San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1990 Special Libraries, 1990s Fall 1990 Special Libraries, Fall 1990 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1990 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, Fall 1990" (1990). Special Libraries, 1990. 4. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1990/4 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1990s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1990 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HELP WANTED? 1 HELP'S ARRIVED! SCITECHReference Plus'" On just one disc, you'll find: all sci-tech citations from both Books in Print and Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory all of American Men & Women of Science all of the Directory of American Research & Technology all of the Corporate Technology Directory (Corptech) Even better, you'll gain complete, creative con- trol over a broad spectrum of records on sci-tech publications, personnel, and industry activities. Explore a single database or review the com- plete "mega" file based on any combination of 27 criteria, and use full Boolean logic. 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(In NY, AK, HI call collect, 1-800-337-7187.) or write to: Bowker Electronic Publishing, 245 West 17th Street, New York. New York 10011 Introducin TECHLIBplus . The Ultimate ControB For Library Management. Today's special library is the hub of valuable information. As librarian, you must manage the library efficientlx assisting patrons and handling adminis- trative tasks. Such demands require an auto- mation system that gives total control. Only one does that: TECHLIBplus .'" TECHLIBplus is a complete, integrated system for special, technical, and corporate librar- ies. It automates acquisitions, circulation, cataloging, online catalog, and serials control, sirnphfymgthem for librarians and patrons alike. Powered by BASISplus:" the world's leading text informa- tion management system, TECHLIBplus runs on main- frames and minicomputers. To learn more about TECHLIBplus or register for a seminar near you, call Information Dimensions at 1-800-DNA-MGT Information mmensioMs a BATTELLE Subsidiary TECHLlBplus and BASlSplus are trademarks of Information D~mensions,Inc L special libraries 3 fa11 1990 vol. 81, no. 4 SPLBAN 81 (4) 265-392 ISSN 0038.6723 SDI Use and Productivity in the Corporate Research Environment Lawrence G. Mondschein ................................................................................... 265 A Management Survey as the Critical Imperative for a New Special Library Marion Paris .......................................................................................................280 Environmental Scanning and the Information Manager James Newsome and Claire McInerney ............................................................ 285 The Special Librarian: Results from a Survey of MLS and MBA Graduates Ellen Gay Detlefsen and Josephine E. Olson .................................................... 294 Medical Information, Health Sciences, and Professional Liability Arthur W.Hafner ........................................................................................... 305 The Growth of Reference Services and Special Librarianship and its Consequences for Legislatures Samuel Rothstein ............................................................................................... 309 Education For Special Librarians Linda L. Hill .................................................................................................... 317 Research Activity Special Librarians to the Core: Profiling with the MBTI Tobi A. Brimsek and Dolores Leach ............................................................................... 330 SLA Biennial Salary Survey Preliminary Report Tobi A. Brimsek .............................................................................................................. 338 A Report of the Survey of SLA Student Members Tobi A. Brimsek ..........................................,....................................................................341 On the Scene Photographs: Interpretive and Instructional Strategies Shelly Arlen .....................................................................................................................351 Nurturing Your Professional Development Mary Lennox .................................................................................................................. 360 Computer Viruses: Interview with Frederick Cohen Maria C.Barry .................................................................................................................365 Book Reviews ...................................................................................................................... 368 Special Libraries Annual Index ......................................................................................... 385 Information For Contributors ...........................................................................................49A Index to Advertisers ........................................................................................................... 52A special libraries Publisher: David R. Bender Cover design by: Paddy McLoughlin Editor: Maria C Barry Secretory, Publishing Serviies: Paul J. Witzkoske Advertising 8 Marketing: Steve Jones spermllibmries (ISSN: 0038-6723) is published quorterly (Winter, Back Issues & Hard Cova Reprints (1910-1965): inquire Spring Summer, Foll, Annual lndex in Fall Issue).by Special Libmr- Krous Reprint Corp., 16 Eost 46th St., New York, MY. Hardcopy, ies Associotion, 1700 Eighteenth St. NW, Woshington, O.C. 20009 Mitrofilm & Microfiche Editions (1910 to dote): Inquire University Tel(202)234-4700 Fox (202)265-9317. Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI. Microforms of the current yeor ore avoiloble only to current subscribers to the original. Speciol Libmries Assoriotion assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by the contributors to the Indexed in: Bwk Review Index, Computer Conktnt Cumdofive Assotiation's publications. Instructions for Contributors oppeors in Index to Nursing ond Allied Hmhh litemfure, Hirforirol Ahtmcts, Specm/librories 81 (no. 4): (Foil 1990). A pubt~otiontotolog is Hospifolliterature Index, Internotion01Bibliogmphy of Bwk Re avaihble from the AssoiKltion Heodquorten. Ediioriolviem do not viem, Internotional Bibliography of Periodid liremfur~libmry necessnrily represent the offkhl position of Speciol Libroims Asso- litemture, Monogement Index, ond Sn'em Cifotion Index. ciation. Acceptance of on advertisement does not imply endorre- ment of the product by Special Libroriis Association. Abstracted in: Combri~SaentificAbstmd~InformotwnSrienn Abstmrtr, INSPEC, libmry 8 lnformotion kiente Abstmcts ond Subscri tion Rates: Nonmembers, USA 548.00 per colendor Pubhc Affoin Informotion Servire. yenr indudes the quort~lyjournal, Sperial Wmh, nnd the monthly newslener, Speriolisf;odd $1 0.00 p~tagefor other coun- Advertising: Aaeptonce of on odvertisement does not imply tries including Conado. Sperm1 librorh is $12.00 to members, endorsement of the prodwt by Special Libraries Association. Speriolidis $3.00 to members, ialuded in member dues. Single mpiesof Spec~Ilibrorh(l981-)$9.DO;singlscopmsof Specialid 1 time 4 times (July 1980-) S3.00.Memberiip Direttory (noto port of o subscrip- tion) is $25.00. Cbims for missing issues will not be ollowed if Full page $585 $500 received more thon six months from dote of issue. No claims ore Half Poge 360 315 ollowed bemure of failure to mtifythe Membership Deportment or Quorter Page 225 195 the Circubtion Deportment (see above) of o chonge of address, or berouse mpy is "missing from files." Cover 2 790 700 Cover 3 715 630 Membenshouldsend their communkotionsto theSLAMembership Cover 4 825 750 Deportment, 1700 € hteenth Street, NW, Worhington, DC 20009. Speciol Posiiiom* 790 700 ~onmmber~ubscriLnshouklsend their communications to the SLA Circulation Deportment, 1700 Fghteenth St. NW, Woshington, 'Facing Cover 2, facing the Toble of Contents, facing the lead ortide OC 20009. or editoriol. Refund Policy:Ouetothecort of processin o reimbursement, the For information on four-color odvertising contact Director, Market- Assoriotion's polii is thot 'No refunds wide hued for omounts ing 8 Meetings, SLA Tel(202)234-4700 FOX(202)265-9317.
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