PRAIRIE REGH SCHEDULE -I April 13 ·19,19. Issued Each Week by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation VOLUME V No. 16 ISSUED AT WINNIPEG. APRIL 4 $1.00 PEl This Week: Young Women's Musical Club (Page 3) * 20,000 Miles Through Asia (Page 4) * Lagerkvist's Barabbas (Page 5) * Winnipeg Folk Festival (Page 8) * T Thursday, April 17, the \Vayne and Shuster OShow featuring Canada's lop radio comedians, enters a new 17-weck series, under sponsorship of the cnc. The show will be heard at the same timp. (CIlW 8,30 p.m., CBK-CIlX 7,30 p.m.) and will present the sallie supporting cast as it did with its previous sponsor. 'A'ith the famous comedy team we will continue to hear singer Terry Dale, comedian Eric Chrisbnas. announcer Herb May and Samuel Hersenhorcn's orchestra. with Jackie Rae at the production post. It's just 20 years since Johnny 'Vayne and Frank Shuster first combined their wits to make people laugh. The circumstam.'Cs were a hit wlUsual, as the story on this page will show. * ** Wayne and Shuster Cavemen Ug and Mug (alias Johnny Wayne and Frank Shus­ ter) have induced chuckles from Cape Ra<.'C to Cape Cook with stories of their breath·taking discoveries of such things 8'5 transportation, frying pans aorl women. Dut the greatest of all their finds occurred quietly not 200,000 or 20,000, but a mere This Week's Hatch: A Net. Wayne a",1 Shuster Show 20 years ago. At Harbord Col­ legiate Institute in Toronto a Jackie Ratf perfectly innocent second-term been "partners in mime:' as they say, ever since. literature. Three mornings a week for 15 minutes, teacher allotted adjoining seats to two new boys­ At the University of Toronto the boys continued over. a network of Ontario stations, they enter­ and Ug and Mug had discovered each otherl their collaboration as producers, authors and stars tained housewives with l,V.ife Preservers, Q com­ In a matter of days (or was it minutes?) they of a splashy campus show, the annual University bination of gags and what they maintain were also discovered that they had dovetailing abilities College Follies; and as editors of Varsity, the sound hints on such homemaking problems as how to make people laugh. When even the teachers campus daily. to make rolled sandwiches. Unfortunately, their grinned at some of their jokes, the boys began to They first broke into radio when they were half courses hadn't prepared them for some of the acquire a name as pretty sharp comics. They have way through a post-graduate course in English posers sent in by harried (Please tum to page 3) Page Two CBC TIMES « « NOTES »» Cuckoo Clock House. Since not all boys and girls can get to school, school In Tune! Victoria~ Recital. Theresa Gray, dramatic so­ sometimes has to go to thpm. Mrs. "[t was in British Colum­ prano. From Toronto. Recently re­ Doreen Corps, wife of a school-train hia, in the spring and just when the turned to Canada, Miss Gray has been teacher in Northern Saskatchewan, birds were starting to sing. One little one had a very fascinating whistle, singing and studying in the United will describe life in their mobile class· hut the top note was about half a tone States and during the winter toured room, where the pupils include the children of railway men, fire-watchers, Hat. As we were walking along the trappers, Indians and others who make road he'd whistle and I'd answer, and their living in the North. Bill Tccdles each time I'd give him the note in will tell the story of The Deserted tune. After three or four minutes of copying me his tone began to rise and Mitle, all old Russian folk talc of an he finally got it in tune so we could aged miner's faith ill God, and of his talk to each other absolutely in tune." miraculous escape from .death; it is -Mary Ml.lnn, blind Cmuzdian pianist, from The Way of tfle Story Teller, a speakj,lg on the BBC. sdection of short stories retold by Ruth Sawyer. From Toronto. Dom. 3 :00 p.m. MST -,--- Theme: E.:lSler. Choir: Jesus Clu'lst Is Critically Speaking, Clyde Gilmour "1!'Ien Today (Lyra Davldlca); The Bill Boss StrIfe 1;1 O'er (Ley) j Hallelujah; J on movies, Melwyn Breen on radio, Know That My I\pc1eemer Lt\'eth and Roy Daniells on books. (Barh); The Day Or l\eSllrrection Formosa and interviewed Generalis­ (Gesangrllch) . W·3:30 p.m. K·2:30 p.m. X·2:30 p.m. simo Chinng Kai-Shek. Tonight he W·ll :30 p.m, K·10:30 p.m. X-I0:30 p.m. Little Symphonies. Orchestra l.'O11­ will broadcast a report on the inter­ ducted by Roland Leduc. From \iew. Mowltain Men. A series of talks about i\lontreal. W·9:20 p.m. X·8:20 p.m_ X·8:20 p.m. the rugged men of British Columbia's Suitc. Pellcas and )Ielisande (Faure); rug g e d mountains, by Howard Suite, Les Eolidcs (Cesar Franck). O'Hagen. ~1r. O'Hagen is a writer W·G:30 p.m. K·6:30 p.m. X-6:30 p.m. \Vinnipeg Concert. CBC \Vinnipeg Concert Orchestra conducted by Eric rand has had one novel published and Theresa Gray a number of short stories. He has Musical Comedies. CBC Light Opera Wild. Norman Lucas, producer. From recently gone to the new Alcan proj­ 30 states with a touring company Company and orchestra conducted by \Vinnipeg. ect at Kitimat to edit the weekly billed as "Rodgers and Hammerstein Samuel Hersenhoren; Evelyn Gould Russian Easter Ovcrturc (Rimsky· Nights." She was born in Toronto and KorsakolT); Karerln Suite (Slhelllls); newspaper. From Vancouver. and Doreen Hulme, sopranos; Jimmie Wise VirgIns Suite (DaCh-Walton); first broadcast on the cnc in Decem­ K·ll:15 p.m. X·ll:lS p.m. Shields, tenor; Bernard Johnson, bari­ Ballet Russe Suite (Lulg-inl). Tuesday, April IS, W·7:00 p.m. ber, 1947. tone. Ernest Morgan, producer. From Easter in the Russia of the Tsars W·IO:30 a.m. K·9:30 a.m. X·9:30 a.m. Toronto. was the greatest religious festival of SelectIons from The Prince or PlIscn the year, exceeding even Chri'ihnas, (Lud('I'~I; Show Iloat (Kern); Thp Religiuus Period. Roman Catholic ne~('''l Song (Romberg); The Fireny and Rirnsky-Korsakov's famous ovcr­ series by the Rev. Matthew Meehan, Frllll]); .\~ Thou<:ands Cheer (Der- hire is only one of many Russian S1. Alphonsus Seminary, \Voodstock, IiII I. compositions eelebrating the season W·7:OO p.m. K·9:oo p.m. X·9:oo p.m. Ontario. of the Resurrection. rt is distinguished W·l :30 p.m. X·12:30 p.m. X·J2:30 p.m. Stage 52. Thc Bishop's Letter, by H. by the composer's usual brilliant or­ J. Boyle of Toronto. The play has a chestration nnd tone-colouring. Rim· N.Y. Philharmonic. New York Phil­ Canadian setting, and deals with the sl-y-Kursakov began his career as a harmonic·Symphony Orchestra con­ work of a priest, Father Tim Dolan, naval eadet, and later spent three ductl.-d by Dinlibi i\Jitropoulos with among the poor people of his com­ years afloat witll the navy. His first soprano Frances Greer, contralto munity. H. J. Boyle is the supervisor symphony (the first ever written in Martrul Lipton, tenor Richard Tucker, of production on the cnc Trans­ Russia) was composed while he was baritone Desire Ligeti and the \Vest­ C.'mada network. serving with the Russian navy at minster Choir directed by Dr. John W·8:00 p.m. K·7:oo p.m. X·7:oo p.m. Gravesend, in England. Bach's 'Vise Finley \Villiamson. From CBS. V;rg'l'18 Suite was the inspiration for Elijah ('t('nr1f'lssolm). 'Vcekend Review. An analysis of the one of the most famous perfonnances W·2:00 p.m. K·I:OO p.m. X·l:oo p.m. week's news hy J. B. McGeachy. From hy \Vinnipeg's great Ballet troupe. Toronto. W·10:00 p.m. K·4:30 p.m. X·4:30 p.m. Church of the Air. Very Rev. J. O. W·9:10 p.m. K·8:10 p.m. X·8:10 p.m. Anderson, St. John's Cathedral, Win· Vesper Hour. Choir conducted by nipeg. Our Speci1l1 Speaker. Not long ago Dalton Baker; readings presented by Dom. 2 :30 p.m. MST Bill Boss of The Canadian Press visited E. V. Young. From Vancouver. Howard O'Hagen 8:45 Marine Forecast and 10:30 Recital 5: 15 CBC News 9:10 Weekend Revi."" lolerlude II :00 Holy Trinity Anglican Sunday, April 13, 1952 5:20 Ask lh. Wealberman 9:20 Our Special Spealr::er 9:00 CBC New. Church 5:27 Weather 9:30 Music for Striaqs 9:03 W.ather. Interlude II :59 Dominion Time Signal 5:30 Roll Back the Years 9:15 World Church Ne""$ 12:00 Alan Mills CBW, MANITOBA (990 Ke.) (CST) 6:00 Sundoy Eveniaq How 10:00 Winnipev Conced 9: 30 Sunday School 12:15 Just Mary 6:30 LilUe Symphonies 11:00 Chamber Music 10:00 CBC News 12:30 Way 01 the Spirit I: 30 Reliqious Period 4:00 Fiddle Joe's Ya:ma 7:00 Musical Comedies 11:30 VeJilper Hour 10:02 N.ighbourly Ne"".
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