September 9, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 16 21201 Studies show that 50 percent of preg- country of FASD. We must move past Judge Robert M. Takasugi, the first nancies in the United States are un- the stigma of this devastating disease Japanese American appointed to the planned and many women consume al- to truly help those and their families Federal bench. Judge Takasugi passed cohol before they realize they are preg- who are affected by FASD get the away on August 7, 2009, at the age of 78. nant, resulting in 40,000 children every health, education, counseling and sup- Robert Takasugi was born in Ta- year being born with fetal alcohol spec- port services they need and deserve. We coma, WA, on September 12, 1930, to trum disorders and subject to a life- must also address the tragedy of FASD Japanese parents who had immigrated time of cognitive and behavioral im- at the source, by increasing awareness to the United States in search of a bet- pairments. Tragically, Alaska has the that any amount of alcohol during ter life. His family moved to Los Ange- highest rate of fetal alcohol spectrum pregnancy can have heartbreaking, les in 1942 in the wake of anti-Japanese disorders in the Nation. Among Alas- lifelong effects. We must work to en- sentiment following the Pearl Harbor kan Native communities, the rate is 15 sure this is understood by all women of attack. That same year, Robert and his times higher than non-Native areas in childbearing age and that treatment parents were sent to an internment the State. Prenatal alcohol exposure and counseling services are available camp at Tule Lake, CA, 3 of 130,000 can result in low IQ and difficulties for these women. Japanese Americans who were interned with learning, memory, attention, and One of the most distressing facts re- during the war. In the years since, problem-solving as well as impairment garding FASD is that it is entirely pre- Judge Takasugi often called the experi- of mental health and social inter- ventable. I have joined several of my ence ‘‘an education to be fair.’’ colleagues in the Senate to introduce a actions. Prenatal alcohol exposure can After being released from the intern- resolution designating September 9, also result in growth retardation, birth ment camp in 1945, Robert returned to 2009, as National FASD Awareness Day. defects involving the heart, kidney, vi- Los Angeles where he resumed his It is my hope these efforts progress to- sion and hearing, and a characteristic studies and graduated from Belmont ward global awareness of FASD and an High School. He went on to earn a pattern of facial abnormalities. The end to this destructive disease. lifetime health costs for an individual bachelor’s degree from UCLA in 1953. with fetal alcohol syndrome are esti- f Robert was then drafted into the U.S. mated at $1.4 million for medical care ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS Army during the Korean War, where he served as a criminal investigator. Upon and treatment interventions. In the discharge, he went on to earn a law de- United States, approximately $9.7 bil- gree from USC in 1959 with the aid of lion is spent annually for individuals 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF NASCOE the G.I. bill. afflicted with FASD, according to gov- ∑ Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, this year the National Association of After graduating from USC, Robert ernment reports. joined his only Latino classmate, fu- There is a great need for research, Farm Service Agency County Office ture Superior Court Judge Carlos surveillance, prevention, treatment, Employees, NASCOE, is celebrating its Velarde, and together they opened a and support services for individuals 50th anniversary. NASCOE was founded law practice in East Los Angeles. The with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in Memphis, TN, in 1959 in an effort to firm represented many indigent mi- and their families. It is for these rea- provide a nationwide association norities, including arrestees from the sons that I rise today to dedicate this through which county committee em- ployees of the Agricultural Stabiliza- 1965 Watts riots, East Los Angeles Wednesday, September 9 as National riots, and other civil rights demonstra- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Day. tion and Conservation Service, ASCS, could render better service to Amer- tors in the 1960s. All Americans are encouraged to pro- Robert’s first judicial appointment, mote awareness of the effects of pre- ican agriculture by having a national network for the exchange of ideas and by then-Governor Ronald Reagan, land- natal exposure to alcohol; to increase ed him on the Los Angeles Municipal compassion for individuals affected by information and to facilitate closer co- operation in working toward solution Court in 1973. Two years later, then- prenatal exposure to alcohol; to mini- Governor Jerry Brown promoted him mize further effects of prenatal expo- of mutual problems. In the USDA Reorganization Act of to the Los Angeles County Superior sure to alcohol; and most importantly 1994, Congress combined the ASCS, the Court and in 1976, Judge Takasugi be- to bring greater awareness to a disease Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, came the first Japanese American to be that is 100 percent preventable! and the agricultural lending programs appointed to the Federal bench after On behalf of the millions of individ- of the Farmers Home Administration being named by President Gerald Ford. uals suffering from the lasting and det- into a single Farm Service Agency. Throughout his career, Judge rimental effects of fetal alcohol spec- Today, NASCOE continues to represent Takasugi was known for his fairness trum disorders and advocates for elimi- the county office employees of the and compassion. In his spare time, he nating FASD, I encourage all Ameri- ‘‘new’’ FSA. In Tennessee last year, 250 served as a mentor to thousands of cans to observe a moment of reflection NASCOE employees provided valuable young lawyers. He founded a free bar on the ninth hour of September 9, to assistance to 90,000 producers through a review course, which he taught from remember that during the 9 months of wide range of Federal programs from his living room for many years, for stu- pregnancy a woman should not con- conservation to price support and dents who were having trouble passing sume any alcohol. helped them cope in times of emer- the bar exam. In 1999, the Robert M. Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. President, today I gency and disaster. Takasugi Public Interest Fellowship rise to recognize September 9, 2009, as I think we can all recognize the value was created by his colleague to honor National Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Dis- of the local Farm Service Agency office Judge Takasugi and ensure that his orders Awareness Day. Fetal Alcohol to farmers and ranchers, and I com- courage and vision of equal justice are Spectrum Disorders, FASD, is an um- mend NASCOE on its dedication to carried out by generations to come. brella term describing the varied range FSA county employees and the farmers Judge Takasugi was a trailblazer for of alcohol-related birth defects that they serve. I congratulate NASCOE on Asian Americans in the field of law. may result from the use of alcohol dur- its 50th anniversary and hope that they His dedication to justice and equality ing pregnancy. The effects of this dis- will continue to assist in conserving was evident in everything that he did order may be mental, behavioral, and/ and improving our Nation’s natural re- throughout his 36-year judicial career or involve learning disabilities. FASD sources and agriculture industry.∑ on the Federal bench. His many years is the leading known cause of prevent- f of service to the City and County of able cognitive impairment in America. Los Angeles, to the State of California, It is estimated FASD affects 1 in 100 REMEMBERING JUDGE ROBERT M. and to our Nation will not be forgot- live births each year. TAKASUGI ten. I have great concern about the im- ∑ Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I take Judge Takasugi is survived by his pact in South Dakota and across the this opportunity to honor the life of wife Dorothy; his son Jon; his daughter VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:11 Apr 03, 2012 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S09SE9.001 S09SE9 wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 21202 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 16 September 9, 2009 Lesli; and his two grandchildren. I ex- neurodegenerative diseases such as Alz- hollow spin or talking points designed tend my deepest sympathies to his heimer’s, Parkinson’s, vascular demen- to misdirect. He was not interested in family. tia, post traumatic stress disorder, gulf ‘‘gotcha games.’’ Ken Bacon became a Whether he was fighting for our war illness, depression, and other con- Pentagon spokesman because he be- country or fighting for integrity and ditions associated with nerve loss in lieved he had an obligation to inform equality under the law, Judge Robert the brain. the public, and he took that duty seri- Takasugi was undeterred in his efforts Thanks to the Center for Imaging ously. to make America a better place to live. Neurodegenerative Diseases, the It was as Pentagon spokesman that He will be missed by all who knew him. SFVAMC’s three Medical Science Re- Ken first encountered the problem that We take comfort in knowing that fu- search Enhancement Award Programs, would become his defining passion and ture generations will benefit from his and partners such as the Veterans the capstone on his life’s work. In 1999, passion and dedication to justice.∑ Health Research Institute, the he visited a refugee camp during a trip f SFVAMC is at the forefront of medical to the Balkans with Defense Secretary research and is working to extend and William Cohen.
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