THE AMERICAN PAGE U Miracle at the Iron Curtain PAGE 18 LEGION RABIES... MAGAZINE A PUBLIC HEALTH DISGRACE JULY 1955 The Glorious Fourth AMERICAN LEGION MA^ Your thirst can ^^feeP' the difference! When 30ur thirst cries out for a soothing, coohng glass of finest beer, there's no refreshment hke Schhtzl For here is a beer with a difference your taste can actually ''feel" all the w ay down. No harsh hitternessi No disappointing sweetnessi Let your thirst "feel" the light, smooth, dry refreshment that really hits the spot. If you like beer, you'll love Schlitz . .The Beer that Made Milwaukee Famous. © 1955 Jos. Schlitz Brewing Company. Milwaukee, Wis., Brooklyn, N. Y.. Los .Angeles. Calif. , ROAD BIRDS ... a series by Ethyl Corporation THE Wild Flicker This bird flies down the road leaving a trail of cans, bottles and paper behind him. You may not be able to tell where he's going. .but you sure can tell where he's been. THE Smart Bird uses the trash baskets at road stops or waits till he gets home to get rid of refuse. He's considerate of roadside beauty ... knows too, it's dangerous to throw things from a car. The Smart Bird doesn't "throw away" engine power, either. He uses premium gasoline. Its higher octane rating lets him enjoy all the power his engine can deliver. He gets more pleasure .. .more value every mile. It's smart to use premium gasoline CORPORATION . HIGH PRESSURE Vol. 59; No. 1; July, 19SS i i lJl FOUNTAIN BRUSH THE AMERICAN washes cars like magic with LEGION Rotary Power Spray MAGAZINE Contents for July, 1955 Cover by Homer Hill SATELLITE WILD (fiction) by Lee Correy 11 THE EXPLOSION HAD TO BE IN THE SKIES, OR ELSE. IVIIRACLE AT THE IRON CURTAIN by Walker A. Tompkins 14 THESE GIs WORKED OVERTIME FOR THE U.S.A. FISH YOU'LL ENJOY CATCHING AND EATING by Jack Denton Scott. 16 SAVE $3.00 EATING CAN BE AS MUCH FUN AS FISHING. BUILT-IN $1.98 SUDS CHAMBER PUBLIC HEALTH DISGRACE No. 1 by Caroline Bird 18 WHAT SHOULD BE DONE ABOUT RABIES. I FROM A Sparkling FACTORY SO YOU'RE GOING TO MIAMI 20 H Clean Car in m TO YOU HOW TO PLAN FOR THE NATIONAL CONVENTION THIS YEAR. Reg. 4.98 7 fo 70 Minutes W WHAT IS AN AMATEUR? by Robert Uhl 22 NEW 3-WAY FOUNTAIN BRUSH SOMETIMES IT BECOMES DOWNRIGHT CONFUSING. WASHES PORCHES, SCREENS, THOSE OLD CARS HAD EVERYTHING by George H. Waltz, Jr 24 WINDOWS, FLOORS, CARS - NOT MUCH IS NEW UNDER THE DETROIT SUN. QUICK, EASY! TOOLS YOU POWER YOURSELF by Robert Scharff 26 NOW !-order your famous AERO- HOW TO USE TOOLS THAT RUN WITHOUT MOTORS. MAT FOUNTAIN BRUSH direct from the factory and save $3.00. NEWS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION 31 The new, improved 1955 model is better than ever—gives you quicker, Features iiiore thorough washing action. Simply attach it to SOUND OFF! 4 PRODUCTS PARADE . 8 NEWSLETTER 29 your garden hose frf and wasli your car sparkhng clean EDITOR'S CORNER . 6 ROD AND GUN CLUB. 28 PARTING SHOTS . 64 in 7 to 10 minutes. Wonderful for Manuscripts, artwork, cartoons household chores, too—washes win- submitted for consideration will not be returned unless a sell'-addressed, stamped envelope is included. dows, screens, porches, floors, walls, outdoor furniture. Has a built-in suds chamber . drop in a Magic detergent pellet supplied with the The American Legion The American Legion Magazine Midwestern brush, turn on the water and start Executive and Editorial & Advertising Offices Advertising Sales Office in! No scrubbing needed— the high Administrative Offices 720 fifth Avenue Center and Monroe Streets pressure ROTARY SPRAY AC- Indianapolis 6, Indiana New York 19, New York Bloominglon, Illinois TION loosens and removes all film and dirt! Please notify the Circulation Dep't, Publications Div.. P. O. Box 1055, Indianapolis Easy— fast— it's fun ! 6. Ind., of change of address, using notice Form 22-S which you may secure from your Postmaster. Remove your address label from the cover of the magazine and FREE TO 10 YOU- CAR WASHES! paste it in the space provided. Give your latest membership card number and both your new and your old address, and notify the Adjutant of your Post. New for '55—a 3-section handle makes the AEROMAT handier than ever. Use 3 sections for washing cars, walls— use lor 2 sections for Seaborn P. Collins, Notional Commander, Tiie American Legion, Indianapolis 6, Indiana close-up work. Bristles of DUROSTk'RENE American Legion Cocreham, Baton Rouge, schiel L. Hunt, Austin, —soft, silky—won't scratch. Yours free of ex- The Publications Commis- La.; Clovis Copeland, Tex.; George D. Levy, tra cost — a supply of Magic suds pellets, sion; Jotin Slelle, Mc- Little Rock, Ark.; Paul Sumter, S. C; Dr. B. Dogue, Downingtown, Charles R. Logon, enough for 10 car washes. Extra packages— Leonsboco, III. IChajr- Keokuk, Iowa; William 12-wash size for 59 cents and 24-wash size man); Dan W. Emmelt, Pa.; Josephus Daniels, Jr., Roleigh, N. C; P. Roan, Plymouth, for Oakdale, Calif., and $1. Order your AEROMAT today— use the John E. Drinkord, Cull- Pa.; Emmet Sofay, Earl C. Hitchcock, Glens handy coupon. Try for 5 days— if you're not man, Ala.; Dave H. Jocksonville, Flo.; D. L. Foils, N. Y. (Vice- Fleischer, St. Louis, Sears, Toledo, Ohio; satisfied, you get a prompt refund. Send only Long Arm- chairmen); Mo.; Samuel J. Gor- Harold A. Shindler, check, 1.98 cash or m.o. Or order C.O.D. plus strong, Spokane, Wash.; man, West Hartford, Newburgh, Ind.; Ray- 44^ postage RUSH the coupon TODAY! Chorles E. Booth, Hunt- Conn.; Earl L. Meyer, mond Fields, Guymon, ington, W. Va.; Roland Alliance, Nebr.; Her- Okla. MOTO-MATIC COMPANY, Dept. 158-G-444 Director 352 Fourth Ave., New York 10, N. Y. Publisher Art Editor /!</vcr/ijiiif; L. Maguire James F. O'Neil A! Marshall Fred RUSH Aeiomat Washer Kits, complete carry- — with A ssotiiatc Editor Eastern Adv. M tir is' I to Puhlishcj ing case, brush, head, 3 handles with all fittings, A Irving hierschbein WilliomM. DeVitalis complete for 1.98 each — — Lisiecki on 5 DAY TRIAL Frank Ediion.il A ss'is Midti CUcrn Ady. Mgr. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. If I'm not de- Editor Edward W. Atkinson Joseph P. Tiernan lighted you will refund my money promptly. Joseph C. Keeley Aldo Viarengo Dct,o,i A ,/v. Rep. Q 1.98 enclosed. Rush prepaid. Adv. Sales Assoc. Miin.igitif lidilor Send C.O.D. plus 44« postage. James F. Barton ir.-«C\..i<f Ady.Ker- Robert B. Pitkin Indian.ipolis, Ind. The Eschen Company NAME The American Legion Magazine is the official publication of The American Legion and is ADDRESS owned exclusively by The American Legion. Copyright 1955 by The Americon Legion. Pub- lished monthly at 1100 W. Broadway, Louisville, Ky. Second class moil privileges author- Non-member CITY ized at Louisville, Ky. Price single copy, 15 cents; yeorly subscription, $1.50. STATE subscriptions should be sent to (he Circulotion Deportment of The Americon Legion Mngozine, Also .send — large package(s) of suds pellets at P. O. Box 1055, Indionopolis 6, Ind. $1 each—enough for 24 car washes. Send pkg. reg. size at ')9y' each— enough for 12 waslies. 2 • THE AMLRICAN LEGION MAGAZINE • JULY, 1955 — — Rewardlimiiself with the plec^sure of smooth smokinc^ He/besh yourself jvith 'Treshly-lit" fl&vor In today's high-speed living, the smooth, gentle mildness of a freshly-lit PALL MALL encourages you to ease up . put worries aside . enjoy life more. Reward yourself with frequent moments of relaxation get that certain feeling of contentment. Choose well — smoke PALL MALL. Tastes 'freshly-lit"puff after puff PALL MALL is so fresh and fragrant, so mild and cool and sweet it tastes freshly-lit puff after puff. Get pleasure-packed PALL MALL in the distinguished red package today. The finest quality money can buy Your appreciation of PALL MALL, quality has made it America's most successful and most imitated cigarette. ©Longer ©Finer ©MOder Fine tobacco is its own best filter. You get more than greater length. PALL MALL's greater length of PALL M ALL'S greater length of fine PALL MALL tobaccos are the finest traditionally fine, mellow tobaccos tobaccos travels the smoke further — quality money can buy. No finer to- gives you extra self -filtering action. filters the smoke, makes it mild. Get bacco has ever been grown—and here PALL MALL filters the smoke so smoothness, mildness, satisfaction no it is blended to a flavor peak dvU- it's never bitter, always sweet—never other cigarette can offer. ciuus, and distinctively PALL MALL. strong, always mild. and tliey are Mllld. ! ® A, T. Co. PRODUCT or AMERtCA'S LEADING MANUFACTURER OF CIGARETTES " AFTER BATH OR SHOWER- Letters published in Sound Off! do not necessarily represent the policy of The American Legion. Unsigned letters will not be considered. Name withheld if requested. Keep your letters short. Address: Sound Off, The American Legion Magazine, 720 Fifth Aveiiue, New York 19. N. Y. WANTS LIST al)l\- the fellow w ho has the toughcsf case to win is not a member of The Sir: How about publishing a list of American Legion, and after > ou win sub\'crsive organizations with dignified the case for him he still won't belong. and misleading names? That way the From stricth- a mercenary point of b<)>'s w ill be able to expose the front \ icw, ma\ be w e should quit squab- organizations for what the\' realK" are.
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