A series of New Year concerts facesot" in China has been a challenge forthe RSNO, but they've "thewiek been received we[ especially when playing more obviously Scottish melodies Peter Oundjian ruhered in the New Year with the familiar sh-ains of The BIue Danube on Monday night, but the setting was far ftom naditional. -tr- This was the bnndbEnd new.new, brishtbright red concert hall in the fast-expanding city of Shen- zhen, southem China, decked out with cnmson hangings, and fluttefing with as inany Chinese flags as lhele were Union_lacks. With a killed sextet from the National Youlh RONNIE WOOD (}ti- At 65, the rock-and-roll Pipe Band of Scotlarld sereDading astonished as they arrived the tbyer, like hellraiser is just one a nese listeners in it felt year younger than the a little piece of Scodand had taken root amid the gleaming dad of his ne$/ bride skvscrapers of one of Orina's wealthiest gave Sally Humphreys, but cities. Oundjiant musical mix the same feel- clas- hey ho, what's a tlg, combining impeccably stylish Viennese 31-year age difference sics with ruged Scottish repertoirg and it had the between newlyweds? concet's large Chinese crcwd gipped That might All the same, some have been down to the eventt novelty value, but are predicting that the any such thorghts were dispelled when the audi- nappies she'll inevitably ence spontaneously rose to their feet for a hearty It's a be chanqinq won't rendition of Auld long Syne in Mandadrl belong to any baby. soug valuing fiiendship and good times in ChinE too I was assured It was a Hogmanay like no other as shange and startlir8 as it was exciting. And it was the centrepiece of the RSNOT flve-stop tour of ChinE which kicked off on 27 December and also took in Guangzhou and Beijing and concludes with visits to Tianjin tonight and Macau on Saturday. Two days before the New Year celebrahon con- cert in Guangzhou the RSNO performed a more se- rious programme of Mendelssohn's Scottish Sym- phony and Elgar's Enigrrrc Voriations, with Peter Maxwcll Davies's witty An orkney Wedding, With Sunrise allowing Chinese listenen a close encorur- ter with Scotland, as yorulg piper Iain Crawford processed through the audience to the stage with bagpipes resorurding For the orcheshas chief exeoltive Micluel EIli- ti.6.YNf rto [$? project He's got a "bun in the ott, the RSNO's China tour is a[ important Koven" - knocked-up at a time of change, marking both his arival in toq I was assutecl It was a Hqgrnanay Like no other - as stange and staftling as it was exciting: And it was the cenbepiece of tie RSNO'S five-stop tour of Chin4 which kicked off on 27 December and also took in Guangzhou and Beljing and concludes with visits to Tianjin tonight and Macau on Saturday. Two days before the New Year celebration con- cert in Guangzhou the RSNO performed a more se- rious programme of Mendelssohnt Scottish SJan- phony and Etgart Enigrno yoriotions, with Peter Maxwell Davies's witty An orkney wedding, with Sunnse allowing Chinese listenets a close encorm- ter with Scodan4 as yormg piper lain Gawford processed tluorgh the audience to the stage with bagpipes resounding KAYNE WEST For the orcheshat chief executive Midrael Elli- He's got a "bun in the- ott, the RSNOT 01ina tour is an important project Koven" - knocked-up at a time of change, marking boti his arrival in Kim Kardashian. Some Augusl 20tL and also tlre fu'rt \eason from new "kouldn't kare less", but music director Peter Oturdjia And according to not the media. already Elliott it's worked, boosting morale and confirm- reporting that Kim ing the orchesaat place on dle intemational stage. won't give birth live on 'We have a successf, hack record in Scotland, but air, or Twitter, helpfutly we're working in an intemational business, and to pointing out that it'd be compete we have to be seen as good both at home a bad idea to name the and ovetseas." baby Rosemary or Fred, The tourt destination chimes well with the Scotthh govemment's agenda encouraging link - both economic and cultual with China.lt's a fact not lost on Elliott, althougl\ as he points out the Sino-Scottish relationship wasn t tie driving force behind the tour. "It's a coincidence as far as l'm concene4 but to mount a tour like this, we need healtrhy support from the Scottish Govemment's Intemational Touring Fund so I couldnt have con- templated it if I knew it wasn't going to be high on theiragenda" A qite apart ftom the colour and spectacle of the conce s themselves - and the RSNO players and Oundjian have supplied plenty of bot-h behind t-he scenes, sirnply making a stringent bueaucracy. As Chinese promoter of the tour like dris happen is a mind-bogling feat Guangzhou and Sheruhen evenLs Hu Zhongxi says, tusistanl stage manager Michael Cameron is gove[rment SIDSE BABETT the watches evelrthin& one of the toruk rusung heroes, with the re- Chin4 all commercial performances need to KNUDSEN "ln sponsibility of getting the orchestrat instru- be approved by the Ministry of every con- Two more sleeps until Culture (everlthing to dort every programmg every and soloist, Borgen returns to liven ments from violins le cert conductor basses, harp and timpani) not only lo China every geneEl manager of an orchesha things up Saturdays with the But but also ftom venue to venue once inside are getting easier they really disapprove un- ongoing domestic and - wont dle country. less yotire performing political dramas ot Birgitte religious musig or unless it's a "l've done a torm, but never one group coming from Taiwan,Japan or Nonvay, where Nyborg, ihe "world's lot of quite as ex[eme as this," he says. After has sexiest prime minister" China cultural tensions." the equipment Glasgow to Once in the counby, hard not to be aware that and perhaps the only driving ftom itt London on Boxing Day, he saw it onto a you should be followingthe mles.ln one incident that one depicted having sex cargo plane before himself hopping on a raised a few smiles (a[d eyebrows) concert-hall ushers on a kitchen counter. No flight to Hong Kong then following the hetd atoft glowing green signs forbidding photogra- spoilerS about season precious items by bus, taxi and tain to the phy even while the l On theup two, but some good news: RSNOweleinfi flighl venug the Concert Hall in side, you end beiDg passed season three's already fust Xinghai thoug[ might up between Guangzhou four or flve ushers to ensule a safe joumey ftom the been lilmed. And dut's without talcing into accornt foyer to youl seat LEE RANDALL the demands of China's notoriously Ihe RSNOT concerts have drarvn appreciative and 'lt's where I felt most at home wilh the record' Livingin a caravan on Eigg has helped busy Fence stalwart Johnnytynchto focusonanewalbunr,writes David Pollock IS the Saturday belbre wetud way I do kind offeel like records ofthe last fiveyears. ChristrDs, and tie tiird Im a part of all the bands we've It's a weird four-track album annMl instalrnent of Kid released' which Stevq I guess, engineered Canaveral's Christmas Fence is a collaborative more than produced The way Baubles show is not long organisatiorl as evidenced by they captrued the sourds, it's under way. The Edinbugh and things like Kate lnzda and David iust really warn\ really odd Ansbuther-based indie-pop Maccregor of Kid Canaveral! sorurding" grcup have taken a leaf out assistance in running it and the The pair recorded the bulk oftheir close friends at Fence fact L],nch is taking the band ofthe record in ten days on Records' book by promoting Eagleowl (who also have an EiS. "l!e seen Steve play on their own music through a album due on the label) with his own and with his band, but mini-festival compdsed oi like- him as both sr4rport act and also with Slow Club and Euos, minded musical accomptces on backing gr oup on his upconing with Cate Le Bon and Gruff the same bill. Claswegian guitar tour. Yet the new albun was Rhys and a bunch of others, virtuoso RM Hubbert is on stage recorded in near-isolation on and he's someone who's a really at the moment and Edinbughl Eig, where L5mch now lives in a collective-minded player He's FOUND are along next with a set caravan with his partner Sa.ra]\ also quite a no-nonsense guy, of hear,y, experimentd psych- an Eig native, while they wait he's just ]ike,'Let's gct on and pop, although sadly the latteft for their house to be builL do iC He forced me to play. a plaDned special guest, Fence "lt's where I felt most at home lot of the iistruments ofl the formder Kilg Creosote, wont be with the recor<|" he says. "We record, he'.s got me doing drum ioining thern had the use of this cottage which machines, weird keyboarcls, Upstairs in a darkened alcove looks out over the sea, and it guita6, all tie singiDg. as far hom the music as possible, wasjust the perfect recording 'FIe came ftom exactly the Johnny Lynch waiti to step space, the window frames right place, recording wise. It'.s into KCb shoes. Although the the sea and the surrounding about the weird little sounds in haunting, rustic r ock of Kenny momtains on the mainland lt's thelg on rcpeated iistens you Anderson is the soutd Fence where I L-new I wouldn't have can hear tlese things, these little is most closely associated wit\ any disftactions." He says this interludes.
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