'THE CITY RECORD,, VOL. XXXVI. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 19th NUMBER 10762. September q-Mulligan, Theresa, appointed, Clerical Assistant, Bureau of Dc- THE CITY RECORD. pendent Adults, Manhattan, $420 per armtan; certified September 9. September 9-Mullins, Robert F., promoted, hospital Helper, New York City OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Hon)c, Blackwells Island, $t. o to $300 per annum, and title changed to Clerical As- Published Under Authority of Section 15z6, Greater New York ChArter, by the sistant; certified September 9. BOARD OF CITY RECORD. September i- ]Hurray, Joieph P., Stoker, Metropolitan Hospital, $3 per Ticm; transferred as Stoker to Steamboats. GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MAYOR. September 7-Kulm, John, appointed, Hospital Helper, City Hospital, $240 per FRANCIS K. PENDLETON, CORPORATION CouN8EI HERMAN A. METZ CoMPTROtrsa. ,lnnum; certified September 7. September cy-(Matheson, Theodore, dismissed, Hospital Helper, City Hospital, PATRICK J. TRACY, Sup avisos. $240 per annum; overstaying pass. September 7-Perry, Guy, appointed, Cook, City Hospital, $48o per annum; certi- Published daily, at 9 a. m., except legal holidays. fied September 7. Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy. September 6-Pohl, Frite, dropped, Cook, City Hoslital, $48o per annum; own SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries. etc., of the city employees), 25 cents; request. I Official Canvass of Votes. lo cents; Registry and Enrollment Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; September 6-O'Brien, Stephen, dismissed, Hospital Helper, City Hospital, $240 Law Department and Finance Department supplements, ro cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation of per annum; overstaying pass. Real Estate, 25 cents each section. September 5-O'Leary, Frances-Appointed, Hosf,'ital Helper, New York City Published at Room 2, City Hall (north side), New York City. Home, Blackwells Island, $i8o per annum; certified September 5. Entered as Second-class Matter. Post Office at New York City. September 8-O'Neill, John L., Second Grade Clerk, New York City Children's Hospitals and Schools, Randalls Island, $600 per annum; transferred to Department of Taxes and Assessments. TABLE OF CONTENTS. September io-Ritchie, Walter J., appointed, Engineer (temporary), Steamboats, $1,350 per an.)um; certified September i. ,\ 1,1,r, ved I'aI •rs--• \laullattan, Borough of- September 2-Shea, John, apl;ointc(l, Hospital Helper, Steamboats, $ó0o per an- Pur the Week Ending September Report of Contutissiuner of I'uhlie num: certified September 2. lo, the Week Ending; =(, 1 108 ....................... 77 AVerk, for September i-Smart, Emily M., promoted, Pupil Nurse, Metropolitan Training A,-ressurs, Huard uf- Seplemher t6, tgo8............ 10184 Public -oticcs ..................... 10191 Nieteorologieal t)hservatery- School, $144 to $18o per annum. 1 , llevue and .Allied hospitals-- .Abstract of Registers for the Week Altgust 31-Sullivan. Margaret L., dropped, Hospital Helper, New York City 1ilintites of 2I'et ing of board of Ending Septenrher rgî i o8.... 11,175 Children's Hospitals and Schools, Randalls Island, $;oo ler annu lli; illness. Trustces, September ru, tyu8... ioi8,1 ?il unieipal Civil Service Coni,oksion- _ l'rul,usals ........................ 1o1et Public Notices..................... toi9r September i-Stanton, James J., appointed, Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Hospi- I.uard >A1.celiugs ........................ 1,,191 Notice to ('untraetnrs.................. tuaoo tal, $240 per annum; certified September i. Endes, I)epartmcut of- OtTieial n,~rouglr Talreis ............... tut9t September 3-Turner, Lillian, promoted, Assistant Colrk. Tsfctropolitan Training Proposals ........................ tut9. I)fficial I)irectury ...................... 10188 I;roux, lloruugh of- Otficial Papers ........................ tur94 School, $300 to $480 per annum, and title changed to Cook. Report ut nureau of Building, for Ì'01l0, I)cparttnent of- September 3-Wilkiris. Esther, appointed, Assistant Cook, Metroi;nlitan Training _ the \Vicek Eniling Sejtemuor t9, Proposals ........................ tot92 School, $300 per annlnn; certified September 3. 190$ ... .................. 10186 Police I)epartmcul- Itr„ulchu. nurougli uf- .\uctiun Sale ...................... In19c September 5-\]Wilkins, Esther, dropped, Assistant Cook, Metropolitan Training i 'rugorals .. ...... ..... ...... 1oí94 )woos \Varsted fur Lust Property. tot95 School, $300 per annum; own request. (hauge of (,r.ide homage Cumsnirríull-- 1'rop1,nals ........ ....... .... 11,194 J. v1cKEE BORDEN', Secretary. ..Pode A,,ticc ..................... 1.191, Reports of Sanitary ('ompany (Boiler (hanges in llepa,hnentr, etc........... tut86 SquadI for September t5 and ( U1isciic n. hrpaittwtt u.- 16. igo8 ...................... 10185 The following proposals of September 2, tgo8, were accepted by the Commissioner I'ropu.als .... .... ..... .. ior95 Public ('fiaritics, Department of- on Scptembcr io, 19cí8: Report ,if 'l'ran.aeiioui, .August 31 Repin- t for the Wcek Ending Sep- 6, tgo8.......... rut85 • lembo 12, í9u8 ............... tor6g ti) September ttj8 1)ucks and terries, ])cpa1toeut of- fobl,e Ilearinu- Burton & Davis Company, No. Franklin street, New York City: I'n,posals ........................ tut91 By Commrtt'e on Laws and Legista- 1:d ire al ton, IYciarlmr,nt of- lion. koard of AIdermcn....... ior88 i,c posits ............ ... .. ,0191 Richnwnd. ]tur.,i,kIi of- - Report of ITuruau of iLuilili rigs for Line Man- Estimate and APgurtiollmcnt, Board of- No. Brooklyn. hattan. Nutiee to 'taxpayers ............... 10194 the \',-k Ending Seitcmhcr r9, Pin ance,. Ilt parUncnt of- í9o8 ......................... tu 186 `treet Cleaning, 1)cpaitmeut o Juli-rett on City funds and Stock.. to t94 ...... Notices uf .\ssessmrnt.,, for Opeeing .\shec, etc-, for Filling in Landa... int ga 135 I. 2,700 ])lands dried a j,rieulr. at 8.7 cents per pound............ $234 90 ,Streets auJ I'arks ............. 1.19.1 Proposals ........................ tot92 1352. Suo pounds spaghetti, at cents per Poltud ................ ...... 21 50 Notice ri ll the Kcdcniilfoli of Xew Soprane (burt, First I)chartment- 4.3 Stock --------------- Y,,rk City 10i94 Acquiring 'fitle to Lands. rte...... tot9.9 150 pounds Coleman's mustard, at 43.75 cents per pntutd..... ...... 65 62 Notices to I_ropirly Owners........ tut92 Supreme Court. Second I,epaitm&it-- 1 353, Vutiee to 'taxpayers --------------- 111194 .\equiring Tillo Or I-an,,. etc...... roi96 300 gross matches, at 39.8 cents per gross .................. I...... ít9 40 5uretics Required un NaBnt- C'Lasses SUpreorc (,,urt. Third Judicial I)istrict- 1354. uf Contracts ................... rcr, -. r,rt96 .\e,uiriog 'litle tu Lamt ute...... 1358. 300 pounds sag", at 4.7 cents per pound .................... ...... r4 to Irre Departmcgy[ titijremc Court, Ninth tudiciat Ilistriet- 7'ransactiuns front to \lay 18 2.1, .\equiring Title to 1.11tri1., ,•IC...... txtr)6 í36o. 8 barrels pickles (2,1,00 to the barrel), at $io.90 per barrel. ...... 87 _u 190$, inclusive ................ 10171 Notices of Applicatiuss for the .Ap- ilealth. Department of-- naiutmcnt of Curimíi--iulicrs of 1367.\. 70u puuuds lea, fine black, at 18.875 cents per p0uud........ ...... 132 12 binotes of \teeting of nuard of Appraisal --------------------- 1(1197 lIealth1 .Au},,st 5, í9))8........ 11,178 \1a'cr Sngilly. (fa(r and Electricity, I)e- It,-pr,rt fur thi Wcck Ending Septcm- partoleIl t of- lar t0. í9u8 ................... 10176 1'ruposai; ........................ tntr)z '1' utal....................................... ...... $674 84 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIES. IIarry Balfe, No. 61 IIttdsnn street, New York City: Ch;ingc5 in Clic Se-ri ice ui the Department of Public Charities During the Week Ending September 12, 1908. Line Man- No Brooklyn. hattan. September 11-Ahearn, Mary, a{.pointed, Hospital Helper, New York City Home, Blackwells Island, $tØ per annum; certified September il. 1359. tu bushels split peas, Cr(i1) 19117. at $2.14 Per httshel........ ...... $21 40 September i-Barbar, Edythe M., appointe(l, head Pupil Nurse, New York City auu pounds eocuanut, desiccated, at 9.25 cents per potted.... ...... e8 50 Training School, $CØ per annum; certified September I. 1 363. September 3-Backner, Augusta, dropped, Cook, Metropolitan Training School, $480 per annum; own request. Total....................................... ...... $39 90 Septembercr, Brcnnan, Estelle, appointed, Hush'ital Helper, New York City Iloms, Blackwells Island, $18o per annum; certified September 9. September 2-Carr, Margaret, resigned, Hospital helper, New York City Home, blodson street, New York City: Blackwells Island, $i8o per annum. Theo. Linington, Jr., No. 56 September i-Cook, Marion, promoted, Pupil Nurse, -Metropolitan Trilining School, $144 to $180 per annum. [. ine Man- September i-Decker, Liva, promoted, Pupil Nurse, Metropolitan Training No. Brooklyn. hattan. School, $144 to $i8o per annum. September 2-+Devin, Robert H., dropped three days, illness. Carpenter, New to dwzeu Chili sauce, at $2.20 per dozen ................... ...... $22 oil York City Children's Hospitals and Schools, Randalls Island, $5 per diem. 1 357. September 8---4)odd, Robert H., reappointed, Hbspital Helper, Metropolitan 1361. 240 dozen snap, carbolic, at 44.4 cents per dozen............ ...... ío6 56 Training School, $48o per lutnam. Sel.tember io--Foran, James, salary increased, Hospital Helper, City Hospital, $144 to $240 per album; certified
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