PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. JUNE 23. 1862-VQL. ESTABLISHED 30 PORTLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 18, 1891. { CLAga^MAIL MATTIHL > PUCE $7 A TEAK, WHEN PAID « ADVANCE V\ SPECIAL NOTICE". DIIMCBLLAIIIBOCI. to colonize a state in _____ _WAHTBD. negroes were Mexico, LEWISTON’S CITY OFFICIALS WAKE UP. It fife STRANGE ADVENTURES OF AN EMPEROR CHINAMEN MAY BE CHASTISED YET. Some latter. It Is they would own ip years and be as feareOrlUdlt111' GLOftlANA EIGHT TIMES A WINNER. to buy from *1000 to *16,- as Americans. NOTICE—Wanted000 worth of the prosperous The cast-on clothing; I pay The project isi favorably received all freight brakemen on the Lake Erie & chsh price for ladles’ dresses, and by “ISK. gents' but colored politicians, because .Western railroad struck last night No cnHdren s clothing, and gents’ winter overcoats; Some Remark* today," Combined Power* Are trains left INSURANCE. call, or by the Sheriff Spur said “we are suffering more In the Somebody Appears To Be Laboring Gathering Lafayette, Ind.t Sunday night or FIRE address letter or to 8. LEVI, Ellis, Race that with postal at time since yesterday Began a Drift Enda 97 Middle street.augiotf the to South than any the days of Under an Their Fleets Together. morning. Foods Mayor Action. Hallucination, with Dainty slavery.” Ellis thinks the loss of a large In filed a Rush. worth of cast-off h®T»',B°!?Dtary Insolvency buy $1000 number of colored laborers would do more boot DOW & I the cash price for i„ ii JSmery, and shoe manufacturer ExchangePINKHAM, Street. WANTED—Toclothing; pay highest else to solve the race ;U ladles' dresses, gents’ and children’s clothing, and than anything problem mnet00.’ ",** granted in the Insolvency — FOB — or address letter or in the South. The concessions which have H1* AGENTS gents’ winter overcoats; call, Mill Brother*’ Mill at the Emporor William or a Another Sunday Railway Horror in "abilities are about 93 Middle street. Demand it. Harmony from the Mexican Either a?<?JtnX?8terd.*y-assets & London & Globe. postal to MRS. (iOODHART, been ootained government #J75,000, some 1200,000. The Only Kelly Again Looking Liverpool augiotf Burned Down-Loss lands In the ®^tes of The Swiss Mountains. Insurance Company of North America. $20,000. embrace Vera Cruz, Correspondent. c**T named Towards Boston. Nortbern Assurance of England. Queretaro, Luis 1 ostosi. and Oajaca. Mangan and ¥M8 employes loan *10, *20, *30, *60, *100, asserts the Quinn were badly hurt by a Niagara Fire of New York. on In cotton Ellis colonists will Insurance WANTED—Toto *10.000, furniture, pianos, organs, L»wrence tree* Queen Co. of England. libraries, horses, carriages, have tho benefit of a market price almost sewer this mlt°“u* New Fire, diamonds, watches, morning. Mangan'* fare was Hampshire Life Insurance policies, 2d notes A that of the United States. The if Rumors of War from the Island of of London. mortgages, ana Hollingsworth Whitney Paper Co. double cotton Another Mad Monarch Reigning terribly disfigured by a mass rock, rbcenlx pay off furniture leases. Business confidential. there, he says. and not c? Hying Flaks House Downs Old Orchard Insurance Co. of State of EVERY Re- to is perennial planted Dn W*9 D0* 90 huir Pennsylvania. PORTLAND LOAN CO„ 186 Middle Preparlns Build at Lisbon Falls. ana half a the Story Us True. Samoa-Protection Asked For. badly Mangan may Norwich Union of street, every year as here, bale an acre die to 6. England. room 0, second floor. lt>_2 House Again, IO Reliance of Philadelphia. that calls for more can be raised. & Co. of N. Y. ceipt that he already has the Fidelity Casually persons In want of trunks of Ellis says names of LOTHROP’8 NEW THEATRE. Sterling Dow. H. N. Pinkham. WANTED—Allbags to call at E. D. 6,000 persons who desire to go from various sneodtt ddb REYNOLDS’,666ana baking powder, je2 Congress street, corner of Oak; as we manu- Lewiston, August 17.—The interviews Southern States. Taris, August 17.—L’Eclalr, which Is not Shang Hai, August 17.—Everyone here Is facture our and can Successful Nkwpobt, R. I, August 17.—The Corinth- goods, therefore give you bot- use the with Sheriff Lamb and Constables given to sensationalism, prints the fallowing now discussing the fact that the most seri- Opening ef the Rew Play tom prices; trunks “Royal.” Special ian repaired; open evenings tille. stTlouis in the air. House. Yach Club race started shortly after noon 6-3 Odiin and Larrabee on the non-enforcement story as confirmed by unquestioned authori- ous state of affairs political exists In this ___ Better results will today. The cruise Is on a dead beat to wind- of the the : On tbe following the of at the and the ANTED—Your to liquor law by city police have ty night departure country present moment, Garments Cleansed W plating do. Bring In your Wheat and Corn See Sawed Up and rspeclal to the Parse.] ward. The sea is freshening somewhat and *J old slver ware that Is so badly damaged be obtained because it been productive of much good already. the Imperial yacht Hobenzollern from Eng- combined fleets of the powers may be called and warn as to IN is a breeze Is to be nnflit to use and have It made Down All WoitcESTEit, Mass.. August rising sufficiently give promise ■n lAAIr lllro nan 117a aa .«. t-1 — a a a •« Day. crew was beaten to and at moment to take effective action 17-Uthrop’s Mayor Newell, suddenly stirred up by some land, the quarters, upon any of ^ the It will make new theatre was opened today. ;The bouse good wind before the end of the race. i, purest. of Sheriff Lamb’s comments upon himself, was surprised to find the quarterdeck bril- In this city. At the present state of affairs St. August 17.-When the St. Lonls was packed at the matinee and In the The start was at 12.17, with wind light, has given decided orders to the police Louis, liantly illuminated. great excitement prevails, and Is still in- evening the food abont the tide lighter, sweeter, grain market closed Saturday bankruptcy there was a shower of floral tributes many south-southwest with Just -AND- nrANTBD-To buy from *1000 to *10.00C to,"close all the rumshops.” Mayor Newell An altar had been erected on tbe deck, creasing. High tension exists between the Y Y werth of cast off over naif the brokers and and beautiful. The ladles’ making flood. The coarse signalled lor was clothing, the highest cash of finer more said: “1 have given the city marshal direc- stared wheat the Old and New Testaments, and Chinese government and the ministers of orchestra was an prices paid for ladles’ also flavor, di- bearing trlanular dresses, gentlemen's traders In the face. A gloomy looking instantaneous success. The of tfie first leg of an equilateral |nd childrens’s clothing and winter overcoats, tion to notify all persons suspected of selling the Kaiser stood by, wearing a white chasu- foreign powers. From all appearances the play Queens Highest cash said for and wholesome. left the halls of a dozen of all and course of 25 mile. The Giorlana crossed first prices carpets and furniture, gestible to look out for crowd exchange, with In his hand and a former are pleased there were curtain calls at WEAR. of letter Intoxicating liquors their ble, a crozler black obstinate .In their refusal to re- READY FOR Address, postal to. No, 102 Middle street decided that with the Beatrix two seconds behind, and PRESSED so M. the leading brokers mething the end of each act. Pr.’.f ROOT, Portland, Me oct*t*tf It is reliable and scalps. I shall have the city marshal depu- and white mitre on his head. He read the dress the Injury done to foreigners during always must be done to avert the general ruin. the Barbara next, Sayonada and Mlneola tize four or five men to act for the The most warlike from the Testaments the recant riots. Some No. 13 Preble Street. specially passages people say that the DOINGS OP THK FIRST DAY. •» uniform in its work. bears were out of cash and the bulls next, Oweene next and Jessica last, handi- TO LET, enforcement of the liquor law.” although and Invited the crew to respond. He then government dare not take this step demand- to 41 seconds. The time Is as " I having large profits their credit were capped elapsed have found (he Royal Captain French and Officers Legender, preached a long sermon on the duly of sov- ed in common justice to the powers, for fear The Annual of the LET—2 36 Baking also out of money. They could not make Encampment follows: largo stores, Nos. and 87 Pearl Powder Finn and Thornton will be a superior to all others. detailed. So or ereigns to their people, tbe whole service of incurring a storm of Foster’s Forest Boose. TO street, little below Middle street. A good their profits available meet the heavy popular disapproval. Militia Under Way. FIRST MASK. " ana some Oity Dye business Captain French of his officers have been from 11 p. m. until 2 a. m. The crew imuu, tuvio to aiou uu icawn i*w nov29 eodtl locality, large celler, room cau be used C. Gobj u. Uuf. Dclmonico's margins and bad forced to call from lasting Y“ a. m. s. as one or two stores. Apply ou the premises in been around today and have called on the the bears.
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