.) \ ) I ■/ , <4 i <41^. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1253 f a g e POtmTBETf liaurI?PBtfr Ettfttins iifralb ATermtt Dally Net Press Ron The Wimther For the Week Ended Foraenat of 0, S. W antkor Bisraew Feb. 88, 198S Stances certainly aren't Of the best, Doiiorg Reniinded Increasing cloudineaa tonight. not. by a long shot,, . PruictpalB at iM asonic Ball Mlnlirium ahoni 18^'Clbudy " l ^ h About Town The . week, as we safd.' starts 10,930 lEuPtittig m ralD onow Tuesday. Heard Along Main Street March fl ami runs to March J4— To Bring (^ards|> ON DUAL CONTROL CARS 4 Mankar af tko Anilt the worst, possible timing. After " la For An Early Spring A Bnrenn of Otrenlatlona Manchester— A Cfty of Village Charm Mr. and Mr*. John D. HamUlon, all, income tax deadline time, r Appointment->CALL 1 ftm iar ManchMter' reBidenta who And on Some oj Manchester*» Side Streets^^ou March 15, fiices the would-be smil- ■ "We hope, that all blood donors W ERN EST A. LARSON 4 mox’ad to Mllvalf, Pa.. 5ave united er at the end of the week. And that will bring their donor certificates ^ TEl>.TEL. MitchellAllicneii 9-4870»-s ^ Mount'Lebanon Methodist MANCHE^TER^ CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1953 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS certainly is riot conducive to mak­ with them on Monday when they VOL. LXXII, NO. 128' (CtaMlIled AdvertliUig M Page 19) Church, Pittaburgh, Pa., of which RomanUc Interest ^ swift, graceful: Afden means pro- ing anyone smile. come to Woodruff Hail to donate Dr. W. Ralph Ward. Jr., formerly How much money should -a tector; Alexander, charitable; Al- What is more, all the "joy between 2 and 6:30 p.m," said of the local South Methodist young man be earning before con- fred, peaceful; Anthony, success- scouts,''' those who go around with Mrs. Lillian W atts, Red Cro.ss Church. Is pastor. aidering marriage? A good ques- ful; Ai-nold, honorable'honorable; A»-*'•- rthur, a grin plastered over their face all volunteer chairman, in speaking of tion, even in the.se days of pros­ valiant; Bernard, daring; Bruce, week long, are going to have a last minute suggestions for Man­ chester’s March Bloodmobile Day. Vishinsky’s The Motherhood of Mary Moth- perity. happy warrior; Carl, strong and tough time convincing people FILMS ora Orel* will meet Monday night One woman was asked and she virile; Daniel, heavenlyt Judge; they're not nuts. Really now, it "By certificates.’’ she went on. DEVEUOPED AND Senator Raps at the home of Mrs. Timothy J. replied she wouldn't say yes un­ David, beloved; Donald, proud just isn’t normal to go around ! i "we mean the donor card which leader; Edward, powerful: Edwin, notes when the last donation was PRINTED Dpnovan of 45 Helaine road. '' less her boy friend has at least smiling all week long. Blast at U. S. victorious; Elmer and Earl, nobil­ J4o. we feel the request to give made and the blood type of the three or four thousand dollars in ity; Ernest, eager; Felix, happy donor. The preliminary record.s I 24-HOUR SERVICE !^e Ward group of the South the bank and is making at lea.st a smile "to the milkman, the post­ Methodist Church which served and luclty; Gordon, fine and can tv, made much more quickly |10d a week. Another answered man, the street cleaner, young- Film Deposit Box luncheon on Feb. 5 for the buaines.s strong; Hal, healthy; Harry aters, oldsters even the Income if' this card is presented and the At Store Entrance Due To(day at least $3,000 in the bank with np^ry. wealthy ruler; Isadore donor will, not be held up so long. Probe Secrecy people of the town, announces an­ tax collector,''Is asking too much. other luncheon fhr Thursday, a- take home pay. of $80. A third;* gifted; .lay; the chatterer; Jd.scph, It might even be dangerous. You ’’Please remember, also,” donors ..March. 5,-from.. I t . to. -J;30„ 4 were reminded.- -’’not - to -eat - for United Nations; N. Y., a week before aeUln|T fof the fair[T,awrence, praised; Lewis or Louis. j,., „cort has difficulty dia- 2— Rooiievelt made tlie agree- Chicken shortcake will be fea­ four hours preceding their dbrin- KEMP'S Washington, M a rc h ^ Valta-whlch President March 2~{/P)-^()viiEt For­ tured. maiden's hand, people's guarrllan; Martin, fight- "tingulshing between ................National tlon. If transportation to the Cen­ eign Minister Andrei Y. Well, the boys around the office er; Normpn, north-man; Robert, ter la needed, phone 3-51H. —Asserting- that he ^ ' Eisenhower aald the RUiaiana have .smile Week Joy Scout Mnd a leer­ : pn-yrrled to enslave other peoples Vishinsky will take the floor Sunset. Council, 'No. 45. Degree got Ho talking about how much good; Ronald, alnrcre; Rudolph, ing masher. If so. chun), you might ”If every donor "who has made gUSted with the secrecy, Sen. they had when they were married. idealist; Richard, bountiful; Thnm- an appointment will keep it. Man­ Humphrey (D., Minn.) de- i— on the basis that they were in the UN Political commit­ Of Pocahontas, will m eet in find yourself In need of an'up(>er be Tinker Halt Monday at S p. m. Onfe said he was making $21 a SH, a twin; Waller, strong soldior; chester will have another success­ manded today that S ta to rs merely temporary and must tee this afternoon to answer and William, guard. plate with which to sfnile during submitted to the Senate as And Here, Sir, Is Your Ticket to Berm uda When the committee for the Cin­ month from the Army when he National Smile Week next year. ful Bloodmobile Day. Don't forget throw open to the public their U. S. charges that Russia is popped the question to his girl On the female side we find Alice, —you have an important date to treaties where they Involved any derella party will present further briliiarit; Ann, kind; Barbara, inquir.v into the World War II territorial concessions. responsible for continuation details. Plans will also' be com- friend and she accepted. They have save a life on Monday," Mrs. W atts QUINN’S exotic: Edith, happy; Mary, bit­ Corilered said. agreements that once were Sen. Taft of Ohio, RepubUcan of the Korean war. leted for the rummage sale been happily married for more T he press appears to have made The UN announced that' the So­ than 10 years. terness; Bett.v, oath of God; Ber­ •majority leader and a committee S[arch 18 previous to the meeting nice, victorious; Cieo, famous; a. , serious, error, in the.... realm of secret. viet delegate would be the firat on that date. Members are urged Another fellow sa|d when he PHARMACY Humphrey stormed, out of a member, interpreted Bohlen’s testi­ apeaker at the aeaalon. The com­ Dawn,.a beginning; Eleanor, light; i *>‘K''er mathematics, at least in etosed session of the Senate For­ mony as Indicating a present be­ • to help on that occa-sion. and par­ married he had to borrow $7,5. To­ Emily, Industrious; Emma, a heal ' the opinion of one Manchester mittee haa been in receaa aince ticularly to try to donate salable day he can look back to a doeen businc.s.sman who is In a good posi­ eign Relations committee to tell lief that some of the Yalta agree­ last Thursday, awaiting Ruaaia's Issue in Doubt er; Etta, a ruler of the home; goods. A social tlnie with refre.sh- years of happily married bliss. tion to know. rejjorters that Charles (Chip) ments were a mistake. reaponae to the American accuaa- Fern, sincere and loyal; .Frances, OPEN SUNDAYS Bohlen, nominated for Ambassador But Taft, who himaelf haa crltl- tiona. menta will follow Monday night's One of the newer staff members courageous; Ivy, friendship; Karen, On the front page of The Herald m e e tin g ... I one day last week there appeared AjNtNy to Russia, was reviewing ‘‘a very i clZed aome of these agreements. At the committee'! morning tea- Tehran. Iran, March 2—(A>)—Mobs shouting anti-American was serving with Uncle Sammy pure; Linda, lovely; Louise, de­ said Bohlen contended that the un- when, he and hia nnate. decided, two La _jihologrnph . of .the. Plnkham, critical -period -In - American and. aion today.-i- delegatea from - Cuba, slogans stoned .U. S. cars and homes today as riots continned fender; Mabel; popular;- Mildred, quadruplets of West Buxton, Me., 9 A. M. to I P. Ms world hiatory.” derstandings were entered into In Belgium, Ecuador and New Zea­ C^. lUchard K. Stewart, son of could live as cheaply as one. gentle; Palt.V,. superior; Margaret, in Iran’s capital. Premier Mohammed Mossadegh’s support­ Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stewart of under a caption which read'•'Ihafs "What Bohlen is testifying to good faith on RooseveU'a-part and land spoke up ip support of the In­ (There are four now.) a pearl; Rub.v, contentmehl;: Ruth, 6P.M.to9P.M. dian reaolutlon on Korea which tha ers appeared to be gaining the upper hand in the demonstra* 18 Fairfield street, returned home There are only a few young fel­ ; Ten Dos.en Diapers A Day.” ought to be made public,” \iith the belief that tha Ruarians a beautiful vision;'' Sherry, intoxi­ A preposterous figure, accord- wOuVd carry them out. Communtsu rejected last year. tlons which have alternately as-*:' ' ' ' , ' ................. - Thursday. ni|^t after being dis-. lows with big bank rolls and $100 Humphrey safd.
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