Jfieunox nub f\.bbiugtou dlouutlZ ~useum 97 Thomas St. E., Postal Bag 1000, Napanee, Ontario K7 R 3S9 PRIVATE PAPERS IN THE COLLECTIONS OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON COUNTYArchives MUSEUM Index prepar ed by Jennifer Bunting under a Canadian Council of Archives Backlog Reduction Grant, CountyJanuary, 1988 L&A In the former County jail, built 1864, Opened as a Museum 1976 Private Papers - 2 - TABLE OF CONTENTS Art 3 Architecture 5 Adams Scrapbook 6 Arnott Papers 6 Beattie Dental Clinic 8 Baughn Music Collection 10 Connolly Collection 10 Colville Colection 11 Crossman Donation 12 Daly Papers 13 Daly Music Collection 14 Eadie Collection 15 Edmison Collection 20 Fairfield Papers 22 Fennel Papers 23 Fraser Papers 25 Fowler-Howard Papers 30 Goodfellow Donation 31 Gutzeit Bequest Archives 32 Huffman Deeds 34 Langford Scrapbook 34 Madden Donation 34 Miller Donation 35 Parks Papers 35 Paul Papers 38 Perry Papers 39 Ponton Trial 48 Scott CollectionCounty 48 Stickney Papers 50 Thoms Papers 51 Timmerman Collection 53 Turner Papers 54 VankoughnetL&A Collection 56 Vosper Scrapbook 56 Wartman Pape rs 57 Woods Collection 57 Small groups of papers 59-75 Vanalstine Collection 76 Burleigh Papers 78 Appendices Index to Finding Aide Private Papers - 3 - ART Artists of the County An expanding collection of documentation concerning artists with connection to Lennox & Addington County. I n 1987, files were as follows: Arts Survey: Dawson, Rod, writer Dorosh, Hildegard, painter in watercolour Gorman, LeRoy, writer and poet Storey, Marg, painter Webster, Geoffrey, photographer Cowel l , Marie Daly-Pepper, Kathleen MacDonald, Manly MacMullen, William Madsen, Soren and Susan Archives Philoxians, The Some Artists of the County (Exhibition) 1985 Brooks, Ruth Goodwin, Judith Cain, Wendy Madsen, Soren DeRose, Tim Madsen, Susan Firth, Shirley Miller, Shirley Saw r on, WalterCounty St. Mary 1 s of the Lake Art Purchase Binder (1983) Allen, Pamela Knapp, Margaret Anderson, David Mackenzie, Rita Beninger,L&A Jean Madsen, Susan Bieler, Andre Madsen, Soren Blenderman, Bob Mason, Muriel Bowmeester, Joan Miller, Shirley Broadhurst, Chris Oomen, Susan Brooks, Ru t h Oswald, Kate Gibson Duchene, John Paloschi, Susan Frontini, Gian Tombs, Robert Goodwin, Judith Walker, Michael Hagel, Carol Woods, James Heywood, Carl Workman, Lenni Kirkland, E.R. Yeomans, Nan Private Papers - 4 - ART - ORVAL MADDEN Binder: 11 The Charles A. Walters Collection of paintings by 11 Orval Madden , donated to the Lennox and Addington Historical Society by Dr. Allan Walters, 1975. Biographical Information Christmas Cards Photographs of his Work Covered Bridge - Mechanical Copy of Lino-Cut Hand Fire Engine - Or i ginal Water-colour Miles' Sapbush, Napanee- Original Lino-Cut 1840 Covered Bridge, Napanee, 1909 - Original Wood-cut Covered Bridge, Napanee 1840-1909 - Signed, mechanical reproduction after a woodcut. The First Reaper Used in 1832Archives - Original water-colour Type of Fire Eng ine Used in Napanee - Orig inal water-colour County L&A Private Papers - 5 - ARCHITECTURE Napanee, Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee Box 1 Pamela Burns, Introduction for Pamphlet by Pamela Burns, Summer, 1984 Copy of manuscript for pamphlet by Pamela Burns, Summer, 1984 Manuscript for lecture on East Street, Napanee, by Alice Poole, 1984 Box 2 John Patterson, Summer Project, 1985 Brochures, Architecture, General Files containing Pam Burns' original manusc ri pt, plus work done by John Patterson i n summerArchives of 1985 : The Campbell House, 3 Dunda s Street West The Cheap side Building, 36-40 Dundas Street East The B.C. Davy Law Office, 13 Dundas Street West The Downey/Robinson Store, 3 Dundas Street East The Roblin Building, Dunda s Street East The Harshaw Block, 52-56 Dundas Street East The McM ullen Block, 2 Dundas Street West The Grange Block,County Dundas & John Streets The Royal/Richelieu Hotel, 42 Dundas Street East The Zaren/Macpherson Property, Mill Street The Grand Trunk Rai lway Station, John Street The Lanphier Shoe Store, 55 Dundas Street East The L&AJohn Stevenson House, 138 Robinson Street The Cartwright House, 286 Church Street The Presbyterian Church/Masonic Temple, Bridge St. West The Wil so n Hardware Store, 8 Dundas Street Private Papers - 6 - ADAMS SCRAPBOOK The scrapbook is composed of clippings from about the time of World War 1 until the 1950•s. They are pasted into: Report of the Superintendent of Insurance, Dominion of Canada, for the Year 1899. The clippings are not in any particular order, and the dates are jumbled . There is considerable emphasis on the Royal Families of Europe and poetry, but local marriages, births and deaths are also included. The Scrapbook contains genealogical research on the Hicks Family of Picton, and a number of clippings concerning same. A photograph of Mrs. Hicks Minaker has been moved to the photograph collection (N-3085). The scrapbook was donated by Shirley Adams. ARNOTT PAPERS These papers were found during demolition of an old store on John Street, the 3rd property south of the old Post Office. Fred Arnott was a jeweller in Napanee from abou t 1886 until 1893. (In a letter dated 1892, he stated that he had been in Napanee for 6 years . ) File 1: Archives Po st office receipts and 4 personal letters. Details given in Appendix #1. File 2: Sunday School Picture Lession (Berean Leaflet), 1893 . Pencil notes forCounty Sunday School, story of David. cl893. Envelope marked 11 Rev. H.B. Patton, Deseronto 11 Receipt for Church Convention programmes signed by Charles Stevens Jr., 1893. Letter from M.D. Carder, Ancient Order of United Workmen, L&AGrand Lodge, re. suspension of O'Beirne. 1892. Receipts for contribution to Canadian Home Circles funds, Agnes M. Arnott, 1894 . Programme, Canadian Order of Foresters 11 At Home .. , Napanee, Nov. 28, 1893. Application for membership, Young Men's Christian Association of Cincinnati, 189-. Handbill, Gospel Meeting for men only, Young Men's Christian Assocation, Napanee. Ogden Hinch, Chairman; Fred Arnott, Secretary. Booklet, Constitution of Y.M .C.A., published 1888. Pencil notes re. formation of Plebiscite Committees throughout Lennox and Addington. c1894. Minutes of a meeting held in Presbyterian Church, Napanee 19th Jan . , 1892, for purpose of organizing Local Sunday School Associations for N. Fr ed and Napanee. Officers : Ogden Hinch, James Bowerman, William Templeton, H.V. Fralick. Private Papers - 7 - Arnott Papers continued ... File 3: Receipts and correspondence concerning Fred. Arnott's bicycle dealership, 1893. Includes handbill for demonstration of Comet bicycle at Campbell House Hotel in 1893, and contract and correspondence with H.P. Davies & Company, Toronto {agents for Rudge Cycle Company, Coventry, England). The letters are inventoried in Appendix File 4: Receipts relating to Arnott's jewellery business, 1891-1894. Firms included are: Dwedney, A.H. & Brother, 1892-1893 Eayes, Edmund, 1893 Ellis, P.W . & Company, 1893 Gunther, E.A., 1891-1893 Levy Brothers, 1891-1893 Meriden Brittania, 1891-1892 Potter, Charles, 1892 Archives Hemming Brothers, 1891-1892 Saunders, H.A., 1893 Schever, Edmund, 1892-1894 Toronto Jewelry & Regalia, 1892 Above re. badges for Ancient Order United Workmen. Waterbury Watch Company, 1892 F i 1 e 5 : County Receipts, general, including letters from W.B. Hurd, formerly of Napanee; letter from Arnott to H.C. Baker stating he has been in Napanee for 6 years and requesting relocationL&A of Bell Telephone Company Office to his store (ref. Mr. Donaldson); John McKeown, Belleville, refusing to take delivery of a cow; and others. Private Papers - 8 - BEATTIE DENTAL CLINIC The papers of Dr. H.J. Beattie, Dentist, Napanee. File 1: Account book of Dr. Beattie, March 26, 1926 until Dec. 1942. Includes daily appointments from 1926 until 1929 and services performed; Receipts and expenditures, 1926-1942. Also two letters: From James C. Forman, Commissioner of Ass essment, Ontario, Dec. 8, 1925, cancelling assessment. From J. White, Department of Soldiers• Re-Establishment, Insurance Division, July 2, 1926, giving information on Beattie's policy. File 2: Receipts, various government and special functions, as follows: Repayment of Loan to H.O. Richardson, Campbell ford, April, 1926 Receipt, Returned Soldiers• Insurance, Dec. 16, 1926 Repayment of Loan to E.C. Dolman, May, 1926 Application and receipts forArchives garbage pickup, Napanee, interrupted series 1931-1937 Receipt, Home and Schoo l Ass•n, Napanee, 1940 Dog Licences, 1940 and 1943 Licences, Private Receiving Station, 1939-40, 1943-44. Receipt, Red Cross War Appeal. H. Beattie, canvasser . Signed by Carson Graham, Nov. 17, 1939. File 3: County Domestic receipts, incomplete series A-C, as follows: Agnew-Surpass, undated Anderson's Grocery, Napanee, 1932-1937 Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, 1937-41 BeaverL&A (Napanee Beaver), Feb. 1, 1937. Bell's Grocery, Napanee, 1941-1943 Bell Telephone, 1934 Bibby 's, (Ladies• Wear), Kingston, Mar. 28, 1941 Boyle & Son , Hardw are, Napanee, 1929-1936 Boyes Merchant Tailor, Napanee, 1934-36 Brady, Butcher, Napanee, 1931-1935 Canadian Department Stores, Statement 1928, undated receipts Canadian National Express, 1934 Caton's Bakery, various 1937-41 Chatelaine, 1933 Clark, G.B., Napanee, Grocers, 1942-3 Cowlings, Grocer & Butcher, Napanee, 1932-39 Private Papers - 9 - Beattie, continued ... File 4: Domestic receipts, D-K, as follows: Davis, J.A., Jeweller, Napanee, 1937 Denison Bros., Grocers, Napanee, 1931-2 Dominion Stores, 1934-42 Doxsee & Co., Napanee, c1933-8 Douglas Sunoco, Market Sq., Napanee, 1939 Emmerson Electric, 1942 Francis Bakery, Napanee, 1938 Gibbard Home Furnishings, 1933-38 Giles, Charles, Pressing & Cleaning, 1935-1938 Grover's Meat Market, Napanee, c1941-43 Gourdier Furs, Kingston, 1941-2 Haines Shoe House, Belleville and Napanee, 1932-1938 Heintzman Piano, Dec. 1926 Hogarth's Book & China, 1934 Holmes Dairy 1933-1940 Hoopers Drugstore, 1928, 1935 Hughes Mattress Manufacturer, Kingston, 1933 Imperial Optical Company, 1942 Imperial Order of Daughters Archivesof the Empi r e, 1933-1942 Kimmerly, A.S., 1940 File 5: Domestic receipts, L-M, as follows: Laidlaw, John & son, Dry Goods, Kingston, 1936 Langley's Fur Cleaners, Toronto, n.d.
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