DAWEI, KYAUKPYU SEZS TO BE SPEEDED UP P-3 (NATIONAL) NATIONAL NATIONAL Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker donates cash for provides cash for flood victims flood-affected people PAGE-6 PAGE-6 Vol. V, No. 109, 7th Waning of Second Waso 1380 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Friday, 3 August 2018 VP U Myint Swe: ‘Made in Myanmar’ high-quality products should be promoted at prominent locations THE Small and Medium Enter- prises Development Work Com- mittee (SMEDWC) held meeting No. (2/2018) at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Industry in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. Vice Pres- ident U Myint Swe, SMEDWC Chairman, delivered a speech at the meeting. Attending the meeting were SMEDWC Vice-Chairman Union Minister U Khin Maung Cho, SMEDWC members in- cluding Union Ministers Dr. Than Myint and U Soe Win, Nay Pyi Taw Council Chairperson Dr. Myo Aung, Chief Ministers from states and regions, Deputy Ministers, Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar, Permanent Secretaries, other SMEDWC members, Chairman of the Republic of the Union of Vice President U Myint Swe addresses Small and Medium Enterprises Development Work Committee meeting in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA Myanmar Federation of Cham- bers of Commerce and Industry, gions and ministers working and The Vice President said that forming business connections. MSMEs to be displayed for sale experts, professionals, business- cooperating with enthusiasm in with the leading facilitation of The Vice President said in local supermarkets and re- people and other officials. the different agencies. He added the SMEDWC, four MSME ex- there are plans to invite private gional exhibition halls so as to In his speech, the Vice Pres- that he believed if the difficulties hibitions and competitions have banks in the MSME regional give them motivation. He added ident said, in the first meeting of of the micro, small and medium been held in four different states product exhibition and competi- that conducting promotions in SMEDWC, held on 13 Decem- enterprises (MSMEs) are solved and regions, with collaboration tion to be held in Sagaing Region states and regions will encourage ber 2017, the Fund Management and their actual requirements between Mandalay Region and this month, so that they can ob- the proliferation of rural SMEs. Group, Report Writing Group and were fulfilled, then their com- Kachin State in Mandalay City, serve the regional MSMEs and He said counters for ‘Made in SME Agency were formed and petitive advantage will be real- between Magway Region, Chin provide loans to those with a high Myanmar’ high-quality products that the three groups need to istically elevated. State and Rakhine State in Mag- chance for future success. should be allowed to be set up in work in harmony with increased The Vice President request- way City, between Shan State and SMEDWC has the responsi- airports, express bus terminals, momentum. In the second meet- ed for the relevant states and Kayah State in Taunggyi City, and bility to support business start- prominent and famous locations, ing, held on 19 February 2018, a regions to provide support to the of Ayeyawady Region in Pathein ups and traditional SMEs in hotels, restaurants and super- decision was made to form local six self-administered zones so City. The Vice President request- growing into strong SMEs and markets, in accordance with the branches of the SME Agency in that branches of the SME Agency ed the cooperation of everyone, to set and implement strategic available basic infrastructure in the Nay Pyi Taw Council area can be opened there, as they are so that more MSME exhibitions plans for MSMEs that win the the region. He added that he no- and states and regions, said the the only areas left with no agency and competitions can be held in regional competitions and those ticed ASEAN countries display Vice President. branch while the Nay Pyi Taw the remaining states and regions with good prospects to enter their regional products at their The Vice President said he Council and remaining states and with each successive exhi- the global market, said the Vice conferences and special occa- was delighted to see the Chief and regions each have a branch bition and competition getting President. He said he wished sions. Ministers from states and re- of the agency. better in promoting MSMEs and for products from struggling SEE PAGE- 7 INSIDE TODAY NATIONAL BUSINESS NATIONAL 38 dams, reservoirs MyCO website to recommence Staff of UEC, sub-commissions receive skills overflow through access on 6 August, DICA for monitoring, assessing strategic plan spillways launches MyCO kiosks 2019-2022 PAGE-6 PAGE-5 PAGE-3 3 AUGUST 2018 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Pyithu Hluttaw Fourth-day meeting of Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 9th regular session held THE second Pyithu Hluttaw’s Starting from 1 August 2014, explained briefly about the work ninth regular session held its sub-printing house (Mawlamy- of the Ministry of Ethnic Affairs, fourth-day meeting at the Pyithu ine) is printing and distributing formed by the previous govern- Hluttaw meeting hall yesterday, 4 pages (color) of Sunday sup- ment. This ministry organized where asterisk-marked ques- plements in Mon, S’gaw Kayin, a forum on sustainable devel- tions were answered, a motion Pwo Kayin and Pa O languages opment of ethnic nationals from tabled and a bill decided. in Myanma Alinn and Kyemon 18 to 19 January 2018 and in the Opening of ethnic national me- newspapers. An ethnic nation- peace and ethnic national media dia school (college) al section (Kachin language) sector. Nine points on media de- In the asterisk-marked supplement was printed by velopment was obtained, out of question and answer session, sub-printing house (Mandalay) which one is to open an ethnic U Oo Hla Saw of Mrauk U con- and distributed in Kachin State national media training school. stituency first raised a question every Saturday starting from Ministry of Ethnic Affairs had on plans to open ethnic national 9 September 2017. An ethnic informed of the appropriateness media school (college). Depu- national section (in Myanmar of opening an ethnic national ty Minister for Information U language) was also included as media school (college) said the Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat. PHOTO: MNA Aung Hla Tun replied on behalf supplement in Kyemon newspa- Deputy Minister. of the Ministry of Information per every Saturday starting from The Ministry of Information and together with Ministry of dia formerly based abroad or in cooperation of the Ministry of 30 September 2017. acknowledged the importance Ethnic Affairs and Rakhine State border regions moved into the Information and related state/ A supplement (in Rakhine of ethnic national media devel- government. country. region governments was seen to language) was also printed in opment, but it has no plans at The Deputy Minister said Some ethnic media com- have assisted and supported eth- sub-printing house (Sittway) the moment to open an ethnic there are more than 100 ethnic bined to become the Burma nic national media development. every Wednesday starting from national media school (college), nationals living in Myanmar and News International (BNI) with At the moment, 11 ethnic 20 September 2017 and distrib- said the Deputy Minister. Instead ethnic national media plays an 11 members in 2013 and had now national television programs are uted in Rakhine State. A spe- of the Ministry of Information, important role in socio-economic grown to include 13 members. broadcasted by state-owned me- cial section on Rakhine State this is better coordinated and development of ethnic nationals There are many more ethnic dia — Myanma Radio and Tele- (in Myanmar language) was also conducted with the Ministry of in the regions. With the abolish- national media that have not vision (MRTV) of the Ministry printed in sub-printing house Education and the Ministry of ing of pre-publication censorship become BNI members yet. BNI of Information, starting from 15 (Sittway) starting from 5 October Ethnic Affairs that are at the in August 2012, private media organized six ethnic national October 2013. Myanma Radio 2017 and distributed in Rakhine moment providing courses on rapidly developed and together media conferences from 2013 is also broadcasting 17 ethnic State, said the Deputy Minister. journalism, he added. with it, ethnic media and me- to 2018 and the participation and national radio programs. The Deputy Minister then SEE PAGE-4 Amyotha Hluttaw Fourth-day meeting of Second Amyotha Hluttaw’s 9th regular session held THE second Amyotha Hluttaw’s EITI (Extractive Industries wards successfully implement- ninth regular session held its Transparency Initiative) reports ing an e-Government system in fourth-day meeting at the Amyo- were submitted, posted and an- Myanmar and had formed an tha Hluttaw meeting hall yester- nounced in Myanmar EITI web- e-Government steering commit- day morning, where a proposal site and the Ministry of Planning tee and implementation work to donate a day’s allowance of and Finance website. On Access committee with President Of- the Amyotha Hluttaw represent- to Information, the Ministry of fice notification 14/2018 and was atives to flood-affected people Information is broadcasting on implementing it, setting priority was made, asterisk-marked television channels. It is also projects and working toward hav- questions asked and answered broadcasted in 17 ethnic national ing a complete ICT support plan. and a bill discussed. languages. The ministry is pub- The incumbent government lishing two Myanmar and one had enacted the fourth amend- A day’s allowance of Hluttaw English daily newspapers. Myan- ment to the Anti-Corruption Law representatives donated to mar Digital News is broadcasted on 21 June 2018, formed the An- Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than.
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