MOST PROGRESSIVE WITH THE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER LARGEST IN GUARANTEED THIS AREA CIRCULATION Voice of the Raritan Bay District" VOL. IV.—No. 51 FORDS, N. J., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1940 PRICE THREE CENTS COUNCIL MAY PREVENT Commissioner Willard Dunham Urges Board To Contact Attorney Elevated Affair, Marking Washing- ASE IN TAX RATE School Officials At Raritan To Send Pupils Here .er Rank At Tren- _ ton's Birthday, Oft Tap Ion Ceremony Tuesday Tomorrow Night WOODBRIDGE—A recommendation to bring tuition Stop! Look!- Effort Being Made Byt€om- students from Saritan and Piscataway townships to Wood- CLARA BARTON—Christian J. FORDS—A roast beef dinner Jorgensen, of 45 Lincoln Ave- mittee To Cut Appro- in . celebration' of George Wash- [enry Street Fire District bridge High School was made to the local school board nue, this place, was sworn in as a Town Committee Turns Turn Now.! Monday night by Commissioner Willard Dunham. counsellor-at-law in Trenton Tues- ington's birthday will be held to- priations To Bone Must Conduct .Another Mr. Dunham pointed out that tuition rates at high day. Stadium Over To Board morrow evening by members of Alexander Seeks Direc- schools in Metuehen, New Brunswick and Perth Amboy Jorgensen graduated from Perth Harry Hansen Post No. 163, Amboy High School in .1929 and American Legion, at the home of tion Signs For FIRST DRAFT SHOWED Election Nest Month have increased during the past Of Education entered Ohio State University, Commander Benjamin Sunshine. year, while Woodbridge's rate con- where he completed the- regular ;' Keasbey VAULT OF 70 POINTS tinues to remain low in the county. Legionnaires of the" local post As I four-year course in three years _ WOODBRIDGE — Where is OHN ANDERSON. ONLY Students in Raritan Township and graduated with the degree of ACCEPTANCE OF FIELD are requested to turn their over- and Piscataway. Township attend Keasbey? Bachelor of Arts in ] 932. seas discharge from the army, Revised Set-Up Expected NCUMBENT DEFEATED either Metuehen, Perth Amboy or BY BOARD IS ASSURED Committeeman Charles J. New Brunswick high schools 'due Following- his graduation from navy or marine corps over to Ser- Alexander informed the mem- to the absence of such institutions the University, he began his clerk- vice Officer^ Walter H. Lybeck this bers of the Township Committee To Be Introduced At, ship in the law offices of Attorney in their own municipalities. A small Women's Unit To Sponsor week. Monday night that there are no Lelerendum To Purchase number of Raritan students, how- David T. Wilentz in Perth Amboy Transfer Decision Follow- markers on the new highway, Meeting Wednesday ever, are now enrolled here. Card Party At Headquar- and also attended the New Jersey .Arrangements have been made and as a result truck drivers New Truck At Oak Because of the double-session ters Here Tonight Law School from which he was ed Suggestion By This to have these documents perman- with loads for the Carborundum WOODBRIDGE — Town- system employed at Woodbridge, graduated with the degree of ently recorded in the office of the and General Ceramics plants ship Attorney Leon E. i£e- PISCATAWAYTOWN — The bachelor of laws in 1935. He was have difficulty in locating them about 100 tuition pupils could be Newspaper Friday county clerk in New Brunswick. Elroy is in Trenton, today accommodated here. Mr. Dunham Piscatawaytown Women's Demo- admitted to the bar in 1936. and become confused. cratic Club will sponsor a public The post "held its' regular meet- where he will confer "with' urged the board to make some ef- Jorgensen, who took his coun- WOODBRIDGE—A special The second ward committee- RARITAN TOWNSHIP— card party tonig-ht in the fii'st ing at the home of Rufus B. Al- Walter R.. Darby, Cohrmis- fort to induce ..the boards in Rari- sellor's examination last year, has meeting- of the Board of Educa- maan suggested that the clerk district Democratic hall, Player len, Linden Avenue, Tuesday sioner of Local Governihent, ohn C- Anderson, secretary tan and Piscataway to send more of been a resident of Raritan Town- tion will be called during- the early be instructed to write to the their students to Woodbridge. Avenue. Many valuable prizes will regarding the first draft:of if the Clara Barton board. ship for the past two years. In his part of next week to accept the evening. - State Highway Department re- be awarded to high score winners. the- 1940 Township budget. vas the Ollly incumbent! Tuition pupils here are each as- short residence here, he has tak- Legion stadium which has been of- The session was adjourned ear- questing markers. If the budget is approved' it sessed $110 which is paid by the The Misses Betty Joseph and en a very active part in political fered to the board by the Township ly and the members then attended "Perhaps they will send us a will be given its first'reading •tanding for reelection to be sending school district. A group of Jennie DiGiovanni are co-chair- and civic affairs. He has served Committee for the "consideration the reception to Rcy Anderson, sign marked "To Keasbey Busi- at a special meeting'-of the lefeated at the annual elec- 100 tuition students would bring men on arrangements. They are as a member of the Edison State of one dollar." state department vice command- ness Distinct'," Alexander said. Township Committee on ion of fire boards in the $11,000 in additional revenue to assisted by Mrs. Anthony Istvan, Park Commission for the past Acting upon the suggestion made er, in the Municipal building in the local board. The cost of hand- Wednesday night, February Mrs. William Peters, Mrs. Frank- year. in the sports column of this news- Woodbridge. 28. ownship last Saturday. ling the group would amount to lin Joseph, Mrs. Stephen Clyde, paper last week, a resolution' was County School Of Nursing James G. Asprocolas, wholess than $3,000—giving the dis- Mrs. Emir Paul, Mrs. William adopted by the Township Commit- Graduates Two Fords Girls Although it was originally >pposed Anderson, was thetrict as $8,000 profit in the trans- Hand, Mrs. Michael Thomasko, tee Monday night turning the field estimated that the tax rate action. over to the board if the consent of iuccessful choice of the vot- and the Misses Bety Toth, Mora FORDS—Miss Margaret O'Reil-1 w.°'£ld %;.at *6asti 70 points Because ho additional facilities Gizzi and Gertrude Joseph. the Commission of Local Govern- higher this year, reductions ;rs, winning by a vote of 110 ment is obtained, a formality which ly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- would be required to take care of The club voted a donation to REPORTSPROGRESS liam O'Reilly, of King George's in State, County and Softool is against 103 for Anderson. 100 more students, the board voted no doubt will be easily obtained. Board budgets may 6ringvt]he The district budget of $14,- the Finnish Relief Fund at its Road, this place, and Miss Mary to carry out Mr. Dunham's recom- last meeting. A highlight of the There are only a few minor Chairman For Lions Club 1940 tax rate down to a' rate )89.33 was adopted by a mendation. Ann Galambos, daughter of Mr. session was a Valentine exchange Elected Head Of Newly Or- "conditions" attached to the offer. and Mrs. Frank Galambos, of 674nearer to last year's figure rote of 101 to 25. social of which Mrs. Benjamin The board must maintain the field Tells Group Campaign ' Amboy Avenue, Raritan Town- of $7.31. ' - . • . In the Henry Street section, Sheppard was -chairman. Mrs. ganised Harold G. Ho- for "public athletic activities" and McElroy Optimistic ' ', * Thief Ends Functioning Of the "field shall always remain • -Is Well Under Way ship, were graduated from St. Sarry Devitz was reelected over Elizabeth Miller was the hostess. The most optimistic officials of designated as the Legion Field." Peter's School of Nursing in New Harold B. Metzger by a vote of Private Banking Institution Mrs. William Peters, first vice- FORDS—Joseph A. Dambach, Brunswick last week. the Township is Mr. McElroy who KEASBEY—Leonard Meyers The resolution also states "that if 52 to 52. However, the budget of president, presided in the absence said Legion Field ceases to be used Jr., chairman of the Boy Scout ' Miss O'Reilly graduated from feels that the rate will be about $1,700 was not approved. The vote RARITAN TOWNSHIP—A of Mrs. Istvan, president, who was elected president of the new- "Lend. A Hand" drive in this sec- the same as last year's, or One. or; bedroom closet ••will never take ly organized Harold G. Hoffman by the Board of Education for ath- Perth Amboy High School in 1936 resulted in a 56-56 deadlock. A was unable to attend because of letic purposes, title will revert to tion, reported to the Fords Lions two points higher. It is believed the place of banking institu- Association of Keasbey, at a meet- before entering St. Peter's. Miss new election on the budget will illness. the Township of Woodbridge." Club at a meeting held Monday that Mr.MeElroy is basing his pje-; tions, as far as safety or in- ing held in the home of Frank Galambos is also a graduate of be held next month. The next meeting of the club Aaroe Report On Caucus evening- in Thomsen's commmiity Perth Amboy High School and the diction on the hope that there will vestment is concerned. Many Schwller, Smith Street. be a rebate from the county oa * Samuel Kirkpatrick defeated will be held March 1 in the club- While the .committee was dis- hall, that the local campaign was same class.
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