An Associated Collegiate Press Four-Star All-American Newspaper TUESDAY November 4, 1997 Volume 124 • THE • Number 17 on-Profit Org. U. Postage Paid ewark, DE 250 Student Center• University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Permit o. 26 Hens get Homecoming win To be, or not to be diverse? The departure of one prof essor has prompted questions f rom two philosophy students BY PAULA F. KELLY reevaluate its needs, he said, and Swjf Repnrter decide the l-ind of expertise required A tempora1y professor' non­ for other positions renewable contract has raised Adams satd the dean decides how questions among students about the many poSllions can he offered in a motives and d 1rection of the year. He said the dean asked him to p h ilosophy department and the search for o nl) one po it1on this possi bility of extending the year. professor's contract. Margaret Andersen, interim dean Harry Brod, an assistant for the College of Arts and Science, philosophy professor. has a four­ expla111ed her request that Adams year temporary contract which wi II only look to fill one position as a expire at the end of the 1998 Spring fairly common custom. When Semester. This semester, Brod departments rccciYc a new chair, the teaches feminist and Jewish nev. administrator is only asked to philosophy, which arc considered consider one or two hirings at a multicultural disciplines. and 19th­ time. according to Andersen. century and contemporar} Adam~ w~ts in charge of deciding philosophy. what k111d nf position to interview Students' concerns focused first applicants for, howeYer. He said he on the multicultural courses Brod felt the department needed a teaches. Students are worried the professor in the philosophy of mind courses will not be offered or will be area of the dtscipline more than a taught by less qualified professors multicultural philosopher. when he leaves, said Jesse Hoover. On Oct. 24 . two senior one student who brought the 1ssue to philosoph) '>ludenu•. Hoo\er and light. John Matarakis, appeared before the Frank Ddley. former department n 1 ~ i :osophy department' faculty chair. said four facul ty who taught meeting . The) presented two multicultural phi loscphv have s tudcnt -stgned documents THE REVIEW I Boh Weill retired or left for better career expressing concerns of at least 30 Courtney Batts struggles past Tribe defenders during the Hens' 14-0 Homecoming victory over William and Mary. For the opportunities in the last three years. students regarding the focus of the complete game story, see page B8. Department Chair Frederick program and keeping Brod. Adams. who assumed hi posit1on The student-instigated document Sept. I. said temporary and current were not meant to be petitions or faculty are covering these courses. forms of rebellion. Hoover sJid. He Searches for faculty arc lime­ sa1J he only wanted to present Council releases proposed budget consuming, Adams \:lid, and rcyuire information to the facult} . a committee As each search ts BY LIS. DliS ZAK Turnct sa1d. •·Jt'. :1' pllt l their s.;tcty if there completed, the department will 'ce DIVERSITY page AS Sta/f R~pnna are bad ''ires in their h ome\ or other fire The 1998 ci ty budget propose~ to add a ne'' ha1.ards." property maintenance In'>pcllor and police officer Lull S<Jid e\lcrior \ 10i.tt11>ns ·affect the to increase enforcement of. ev.ark law~. Spirit Ambassadors appearance tnd safety of ull rental pro1 ert es. The S21 million budge, also calls for an whether studcnh li\c there or not If 'c' en people additiOnal police dispatcher to reduce the volume arc Ji, 111g 1n two hcdrnomo., It 1s ·er) unsafe if the of cr\Jce request . said Cit} Manager Carl Luft. apanment catches on fire.· announced at rally He ;a1d he also ''ants to hire a parking Students like senior biolog) major Amanda enforcement officer and a meter reader. Potoroff sa1d they do not agree wllh the rea~ons BY KER I MICHALEK Res1dents and students will h:we a chance to for adding a ne\\ impector and police officer Spirit Amhassadors n:prcsent the Sra/j Rcportt<r uni' cr. ity and student body at comment on the proposed 1998 budget Nov. I 0 at ··r think the cit~ discriminates against As part of the Homecoming Pep a puhlic hearing in the City Council Chambers on students.'· PotOroff said "Mo;t student> crowd alumni funcuons. onentat1ons and Rally celebration Friday , nine Elkton Road at 7:30p.m. into houses because they can· t afford the off. ceremonies. and prov1de information students were announced as the 1997 abou.vthe campus to alumni and 'These positions are created to strengthen the campus hous1ng. And if the house has five university Spirit Ambassadors. other students, Baran said. health. afety and property maintenance services bedrooms. why can't it have five people'7 Chosen to join the five They also serve on a committee in Newark," Luft said. "If they are cracJ..mg down on the number of ambassadors selected last year were for President David P. Roselle to The additional inspector will examine interior people livmg in a house. the) also need to crack seniors Jessica Baran. Aaron Sin and generate 1dcas about how to create and exterior violations such as overcrowding, down on the landlords for provid1ng unaffordable Michael Oppen heimer. juniors ~nthusiasm on campus, ;he said . excess vehicles, paint, high grass and litter housing.·· Sandra Bresnick, Betsy Lowther and Spirit Amba,sadors meet wi th problems. Luft said even if a house has five or six Jamie Maddox, and sophomores Lisa Roselle once a semester to d1sc us The inspecto r w i II also increase the s taff to bedrooms. the principle is the more unrelated Feminello. Kristopher Schroe(,)er and concerns such as the way campus t h ree full- time and one part-time inspectors. people living in a house, the les> control the city Holly Graham. organizations are run. a ll owi ng the o ther personne l more time to has over what people do. "Spirit Ambassadors is an Spiri t Ambassadors will be inve tigate ill egal leases and overcrowding. "We don't want these places to turn into opportunity to recognize people who helping out at Parent's Weekend and City Counci lwoman Nancy Turner said a new rooming houses,'· he said, "because that runs the h ave put a lot of ti m e i n to the recently vo lunteered at the housing inspector has been needed fo r quite some risk of les -safe actn itie~ ." cam p us community:· said B aran, university' balloon festival. T he time. Turner said the occupancy 1s posted in every w ho i vice prestdenl of Delta new ambassadors attended the 'The number of rental properties have grown, property. and students shouldn't WOIT} if they are Gamma soro rity and an executive dedication of Munroe H a ll o n so we need the manpo wer to respond to all of the following the law. member of the univers ity hospitality Sunday. It was their first a lumni complaint call s. c lub. " This is fo r the be nefi t of the s t ude nts," see BUDGET page A8 ee STUD E NTS page A8 Police to watch Elkton, Amstel BY ROBERT KALESSE intersection of M ai n Street and North locati o ns were the next two most Cit\ 1\'t:\\-'i EJuor and So uth C o ll ege A venues las t dangerous intersecti ons during c lass U niversity Police will p lace week, Univer ity Po li ce decided to hours, Ivory said. officers a t two more campus extend the service to other dangerous After the first week of the guards' intersections this week to reduce intersection . imple mentatio n, he said, statisti cs traffic and pedestrian congestion, Freshman Holly Hrupsa was struck have dropped fr om I 5 summons for police said. by a Jeep a t the Elkto n R o ad pe d estrian, bi cycle a nd tra ffi c The c ro si ng guards will be crosswalk Oct. 2. Two days later, the vio latio ns o n the first day to zero tationed at the intersection of Amstel 17-year-old died . Fifteen days after summons Monday. Avenue and Elkton Road and at the that incident, junior Megumi Suzuki ''There were two pedcsuian, three corne r of D elaware and South was hit by a motorist while riding her bic yc le a nd 10 vehi c le w a rnings Co ll ege Avenues. police said. bike across De laware Avenue at the today, but no summons were issued.'' Joel Ivory, assistant director of South College Avenue intersection. Ivory said. "We're hoping th at with Public Safety, said that due to the Based o n these t wo incidents. two guards at each intersecti on tra ffi ~: success of the current officers at the University Po li ce determined th ose problems will continue to decrease ... INDEX Review recieves World News ............ ............. A3 Police Rt·pons ...................... A2 Editori ai ... .. ........................... A6 Crossword ....... .................. .... BS national honors Classified ............................. B6 Sports ... ..... .. ................... ....... as The Associ ated Collegiate Press 1997 award was j udged o n The on Saturday awarded T he Review a Review 's p ub li cations during the Also inside: N a ti o nal News paper Pace m ake r , 1996- 1997 school year. Engineeri ng prof. wins award .... naming it one o f the top I 0 non-dai ly Othe r wi n ners in t he fo ur-year college newspapers in America .
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