.-a A splash party? Dave’s Westside Motel v * I^ WAVE'S' AVS' August 9,1969 CRUISE BY GAY COMPUTER MEET UP TO 14 NEW PEOPLE A MONTH FOR ONE FULL YEAR Forget standing on street corners—being harassed by the authorities - searching through smoky bars - Now! do it — the easy-scientific way. Make the friends you've always wanted to make! For a one night stand or forever. Space age computer science sees that you meet the really right for you people, the safe, dignified, confidential way. No matter where you live, the gay computer will find matches for you right in your very own area. Matches that will match your desires and interests. Let Man-To-Man do the trick for you. The reasonable one time only fee assures you of meeting up to 14 new people a month for one year. Our service is, of course, absolutely confidential and total discretion is our motto. Computer Cruising is fun and sure beats walking so don't delay - join today. Our illustrated and informative brochure on gay computer dating is your passport to happiness. Don't delay - mail the coupon today. I 17 Barstow Street, Great Neck, New York 11021 j j Please enclose $1.00 for handling and mailing. | I Name ...................................................................................... I WALTER RINDER ^ Address ...................................................... } / \ C it y .................................. State.................... Z ip ______ / Come try our new pool \ ------------------------------- ----------------------------------------^ with whirlpool section. "t>AVE'S” PHONE 322-4403 3001 WEST FOURTH STREET. RENO, NEVADA LETTERS TO THE EDITOR NEW ITEMS THAT ARE New PIANO BAR ALSO Featuring MAIL ORDER SPECIALS Editor; Through an acquaintance of ours in San ED MILLER Francisco, we came in contact with the June at the Grand 1969 issue of your magazine. As we also pub­ lish a homosexual periodical, we thought ^^^ooks that our readers would be interested in hear­ Angelo, Seven in a Bam, Night in a ing about your magazine (Gay people all over the world being interested in the prob­ * Hayloft, San Diego Sailor, Bail Out * and seven additional “Homo Under­ lems and progress of all of the other gay ground Classics” ...........................1.95 people all over the world). POOL TABLES We would like to have your permission to Tijuana Bibie Readers print excerpts from the different articles and (I & II), Two to Show and three to columns (only a few lines from each, trans­ Trade (by the author of One to Share), lated into Danish) to give the general flavor DANCING # Naked on Main Street (by the author and outlook of your magazine and the work of the Loon Series) pius 33 additional that your club is doing .... One of the things that interested us the “Greenleaf Classes” gay fiction series most was the notes on your production of “ A Ea................................................. 2.95 Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum.” Is there a possibility that we could ^^Magazines obtain other information and black and white Chain Male................................... 5.00 glossy pictures from the production? ... Beefcake No. 2.............................5.00 Quite obviously things aren’t as bad in the Young Champ No. 6 ...................5.00 USA as we here in Denmark had previously Phallic Development series, ea. .. 5.00 thought. It is very gratifying to see an or­ My-O-My No.1-5.00; No. 2- ... 6.00 ganization such as yours standing up and Bobby B’s Bare & Groovy Guysea. 3.50 speaking out for a cause that is looked down upon by so many. Keep going! We wish you NEW EDITION! Bob Damron’s revised all the luck in the world. 1970 ADDRESS BOOK for the U.S. Noel Hickam (X)Q Trading Co. and Canada .................................4.00 Copenhagen, Denmark ffia. Note: We complied with their wishes.) LE GUIDE GRIS by Brice Bard, iatest ^ o r ^ u n in edition of the World Guides .. 5.00 Elditor; These two guides cover the world I want to express our deep appreciation DON BANKS’ without duplication and are the most for the splendid write-up in your July issue superior publications in their field. of the Institute for Sex Research (Alfred C. CLEARANCE SALE: Hundreds of Kinsey) and its monumental study of homo­ Paperback titles reduced to .25 ea. or sexuality being done in the Bay Area this WESTERN PARTY... year . August 10th 3 for .69; Slides, photo sets and many The cooperation of the Vector staff I am Sunday Evening, 7 on .. male nude magazines reduced from 30 finding as typical of the attitudes of most llouniisitooti) 3 nn to 60%. people in the Bay Area. We are most grati­ Your Hosts: (Calif, residents add 5% sales tax on mail orders) fied to discover the majority of people here seem to sense the profound importance that Dennis and Claude this study can have in changing the climate THE "INN” PLACE ON SUNDAY 350 Ellis St., San Francisco 94102 of American attitudes towards homosexual­ Brunch from Noon to 4 Tel. 474-6985 ity. Again our many thanks to you. PHONE; 453-8247 Buffet from 7;30 Shop d a ily 10 to 10. Noon to 6 Sundays. Tom Maurer GARY at the organ Field Director. and Institute for Sex Research Friday & Saturday guest stars Daily except Mon. & Tues. San Francisco 'M ACKIE” .VIcINTOSH lunch from 11:30 to 2:00 VI’S CLUB at the Piano Bar dinner from 7:00 to 10:00 Editor; As a member of the so-called establishment 1625 SIR FRANCIS DRAKE VV'e still close at 10;00 pm and gay, I would like to make some sugges­ tions on how to solve some of the problems of gay society. I m in my middle thirties and successful DRAKE 10 OTootlani) ^an 3^fael 453-9903 in business and active in politics and com- IN FAIRFAX (MARIN COUNTY) (Contimud (m page 6) LETTERS . .. (Continued from page U) munity affairs. I am also one of the many in our society who live a straight life during business hours and gay when I want com­ panionship. First of all, we have to realize that part of VECCOR our problem is we have to change attitudes VOLUME FIVE NUMBER EIGHT in our society. Note that I say attitudes, not Editorial Review Board society ... We change attitudes ... by political Larry R, Littlejohn, action. If every voter that is gay ... voted President A VOICE FOR THE HOMOSEXUAL COMMUNITY and gave money and time to candidates and Bill Plath parties who support their viewpoint, things Director, would change in many ways. A good case in Public Relations point is Assemblyman Brown’s bill 743. Write Robert Cramer Copyright 1969 by The Society for Individual Rights or send a telegram to your assemblyman sup­ Director, porting the bill. Publications VECTOR is the official monthly publication of the Get active in groups ... church groups ... Society for Individual Rights, 83 - 6th St.. San Fran­ school groups ... special interest groups such cisco 94103. as Lions, Toastmasters and others ... Business Management BOTTLED BY GRENIER DISTRIBUTING CO Someday we can all be proud that we are Dale Switzer SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. gay and tell the world. Treasurer Name withheld by request Gene Green WHATISS.l.R.? San Jose Advertising SIR is nearly five years old and already the largest active homosexual organization in the United States. Circulation SIR is dedicated to giving freedom to the homosexual Gentlemen: male and female, freedom from guilt, harassment, and In the June issue of Vector was a letter Richard Lasker social injustice. from one Robert H. that I intend to reply “ Believing in our democratic heritage and that ethical to ... He stated that he was not convinced values are self-determined and limited only by every Photography e that Gay is Good — or that Straight. Black person's right to decide his own, we organize for: the or White is good — and believed that people Jim Briggs reaffirming of individual pride and dignity regardless Walter Rinder of orientation: the elimination of the public stigma at­ should not be categorized. tached to human self-expression: the accomplishing of t o A p e M This seems to me to miss the point... that effective changes in unjust laws concerning i>rivate re­ we live in a culture where people are cate­ lationships among consenting adults: the giving of real Poetry Editor and substantial aid to members in difficulties: the pro­ gorized ... that the category “ gay” is not Paul Mariah moting of better physical, mental and emotional health; good. My assertion that gay is good does the creating of a sense of community; and the estab­ not imply that straight is not also good, any lishing of an attractive social atmosphere and construc­ more than “black, is beautiful” implies that tive outlets for members and their friends.” white is not also beautiful... Contributors Preamble, S.I.R. Constitution Q Q c k t c i d ' Categorization is not in itself bad. It is, in A. Betancourt NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS fact, indispensable ... I fall into many cate­ J. Buckley VECTOR is produced by unpaid staff and volunteer gories, and my individuality lies not in my R. Gayer workers \Vho donate their time towards the attainment of S.I.R.'s expressed goals. Advertising is solicited absence of definable attributes, but in my P. George F. Howell from such firms as wish to support these aims, and can unique combination of them. If one cannot MASSIVE STUDY G. Kaufman be accepted with no condition other than that copy shall speak of “gay” or “straight,” but only of OF D. Lewis be correct as ordered and that the magazine shall issue individuals, then how can one speak of before the end of the month of publication.
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