April 10, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E575 regulations, which have reduced the Tibetans’ Michigan to recognize the life of Kathleen HONORING JAMES THOMAS, JR. economic opportunity and have eliminated Hudson Gaut of St. Joseph, Michigan who their cultural identity. passed away on January 7, 2008. HON. SAM GRAVES On March 10, 2008, Tibetan Buddhist Kathleen was a loving, selfless woman who OF MISSOURI monks staged peaceful demonstrations in rec- will be greatly missed in her community. Noth- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ognition of the 49th anniversary of Chinese ing made Kay happier than being with her rule over Tibet and the forced exile of the Thursday, April 10, 2008 large family who is spread out from coast to Dalai Lama. In reaction to the protests, the Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I proudly coast. Kay also had the enviable ability to Government of China used excessive force pause to recognize James Kevin Thomas, Jr. make the life of anyone she encountered that resulted in the death of hundreds and de- of Liberty, Missouri. James is a very special tention of thousands of Tibetans. about town a little bit better that day. young man who has exemplified the finest It is time for the Chinese Government to talk Born March 12, 1926, in Kalamazoo, Kath- qualities of citizenship and leadership by tak- with the Dalai Lama to reconcile their dif- leen completed grade and high school at ing an active part in the Boy Scouts of Amer- ferences so that the Tibetans will no longer re- Western Michigan (then) College. Recognized ica, Troop 1374, and earning the most pres- sent the Chinese and they can live peacefully in grade school for her athleticism, her interest tigious award of Eagle Scout. together. in high school focused on music, culminating James has been very active with his troop, f as drum majorette and band master. She participating in many scout activities. Over the completed her education at Kalamazoo Busi- many years James has been involved with PERSONAL EXPLANATION ness College, and then went on to a career at scouting, he has not only earned numerous Kalamazoo Vegetable Parchment (KVP) Corp. merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- HON. BETTY McCOLLUM In 1970 she was married to a childhood friend, ily, peers, and community. OF MINNESOTA and with her children they came to Stevens- Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ville, to be near the lake she had loved as a me in commending James Kevin Thomas, Jr. Thursday, April 10, 2008 child. In 1983, Kay and her husband moved to for his accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of America and for his efforts put forth in Ms. MCCOLLUM of Minnesota. Madam Baroda where they created Senior Life Manor, a foster care home. Retiring 10 years later, achieving the highest distinction of Eagle Speaker, had I been present for the vote on Scout. H.R. 5472 to designate the facility of the they returned to Stevensville, and later to their United States Postal Service located at 2650 present home in St. Joseph Township. Kay is f Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street, Indianapolis, survived by her husband of 37 years, Dell; five A TRIBUTE TO BM1 ROBERT M. Indiana, as the ‘‘Julia M. Carson Post Office children. Susan (Robert) Vandervliet of Min- FLICKINGER Building,’’ I would have voted in the affirma- eral, Virginia, Thomas (Rhonda) Rabbers of tive. St. Joseph, James (Mary) Rabbers of Ste- HON. C.A. DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER f vensville, Jodi Rabberts of Arlington, Texas, and Daniel (Diana) Rabbers of Peoria, Ari- OF MARYLAND TRIBUTE TO SANTINE FARACI zona; a step-son, Dale (Jackie) Gaut of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CATALINO ON HER 100TH BIRTH- Hudsonville, MI; 12 grandchildren; and three Thursday, April 10, 2008 DAY great-grandchildren. Kay’s mother and father, Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Madam Speaker, I Harold and Doris Hudson, preceded her in rise before you today to honor BM1 Robert M. HON. BRIAN HIGGINS death. Flickinger, recently named the 2007 Coast OF NEW YORK Therefore Madam Speaker, I ask my col- Guard Enlisted Person of the Year. Since the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES leagues to join me in recognizing the life of start of his Coast Guard career, he has risen Thursday, April 10, 2008 Kathleen Gaut. May she rest in peace in heav- through the ranks, attaining the rank of Boat- swain’s Mate 1, BM1, in June of 2004. During Mr. HIGGINS. Madam Speaker, I rise today en. his course of duty, he has also served as a to congratulate Santine Faraci Catalino on her training petty officer and the Executive Petty 100th birthday on April 13, 2008. 100 years is f Officer of Aids to Navigation Team Baltimore. quite an accomplishment! Santine Catalino has lived an extraordinary A PROCLAMATION HONORING In the Coast Guard, it is said that the most life. As a child, Santine worked countless CODY DENNISON FOR WINNING versatile members of their operational teams hours on her family’s fruit farm. During World THE BOYS’ DIVISION I STATE are the boatswain’s mates. BMs are capable War II, she was a welder in a defense plant. BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP of performing almost any task in boat oper- For 30 years she managed the family con- ations and navigation, and supervise all per- struction business. A fantastic cook, she lives sonnel assigned to a ship’s desk force. BMs in her own home, and attended bingo three HON. ZACHARY T. SPACE can be found in nearly every duty station available throughout the United States and times a week with her younger sister, who is OF OHIO 94, until just three years ago. various locations overseas. They serve on Santine is sharp as a tack. She enjoys fam- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES every Coast Guard cutter, from harbor tugs to sea-going icebreakers. Additionally, BMs will ily around her and telling stories of her youth. Thursday, April 10, 2008 Santine attributes her longevity to eating often act as Federal law enforcement officers. freshly prepared food all her life, a great deal Mr. SPACE. Madam Speaker: BMs are officers-in-charge of many patrol of chocolate, and never drinking. She even boats, tugs, small craft, and small shore units Whereas, Cody Dennison showed hard including search and rescue stations and aids quit smoking 50 years ago! work and dedication to the sport of basketball; Madam Speaker, please join with me in to navigation teams. BMs use their leadership and congratulating Santine Catalino on her extraor- and expertise to perform the missions of the dinary 100 years. I wish her many more won- Whereas, Cody Dennison was a supportive Coast Guard, at sea and on shore. derful years with her family. team player; and As Executive Petty Officer of Aids to Navi- gation, ATON, Team Baltimore Boatswain’s f Whereas, Cody Dennison always displayed Mate First Class Robert Flickinger has con- sportsmanship on and off of the court; now, PAYING TRIBUTE TO THE LIFE OF tinuously provided exceptional leadership and KATHLEEN HUDSON GAUT therefore, be it guidance to the crew he oversees. While en- Resolved, that along with his friends, family, gaged in over 100 ATON missions in the past HON. FRED UPTON and the residents of the 18th Congressional year, his professionalism and assertive leader- OF MICHIGAN District, I congratulate Cody Dennison on win- ship have led to his unit’s zero operational ning the Boys’ Division I State Basketball IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mishap rating. Boatswain’s Mate First Class Championship. We recognize the tremendous Flickinger is often described by his superior of- Thursday, April 10, 2008 hard work and sportsmanship he has dem- ficers as ‘‘recruiting poster quality’’ due to his Mr. UPTON. Madam Speaker, I rise today onstrated during the 2007–2008 basketball unsurpassed uniform appearance, military along with the Honorable MIKE ROGERS of season. presence, and overall demeanor. His superiors VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:25 Apr 11, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10AP8.013 E10APPT1 ccoleman on PRODPC75 with REMARKS E576 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 10, 2008 routinely rely on him to supervise or solve dif- diplomatic relations from the Republic of China we should commemorate for her genuine love ficult problems and demanding situations. to the People’s Republic of China on January of live she bestowed upon so many lives. Boatswain’s Mate First Class Flickinger con- 1. 1979. Fearing that the People’s Republic of f sistently seeks to improve the quality and en- China would claim ownership of all its assets joyment of Coast Guard life with an uncom- in the United States, the Republic of China HONORING THE LIFE OF ARMY mon commitment to the morale and welfare of government in Taiwan asked Thomas G. Cor- SPECIALIST GREGORY B. others. These exceptional qualities are likely coran, Sr. to help arrange for the sale of the RUNDELL the reasons lie was given the title of 2007 Twin Oaks estate to a private American civic Coast Guard Enlisted Person of the Year. organization, the Friends of Free China Asso- HON. BETTY McCOLLUM In addition to the prestigious Person of the ciation, co-chaired by Senator Barry Gold- OF MINNESOTA Year Award, Boatswain’s Mate First Class water. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Flickinger has received several additional mili- However, the passage of the Taiwan Rela- Thursday, April 10, 2008 tary awards. He is the recipient of the Com- tions Act, signed into law on April 10, 1979, mandant’s Letter of Commendation, three rendered the transaction unnecessary and en- Ms.
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