~~~ -- ------ ~-~---------- -- ~- Get in line Sports recruiting ."·icary mouies raked in the lop box ojflce sales Membership in the MIAA has giuen Saint Thursday this week . .'-iixth ."iense lead the pack. wilh Mary's College an aduantage in recruiting other horror .flicks following. athletes. SEPTEMBER 2, page 13 page 6 1999 THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL XXXIII NO.8 • HTTP://OBSERVER.N D.EDU MAY THE BEST MAN WIN Sweatshop task force visits site rights at f'actoril~s that produce whether there is a way to By MAGGY TINUCCI Notre Dame-liennsed produets. include non-governmental News Writer One responsibility of' tlw task organizations (NGOs) into our f(m:e was to set up a monitor­ group as a possibl1~ rc~com­ Five members of Notre ing system for Notre Dame's mendation to Fatlwr Malloy," Damn's Anti-sweatshop Task liecnsos, in order to "put some ffoye said. Foree visitnd El Salvador this ~teeth" into the eode of eon- Tlu~ group did not tour any summer in an ef'f'ort to gain duet, aeeording to Maria factory wlwre Notre IJamn first-hand knowledge about Cannalis, pn~sident of' tho apparel is mad11 and wen• sweatshops. Graduate Student Union. barred entry f'rom the f'rnl)­ "Wn wont to get a better Since Mar('.h, trade zone in San Salvador, handle on the conditions in thn l'rie()waterhouseCoopers has wlwrn tlw main abusns oc·.cur, factories. It's important for servnd as the sole monitor for according to Cannalis. They nwmbnrs ol' tlw Task Force to th() University. did visit thml) l'aetorins outsidl' snn this. Wn don't want to bn The trip allowed inclusion of' of tlw zone, two ol' which Wl'rn naive," said Bill lloye, assoei­ human rights activists and owned by tlu• motlwr ol' a atn vk1~ presidnnt and counsnl church o!licials in the monitor­ Notrp Damn graduatn and l'or t.lw University and task ing systmn. spoke with m t~mlw rs of a !'oren chair. "We went down tlwre with mmh~l monitoring panel set up Tlw group who went to El the idoa of implementing a to address worknrs' eon<:l'rns Salvador included administra­ monitoring system whore at tlw Mandarin appand facto­ tors, sta('(' members, and stu­ humar1 rights workers would ry, locatl~d in the f'rlw-tradn dcmts. come in before and al'tt~r zonn. "The diversity of' tlw group Prieewate rho ust~Coopo rs," "I didn't snn any ahusns in -\ gave dil'l'erent perspectives to Cannalis said. "Now we think tlw factories, but tlwy wPrP tlw issues," I foye said. "It was they should go together to not rnprnsnntativn by any an 11y11-opening nxperienee." assimilate what is going on in strntch of' t.lw imagination," Tlw groups toured apparel <t bett1~r way. Thoy have to see said Cannalis. "Still. it's nic:<' to f;u:tories, intm·viewml factory things in the same light. Thtm~ know some ar<' upright." worknrs and discussml factory is a gn~at deal of' skeptidsm Prienwa te rho us11Coo pe rs monitoring concepts with between factory owners and monitors l'ar.torins all ovnr tlw Catholic Church, labor and human rights workers. world l'or a rangn of compa­ human rights activists in order Because of this, we ;ire nins, indudingti>isney, lloyn to get a better pieturo ol' the encouraging a parallel audit. said. "model factory," according to This would allow for the most "Basically. thny an1 nwasur­ lfoyn. crmfibility." ing the factory against our University president Father After the journey, Task eode ol' eonduct," lw said. Edward Malloy created the Force leaders started to con­ Spedfically, thc~y look at tlw Anti-sweatshop Task Force in sider widening tho range of age of workers to dntnrmirw JOE STARK! The Observer March to advise him on fur­ groups involved in tlwir whetlwr ehild labor is lwing C. J. Murray, Jose Gonzalez and Joe Schwartz grill Wednesday dur­ ther measures the University efforts. utiliznd, how many hours pm· ing the Aanner Cup. Men from Knott and Sie$fried Halls will partic­ should take to identify and "From the experience of' the Ipate in events such as a quarter-do~ eatmg contest and arm rectify any abuses of workers' trip, we want to explore see SWEATSHOP/page 4 wrestling match, among others, in pursUit of the coveted cup. STUDENT SENATE SECURITY Members attack ticket system Man exposes self to ND time for tlw people who the unwitting redpinnts of By FINN PRESSLY planned it." halftime mementos sailing student jogging on Ivy A"i,r;uH N,•ws F.diror l'asquerilla Wnst senator from tiH~ senior section, Audra llagan exprnssed according to .I oe Cassidy. glanced toward the vehicle and saw l.as! wnnk 's lirkPL distri­ concern for the first-year director of Student Observer Staff Report that the canvas door was missing. bution systPm d l'l~w lwavy students who didn't havn Aetivities. The man's pants were pulled down fTitidsm from dorm rPpn~­ tlw b1melit of past expnri­ Knott senator Ed Foy Pnce with the systnm. showed his support for the An unidentified male allegndly and he was nxposing hims1~lf'. SI' 11 talivos at W1Hlnnsday exposed himself to a female Notre The student describml the suspeet night's StudPnl Snnatn "Thn frpshmPn in my distribution system. Dame student who was jogging along as a Caucasian mall) with combed­ lliOI'Ling. dorm worn seared to "I liked how it worked." death," !lagan said. "They Foy said. "It was better Ivy Road around 6 p.m. Wednesday, back hair and a rnceding hairline. I II) "Th1• papnr mado it Notre Dame was approximately :{5 ynars old and snom not that good," stu­ wore~ like, 'I have to go than having to wake up at The Security/ Police very heavyset. The vnhide is a mid- dPnt body vien pn~sidont through all of this to get four in the morning and reported. 1990s model. MirhaPl Palumbo said tickets?"' take a headl'irst dive at Suspect The student Security searchml !'or the suspect about Tlw Ohs1~rvnr's Aug. The seating system in two elosed doors and last seen shortly was jogging but had not found the man as of 2!i's rnport on tlw nnw Notre Damn Stadium drew stand there for four northbound on press time. Sncurity/Police said any­ sysll)lll. eritidsm, as Wl~ll. hours." before 6 p.m. the east side of one who observes a vehicle or· pnr­ llt1 tlwn optmed tho floor "Why are the grad stu­ Palumbo added that in Wednesday. dents in the middle of all addition to the early morn­ Ivy between son resembling the dnscriptions to comnwnts from snna­ Warriek and should try to get a lieenst) platn num­ tors. many of whom voiced the students?" Walsh sen­ ing "mad dash," problems +Caucasian ator Kate McCarthy asked. with aleohol abuse led to a Vaness Streets ber and eon tact Security at (,;~ 1- rwga!ivn opinions. + 35 years old when she saw a "They don't have the same change in the syst1~m. 5555. "I thought it was a disas­ + heavyset build white Jeep In a separate case last" week, an youn.~, enthusiastic atti­ "The drinking got out of tnr," Farlny snnator Wrangler unidentified male exposed himsnlf to Chrislinn Veliky said. tude. hand," ho said. "This year, + receding hair- we were able to control parked along­ a female student jogging around "Any111w I krww was like, Graduate students origi­ line nally sat in the lower eor­ the situation." side the road. Saint Mary's Lake between Fatima 'l.nt's go gnt our tickets The male Hetreat Center and Carroll flail. That and leave.' I don't know of ner of the student section. An informal survey of They requested a change the senate eondueted by occupant made suspect is described as a Caucasian anyono who stayed there an obscnne comm1mt to the student, main in his fall' 20s with blond hair more~ than half an hour. It in position, howevnr. because they were often according to the report. She then and a stocky build. s1~nmnd likt~ a wastn of see SENATE/page 4 ~--------~~----~----~----.. ~~---------------.----------------------------~--~~--.---~~~~----------~.-~~- page 2 The Observer+ INSIDE Thursday, September 2, 1999 Compiled from U-Wire reports INSIDE COLUMN OUTSIDE THE DOME I'll watch my MIT students discuss accidental death MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF ''Things have gone about as by Campus Police. The death is cur­ • TECHNOLOGY well as can be hoped for right rently presumed to be an accident. westerns tn peace Hesidents and tutors of East The Associated Press reported Cam pus gathered Tuesday to dis­ now. Tuesday night that the Middlesex cuss the death of Richard Guy '99, County district attorney's office said who died early in the day as the Jed Buchwald the case was not being treated as a If you're a liberal activist, stop whatever it is result of a drug overdose. East Campus housemaster homicide. you're doing. Turn ofT the Indigo Girls CD and "It's hard but they're handling it During a meeting Tuesday after­ pay attention. quite well," said East Campus noon, housemasters and East For the past two years, Big Brother has divert­ Housemaster Jed Buchwald of EC Guy was pronounced dead at the Campus residents decided to move ed your attention with non- residents. scene. some of their in-house rush events discrimination clauses, sty­ Dustin Ferrell Buchwald said deans, housemas­ Guy, a resident of Mission Viejo, to the halls of the dormitory in an rofoam and advertising ters and mental health profession­ Calif., was entering his junior year effort to avoid media attention.
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