More criticism of Davie Movie reviews Sports columnist Brian Churney calls for the Scene's movie critics offer their views of Thursday resignation of head football coach Bob Davie "Stigmate" and "Love Stinks." Also, check out in today 's sports section. last week's box office figures. SEPTEMBER 16, page 26 page 14-15 1999 THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL XXXIII NO. 18 HTTP://OBSERVER.ND.EDU FRESHMAN ELECTIONS MEETING TIME Two tickets remain 1 for Monday's run-off ~ Class of 2003 voted, which is By NOREEN GILLESPIE an unusually large turnout, Saint Mary's Editor according to nlnctions commis­ sionnr Chrissie Bmmer. Tlw niP('.tion isn't over yet for "For a freshman elnction. fr<>shrnan candidates vying for that's V!~ry impn~ssive," Benner class oflire. said. Two tiekPts will square oil' in Part of the large turnout may a run-otT bn due to innovative campaign­ M o n d a y . SMC ing techniques such as cos­ after secur­ tumns and t-shirts. ing the lop freshmen "They did a ph(momenal job pPI'!:PiltagPS elections of campaigning," Bennnr said. of vows on "It wasn't just my publieity, but Wndrwsday +Run-off vole their publicity as well. There in one of t.lw between Pace­ were pnoph~ actively cam­ most rom­ Jospeh, paigning by wearing t-shirts p (' t i t i v (' and passively campaigning frPshman Hackbush-Dixon through buttons as well." (dl'rtions in • Monday, 7-9 Tlw voting p(~rcentage is rPCPnt histo­ expe(·.ted to n~main high on ry. a.m., 11 a.m.- Monday as well, and election T h ., 1 p.m .. 5- 7p.m. ol'lkials are also nxpncting an Stepha niP increase in voters. l'an~-1\llison • Noble Family "Thern's always a largm· per­ .JosPph tirk- Dining Hall nmtage for a run-ofl'." Benner Pt will fanl said. "l'eople start getting seri­ .I e n i ous when it's down to two can­ llackhush and Caroline Dixon didatPs. Also, voting on II tick­ aftPr tlw two tirknts Pliminat(~d ets is OV(~rwlwlming. Pnople ninn otlwrs. are morn intense and con­ Tlw l'acn-.loS(lph tick(~[ cerned with who wins this seeurPd 23 pntTent of the vote, now." SHANNON BENNETifThe Observer leading thn llarkbush-Dixon Freshman class board mem­ tieknt who trailnd with I:~ pnr­ bers were also nleetml Monday Student body vice president Michael Palumbo (right) leads last week's student senate meeting. rPnl of tlw votP. On Wedensday, the senate approved a resolution calling for extended hours year-round at the Fifty-s(W(HJ pPrrent of llw see RUN-OFF/page Rolfs RecSports Recreation Center. Keough Hall senator Brian O'Donoghue reminded senators 4 that the steps of the Main Building are traaitionally off-limits to undergraduate students. Grads create college Web page Koppel will speak in expn~ss tlwir opinions on erate revenue through advertis­ • Site features college campus issues or college sports ing fees and commissions from annual lecture series sports news, student on thn nwssagn board. textbook and tieket sales. "Wn don't ndit anything" message boards The company shares owner­ degrees. Koppel has anchored unl()SS someon(~·s nwssagns got ship with Internet Services By BOB KERR "Nightline" since its introduc­ out of hand. said Ford. "We Management Group, which pro­ News Writer tion in 1980. want student input." vides accounting services for According to American stud­ By ERIN LaRUFFA The sit(~ also ofl'l)rs important CampusMonster.com, and Tonight, the department of ies department ehair Professor News Writer news stories from campuses Jerome Bettis, a fotmer Notre American studies and the pro­ Hobert Schmuhl, the "lecture around thn country. A "Career Dame football player who now gram in Journalism, Ethics and series tries to bring people that 1\ group of Notrn Dam1) grad­ Anma" will soon provide infor­ plays for the Pittsburgh Democracy uphold the uati~S. joirwd by a Michigan mation about career and Stnelers. welcomes Ted "In Ted Koppel's case. standards that State graduate, recently crnatml internship opportunities. Then) Notre Dame alumni Tracy Koppel to the made Hed CampusMonstnr.eom. a Wnb is also a "Featurml School of thn Graham, Charles Stafford, Hesburgh he's known not only as an Smith such a site desigtwd for college sports Month," which is currently Heggie Fleurima, Cliff Stroud, Library excellent journalist. but terrific jour­ fans and students aeross the Notre Dame. Katya Hernandez and Lee Auditorium to also as a great writer. " nalist." country. Opening soon, the "Textbook Walker also share part owner­ discuss con­ "In Ted 1\ privatn company located in Swap" will allow students to ship in the company. temporary Koppel's case, Mishawaka, the site contains buy and sell used text books, The site plans to include a concerns in Robert Schmuhl he's known college sports news, such as Ford said. The site will also add section dedicated to news for journalism. chair, American studies not only as an team sehedules and rosters, the dassifieds for students to sell women collegn students. Travel Koppel, the excellent jour- 1\P/Top 25 poll. and articles dormitory necessities such as and entertainment are other anchor and nalist, but about various football pro­ lofts. areas into which Ford says managing editor of "Nightline," also as a great writer," said grams. CampusMonster.com has an CampusMonster.com will will deliver the Red Smith Schmuhl. "(The idea for the site) came area for buying and selling expand. Lecture in Journalism at 7:30 The lecture series was estab­ about about nine months ago," game tickets. Ford realizes the importance p.m. lished in 1983 to honor Walter said Hussell Ford, a vice pn~si­ "We've had a terrific of student input in order to con­ Koppel joined ABC News in "Hed" Smith, a sportswriter and dent of CampusMonster.com response. People are really tinue providing the web site as 1963 at the age of 23, and is 1927 Notre Dame alumnus. and 1992 Michigan State interested in tickets," Ford said. a helpful resource. now a member of the Smith won a Pulitzer Prize in University graduate. "No one Although its main focus is "We want student input," Broadcasting Hall of Fame. 1976 for distinguished criti­ had a site that focused on stu­ sporting events, the company Ford said, "in order to make the During his 36 years with ABC, cism, and he was a columnist denl'i." has had requests for concert site a more valuable resource to he has received 30 Emmy Students are also able to tickets. The company will gen- students." Awards and 17 honorary see KOPPEL/page 4 page 2 The Observer+ INSIDE Thursday, September 16, 1999 INSIDE COLUMN THIS WEEK ON CAMPUS " Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Walking in • Open House for + Pep Rally: Joyce Center • Football: vs. Michigan • Spanish Mass: Keenan- Students of Color: Carer Arena, 6:30 p.m. State, WNDU- Ch. 16, Stanford Chapel, their footsteps Center, 4:30-6:30 p.m. + Entrapment: Cushing 1:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. • Presentation for the Auditorium, 8 p.m. & +Mass: Stepan Center, 45 + Mass: Basilica, 8 a.m., People of East Timor: 10:30 p.m. minutes after football 10 a.m. & 11:45 a.m .. Walking around the campus in the beauty of Center for Social • Strange Days: game. the early fall, I'm struck by how close I feel to my Concerns, 7:30p.m. Annenberg Auditorium, + Entrapment: Cushing parents. · My dad was a Domer and my mom was a Belle. 7 p.m. & 9:45 p.m. Auditorium, 8 & 10:30 p.m. And it seems to me that in the fall, I can almost see them on campus. I can see my dad playing pickup basketball on the Stepan OUTSIDE THE DOME Compiled from U-Wire reports Courts. I can see my mom in The Observer's office, argu­ ing with other editors. I can see them hurrying to class Jewish students at Brown U. unsatisfied across the quads in the late summer air. If I could just BROWN UNIVERSITY "There is a big difference third. turn quickly enough, I could Some Jewish students at Brown Although Brown does have weekly between a student catch a glimpse of my par­ Laura Petelle find services for the High Holy Days, Orthodox services, Flam said, there ents. 28 years younger. which include Rosh Hashanah, the congregation and a are no Orthodox High Holy Day ser­ Maybe it's the nostalgia in Jewish new year, and Yom Kippur, synagogue. vices due to the small number of the air. Notre Dame seethes Assistant the Jewish day of atonement, inade­ Orthodox students. nostalgia in the fall, with Managing quate for their religious needs. "I attend the Conservative services, football and alumni and the Editor As a result, these students seek Rabbi Alan Flam but I have friends who are unsatis­ smell of barbecue and burn­ other avenues for worship, either off director of the Brown/RISD Hillel fied with the Reform services," said ing leaves. campus at more traditional services, sophomore Jennifer Mitnick. "They Maybe it's because I'm a or at home where they can celebrate find that the services are not reli­ senior, and I'm full of nostalgia as well. Every in more familiar surroundings. 800 students who attend High Holy gious enough and too Reform." time I do something, it's the last. It's my last first "There is a big difference between Day services, Flam said. These Jews "There arc tunes that are difl'erent, home football game.
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