
1880. ANNUAL REPOR··T OF THE CITY TREASURER .OF THE RECEIPTS ANO EXPENDITURES OF THE CITY- OF TORON"TO., FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st DECEMBER, 1880, TOGETHER WITH . A STATEMENT OF SUNDRY SPECIAL ACCOUNTS, AND THE ,•rTY AUDITORS' STATEMEXTS, CERTIFICATES, ETC. l[oronlo: E. F. < 'LARKE, Cl>RP( >RATION PRINTER, COR. BAY & ADELAIDE STREETS. 18S1. MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE ~orporation of tht Qtiti of ioronto, FOR THE YEAR 1880, ,JAMES BEATY, JR., EsQ., Q. C., MAYOR. ALDERMEN. St. Law1·ence Ward: St. David's Ward: St. Thomas' Ward : P. G. CLOSE. WM. ADAMSON. MORGAN BALDWIN. .JOHN HALLAM. JOHN BLEVINS. WM. CARLYLE . ,JOHN TAYLOR. JAMES LOBB. SAMUEL TREES. St. James' Ward: St. George's Ward: St. Andrew's Ward: NEIL C. LOVE. H. W. DARLING. W. W. FARLEY. R. H. OATES. PETER RYAN. J. E. MITCHELL. X. L. STEINER. DAVID WALKER. J. H. MORRIS. St. John's Ward: St. Patrick's Ward: St. Stephen's Ward: ,JAMES FLEMING. JOHN BAXTER. JAMES CROCKER. JOHN IRWIN. GEO. M. EVANS. FRED. C. DENISON. HARRY L. PIPER. W. B. McMURRICH. .J. S. McMURRAY. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. ALDERMAN McMURRICH, Chairman. " BALDWIN. " DENISON. " FLEMING. " HALLAM. " LOBB. " LOVE. ., MORRIS . " RYAN. R. T. COADY, (Assistant Treasure1·), SECRETARY. <!tivit ~ tpattmtnt~ nntl f rhttipnl @f f ittt$t 1880_ -------------- TREASURY DEPARTMENT. SAMUEL B. HARMAN, Ex-MAYOR, TREASURER. RICHARD T. COADY, AssISTANT TREASURER AND AccouNTANT. JOHN PATTERSON, CASHIER. W. R. HUGHES, ( A WM. ANDERSON, 5 UDITORS. CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT. CITY SOLICITORS' DEPARTM8NT. RO.BEBT RODDY, Cit11 Clerk. HoN. ,T. B. ROBINSON, M.P., ( . W. G. McWILLIAMS, 5Solwitoi·s. H. J. HILL, Assistant City Clerk. WATER WORKS DEPARTMENT. ENGINEER'S DEPARTMENT. REDMOND J. BROUGH, FRANK SHANLY, EnginP.er and Manager. Engineer. J. H. VENABLES, Mechanical Engineer. FIRE DEPARTMENT. JAMES ASHFIELD, HEALTH DEPARTMENT. I Chief En,qineer Fire Department. I EMERSON COATSWORTH, RICHARD ARDAGH, Oily Commissioner. Chief Engineer Fire Brigade. ASSES_SMENT DEPARTMENT. THOMAS GRAHAM, NICHOLAS MAUGHAN, Assista.nt do. do. Commissioner. POLICE DEPARTMENT. His WORSHIP THE MAYOR, Chairma-n, } His HONOR THE COUNTY JUDGE, Commissione1•,<?. His WORSHIP THE POLICE MAGISTRATE, LIEUT.-COL. GEO. 'l'. DENISON, Police Magistrate. MAJOR F. C. DRAPER, JOHN MACPHERSON, Oliief Constable. Deputy Chief Constable. J. 'l'. NUDEL, ,TOHN GREEN, Police Oourt Clerk. Governor City Jail. CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE, Toronto, 15th March, 1881. TO HIS WORSHIP THE MAYOR. Sm,-I have the honour to hand in herewith the Annual Report of the Civic Receipts and Expenditures for the year 1880, with the usual Supplementary State­ ments relative to the City Debt: the Sinking Fund, and other Special Accounts. The same has been duly examined, and is accompanied by the Report of the Cit~, Auditors. It is pleasing that a surplus is exhibited in closing the present Accounts, and it is hoped that the same result will attend the wind-up of future Statements.· The remarks which accompanied the presentation of the Civic Estimates for the present year ; the very full discussions which attended their consideration; and the statement which, as heretofore, accompanied them, instituting a comparison between the estimated expenditure for 1881 and the actual expenditure for J 880, render it unnecessary to go into any further consideration of the latter at the present time. It may be desirable to repeat the following clause from the remarks I had the honour of offering with last year's Statement :-" The reconsolidation of the General City Debt has tended to the simplification of the several statements having reference thereto, and its analysis as to purpose of issue, as well as the tables relating to the Sinking Fund Accounts ; and further to effect the simplification aimed at, the State­ ments of the ' General' and 'Local Improvement ' Debts, and their respective Sinking Funds, are now, and will in future, be given separately, as being Liabilities authorized and controlled by distinctive statutable authority." The exhibit of Civic Insurance has been again given in full detail in the body of the present Report, and is supplemented by a separate table at the end, containing a summary of the entire insurance effected on the property of every Department of the City, including that of the Public Schools, accompanied by a full analysis showing the aggregate of insurance covered by the several Companies holding City risks. I hope the Report, with its several supplementary Statements, which, year by year, it is tlie earnest desire and endeavour of this Department to r~nder more. full and explanatory, will commend itself to the approval of the Council. I have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servant, SAMUEL B. HARMAN, City Treasurer. AUDITORS' REPORT. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF TORONTO. CITY AUDITORS' OFFICE, ToRONTo, March 15th, I 881. The undersigned respectfully report the completion of the Audit of the Accounts of the City for the year ending the 31st December, 1880, and beg to submit an ab-· stract of the Receipts and Expenditures, and the following Statements, a comparison of which with those of former years will show the greatly increased labour involved in keeping and auditing the Accounts of the various branches of the Civic Service. 1st. Detailed enumeration of items from which said abstract is compiled. 2nd. Assets and Liabilities to 31st December, 1880, as under: Assets .............................................................. $195,795 67 Liabilities ......................................................... 185,173 18 Leaving a surplus of......................... .. $ 10,622 49 3rd. The Debenture Debt of the City: General Debenture Debt.................................... $5,853,915 27 Local Improvement........................................... 465,094 33 Gross Debt ......... ........ ......... ......... $6,319,009 60 From which must be deducted amount at credit of various Sinking Fund Accounts..................... 330,228 72 Leaving the net Debenture Debt. $5,988,780 88 The neatness a:nd accuracy of the Books and Accounts, as well as order and courtesy on the part of the Officers, which were pointed out on former occasions, continue to characterize the Treasurer's Department. WM. R. HUGHES,~ n•t A d't WM. ANDERSON, ) '-'i y u i ors. 10 RECEIPTS. ABSTRACT OF THE RECEIPTS AND FINANCIAL YEAR ENDING RECEIPTS. I PAGE $ C. $ C. c. CASH ON HAND and in Banks, 1st January, 1880. ......... ...................... 21 ........... .... 457,009 71 Administration of Justice: I Received from Government of On-i tario for Witness Fees to 30th I September, 1880 ....................... / 21 .............. 528 0-1 Advertising: I Special..................... ................. 22 ~50 44 Bowes Property : Instalment and Interest on Lot sold. 22 I .. •••• City Registrar's Account: I I On account of Fees received under R.S.O., cap. 11 I, sections 98 to 104 22 I •••••••• •••••• 3,4::n 02 I Clergy Reserve Fund: I I Received from Government of On-: tario ........................................ : 22 Contractors' Deposits : . i Received..................................... 22 34,035 42 1 I Debentures Sold................................. 22 ............... / 65,5b0 oo' I Division Court Jury Fund : Fees received under 43 Vic., cap. :-:, sect.ions !.i to 4 i ...... .................. 1 23 .......... 149 82 ' Esplanade Arbitrations : Instalments and Interest on Awards i 21 ···············! ,~I 10 Esplanade Fund : i I Gran<.l Trunk Railway, Principal anct' Interest on Mortgages paid off..... 23 .............. 40,();jj 99 I Exchange ..........._ ........................... ---; ~;; ............... ____,_20_0_0 _____ 1 1 Garned forward ............ ...... ............... 1 004,204 -1~ 1 EXPENDITURE. 11 EXPE"NDITURES OF THE CITY OF TORONTO, THE 31st DECEMBER, lSSO. EXPENDITURE. PAGE $ c. c. $ c. Administration of Justice............... .... 51 15,512 17 Advertising........................................ 51 849 32 " Special ... .... .. .. .... .. .. ....... 51 777 20 1,626 52 Assessment Department: Sundry Expenses......... .. .. .. .. .. 52 .............. 1,667 31 Charitable and other Grants : City Charities, as per Detailed State- ment ...................................... 52 12,550 00 Toronto General Hospital.............. 53 14,500 20 Horticultural Society.................... 53 1,500 00 ,T. G. Howard, Annuity for 1880....... 54 1,200 00 29,750 20 City Charter: Printing .......... .. ......... ..... .. .. ..... 54 .............. 365 40 Commission : On Payment of Debentures and In- terest i:r:i England and Canada, &c. 54 .............. 1,996 04 Contractors Deposits: • Refunded . .. .. .. .. .. .. 54 ............. .. 31,205 07 Debentures (Redeemed): General....................................... 54 253,349 99 Local Improvement . ..... .. .. ......... 55112, 717 00 266,066 99 Division Court Jury Fund: Jurors' Fees .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 55 52 00 Election Expenses : Municipal Elections. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 55 1,028 70 Darried forward ............... ...........---,-----1------ : ......... 349,270 40 12 RECEIPTS. $ 'PAGE; $ C. c.1 $ c. Brought forward ............. ...... 1 .............. 604,204 48i Exhibition Fund : I Interest on Mortgages, &c.... .... .23 739 10; Fire Department : Sale of Old Material .......... ••···:······ 24 ..• ............ 40 40 Gas Supply: Consumer's Gas Company, Rebate; .. 24 .............. 39\J 72 Health Depar~ment: I Received for Sale and tledemption I of Dogs, &c........................ .. 24 339 10 I Inquests: Government of Ontario, Coroners' Fees, &c .......................
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