8240 THE LONDON GAZETTE, SOra JULY 1971 Hook Rise South, Tolworth, Surbiton, Surrey. July 1971. DISEASES OF ANIMALS ACT 1950—GREAT BRITAIN OUTBREAKS OF NOTIFIABLE DISEASES CONFIRMED BY THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD DURING THE PERIOD 1st to 15th July 1971 Anthrax Foot and Mouth Fowl Rabies Disease Pest Period Animals Out- Number Out- slaughtered Out- Out- breaks of breaks as diseased breaks breaks confirmed deaths confirmed or exposed confirmed confirmed to infection 1st to 15th July 197! 63 Corres- f!970 5 5 ponding -{ 1969 10 12 — — — — period in |j968 5 6 3—7 — —4 — 1st January to 15th July 1971 43 57 3,505 — — — Corres- f!970 84 87 — 24 1 ponding •{ 1969 145 154 — 31 — period in (.1968 134 152 18—7 34,94—4 53 """ ~ NOTES 1. The following diseases were eradicated from Great Britain in the years indicated: Cattle plague or rinder- pest (pestis-bovind) 1877; epizootic lymphangitis (lymphangitis epizootica) 1906; glanders (including farcy) (malleus), 1928; parasitic mange (psoroptes et sarcoptes scabiei equi), 1948; pleuro-pneumonia (peripneumonia contagiosa bovum), 1898; sheep pox (variola ovium), 1866; and sheep scab (scabies ovium), 1952. Dourine (exanthema coitale paralyticum) has never existed in Great Britain. 2. The last confirmed case of swine fever was in June 1966 and the disease is now regarded as eradicated from Great Britain. 3. No bovine animal was slaughtered as an "affected" animal within the meaning of Article 3 of the Tuber- culosis Order 1964, during the period 1st January to 30th June 1971. WATER RESOURCES ACT, 1963 Any objection to the draft Order should be made Trent River Authority Area in writing and sent .to the Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Room 400, at the Lincolnshire River Authority Area above address within the period ending with 31st Notice is hereby given that the Secretary of State August 1971 quoting reference LDC 1153. for the Environment and the Minister of Agriculture, A. Savage, Assistant Secretary to the Minister of Fisheries and Food, in exercise of the powers con- Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, on behalf of ferred on them by section 10 of the Water Resources that Minister and of 'the Secretary of State Act, 1963, propose to make an Order providing for for the Environment. the alteration of the areas of the Trent and the Lin- colnshire River Authorities. The effect of the Order Dated 23rd July 1971. will be to exclude from the Trent River Authority Area certain land in the rural districts of North Kesteven and West Kesteven in the county of Lincoln LAND DRAINAGE ACT, 1930 —parts of Kesteven; the rural districts of Gains- borough and Welton in die county of Lincoln—Parts Alford Drainage District of Lindsey ; and 'in the rural district of Newark in Notice is hereby given that the Minister of Agri- the county of Nottingham and to include them in culture, Fisheries and Food, in exercise of the powers the Lincolnshire River Authority area into which conferred upon him by sections 4 (3) and 14 of the they drain and, conversely, to exclude from the Lin- Land Drainage Act, 1930, as applied by the Water colnshire River Authority area certain other land in Resources Act, 1963, 'has now made an Order con- these rural districts and to include them in the Trent firming a Scheme submitted to him by 'the Lincoln- River Authority area into which they drain. shire River Authority, under section 4 (1) (b) of the A copy of die draft Order, together with a copy of Land Drainage Act, 1930, making provision for: the map showing the land affected, has been deposited (i) the alteration of the boundaries of the Alford at the offices of the Chief Executive and Town Drainage District; and Clerk, Lincoln County Borough Council, Corporation Offices, Silver Street, Lincoln, at die offices of the (ii) matters supplemental ithereto or consequential Town Clerk, Newark Municipal Borough Council, thereon. Municipal Buildings, Balderton Gate, Newark-on- The Scheme affects lands in the Parishes of Aby Trent, Notts., at ,the offices of the Clerk of the with Greenfield, Belleau, and Claythorpe in the rural Council and Chief Executive Officer, Gainsborough district of Louth in the county of Lincoln—Parts Urban District Council, The Guildhall, Gainsborough, of Lindsey. Lines., at the offices of the Trent River Authority, The Scheme may affect the liability to drainage 206 Derby Road, Nottingham, at the offices of the rates of properties in the areas mentioned above. Lincolnshire River Authority, 50 Wide Bargate, Boston, The Order will become final and have effect as Lines., and at the offices of the Ministry of Agricul- an Act of Parliament unless during the period ending ture, Fisheries and Food, Room 396, Great West- with 31st August 1971 a memorial is presented to minster House, Horseferry Road, London S.W.I, for the Minister by some person or body affected and hav- public inspection during normal office hours within ing an interest sufficient for the presentation of a the period ending with 31st August 1971. Copies memorial (as prescribed in Article 6 of the Land qf the draft Order and of the map may be obtained Drainage (River Authorities) General Regulations, from these addresses. 1965, S.I. 1965/443) praying that the Order shall be Maps on which the existing boundaries of the subject to special parliamentary procedure. Authorities1 Areas are shown may also be inspected A copy of the Order, together with a copy of .the at the offices of 'the River Authorities and the Ministry. Scheme and of the map referred to therein has.
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