October July20, 2019 5, 2020 Fifth Sunday after Pentecost S T. J OAN OF ARC CATHOLIC CHURCH Traditional Latin Rite Parish of the Diocese of Boise Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter Preliminary rendering of the new St. Joan of Arc Church Mass Times Contact Information Sunday 7:30 am Low Mass 4772 E. Poleline Ave. Post Falls 83854 9:30 am Sung Mass (208) 660-6036 www.stjoanarc.com Sacramental Emergencies: (208) 446-8339 12:00 pm Low Mass Pastor Fr. Dennis Gordon, FSSP 5:00 pm Low Mass [email protected] Weekdays 6:30 am, 12:15 pm Assistant Fr. Michael Flick, FSSP Pastors [email protected] Fr. Andrew Rapoport, FSSP Saturday 6:30 am, 9:30 am [email protected] Fr. Joseph Terra, FSSP Confession Times Chaplain to the Carmelite Sisters 45 min. before each Sunday Mass Project Travis Rawlings Manager [email protected] 30 min. before each daily Mass Secretary Chuck Crimmins [email protected] 4:00-5:00 pm Saturday Maintenance Roger Stattel Manager [email protected] Mass and Event Schedule Events Mass Times & Intentions Young Adults, Fine Brewed after 6 am; 7:30 am: Private Sunday July 5th 9:30 am Mass 9:30 am Pro Populo Fifth Sunday after 12:00 pm : Private Pentecost 5 pm: Private 6:30 am: Special Intention Monday July 6th 12:15 pm: Private Feria 6:30 am: Stephanie & Joshua LaGrow and th Tuesday July 7 baby LaGrow (Elizabeth Roman) Ss. Cyril & Methodi- 12:15 pm: Private us, Bishops & 6:30 am: Emily Roman (Elizabeth Roman) Wednesday July 8th 12:15 pm: Private St. Elizabeth of Portugal, Queen & Adoration/Benediction 5 pm 6:30 am: Jennifer Roman th Thursday July 9 (Elizabeth Roman) Feria 12:15 pm: Private Friday July 10th 6:30 am: Private Intention Seven Holy Brothers 12:15 pm: Private Martyrs Ss. Rufina & Secunda Saturday July 11th Youth group 5 pm 6:30 am: Private Intention Saturday of Our 9:30 am: Private Lady Young Adults, Fine Brewed after 6 am; 7:30 am Private Sunday July 12th 9:30 am Mass 9:30 am : P Sixth Sunday after 12:00 pm: Pro Polulo Pentecost 5 pm: P Today’s Hymns Processional Recessional Glory be to Jesus Marian Antiphon Salve Regina II Reminder: Please silence your cell phones! Announcements Mass intentions are currently closed for all of the priests. Thank you for your understanding. Fr. Flick’s Mass intentions: 6/5 †Zoell McKenzie (Bill & Peggy Reindel); 6/6 †Zoell McKenzie (Bill & Peggy Reindel); 6/7 †Zoell McKenzie (Bill & Peggy Reindel); 6/8 Priest of the FSSP & for Vocations (Carol Wiese; 6/9 † Walter Wittmann (Carol Wiese); 6/10 †Barbara Wittmann (Carol Wiese); 6/11 Private; 6/12 Private. Sunday Mass times are: 6 am, 7:30am, 9:30am, 12 Noon, and 5pm. Spacing in church: We continue to only use every other pew and follow ‘appropriate’ spacing in the occupied pews. There is no seating in the vestibule/foyer area. The parish hall and cry room will remain open for overflow. Thank you for your obedience to the priests and your charity towards neighbor as we work together during these times. Bishop Christensen continues the dispensation from Sunday Mass obligations for those who are 60 and older, those who are immunocompromised and those who have judged it prudent for their health and safety to stay at home. Sunday Holy Mass is livestreamed at 9:30 am at stjoanarc.com All Confessions: are now located in the Confessionals inside of the church. Please line up outside of the church on the sidewalk by the double doors and enter when you see someone leave the confessional. All confession times return to the ‘normal’ schedule of 1/2 hour before each daily Mass. Confession times for Sunday: are 30 minutes before each Mass and will stop when Mass begins. Please plan ahead. Thank you Adoration/Benediction: is in the main church on Thursdays from 5 pm to 6 pm weekly. Youth Group Meeting: The Youth Group will meet on Saturday, July 11th at 5 pm in the parish hall Please contact Fr. Rapoport with any questions at [email protected]. Altar Boys Boot Camp: There will be an Altar Boys camp the week of July 13th to 18th , from 6:30 am to 11:10 am. All current servers who attend Saturday server meeting are invited to participate. There is no cost and breakfast will be provided. Please sign up in the credenza. Sign up ends July 11th. More details to fol- low via email. For more information please email Fr. Rapoport at [email protected]. Women’s Group: If you wish to be added to the email list for the monthly Women’s group meeting on the 1st Wednesday of the month, please contact the parish office at [email protected]. Perpetual Adoration: An Adorer is needed for Saturday at 9 pm. Thank you. Adoration chapel candles sponsor: is Evelyn Simas. Please pray for a private intention. Safe Environment Training: A reminder that several volunteers and employees need to renew their Safe Environment training online. All volunteers and employees who work with children for more than one hour during the year are required to complete Safe Environment training as mandated by the dio- cese. Please go to CMGconnect.org to login in to update your training. If you have never been trained in the diocese of Boise and would like to be a volunteer, please contact the secretary for information on how to do so. Your cooperation is appreciated! Cleaning help needed: As we return to more normal activity which includes heavier usage of the church and building, we are in need of a few more volunteers to help clean the church on Saturday mornings and Monday mornings. If you are able to help with either task, please contact the church’s maintenance supervi- sor, Roger Stattel at the church office 208-660-6036. May God reward you. Blessed items: all items in the credenza are now blessed; please pick up your items. Thank you. (and thank you to our good priests whom God has given the power & authority to bless items of us, the laity!) *** III Apologetics corner will return next week Seven Holy Brothers Martyrs, July 10th THE ILLUSTRIOUS vailed upon by this re- martyrdom of these monstrance to send an saints has been justly order to Publius the celebrated by the holy prefect of Rome, to fathers. It happened at take care that the Rome under the em- priests should be satis- peror Antoninus, that fied, and the gods ap- is, according to several peased in this matter. ancient copies of the Publius caused the acts of Antoninus Pius. mother and her sons The seven brothers to be apprehended were the sons of St. and brought before Felicitas, a noble pious him. When this was Christian widow in done he took Felicitas Rome, who brought aside, and used the them up in the most strongest inducements perfect sentiments and to bring her freely to practice of heroic virtue. After the death of her sacrifice to the gods, that he might not be husband she served God in a state of continency obliged to proceed with severity against her and and employed herself wholly in prayer, fasting, her sons; but she returned him this answer: “Do and works of charity. By the public and edifying not think to frighten me by threats, or to win me example of this lady and her whole family, many by fair speeches. The spirit of God within me will idolaters were moved to renounce the worship of not suffer me to be overcome by Satan, and will their false gods, and to embrace the faith of make me victorious over all your assaults.” Pub- Christ, which Christians were likewise encour- lius said in a great rage: “Unhappy woman, is it aged by so illustrious a pattern only to profess. possible you should think death so desirable as This raised the ire of the heathen priests, who not to permit even your children to live, but complained to the emperor Antoninus that the force me to destroy them by the most cruel tor- boldness with which Felicitas publicly practiced ments?” “My children,” said she, “will live eter- the Christian religion, drew many from the wor- nally with Christ if they are faithful to him; but ship of the immortal gods who were the guardi- must expect eternal death if they sacrifice to ans and protectors of the empire, and that it was idols.” The next day the prefect, sitting in the a continual insult on them; who, on that ac- square of Mars before his temple, sent for Felici- count, were extremely offended and angry with tas and her sons, and addressing his speech to the city and whole state. They added, that in or- her said: “Take pity on your children, Felicitas; der to appease them, it was necessary to compel they are in the bloom of youth …” (continued this lady and her children to sacrifice to them. next page) Antoninus being himself superstitious was pre- IV Seven Holy Brothers Martyrs, July 10th and may aspire to the greatest honours and pre- upon the mother four months later. St. Felicitas ferments.” The holy mother answered: “Your is commemorated in the Roman Martyrology on pity is really impiety, and the compassion to the 23d of November; the sons on the 10th of Ju- which you exhort me would make me the most ly, on which day their festival is marked in the cruel of mothers.” Then turning herself towards Roman Calendar.
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