SEVENTY-SECOND ANNUAL CoMMENCEMENT Graduation Exercises MoNDAY MoRNING, JuNE SECOND MEN's GYMNASIUM, T EN o'CLocK MCMXL I Oregon State College ROBERT WALDO RUHL Designated official represent­ ative of the State Board of Higher Education at the Seventy-second Annual Com­ mencement of Oregon State College. Mr. Ruhl is pub­ lisher and editor of the Med­ ford Mail Tribune, Medford, Oregon. PROGRAM PRELUDE-Scenes Napolitaines (First Movement) .... .Jules Massenet Romantic Legend "Niobe" ________________________________ De Robertis Oregon State College RO.T.C. Band H . L. BEARD-Director PROCESSIONAL-Coronation March from "La Prophete" _____________ _ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giacomo M eyerbeer The audience will remain seated throughout the processional, but will rise following the bugle call when the Colors enter the auditorium and will remain standing until after the Invocation. The Star Spangled Banner Oregon State College RO.T.C Band INVOCATION-The Reverend Ernest William Warrington, M.A. Professor of Religion Aria-"Care N orne" from Rigoletto ____________________________ Giuseppe Verdi ALICE HUGHES-Soprano PAUL PETRI-Accompanist GREETINGS TO THE CLASS OF 1941- The Honorable Edgar W. Smith, B.A. Member of State Board of Higher Education THE CHANCELLoR's MESSAGE To THE CLAss oF 1941- Frederick Maurice Hunter, A.M., Ed.D., LLD. Oregon State System of Higher Education Spring Song ---------- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ 0. W eil ALICE HUGHES-Soprano pAUL PETRI-Accompanist CoNFERRING OF DEGREEs-Francais Archibald Gilfillan, Ph.D. Chairman, Administrative Council Alma Mater ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Homer Maris RECESSIONAL-University ________________________________ Edwin Franko Goldman Oregon State College RO.T.C Band The audience will remain seated until faculty and graduates have left the auditorium. Senior Honor Students Elections for 1941 Senior honors are conferred by the faculty Administrative Council upon those members of the Graduating class, candidates for a bachelor's degree, who throughout their entire college course have maintained the highest scholastic standing in their respective schools. A student to be eligible to such honor must have made a grade·point average of 3.25 or higher. Election is limited to ten per cent of the graduating members of a school. SCIENCE HENRY RussELL HuLETT FREDERICK KNAPP WILSON BEULAH KATHERINE BUDKE KATHRYN LEOLA FERRIS FRANCIS EDwARD EHLERS RAYMOND LINTON HACK RoBERT WARREN McGILVERY AGRICULTURE LEEDS CRIM BAILEY GuY OLIVER MoNROE ]ACK COTTON STRONG ANTONE ]OHN PAVELEK FLOYD VANNORDEN WEATHERLY EDUCATION ]EANNE HARTMAN PoPOVICH EsTHER SIGRID LocKREN BERLAN LEMON RAE ELAINE BowMAN ENGINEERING FRANK ELVEZIO BIASCA WILLIAM HERBERT HUGGINS CARL HERING RoBERT BEAGLES RoBERT GEORGE FAIRFIELD WILLIAM BARKER WooTToN, ]R. LESTER COPENHAGEN EuGENE FREDERICK GRANT ROBERT STEPHEN HAMPTON DICK WINFIELD EBELING FAY ALVIN BRAINARD FRANK LILBURN WELLS KARL VATHAUER STEINBRUGGE WALTER CHARLES WALLING FORESTRY LESTER CLAYTON DuNN EuGENE ALBERT HoFSTED FLOYD ]OHNSON EDWARD ]OSEPH GEIGER HOME ECONOMICS MARGARET CHRISTIAN WARE WILLOTTA ELLEN HARRIS BETTY-SuE McCREADY MYRTLE MAE CARTER LENORA MAE CALLAWAY FRANCIS LOUISE WIMBERLY EDITH LuciLLE RoBINSON MARGARET EILEEN BRANDON MILDRED CATHERINE ORR MARIA VERONICA RIDDERS MuRIEL PooL McKAY MARGARET FRANCES McGINNIS NURSING EDUCATION MARION RosE CLARK PHARMACY RoBERT LuDwiG JoHNSON VIRGINIA HELEN PICKENS [ 3 1 Senior Honor Students-Continued SECRETARIAL SCIENCE MARION NAOMI TATOM ]EAN KARI NELSON BARBARA CLAIRE JACOBY EMILY CooK HERRALA FRANCES LouiSE FRENCH ]ANE STEAGALL HELEN KENT CLARKE MoLLY MARIKO KAGEYAMA HONOR GRADUATES, MILITARY DEPARTMENT Under the regulations of the War Department, each college or university maintaining a Reserve Officers' Training Corps unit may designate at the close of the academic year as honor graduates five per cent of the total number of students enrolled in each unit. The students designated must be graduates of the institution and of the Reserve Officers' Train· ing Corps, selected on the basis of character, academic grades, and demonstrated efficiency iR military work. INFANTRY WILLIAM BARKER WoOTToN, ]R. FLOYD VANNORDEN WEATHERLY FIELD ARTILLERY FLOYD LESTER ]OHNSON, ]R. EUGENE ALBERT HOFSTED, ]R. GuY OLIVER MoNROE ENGINEERS RoBERT STEPHEN HAMPTON [ 4 1 Phi Kappa Phi Phi Kappa Phi, national scholastic honor society founded at the University of Maine in 1897, stands for the unity and democracy of learning, and seeks to recognize and promote scholarship in all fields, the liberal arts and sciences as well as professional education. The following list includes those seniors and graduate students who have been elected by Phi Kappa Phi in 1941 or who are already members, the latter being indicated by asterisks. Juniors whose selection by Phi Kappa Phi was announced April 30, 1941, will be eligible for tnitiation next fall. Graduate Students *GoRDON ALDERTON, Agriculture *CHUNG KwAI Lui, Science *RAYMOND CHARLES AUNGST, Engineering GERALD TITUS NEWCOMB, A~iculture *LETHA MITTS BAKER, Nonmajor *MILOSH PoPOVICH, Engineenng *LYLE ALBERT BAKER, Forestry *WILSON STANLEY PRITCHETT1 Engineering BERTRAM RooNEY BERTRAMSON, Agriculture MAHMOUD SAM! RAFEI, Agnculture *EDMOND CLAIR CALAVAN, Science ALFRED NATHAN RoBERTS, Agriculture RoBERT WATSON DouGHERTY, A~iculture *GoRDON RussELL SITTON, Agriculture *GUILFORD HOLLINGSWORTH, Engineering HARRIET SINNARD, Home Economics *VIRGINIA LORD LANDQUIST, Home Eco­ VEARL RoBERT SMITH, Agriculture nomics FRANK WEBSTER STANTON, Agriculture *HELEN SHIRLEY LocKREN, Education *LAWRENCE WILLIAM ZACH, Forestry Seniors *CoRA BELLE ABBOTT, Home Economics *BERLAN LEMON, Education LuciLLE ELIZABETH ALPHONSE, Secretarial *EsTHER SIGRID LocKREN, Education Science *MARIENNE EWERT LUNDELL, Secretarial DoNALD RICHARD BAUER, Forestry Science *LEEDS CRIM BAILEY, Agriculture NORMA MAcDONALD, Secretarial Science RoBERT BEAGLES, Engineering LARRY THOMAS MARSHALL, Forestry DoNNA MARIE BECKMAN, Home Economics *BETTY-SUE McCREAD!t Home Economics *FRANK ELVEZIO BIASCA, Engineering *RoBERT WARREN McLriLVERY, Science *RAE ELAINE BowMAN, Education MARGARET FRANCES McGINNIS, Home Eco· *FAY ALVIN BRAINARD, Engineering nomics RuBY EDITH BREITHAUPT, Home Eco- *MURIEL PooL McKAY, Home Economics nomics GuY OLIVER MONROE, Agriculture *BEULAH KATHERINE BuDKE, Science *MARIE EMMA 0ETJEN, Secretarial Science *LENORA MAE CALLAWAY, Home Economics *GERALDINE MARY OLIVA, Education *MYRTLE MAY MILLER CARTER, Home Eco- *VIRGINIA HELEN PICKENS, Pharmacy nomics *MARGARET EvANS PIERCE, Education HELEN KENT CLARKE, Secretarial Science EDITH LUCILLE ROBINSON, Home Eco· *ALICE PAULINE CuNNINGHAM, Home Eco­ nomics nomics BETTIE JEAN RoBERTSON, Secretarial MARY DELPHINE DALLAIRE, Home Eco­ Science nomics MARGARET Jo ScHWAB, Education *LESTER CLAYTON DuNN, Forestry *JANE STEAGALL, Secretarial Science FRANCIS EDWARD EHLERS, Science KARL VATHAUER STEINBRUGGE, Engineer­ *RoBERT GEORGE FAIRFIELD, Engineering ing KATHRYN LEOLA FERRIS, Science MARJORIE LILLIAN TALBOT, Secretarial *MAc LEE FLEMING, Agriculture Science HENRY CLAYTON Fox, Agriculture *MARION NAOMI TATO~ Secretarial Science *FRANCES LouiSE FRENCH, Secretarial VERA AuDREY ToDD, .Nursing Education Science F~.:ANKLIN KORELL TouRTELLOTTE, Educa­ EuGENE FREDERICK GRANT, Engineering tion *RoBERT STEPHEN HAMPTON, Engineering WALTER CHARLES WALLING, Engineering *CARL HERING, E~gineering MARGARET CHRISTIAN WARE, Home Eco­ EuGENE ALBERT HoFSTED, Forestry nomics *WILLIAM HERBERT HuGGINS, Engineering FRANK LILBURN WELLS, Engineering *BARBARA CLAIRE JACOBY, Secretarial Science FRANCES LouiSE WIMBERLY, Home Eco­ *FLOYD JoHNSON, Forestry nomics MoLLY MARIKO KAGEYAMA, Secretarial EDGAR LuM WoNG, Science Science *WILLIAM BARKER WooTTON, Engineering [ 5 1 Sigma Xi (Elections 1941) The object of the Society of the Sigma Xi is to encourage original investigation in science, pure and applied. The society elects to membership original investigators of note· worthy achievement and students who show promise of research ability in the fields of mathe­ matics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, sciences of the earth, biology in its various branches including psychology, anthropology, medicine in its various branches, engineering in its various branches, and other closely allied fields. Active Members BERTRAM RODNEY BERTRAMSON, Agriculture JoSEPH ScHULEIN, Science LEWIS BYRON MELSON, Engineering RoBERT LuM WoNG, Science Associate Members RoBERT BEAGLES, Engineering VIRGINIA LoRD LANDQUIST, Home Eco- ELTON M BAKER, Science nomics CHARLES A Bovn, Science Tsur-CHIEH L1u, Agriculture EDMOND CLAIR CALAVAN, Science RoBERT JosEPH LoviN, Science CLIFFORD J DERNBACH, Science MARTIN DANIEL MERISS, Science KEENE PAUL DIMICK, Science MAHMOUD SAMI RAFEI, Science DICK WINFIELD EBELING, Engineering BILLY RoGER RAY, Science RoMEO WoRDEN GouLEY, Science VERL RoBERT SMITH, Agriculture WILLIAM HERBERT HUGGINS, Engineering MATHEW EMERSON SKENE, Engineering ALFRED C HUTCHINSON, Science DANIEL WILLIAM SLATER, Science LEN N ART TEIR, Science The Colors Distinctive of the Schools Used for tassels of caps of candidates for degrees The Graduate Division: Black The School of Science: Golden Yellow The School of Agriculture: Maize The School of Education : Light Blue The School of Engineering: Orange The School of Forestry: Russet The School of Home Economics : White The Department of Nursing Education (Medical
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