INTRODUCING THE OPEN MY EYES, THAT I MAY BEHOLD WONDROUS THINGS OUT OF YOUR LAW. PSALM 119:18 CONTENTS WELCOME FROM R.C. SPROUL 5 W HAT W AS THE REFORMATION? 6 THE FIVE SOLAS 8 HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION S TUDY BIB LE 10 I GNITING A BIBLE STUDY REFORMATION 12 A REFINED READING EXPERIENCE 14 S TUDY NOTES 16 THEOLOGICAL NOTES 18 MAPS AND VISUAL AIDS 20 CREEDS AND CONFESSIONS 22 TOPICAL ARTICLES 24 C ONTRIBUTORS 2 6 YOUR NEW RESOURCE LIBRARY 2 8 D EAR F RIEND AS THE PSALMIST PRAYED in Psalm 119:18, “Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law,” I have discovered time and time again the beauty, authority, and suciency of God’s Word. That is why I consider it a real privilege to share the Reformation Study Bible with you. Over the last twenty-five years, I’ve assembled a team of seventy-five pastors and scholars—men I trust—to help me preserve, refine, and expand what I believe are the best study Bible notes we have to date. These notes have been forged by centuries of Christian reflection and thought, including faithful Reformers who sacrificed everything or—in some cases—lost their lives to ensure the next generation could 5 read and understand God’s Word. We have labored to demonstrate the beauty and authority of Scripture in both the design and function of this important discipleship resource. I pray it serves you well. By God’s grace, may our eyes behold wondrous things. In Christ, R.C. Sproul General Editor WHAT WAS THE REFORMATION? 6 Martin Luther posting 95 Theses, Wittenburg, 1517 It was a pivotal movement because during that time, God’s people rediscovered two essential truths. T he first was sola Scriptura, a phrase which indicates that S cripture itself is our only infallible rule for faith and practice. T he second truth was sola fide, meaning that justification is by faith alone in Jesus Christ. The “protest” of these two truths, along with other teachings, served to ignite the R eformation and dispel the darkness of the M iddle Ages. Changes subsequently swept 7 through Germany and beyond. Aided by the translation of the Bible in other languages, the reform spread quickly to France, England, Switzerland, the Netherlands, E astern Europe, and Scotland. It then made its way to the shores of America with the Pilgrims and Puritans during the seventeenth century. “ NO MAN CAN B E THOROUG HLY HUMB LED UN TIL HE KNOW S THA T HIS S A LVA TION IS UTTERLY B EYOND HIS OWN POW ERS, DEVIC E S , EN DEAVO RS, W ILL, AND WO RKS…” —M ARTIN L UTHER, GERMAN T HEOLOG IAN (1483– 1546) T HE FIVE SOLAS SOLA SCRIPTURA SCR IPTURE ALONE SOLA FIDE FAITH ALONE SOLUS C HRIS TUS 8 CHRIS T ALONE SOLA GRATIA GRACE ALONE SOLI D EO GLORIA TO THE G LOR Y OF GOD ALONE To capture the basic theological principles that emerged from the Protestant Reformation, the Reformers embraced five Latin phrases that stood in stark contrast to unbiblical teaching. Commonly referred to as the “five solas” (L atin for “alone” or “only”), these phrases have continued to serve each generation of Christians as clear statements on the Bible’s authority, our only hope for salvation, and God’s purpose for redemptive history. 9 “ F O R IN THE CRO SS OF CHRIST, A S IN A SPLEN DID THEA TER, THE INCO MPAR ABLE GOODN ESS OF GO D IS SET BE FORE THE WHO LE WO RLD. T HE GLO RY OF GO D SHIN ES, IN DEED, IN A L L C REA TURES ON HIG H AND B ELOW, B UT N EVER MO RE B RIG HTLY THAN IN THE CRO SS….” —JOHN C ALVIN, F RENCH PASTOR AND THEOLOG IAN (1509– 1564) H ISTORY OF THE REFOR MATION S TUDY BIBLE 10 Map of L ake Geneva and surrounding area, sixteenth century POST This Latin phrase engraved on T ENEBRAS the Reformation Wall in Geneva, LUX Switzerland, embodies God’s faithfulness After D arkness, Light to His church, which rediscovered the light of the gospel in culturally and politically dark days. By 1560, the far-reaching effects of the R eformation were being realized, including the translation and printing of the first Geneva Bible—the Bible used by William S hakespeare as well 11 as the Pilgrims on the Mayflower. It was the first E nglish Bible containing study notes to help explain S cripture. More than four hundred years later, L igonier Ministries introduced the New Geneva Study Bible to a new generation through the vision and editorial leadership of D r. R.C. Sproul. This important discipleship tool was later renamed the Reformation Study Bible and has continued to be a treasured resource for Christians. “ I T WA S GO D’S WO RD THA T MA DE US; IS IT ANY WON DER THA T H I S WORD SHO ULD SUST AIN US?” —C HARLES S PURGEON, ENG LISH PASTOR AND THEOLOG IAN (1834– 1892) IgnItIng a b IbLe study reformatIon a reFined reading eXperienCe 14 SINGLE-COLUMN UPDATED HELPFUL CROSS- BEAUTIFUL NEW TEXT INTRODUCTIONS REFERENCES TYPOGRAPHY Elevates Scripture Provide additional Highlight other Provides a and provides a context with simple verses and passages refined reading natural reading style outlines without distraction experience Like all other books, the Bible is a book designed to be read. But in important ways, the Bible is not like any other book because the ultimate Author of the Bible is God. I n many respects, it is God’s autobiography with a life-changing message. Since He is holy, H is Word is holy, and the content of His Word is designed to make us holy. As we continue to read, study, and meditate upon H is Word, we can discover this more and more. T he Reformation Study Bible provides a 15 refined reading experience that keeps the focus of each page on Scripture and its Author. “ T HE SC RIPTURE IS A LIG HT AND SHOW S US THE TRUE WA Y, BOT H WHA T TO DO AND WHA T TO HO PE. I T IS A DEFEN SE FRO M A L L ERRO R, AND A COM FORT IN A DVERSITY THA T W E DESP A IR NO T, AND WARN S US IN PR O SPERITY THA T W E SIN NOT.” —WILLIAM T YNDALE, ENG LISH BIB LE TRANSLATOR (1494– 1536) study notes draWn From Centuries oF ChurCh reFleCtion 16 THREE-COLUMN IN-DEPTH NEW FAITHFUL STUDY NOTES PERSONAL STUDY CONTENT SCHOLARSHIP New design Refined notes Includes the Provides reliable provides an continue to provide best and latest guidance for the unparalleled trusted wisdom, theological reflec- growing Christian study experience verse by verse tion and the latest for any reader archaeological discoveries The Reformation Study Bible’s notes have been written and edited from the carefully preserved study and reflection of the church over two millennia. I n these notes, you’ll discover verse-by-verse insight into difficult passages from many of today’s distinguished pastors and trustworthy theologians. The notes are not intended to be the final authority on Scripture, but rather a reliable deposit of ongoing reflection to guide each reader into the never-ending depths and riches 17 of God’s revelation in H is Word. “ O LORD, THO U HA ST FORMED US FOR THYSELF , AND O UR HEA RT IS RESTLESS UN TIL IT FIN DS ITS REST IN THEE.” —A UGUSTINE OF H IPPO, N ORTH A FRICAN PASTOR (354– 430) T HEOLOGIC AL NOTES F ROM A LIF ETIME OF F RUITF UL STUDY Theological notes from D r. R.C. Sproul are provided throughout the Reformation Study Bible. T hrough accessible summaries of important matters of the faith delivered “once for all,” Dr. Sproul’s notes complement the verse-by-verse study notes by bringing attention to broader subjects within Scripture. Each note is rooted in a lifetime of faithful study from this trusted pastor and theologian devoted to helping Christians know what they believe, why they believe it, 19 how to live it, and how to share it. ROOTED STUDY TRUSTED INSIGHT ACCESSIBLE NOTES Informed by From one of today’s For most any age two millennia of most trusted teach- or stage of the Christian theology ers of God’s Word Christian life maps that Bring the BiBle’s geography to liFe 20 AWARD-WINNING HIGH-RESOLUTION COMPLEMENTARY USER-FRIENDLY Archaeological Clearly trace and Carefully placed Easy to read with precision combined follow the steps of maps to enrich helpful notes and with quality and redemptive history further study captions beauty Throughout the Reformation Study Bible’s notes are award- winning maps that highlight the importance of not only knowing God’s Word, but also being able to clearly trace and follow key moments throughout redemptive history. I n-text grayscale maps complement your study rather than distracting from it while full-color maps in the back of the Bible provide high-resolution versions. Each map layers beauty and archaeological precision to create an informative visual aid 21 that lets you enjoy the scenery of S cripture as you read— without getting lost while you do. “ OUR CONFIDENC E IN CHRIST DO ES NO T MA KE US LA ZY, NEG LIG E N T , O R CARELESS, B UT ON THE CONTRA RY IT AWA KEN S US, UR G ES US ON, AND M A KES US ACTIVE IN LIVING RI G HTEO US LIVES AND D OI NG GOOD.
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