University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1974 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 2-13-1974 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 077, No 90, 2/ 13/1974 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1974 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 077, No 90, 2/13/1974." 77, 90 (1974). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1974/19 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1974 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. J!? c Q) u c: ....Q) Wedne$d~y, February 13, 1974 Faculty To Conlflle 'Removal By JOHN MAREK make it difficult for .students to enter graduate scho.ol.'' Pf the Lobo Staff "If we adopt this policy, we will be .cheapening UNM The gen~ral faculty voted yesterday at its monthly degrees, and that will b~· damaging to everybody," said meeting to take a montb.. Jong consideration of a another faculty member. · . modified grading policy proposal (the Howarth Plan) :Another membe1; said he feels the proposal 'lstinks." that would eliminate the use of ;the "F" ·in UNM's Opposition extended not only to the modified grading system. ' grading ~ystem but also to the entire school system of .. The general faculty is to undertake a month.. Jong New Mex,icQ. One faculty member said that the problem discussion on the proposal, with debate on it to be at UNM will not be solved by this change in grading undertaken at the general faculty's March meeting. A policy but that the whole New Mexico school system mail referendum on the issue with the entire faculty mess w.ill have to be cleaned-up. voting will be held after that meeting. More opposition to the proposal was expressed at last . Headed. by Prof. John Howarth of the Physics Wednesday's Faculty Policy Planning Committee department an "ad hoc" committee named by the meeting. "I guess I believe letter grades can reflect 1 Faculty Policy Committee had been working on the accurately,n said Bob Weaver, Dean of Admissions and proposal for at least two years. ll,ecords and Chairman of the Entrance and Credits The Faculty Policy Planning Committee approved the Committee. "Students are not so much against grades as proposal at its February 6 meeting and voted to place it against low grades. Maybe letter grades . are like on the agenda of yesterday's faculty meeting. democracy. It's the best system until something better Under this proposal, students would be allowed the comes along." . choice of enrolling in .courses under "Options." One . The Registration Committee said that the "F" is not .J would be for "credit/no record." Another choice would punitive as a grade is a report of a performance and allow students to pick an A, B, C, D, No Record grading therefore should not be eliminatefrom the system. ,. system. for each class they took. The plan would also Jet Chairman of the Journalism Department, Anthony profe~sional colleges, such as engineering, restrict option Hillerman, however, noted that "the present system is . plans but only in the student's interests. chaos," , The proposal received differing opinions at Also expressed at this meeting was concern over what yesterday's meeting. "This proposal was one that was will happen when a UNM student shows up at another Lobo Photo acceptable to everybody," said· Prof. Howarth. "We school as other schools use evaluation studies of favor recording only student's successes, and not their independent researchers. These researchers evaluate the Dr. John Howarth failures.'' · grades of one school and publish . these evaluations, His modified grading policy .~ .~Q!)~ J~c.t,tlj;y .. Q)e~~~ s~id !hat under the p~~pos~d . comparing what one grade at one school is compat:p.ble has been put up for a month gradmg system ''The qualtty of a UNM transcnpt will to at iimtherschoo1. · · · ' 'Of consideration. ,;1 Analysis. on· Page 2 Second of Two Parts . Solzhenitsyn Arrested Scoop·Jackson~ Press, MOSCOW (UPI)-Alexander 1. Solzhenitsyn, the Nobel prizewinning author who has become a worldwide symbol or resistance to the Soviet state, was arrested Tuesday at his Moscow And The Energy Crisis apartment and taken to the State Prosecutor's office, his family said. - By KARL VERA then asked him why the hell Scoqp wasn't pursuing "I'm not going voluntarily," Solzhenitsyn's wife Natalya Of the Lobo Staff Watergate like the bloodhound he made himsetr out quoted him as saying when police forced their way into his home Although late Cor the brier press. conferea:tce, to be. · after the writer twice refused· to answer summonses £rom the Scoop Jackson was punctual when it came to the .. Watergate?" he answered. "You're still thinking prosecutor. free eats. Leaving the disgruntled reporters in his about that? Why the election is history. ;I "It was a violent arrest," sh~ told western newsmen. She wake, Scoop bounded towards the ballroom like a Everybody's concerned about. energy now. You ll j quoted the police as saying the· 55-year-old writer would be hatr~starved Pavlovian dog responding to the chow know, if it wasn't for two reporters from the "home soon," bell. My companion from St. John's opted out Cor Washington Post, there wouldn't be a Watergate ~ 1\ Dissident sources said that, under Soviet law, Solzhenitsyn the Taco Bell while l scampered. after Scoop's issue. It has gotten to the point now; that i£ the could be held Cor three days without formal charges being .salivating retinue in hopes that I would find a choice press doesn't get Nixon to resign, they'll consider it brought against him. seat at the press table. When I got to the ballroom, a defeat." · Solzhen~tsyn, who won the. Nobel Prize for literature in 1970 not only was every table taken, but the rneal was What about the 60 some odd per cent or the l for his writings about Stalinist repression in Russia, has been almost over. The vultures were .a.lready sucking the voting public that thought Watergate was an issue? ,, under attack in the Soviet Press since the publication in Paris Dec. fatty remains and the guest speaker hadn't even Apparently they didn't figure into his calculations. \ 28 of his book, "The Gulag Archipelago." arrived yet! "I don't know where you're from. but the people He had ignored orders Saturday and Monday to appear for Due to the unexpected overflow attendance I was we've seen. don't care about Watergate anymore. questioning, telling Soviet authorities they should "Jearn to obey · · escorted· into another room where I dined with one You're caught up in the past." I.,i/ the law themselves." " or the most distasteful sets ot cormorants I ever had "How do we judge political candidates then?" I "We tried to hold them out but we were pushed away," said the mistfortune .to break bread with. First of all replied. ·"Surely not on their record. If all you Mrs. Solzhenitsyn's mother. "They were terribly rough. They ~ there was this brooding figure who sat silently present us with is a "new" Nixon ·or a remodeled ;~ forcibly took away Alexander lsayevich." hunched ov.er his plate throughout the whole meal. Jackson, then the candidate is only a creation of The younger woman said .she answered the doorbell and saw He was introduced as Bruce King's bodyguard; tllat · present propaganda, and our. faith is channeled into two men, one with a document identifying himsetr as from the Bruce King was in another room didn't seem to projected promises and completed stands." State Prosecutor's office. · • affect him. For that matter nothing seemed to "You're sore because Scoop didn't come out Solzhenitsyn appeared at the door and several men forced their register in him except that food equaled ~'good." early in support of McGovern. Look what way inside, she said. · . ' . • Maybe violence was the only thing that cou~d arouse McGovern did to the party; the election was a "Alexander Isayevich said, 'I'rn not going 'voluntarily.' " Mrs. him out of his i:levouring stupor. disaster." Solzhenitsyn said. , This hungerhead was joined by one .of King's I disagreed, although it was to no avail. But then press corps, a young nerve-knot who ct:oaked his Corcran was no one to talk about others doting on words out in a wheezy death-rattle and handled the the past. He began explaining how Truman was Cork like he was in Ice Station Zebra without gloves. hated during his 2nd term in office, and now he was A Russian Studies********** Committee will sponsor a public discussion a cult hero. The twisted jnference was that Nixon This scintillating duo was joined by two concerning the arrat or J;tussian author Alexander Solzhenitsyn ward-heelers £rom Jackson's entourage. One was might be popularized in. the future for suffering on Thursday, Feb. 14 at 3.:30~p.m. in Ortega Hall Lounge (Room Brian Corcran wh!J claimed he. was Scoop's press under an ungrateful public. If this was where the 332). - ~- . secretary. Democrat fatcats were · at, then the 2 party .system Speakers will include ProfeSs<>rs Richard G. Robbins or the t opened the friendly dinner chit·chat by asking 'was singing its swan song. · history -department, Jay Sorenson or the political science Brian why Scoop was·Hube Humphrey's blt.man in The dinner conversation didn;t last long.
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