-.A.taGlance' . ' , .... Hospice meeting WAYNE,The Noyember "THE. " "" -', ..:-, .{" " volunteer. meeting of .th'e Community Care Hospice Group will beheld toni ht , - - . conereri~ room at Providence Medical . ' ~ Center in Wayne. All persons -R~A· interested in the. Hospice -E-< ....... •....• "... -- concept are invited" to at­ "" ' --_.-_.-.-.-,---,----"""-----_.,ED----,----".--- tend. ----spe'"a..k~e...r~a"'t". ---.cto:ocnoc'ig ht's' W-'YNE, ME 68787-.-.co' meeting will be Dr.Zarha of the. CarSon Radiation Center in Norfolk. Dr,. Zarhais For Wayne resident scheduled to .speak at 8 p.m. on the topic of cancer. Persons planning to at­ tend the meeting. are invited to come early" and" review a Wood carving a hobby ora passion? resource 'table with literature provided by the American By LaVon Anderson says Pat, adding that she too can Cancer Society. AssJstant Editor. see Bob in many of the pieces he has completed. ' Goal reached Wayne resi;;n~-Bob'Dolata calls" '1 do feel that the Old World ~ his interest in woodworki'ng '3 Sa9tas project a feeling I have in­ WAYNE-julie Mash, pub- hobby. His wife Pat calls It a pas- side myself," says Bob~·--- licity chairman for' Wayne's sian. Since beginning hi~ Santa 'carV­ United Way F~",;l. Qrive, an- Since taking up woodworkirjg ings, Bob and Pat have researched nounced .Friday that this nearly five years ago, Bob has de- the history .and customs of Santa year's goal of $17,000 has veloped his 'hobby" to the point Clauses aroynd the world..'Did you been met. where he now conducts classes know/ smHes' Pat" Rthat it's good "We have-met the goal - ----fhToliglltne-Nortlieasl -Nel:i"as~a- ·Iuck to have a Santa in your home and possibly surpassed it," Wood Carvers Club in Norfolk and _.aILyear_longZ"------ saidfvlas~,. ad<fu1.!L..!hat~ _~_ta~es his__ .work -lo,,,va,ious-shows---c _- ---- --pleagesare-,~Jjl1comingin. .' 'throughout the midwest. Also during the holidays, Bob is · Mash added that the And although he has sold over busy carving various Christmas or­ r ~United Way board is_ ex- 40 of his wood carvings throughout naments ranging in price from $5 '\--- tremely appreciative _of the Nebraska and in various other to $15. "The smaller the piece support received, fr'om\-,the states,' including Illinois, Iowa and you're working on the' harder it is/ says Bob, displaying a Christmas Wayne community and -Washington, Bob still insists that · wishes to thank all those the hours he spends in his base- ornament which is a variation of I· who contributed to this ment shaping his wooden figures the three wisemen and took him 12 hours to complete. ·, YFe,a,.,r'es dCriVae ' and ornaments -are hours donated ,, to his hobby. ANOTHER OF BOB'S more I "I just can't contribute the time popular wood carvings, and one of HOSKINS-The Hoskins it takes to call it a business," says the newest items, is a Welsh lpve Volunteer Fire Department Bob, 46, who has been employed spoon. I was called Wednesday to a as plant engineer at the Milton G. "Welsh tradition says that when '~ fire at Nucor Steel near Nor' Waldbaum Co. in Wakefield for the a man fancied a particular woman folk. There was an electrical past 10 years. he would carve her a love spoon,R short which caused damage explains Bob, adding that the to a transformer and the-hy­ _BOB WAS intrQduced to the art more intricately carved the spoon draulic pump room. of wood carving just five years ago, the deeper the _:f<We. "Jf the Damage was estirnated at in 1984, when he attended a w.oman 'accepted tlie spoon it in· approximately $300,000. woodworking class taught one Sat­ dicated that they would indeed be The Norfolk Rural Fire De­ urday by Wayne re'ident Mike Flu' betrothed." partment was caned upon to ent. Bob has carved several love assist. "I was looking for an inexpensive spoons for area residents as wed­ The fire occurred around hobby at that time," recalls 80b, ding or anniversary gifts. 4:45 p.m. Wednesday and adding that although wood carving Rlt's certainly something out of firemen remained on the is relatively inexpensive, it is time the ordinary that you can't buy in a scene until about 7:30 p:m. ' consuming. store.R The Hoskins Rescue Unit By the end of that Saturday af­ transported at least two ternoon class, Bob had completed IN ADDITION TO his Old World people to Norfolk hospitals his first wood carving - a boot ­ Santas, Bob says his favorite carv­ fpr, observation. whkh also took a blue ribbon that ings include an Indian woman, year at the V!!ayne County Fair. mountain man and Old World Rus­ Five years later, Bob says he still School meeting BOB DOLATA OF WAYNE WORKS on a carving of an Old Wo~ld Santa - one of his most­ sian. likes that boot, which has since WAYNE-The Wayne popular pieces this time of year. "I'm especially attached to the County Rural School Boards been mounted by his wife Pat and Indian woman/ says Bob. RWhen Association and the Ne­ is displayed proudly in the Dolata has picked up several wood carving from a flat background. work with three dtmensional figures you can say 'I really fike that: then braska School Improvement house. tips from his dad during the past ~The Wood Carvers Club is de- in the round. you know you're on the right Association will sponsor a wit was a good first carving," years. ':;lgned to offer wood carvers tips to nThey're much more intricate/ track." _. meeting in Wayne on Thurs­ smiles Bob. The couple's daughter, Mary Improve their skill as well as in- explains Bob, displaying a small Bob feels that human faces, es­ day, Nov. 16 to discuss. Rule Pat, "IS a senior at the University of traduce them to d"lfferent wood portion of his wood carving collec­ pecially women, are most chal­ 10-LB 183, the school IN MAY 1984 Bob received a Nebraska-Lincoln. carving techniques/ explains Bob, tion, including clowns, Santa lenging to carve because of the choice law, and other set of palm gouges (chisels used adding that he was encouraged to Clauses, Indians, mountain men, muscle structure and facial propor­ educational issues. Speaker for wood carving) from Pat as a IN 1984, BOB joined the continue with his hobby by mem- dogs/.bears and rabbits. tions. ~Masculine figures are easy/ will be Rick Baum. birthday present. Northeast Nebraska Wood Carvers bers of the club after showing One of BGb's favorites, and of says Bob, Rbut women are very dif· The meeting will beg'In at wThat's when it really started," Club after receiving' and com­ them his first relief carvings and course the most popular this time ficult to carve because of their fine 7:30 p.m. in the Columbus laughs Pat, adding that today Bob pleting two patterns given to him being told he had excellent depth of year, is the Old World Santa. facial features." Federal Savings Bank build­ devotes anywhere from six to 36 by Mike Fluent, the man who had perception. "They just make me feel jolly, ~ Bob adds that birds and ducks ing. hours each week to his hobby in a introduced him to the art of wood In addition to the Northeast laughs Bob, adding that although it also are more difficult because of special area set aside in the base­ carving. Nebraska Wood Carvers Club, Bob used to take him three nights just the intricacy of the feathers. As he ment of the 'couple's home at The patterns were relief carvings is a member of .the Mid·America to carve Santa's eyes and nose, he speaks, Bob:holds.up a beautifully Selling popcorn too~ WAYNE-The 86 members 1111 Lawndale Dr. of a cowboy and an antique car and National Wood Carve-rs'-:A"sSO:--'-can- now do the same work in 20 carved duck relief which him of Wayne Cub Scout Pack Often found working beside Bob (1931 Auburn). Bob describes ciations. minutes. ,neally two years to complete. 174 will begin taking orders is his son Michael, a second grader relief carvings as projections of fig­ TODAY, ALTHOUGH Bob still "Some people think Bob reveals ~ See DOLATA, page 3 for popcorn on Wednesday, at St. Mary's School in Wayne who ures or forms of various depths does relief carvings, he prefers to his own facial features in his work, 'Nov. 15 as an official scout fund raising activity. At Wakefield High School Popcorn orders will be Wayne· taken through Nov. 30, with delivery of the proouct-the Exchange student likes small-town atmosphere week of Dec. 18. Payment they're not boyfriend and 'girlfriend. American history an.d typing Industries will be received when the By LaVon Anderson Assistant Editor In Denmark, people would think classes. popcorn is delivered. something was wrong if they saw a Helle said school dais in the A spokesm an for the directors ____----Si-Kt-eerr-y-e'a-i_old Helle Asmussen boy hug a girl." United ,States are longer than scouts· said two tYl'!,s __oL­ Helle doesn't like the Americans' Denmark with fewer breaks be­ popcorn will be available --'- a of Denmark can't believe she's already completed nearly one­ fast-paced lifestyle. ~Americans are tween classes. named 3.5 pound bucket of raw always on the run/ smiles Hayley, ~In Denmark, our school day runs. "'{ayne Industries, Inc.
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