MINNESOTA DANCING TIMES A publication of the Minnesota Chapter 2011 of USA Dance July 2012 Photo from our June dance by Suzi Blumberg Inside this month's issue: Summer Dance Opportunities, First Steps, Danceland, and more! Dancers' Night Out Join us for the USA Dance Sun 7/1 - Free Viennese Waltz Group Class; American Classic Ball- room; 550 Market Street, Chanhassen; 2-3:30. Mon 7/2 - Rhythm Junction; Four Seasons Dance Studio, 1637 Hen- July nepin Ave S, Mpls; Monday Night Swing Dance; 8-12; $5; call 612 342 0902 or visit www.4seasonsdance.com Tue 7/3 - Tropical Ballroom Outdoor Dance; Ojibway Park Band- shell, 2695 Ojibway Drive, Woodbury; Ballroom and Latin Monthly Night; lesson at 6:30, dance 7 - 9; free admission; call 651 414 0644 or visit www.tropicalballroom.com Fri 7/6 - Ballroom Variety Dance; Cinema Ballroom, 1560 St Clair Ave, St Paul; Lesson at 7, dance 8-11; call 651 699 5910 or Dance visit www.cinemaballroom.com Fri 7/6 - City Lights; Medina Entertainment Center, 500 Hwy 55, Me- dina; '50s-'70s Rock 'n Roll; lesson at 7:30, dance 8:30-11:30; Saturday, July 21st $12; call 763 478 6661 or visit www.medinaentertainment. com 7-8 pm Bolero Lesson Sat 7/7 - White Sidewalls; Medina Entertainment Center, 500 Hwy Instructor: Paul Botes 55, Medina; Doo Wop/Rock-a-Billy/Rock 'n Roll; lesson at 7:30, dance 8:30-11:30; $12; call 763 478 6661 or visit www. 8-11 pm Variety Dance medinaentertainment.com Sun 7/8 - Free Viennese Waltz Group Class; American Classic Ball- $7 USADance members • $10 non-members room; 550 Market Street, Chanhassen; 2-3:30. Mon 7/9 - Rhythm Junction; Four Seasons Dance Studio, 1637 Hen- (Become a USA Dance-MN member tonight and get in free!) nepin Ave S, Mpls; Monday Night Swing Dance; 8-12; $5; Hotline: (651) 483-5467 call 612 342 0902 or visit www.4seasonsdance.com Email: [email protected] Tue 7/10 - Tropical Ballroom Outdoor Dance; Ojibway Park Band- Web: www.usadance-mn.org shell, 2695 Ojibway Drive, Woodbury; Old Times Night; Polka lesson at 6:30, music by Hank Thunander Band, dance 7 - 9; free admission; call 651 414 0644 or visit www. tropicalballroom.com Sat 7/14 - Tango Society of Minnesota Milonga; Lake-of-the-Isles Lutheran Church, 2020 West Lake-of-the-Isles Parkway, American Classic Ballroom Minneapolis; Lesson at 8:30, dance 9:30 - 1 a.m.; $12 ($8 550 Market Street members); Visit www.mntango.org or call 612-224-2905. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Sun 7/15 - Free Viennese Waltz Group Class; American Classic Ballroom; 550 Market Street, Chanhassen; 2-3:30. Mon 7/16 - Rhythm Junction; Four Seasons Dance Studio, 1637 Hen- nepin Ave S, Mpls; Monday Night Swing Dance; 8-12; $5; call 612 342 0902 or visit www.4seasonsdance.com Tue 7/17 - Tropical Ballroom Outdoor Dance; Ojibway Park Band- USA Dance MN HOTLINE shell, 2695 Ojibway Drive, Woodbury; Ballroom Night; les- son at 6:30, music by Tim Patrick and His Blue Eyes Band, (651) 483-5467 dance 7 - 9; free admission; call 651 414 0644 or visit www. www.usadance–mn.org tropicalballroom.com Fri 7/20 - Ballroom Variety Dance; Cinema Ballroom, 1560 St Clair Call for information on dance events. Ave, St Paul; Lesson at 7, dance 8-11; call 651 699 5910 or Leave a message for membership information. visit www.cinemaballroom.com Fri 7/20 - Jerry O'Hagen; Medina Entertainment Center, 500 Hwy 55, Medina; Big Band/Variety/Swing; lesson at 7:30, dance 8:30-11:30; $12; call 763 478 6661 or visit www.medinaenter- tainment.com Fri 7/27 - Salsa Fusion; Cinema Ballroom, 1560 St Clair Ave, St Paul; Sat 7/21 - USA Dance; American Classic Ballroom, 550 Market Lesson at 7, dance 8-11; call 651 699 5910 or visit www. Street, Chanhassen, MN 55317; Bolero lesson at 7, dance cinemaballroom.com 8-11; $10, $7 USA Dance members Sun 7/29 - Free Viennese Waltz Group Class; American Classic Ball- Sun 7/22 - Free Viennese Waltz Group Class; American Classic Ball- room; 550 Market Street, Chanhassen; 2-3:30. room; 550 Market Street, Chanhassen; 2-3:30. Mon 7/30 - Rhythm Junction; Four Seasons Dance Studio, 1637 Hen- Mon 7/23 - Rhythm Junction; Four Seasons Dance Studio, 1637 Hen- nepin Ave S, Mpls; Monday Night Swing Dance; 8-12; $5; nepin Ave S, Mpls; Monday Night Swing Dance; 8-12; $5; call 612 342 0902 or visit www.4seasonsdance.com call 612 342 0902 or visit www.4seasonsdance.com Tue 7/31 - Tropical Ballroom Outdoor Dance; Ojibway Park Band- Tue 7/24 - Tropical Ballroom Outdoor Dance; Ojibway Park Band- shell, 2695 Ojibway Drive, Woodbury; Swing Night; lesson shell, 2695 Ojibway Drive, Woodbury; Country Night; at 6:30, music by Red Rock Swing Band, dance 7 - 9; free lesson at 6:30, music by Dixie Hicks Band, dance 7 - 9; free admission; call 651 414 0644 or visit www.tropicalballroom. admission; call 651 414 0644 or visit www.tropicalballroom. com com American Classic Ballroom (952) 934-0900 www.americanclassicdance.com, 550 Market St., Chanhassen, MN 55317 (494 west to Hwy 5, right on Market Blvd, right on Market St.) 2 MDT / July 2012 www.usadance-mn.org USA Dance – MN USA Dance: Chapter #2011 Board Who Are We? Minutes We are a nonprofit organization formed to preserve and promote ballroom dancing, both Tuesday, June 5, 2012 as an art and a healthful sport. The Minnesota Submitted by Leslie Whitney chapter, USA Dance MN, was formed in 1991. In attendance: Sue Zeller (President), Cathy Dessert Membership in USA Dance is open to dancers (Vice President), Leslie Whitney (Secretary), Jane of all levels. There are several categories to Phipps (Treasurer), Zhuojing Liu, Mike Jones, Yeun choose from: Social, Competitor, Junior Chou (17 and under), Collegiate, and Associate (pro- fessional/instructor). Location: Quixotic Coffee, 769 Cleveland Ave South, St. Paul USA Dance MN sponsors monthly dances and other special dance events. Members Call to Order: Quorum established. Agenda ap- are entitled to discounts on admission to the proved. May minutes approved. monthly dances, as well as access to a great ORGANIZATIONAL MATTERS network for meeting other dancers. Treasurer's Report As a member, you’ll have fun dancing and meeting many new friends. For more infor- Jane distributed a financial report as of May 31, mation, call the USA Dance MN HOTLINE: 651- 2012. 483-5467. The report included the 2012 Tea Dance income The Minnesota Dancing Times is published and expenses. monthly by the members of the Minnesota PROJECTS Chapter of USA Dance, providing information and news of ballroom dancing to members Fall Dance Event and friends. Tabled until August. Editor: Mary Beth Beckman (612) 424-2228 Dance Performance with the Viking Cheerlead- Design/Layout: Nic Westlake (612) 412-1112 ers Marketing/Ads: Suzi Blumberg (612) 869-4416 Mailing: Committee member Mike, Yvonne, and Chris Trask continue to pur- sue this opportunity. Contributors: Mary Beth Beckman, Suzi Blum- berg, Paul Botes, Elizabeth Dickinson, Donna Star of the North 2012, 2013 Edelstein, Lester Martin, Jack Munday, Deborah Plans are underway for 2013. J. Nelson, Paul Stachour, Sanjay Sujanani, Justin Sundberg, Sue Zeller. Chapter Equipment Contributions: Articles submitted may be edited A motion was made to give Andy Trawick Photo from our June dance by Suzi Blumberg. for length, clarity, and content. Photos should money to purchase new sound equipment for See the winner of the June photo competition be high-resolution jpg, png, or pdf files. Email Chapter #2011. on page 16. submissions to: [email protected]. Next Meeting: Subscriptions: $22/year. Make checks 6:00 p.m. payable to USA Dance MN and send to Theresa Kimler, 7050 49th St. N, St. Paul, MN Tuesday, August 7th, 2012 55128 n Inside the Times Quixotic Coffee 769 Cleveland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 n Dancers' Night Out ........................................... 2 Advertising USA Dance MN Board Meeting Minutes ......... 3 From the Editor ................................................ 4 DISPLAY ADS: To advertise your event or professional service, submit a digital The President’s Corner .................................... 5 file (300 dpi pdf or jpeg format ONLY) or Looking for a camera-ready artwork to Suzi Blumberg Dancing Times Photo Competition .................. 5 (email: [email protected] phone: 612-869- The Dancing Life .............................................. 6 free Summer 4416) along with payment to USA Dance MN. Advertising for charge cards, insurance, First Steps: Part Two ....................................... 7 or travel cannot be accepted. Payment to Dance? accompany ad. Look Your Best ................................................ 8 Danceland ...................................................... 10 Full page 7.5” wide x 10” high $130 Half page 7.5” wide x 4.75” high $80 Dancing on Vaction: Part Two ....................... 14 OR 3.5” wide x 9.5” high Photo Competition Winner! ............................ 16 Qtr. page 3.5” wide x 4.75” high $60 Business Card 3 consecutive months $50 Dance Soup: Free Summer Dancing ............. 16 Gentlemen Lead ............................................ 18 SWAPLINE ADS: Free 3-line ad in Swaplines Competition Calendar .................................... 19 available to subscribers (dance merchandise only). Send to: [email protected] Ask Dr. Dance ................................................ 21 See Dance Soup on Swaplines ....................................................... 22 DEADLINE FOR ALL MATERIALS: page 16 10th OF EACH MONTH Dance Contacts ............................................. 23 From the Editor by Mary Beth Beckman June is a month I look back on with confusion. I know I was there, but what did I do? At the very end of May, I took a weekend in Rapid City, South Dakota, for a wed- ding. While there, I went on a few adventures, put together a puzzle, ate surprisingly good sushi, drank coffee, and hung out with a cat named Moka.
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