilmington Crusader bids will begin in Wilmington near eight travel lanes up to the Tewlss- PUBLISHED FOR 20 YEARS IN THE TOWN OF WILMINGTON Rte. 62 and run northerly through bury-Wilmington line. From this a corner of Tewksbury to a point Crint to the New Hampshire line the WILMINGTON, MASS, - WEDNESDAY, APRIL SO, IMS PRICE lie near Dascomb Road in Andover, a ighway will consist of six lanes. VOL. XXXI, NO. IS distance of 3.5 miles. The dual highway will have a di- Seven bridges will be constructed. viding strip varying from a mini- One bridge will span the Shawsheen mum of 40 feet up to. $5 feet. Governor Foster Rtver; another will carry the pro- "Such widths greatly reduce, il ATTORNEY WILLIAM H. SULLIVAN DEMONSTRATION TRIAL WITH posed Rte 125 extension over the not eliminate the danger of head-on Furcolo And Atty. expressway. Vale Street, at the collisions. Moreover, night driving is DISTRICT ATTORNEY O'DEA Tewksbury- Andover line, will be made more comfortable where heed- CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS William Sullivan bridged and, where the expressway light glare from opposing traffic is In reply lo queries on the back-j As a Papal Knight he accompan- On Saturday Nigh' May 3, the during the evening. Preceding the will cross the railroad twice, double reduced or absent, ' DiNatale said. Demons! ratios. Trial, members of ground of Attorney William H. Sul- led His Eminence Cardinal Spell- Adult Fellowship ef th<- Wilming- bridges will be constructed at each Each roadway of the divided ton Metkodist Church will apontor the Adult Fellowship will join with eight-laned section will have two 13- livan, Democratic Candidate for I man of New York to Rome, flying crossing to carry the divided high- a Demons*ration TrUl in the Her- the Couples' Club of the Congrega- way over the tracks. foot and two 12-foot travel lanes Congerss, thia thumbnail sketch 'a .i over In the Cardinal's private plane, bert C. Barrows Auditorium al tight tional Church for a boa-lunch so- Thia project will boost the under- plus a 10- foot shoulder. In the di- presented: 1" participate in the dedication ce- o'clock. District Attorney O'Dea cial. Each couple will bring a box construction mileage to sixteen of vided six-laned section, each road- Attorney Sullivan la one of nine ' remonies of the new American Col- will be tsM guest of the citizen* of lunch for two. The lunches will then an ultimate 26-mile, $80,000,000 way will have three 13- foot travel children of Joseph E. Sullivan, head lege. On this visit Atty. Sullivan Wilmington and will preside over be auctioned off for a maximum ol super highway between a point near lanes in addition to a 10-foot of the widely known printing firm, had a private audience with the the trial. Local official wil! be used fifty cents to help defray expenses shoulder. of Sullivan Bros., with home office for the evening. Boston and the New Hampshire line. Bids for the section will be open- Pope. in the program and the jury will in Lowell, and the late Helen Rey- He served two years in the United An invitation is extended to all The federal government will finance ed on May 20 with work scheduled nolds Sullivan, slater of the late Statea Army and was honorably be selected from the audience. An persons in Wilmington and sur- 90% of the total cost and the Com- to start in late June. Monslgnor Thomaa R. Reynolds, discharged at Jackson, Mlaalppl. actual case will be IBUTI from the rounding areas to attend the De- who was pastor of the Holy Cross For the past three years he had Middlesex County* fil'. and used monatration Trial at eight o'clock. Cathedral, Boston, when he died. been associated with Atty. Frank J. He WAS born la Lowell and like his Garvey in the practice of law with BIDDER ON CRUISERS four brothers is a veteran of the offices at 174 Central St., Lowell. Membership "rive In Progress Armed Service. Atty. Sullivan Is a director of Atty. Sullivan was graduated one local bank, conveyancer for the For Newly Organized Wilmington PROTESTS AWARD OF BIDS from the Immaculate Conception Middlesex County National Bank Junior Chamber Of Commerce A local automobile dealer com- a letter from Acting Town Manager School, Lowell; Cranwell School in and does legal work for three other plained to the Board of Selectmen Alfred Calabrese which a*ld that Oov. Foster Furcolo and Atty. Lenox, Mass. Georgetown Univer- banks. He holds membership In On Tuesday evening May. 6. at 0, tend the next meeting on May 6, at Monady evening that he felt the the other firm was the low bidder. sity and Georgetown Law School, the Immaculate Conception Holy William Sullivan, candidate for a meeting will be held st the Roman the Roman House, to find out just rejection of hit bid on the two police Under the Town Manager charter where he was taught law by the Name Society, Lowell Council Congrats, mat recently to dis- House in Wilmington. what this group of young men are crulsera voted at the Town Meet- the TM Is purchasing agent for the noted Edward Bennett Williams. Knights of Columbus, Lowell Lod- cuss ways and means to help After aeveral meetings of the trying to accomplish for the bene- ing was unjustified. town. fit of the residents of this commun- He .passed the District of Columbia ge of Elks, Lowell ond Middlesex people of this district during newly organised Wilmington Junior Fred Cain, owner of Fred F. rM. Cain spent some time going bar examination the first time, County Bar Associations, several Chamber of Conunarce, temporary ity. this present recession. Cain, Inc., Informed the Selectmen over various points with the Select- and two weeka later he likewise Veterans Organizations and the officers have been appointed. They It is rather difficult for one or he was dissatisfied with the award- men, and explaining hit reasons for paaaed the Massachusetts Bar ex- Georgetown Alumni Association. He are John C. Hollowsy. President; two individuals to get action on their ideas far improvement in their ing of the bid to a rival firm as ha feeling ha was low bidder. amination on his first try. Is secretary of the Lowell United Kevin C. Gallimore.5ecreUry, and felt that he waa low bidder. Mr. Selectwoman W*y)« Drew said Alfred C. Si**lt. Traaiurer. Perma- neighborhood* or community. How- At the age of 25 he was named Fund and chairman of the Lowell Local Students To nent officers will be elected during ever, a group of individuals, as the Cain, Mr. Cain's son, Fred, Jr., and she did not 'eel it proper to be. dis- a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre by Municipal Committee on Swimming Participate In the month erf May to hold office for Junior Chamber of Commerce band- Judge William Henchey of Woburn, cussing tha ms/tar without Mr. CaV His Holiness Pope Plus XII. He is ! one year beginning July I. 1958. ed together for joint action, can and attended tha Selectman's meeting, abrese being present. (Mr. Cahv beTleVed'"to"be "the "youngVst Papal j Pool «*» Bath House. He U a bach-j J|ealth SllrVey MemberoUp to dnt* ti twenty- have accomplished many feats, and Mr. Cain told the Selectmen that brese was out of town fulfilling a Knight In the United States. elor. One hundred children from two aeven with an averap' ol lour new enjoyed working together. his son had been present when the speaking engagement.) Remember the Junior Chamber I school Wilmington will partiei members per meetrnw Applications! blda were opened and had left be- Tha Selectmen agreed to post- of Commerce cannot eaist without 1 pate in health survey unique in are open far men bet*'rn the ages j lieving that they had won tha bid. pone further discussion until Mr. the IvUaaachusetts Heart of 21-35. and «ac' -n.vidual is I you because it is you and you and lAter, Mr. Cain said, his certified Calabreee returned. The purcheeje Safe Driving jrou. See you on M»y 6. BOOSTERS BIG Associations Grtster Boilon Chao, welcome without vl, PaU.nL *• •*- [ check (required at a deposit utfder order for ths crtiusw had ast Campaign May Be ter announced >e.d«*A the specifications) was returned with been sent out at that time. They will be among 5.000 school 1 SPRING BANQUET children across the state who will West Peabody Speedway —,—! c*4 Instituted • >f>j, join with their parents in a pilot The Wilmington High School Bo- HOMEOWNERS BEWARE! Wltalnaton's .Selectmen discussed survey designed to shed new light Now Under N'ew Management the pksslbljlly 6f ronddctlngtr safe- osrtVr will.have their spring banquet on (fie incidence of rheumatic feve iurl-athlrt.-s °* the j rheumatic and congenital heart dis- There ia a surprise in store for Friday.
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