WWW.BEVERLYPRESS.COM INSIDE • Council rejects rate increase. pg. 3 Partly cloudy, • Domestic with temps violence team around 68º launched. pg. 4 Volume 20 No. 40 Serving the West Hollywood, Hancock Park and Wilshire Communities October 7, 2010 Food Stamp WeHo May Let the Dogs Truck Delivers Help to the Out at Plummer Park n City Council Reviews Plans Hungry for New Off-Leash Park BY ANNA BAKALIS of the proposed off-leash dog park n at the West Hollywood City Officials Hope og owners have been push- Council meeting. Mobile Unit Will ing for a new off-leash dog “I think it’s a great idea. This area Reach More People Dpark in West Hollywood for really needs more parks that allow several years, and on Monday, the dogs off-leash,” said West BY IAN LOVETT City Council agreed to open one, Hollywood resident Rich Pedine. most likely in Plummer Park. Steve Campbell, manager of the n Los Angeles, everything is on Councilmembers asked for city city’s Facilities and Field Services wheels — mobile blood banks staff to return in a few weeks with Division, said the council wants to Iand HIV-testing units; mobile more information about the pro- look more carefully at three possi- grocery stores, selling produce off posed dog park and a possible ble locations within Plummer Park, the backs of trucks; mobile dental expansion of it, while also being which will undergo an extensive clinics; and of course the vaunted mindful of the impacts to nearby renovation as part of another food trucks, which have all but residents. improvement project, to begin in photo by Ian Lovett About 10 people spoke in favor taken over the city’s food scene. See Dog Park page 22 But now, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) in rolling out a WeHo School Celebrates brand new kind of service vehicle: the food stamp truck. Last week, the Health and Nutrition Mobile 100 Years of History Unit hit the streets across Los Angeles County to sign up eligible BY IAN LOVETT schoolhouse known as the people for food stamps and Sherman Elementary School. MediCal. econd graders at West The area around West Hollywood Demand — and eligibility — for Hollywood Elementary cel- was known then as Sherman, and food stamps has risen during the Sebrated the 100th anniver- it was made up mostly of farm- recession. The Department of sary of the school’s incorporation land. While most LAUSD Agriculture has reported that 2.9 with the Los Angeles Unified schools started in the fall of 1910, million Californians who are eligi- School District on Monday. the Sherman School did not go ble for Federal Food Stamps do not Throughout the year, students back in session until October, receive them. Los Angeles County will be studying the history of presumably because the children Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, 3rd their school and learning about in that area were needed to help District, estimated that only 50 per- what West Hollywood was like with the harvest. cent of Los Angeles County resi- 100 years ago. In teacher Juliet Meltzer- dents eligible for food stamps actu- The history project began on Gutin’s second grade class, the photo by Anna Bakalis ally receive them. Monday, when Principal Julia students gawked at the news that The cityʼs only off-leash dog park is located at Hart Park. Some people At the mobile unit’s first event, at Charles gave a quick lesson over West Hollywood used to be farm- the St. Josheph’s Center in Venice, the intercom. The earliest records land. Either that or they were just believe it is too close to an AIDS memorial. Yaroslavsky talked about the of the school date back to 1903, opening wide for the cupcakes See Truck page 21 when it was a single-room served during the celebration. Gay & Lesbian Center Gets Bungalows Offer Residents a Second Chance $13M for Foster Youth n Restored Hollywood n and attending Los Angeles Federal Grant is Community College, said he did- Apartments Will Largest Ever for n’t know a single LGBT youth Serve the Needy who had a positive experience in LGBT Organization the foster system. But now, the BY EDWIN FOLVEN BY IAN LOVETT L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center has been awarded $13.3 million from or 35-year-old Hollywood hen Terrell Calloway the U.S. Department of Health resident Robin Sergio Carf, was in 4th grade, his and Human Services (HHS) — Fhaving a roof over his head Wfoster mother saw him the largest federal grant ever and a place to call home is a life- kiss another boy in the group awarded to an LGBT organiza- saver. Carf, who is one of the resi- home where he was living. She tion — to fund the creation of a dents at the newly opened Historic locked Calloway in a bedroom, program to support LGBT youth Courtyard Bungalows projects in and the other boy in the cellar. in the Los Angeles County foster Hollywood, said he would still be Within two weeks, both boys had care system. living on the streets and may even been transferred to other group The six-year program will be be dead if not for the help of the homes. the first in the United States ever Hollywood Community Housing “She said, ‘Why did you kiss to specifically address the needs Corporation. At an opening cere- photo by Edwin Folven him? You should have rejected it. of LGBT youth in foster care. You disgust me,’” Calloway said. mony for the newly remodeled Robin Sergio Carf credits the opportunity to move into his apartment with Darrell Cummings, chief of staff Calloway, now 20 years old See Bungalows page 20 turning around his life. See Grant page 21 (&&43(("&2" (&&43((" #)2%!# )10 333 $(&&43(("1(4(1 !(' 2 October 7, 2010 Park Labrea News/Beverly Press 8 L.A. Phil mieres and 12 Los Angeles premieres. usic director Gustavo Dudamel Calendar Tickets are on sale now at Mwill lead the L.A. Philharmonic www.belairfilmfestival.com. in performances of music by Weber, Boulevard and 4th Street, and Beethoven and Schuman on Friday, McCadden Place and 6th Street, Senior Expo Oct. 8 through 10 at Walt Disney where participants will be provided he 2010 “Golden Future 50+ Concert Hall. The performance will with the homes’ addresses. Admission feature pianist Emanuel Ax, and are TSenior Expo” will be held on is $30; $20 for students under 23 years preceded by free “Upbeat Live” pre- Thursday, October 14 from 10 a.m. to old. For information and reservations, performance discussions one hour 3:30 p.m. at the Pasadena Conference call (213)243-8182, or visit prior to the concerts in BP Hall. Center, 300 E. Green St. The free con- www.wshphs.org. Tickets are $44 to $167. Call ference includes health screenings, (323)850-2000, or visit speakers and seminars, workshops, www.laphil.com. Blind Childrens drawings, entertainment, prizes and Fundraiser more. For information, visit Neil Simon Comedy he Blind Childrens Center is www.goldenfutureseniorexpo.com. ctors Co-op and director Greg Tholding a charity screening of the AZerkle present Neil Simon’s film “Cages”, starring Zelda Polish Film Fest comedy, “God’s Favorite” running Rubinstein, on Sunday, Oct. 10 at 10 he Los Angeles Polish-American Friday, Oct. 8 through Nov. 14. The a.m. The film focuses on the relation- Film Society presents the “Polish Actors Co-op’s Crossley Theatre is ship between a single Singaporean T Film Festival” running Thursday, Oct. located at 1760 N. Gower St. Adult mother, and her blind son, and the 14 through 21 at the Laemmle Sunset tickets are $30; $25 for seniors and woman’s estranged and despised 5 Cinema, 8000 Sunset Blvd. A gala $20 for students. For reservations, call father. Proceeds will benefit the (323)462-8460, ext. 300, or visit Center, which offers educational ser- opening will be held on Oct. 14, fol- www.actorsco-op.org. vices to children with sight impair- lowed by a screening of Poland’s 2010 ment, and the screening will be held at Best Foreign Language Oscar submis- ‘Hoboken’ Hits the Vista Theatre, 4473 Sunset Blvd. sion, “All That I Love”. Additional Tickets are $10. For information, call films include “The Teutonic Knights”, Hollywood (323)664-2153, or visit www.blind- “Hour-Glass Sanatorium”, “Mother he new musical, “Hoboken to childrenscenter.org. Teresa of the Cats” and “Janosik, The THollywood: A Journey Through True Story”. For information, visit The Great American Songbook”, will www.polishfilmla.org. make its world premiere of Edgemar 12 Women Center for the Arts, on the main stage, Masterminds Counter Culture located at 2437 Main St. in Santa he West Hollywood Women’s on Film Monica, on Friday, October 8 at 8 Mastermind Group will be meet- T he Pacific Design Center is host- p.m. Written by Luca Ellis, Paul ing on Tuesday, Oct. 12 at 6:30 p.m. at ing “Counter Culture, Counter Litteral and Jeremy Aldridge and the West Hollywood Community T Cinema: An Avant-Garde Film directed by Jeremy Aldridge, photo courtesy of Peter Halmagyi Center at Plummer Park, 7377 Santa The Los Angeles-based Keshet Chaim Dance Ensemble presents Festival” running Thursday, October “Hoboken to Hollywood” will run Monica Blvd. The free meeting fol- “Jerusalem Soul” on Saturday, Oct. 9 at 8:30 p.m. at the Ford 14–16 in the SilverScreen Theater , until December 12. Admission is lows the “mastermind concept”, Amphitheatre in Hollywood. The ensemble will collaborate with Israeli 8687 Melrose Ave.
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