February 6, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E121 THANKING MS. ELAINE COMER On this day, I too would like to express my provides the facilities and meals for the event FOR HER SERVICE TO THE HOUSE support and deepest thanks to our at a considerably reduced cost, and addition- Guardmembers, and their families. Many of ally lends support to the participants through- HON. ROBERT A. BRADY these brave men and women are preparing to out the weekend. The Blue Star Moms con- OF PENNSYLVANIA leave their homes, their loved ones, and their tribute an incredible effort to make the Gold IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lives stateside in order to defend our Nation. Star event successful, including personally Wednesday, February 6, 2008 Their commitment to duty and steadfast deter- reaching out to all the Gold Star families in the mination is an example to Hoosiers, and all state, and underwriting expenses for families Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Madam Americans alike. They all deserve our most who might not otherwise be able to make the Speaker, on the occasion of her retirement in heartfelt thanks and admiration. Our Hoosier trip. January 2008, we rise to thank Ms. Elaine Guardmembers and their families will be in my Madam Speaker and colleagues, at this Comer for 32 years of outstanding service to prayers. time it is appropriate that we thank the Blue the U.S. House of Representatives. f Star Moms and the Marines’ Memorial Asso- Elaine began her career at the House as a ciation for the hard work and dedication they Programmer Analyst at House Information Re- HONORING THE BLUE STAR MOTH- have shown to sponsor the Gold Star parents sources (HIR) and has held and mastered ERS OF AMERICA CHAPTER #101 event. Their efforts have provided an impor- many positions, each with increasing responsi- AND THE MARINES’ MEMORIAL tant forum for these families to come together bility as she continually served this great insti- ASSOCIATION and the event is greatly appreciated by the tution as a valuable employee of HIR within families who have participated. the Office of the Chief Administrator. HON. MIKE THOMPSON In the mid-1970s, when the House first f OF CALIFORNIA began using minicomputers, Elaine designed, TRIBUTE TO JACK FITZGERALD IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES developed, and implemented the first House- AND FITZGERALD AUTO MALLS developed Member Office Support System, as Wednesday, February 6, 2008 well as mission-critical legislative systems. Mr. THOMPSON of California. Madam HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN Elaine was selected to represent the House in Speaker, together with Representatives MIL- OF MARYLAND a cross-government team with the Senate and LER, STARK, TAUSCHER and MCNERNEY, I rise IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the White House that resulted in the House- today to honor and thank the California East wide implementation of an integrated Local Bay Chapter of Blue Star Mothers of America Wednesday, February 6, 2008 Area Network (LAN) to support House commit- and the Marines’ Memorial Association. With Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Madam Speaker, I rise tees. These accomplishments led to her in- the support of the Marines’ Memorial Associa- today to recognize a longtime advocate for strumental involvement in an HIR-wide PC tion and Major General Michael Myatt (Ret.), child passenger safety, my constituent Jack LAN implementation automating project man- the Blue Star Moms are hosting their third Fitzgerald, President of Fitzgerald Auto Malls. agement and time accounting. event for Gold Star parents who have lost a As you may know, motor vehicle crashes Elaine’s management abilities were show- child in service to our country. are the leading cause of death for children cased as she oversaw project support to 30 The East Bay Blue Star Moms was founded ages 2 to 14 and the leading cause of injury- mission-critical House applications, provided when Patty Martin, Peggy Conklin and Nancy related death for children under age 2. We key coordination in the modernization of the Ecker reached out to each other for support know that when installed and used correctly, Data Center, was appointed the HIR rep- after the September 11th attacks. Each had a child safety seats and safety belts can prevent resentative to the CAO Business Process Im- son in the Army, and in November, 2001, they injury and save lives. In fact, young children provement Team, and led the Process and established a support group for military moth- restrained in child safety seats have an 80 Procedures project that supports the House ers in the East Bay area. Membership has percent lower risk of fatal injury than those Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery Pro- since grown to over 150 mothers, and they who are unrestrained. gram. Elaine’s contributions to the House cul- are affiliated with the national Blue Star Moth- In order to ensure that child safety seats are minated in her expert management of the ers of America. The East Bay chapter spon- properly used and installed, car seat check-up Configuration Management and Quality Assur- sors a variety of activities in addition to the events, like those sponsored by Safe Kids ance programs for the CAO. Gold Star event, including providing care Worldwide, are essential. At these events, On behalf of the entire House community, packages for troops stationed overseas, and child passenger safety technicians teach fami- we extend congratulations to Elaine for her Operation Post Card, connecting local commu- lies how to safely transport their children and many years of dedication and outstanding nity groups with soldiers abroad through letter help make sure everyone in a vehicle is buck- contributions to the U.S. House of Represent- writing campaigns. The moms have also taken led up correctly on every ride. On average, atives. We wish Elaine many wonderful years their good works to veterans in our community technicians spend about 30 minutes with each in fulfilling her retirement dreams. through regular visits to the VA hospitals at child. These events, most of which are open f Livermore, Palo Alto and Martinez. to the public, are conducted by Safe Kids coa- HONORING NATIONAL GUARD DAY The Marines’ Memorial Association in San litions in central locations such as automobile CELEBRATIONS AT THE INDIANA Francisco was founded in 1946 as a living me- dealerships, hospitals, community centers and STATEHOUSE morial to all the Marines who had lost their shopping centers. lives in the Pacific during World War II. Since Since 1996, Safe Kids Worldwide has then, its mission has expanded to include all partnered with General Motors to help change HON. BARON P. HILL branches of the United States Armed Serv- the way parents and caregivers learn about OF INDIANA ices, including members of National Guard child passenger safety. More than 13 million IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and reserves, and the U.S. Merchant Marine. people have been reached by the Safe Kids Wednesday, February 6, 2008 The Memorial is currently led by Major Gen- Buckle Up Program and, to date, there have Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, today, the Indi- eral Michael Myatt, USMC (Ret.). General been more than 44,000 events that bring ana National Guard is hosting a National Myatt has overseen the development of the much needed car seat inspection services and Guard Day at the Indiana Statehouse. This Memorial as a facility that both honors fallen education to families across the country. event will highlight our Hoosier citizen soldiers’ servicemembers and actively promotes the in- Safe Kids is well on its way to checking one capabilities, and provide an update as to their terests and needs of men and women cur- million child safety seats. Part of this success status as they prepare to deploy to Iraq. The rently in service. can be attributed to Jack Fitzgerald of Fitz- event will also show strong support for the The third Gold Star Parent gathering will gerald Auto Malls. In February 1999, Jack families of our Hoosier Guardmembers. bring together hundreds of parents from all teamed up with Safe Kids Montgomery County I applaud Maj. Gen. Umbarger’s work with over California for a 2-day event to honor the in my home state of Maryland to hold a car the Indiana National Guard. He has been an families of the fallen and allow them to cele- seat check-up event. At that event, Stephen unwavering champion of the Indiana National brate the lives of their children and mourn Guarino, who was then 5 years old, was Guard. His efforts today are to show support their loss. This event allows the families to moved into a booster seat for a better fit just for Guardmembers and their families, as well come together in private and share their expe- one day before the family vehicle was hit by as to help elected leaders and citizens better riences with others who are experiencing the a truck. Mrs. Guarino and the police officers understand the role of the National Guard. same loss. The Marines’ Memorial Association on the scene credit the saving of Stephen’s VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:30 Feb 07, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06FE8.018 E06FEPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC77 with REMARKS E122 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 6, 2008 life in that crash to the services received at the town was so called because animals in- RECOVERY REBATES AND ECO- the check-up event. cluding deer, the male of which the English NOMIC STIMULUS FOR THE Since that incident, Fitzgerald Auto Malls forebears called a ‘‘Hart’’ had a regular cross- AMERICAN PEOPLE ACT OF 2008 has hosted hundreds of check-up events.
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