--~------------ lYON• Tr - ~~ Sl1elve in stacks <t:~~mvl:J' NO'J L 1941 ... ~ :::;: ;: .. ..,.., .. ... " ... .... .. ~ f Vol. 51 No. 1 ~ l(j Oct., '41 PUBLISHED BY THE. STUDENTS OF BANGOR HIGH SCHOOL DEFEND YOUR SELF! Tliopb & J}opt~ HEALTH DEFENSE-BY :Jeweler~ POST OFFICE PHARMACY with vitamin ammunition from our complete Stock o FAMOUS MAKES OF WATCHES Vitamins by DIAMONDS OF PERFECT QUALITY Abbott Parke Davis Lilly's Brewer Squibbs Winthrop TOWLE'S STERLING SILVER McKesson's Upjohns Meads Dial 2-0183 Post Office Pharmac 25 Hammond Street Bangor, Maine Cor. Harlow and Central Sts . .~.... .. .. .. .... .. .. ...... ¢1\iil)IES ...... : f ao~ .·MADJ{·. For real SERVICE willingly given try ····· ····= . ..~ ~·... : :~ ~:: i FiJsiili~. .s~TiD NUTS ·..... .. :. .. ....... .. .. • .,..J.... • : . .. • • ..... • . .... ! : • : .. :. •· . ·. :Go~d ·c!iridtes: ·:::: :.::·.::·.:_.: .... ·:: WOODMAN'S .........·.·.· ·.·:-;:··.:.: on JONES & PERKINS Center Street Dial-9274 RANGE OIL FUEL Oil 1 High Street Bangor, Maine Here's all you need for color with a miniature camera Kodak 35 Compliments f/5.6 of KODACHROME FILM The New Atlantic Restauran1 KODASLIDE PROJECTOR The House of Quality (not illustrated) T. D. MOURKAS, Mgr. Come in and see samples in our .projection room. No obligations 66 Main St. FOWLER DRUG CO. October, 1941 Page One The Oracle's:,C. lassified Business Directory . ·' The forgotten man of tomorrow is the man who failed to advertise today. Phone No. Phone No. Auto Electric Service L~undries NEW FRANKLIN LAUNDRY ........... 3303 ARVID L. EBBESON .......... ..... .. .. 3870 75 So. Main St., Brewer 600 Main St. Paint Beauty Salons R. H. KAVANAUGH.. ...... ........ .. 9892 VINNEE BEAUTY SALON. 6413 39 Park St. 78 Central Street Printers CONNERS PRINTING CO. 3319 179 Exchange St. Fruits & Produce H. P. SNOWMAN .. : . 3841 C. H. SAVAGE CO.... ... ........ .. 5661 40 Central St. 62 Pickering Sq. Radios & Pianos Funeral Directors RICE & TYLER . 3351 WHITE & HAYES. 2-0294 98 Central St. 46 Center St. Shoe Repairing Grocers PALMER SHOE MFG. & REPAIRING CO. 5479 C. E. LEACH & SONS .. ............ .. 6183 35 Central St. 266 Hammond St. 0. E. MILLS & SON . .. .. 8534 Super Service Station 168 Center St. CRONIN'S SERVICE STATION . 9244 SPANGLER'S Q NOT Q FOOD SHOP 8268 Corner Otis & State Sts. 8 Broad St. Page Two The Oracle PERSONAL BANGOR MAINE $1.00 Stationery $1.00 SCHOOL OF COMMERCE · 200 sheets Bond paper; 6" x 7", printed with your name and address, and 100 envelopes to match, printed on back flap. Print copy plainly and enclose $1.00. Paper will be sent by mail. PHONE-6353 An Institution of BANGOR BOX COMPANY Character and Distinction FACTORY: 75 So. Main St., Brewer Free Catalog C. H. Husson, Prin. GET READY FOR FOR THE BEST BET WINTER DRIVING IN The time to get ready for cold weather is right now. Get set, so that a sudden cold snap won't find you with a car BETTER BAKERY PRODUCTS that's hard to start. And remember, anti-freeze solutions may be expensive EAT THOSE MADE BY and hard to get later on because of de­ fense priorities. Better come in TO­ John J. Nissen Baking Co. DAY. Bangor, Maine The S. L. Crosby Co. 50 York St. Bangor, Me. October, 1941 Page Three I I MELVIN'S MUSIC STORE Bangor Floral Co. Federal Recording Radio (Inc. 1925) Phonograph Records L. C. HATHAWAY, Mgr. I NEW and USED PIANOS I 996 State St. Tel. 4569 Orders solicited for band and orchestra instruments Tom Hilton, Agent- Tel. 2-0388 88 Central Street Phone 2-1082 Buy Better Shoes Miriam Wardwell at the Distinctive Apparel Shop COATS, SUITS, DAYTIME, EVENING Buh Shoe Store AND SPORT DRESSES 44 Main St. For the High School Girl Where Shoes Are Fitted 12 Central Street Dial 7883 Not Merely Sold Louis KIRSTEIN & Sons CLEANING & DYEING ''There's a difference'' Realtors MODERN CLEANSERS AND DYERS REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE SERVICE 171 PARK STREET 44 Central Street Kirstein Bldg. PRESSING ALTERATIONS ESTABLISHED 1894 BANGOR, ME. ~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Page Four The Oracle COME TO C!C. tJB. iffterrif ielb & C!Co. You'll find it a treat to eat at the SCHOOL SUPPLIES J!ew ~ragg l\ail Steel Hinge Ring Books Eye Ease Fillers Bangor's Finest Restaurant Tumbler Note Books Drawing Pencils from SB to 9H Air and Sound Conditioned 23 Central St., Bangor Dial 3793 Brockway's Dial 4753 W. I. Brookings Flower Shoppe GALEN S. POND CO. l FUNERAL HOME Corsages 133 Center Street Floral Designs Bangor 8 Maine 15 Central Street Bangor, Maine Pearl & Dennett Co. TIMBERLANDS Wm. F. West, Pres. and e INSURANCE SURVEYING e APPRAISALS e REAL ESTATE Prentiss & Carlisle Co., Inc. EASTERN TRUST BUILDING Merrill Trust Building Bangor, Maine Bangor, Maine Published five times a year by the students of Bangor High School, Ban­ gor, Maine. Member 1940-41 The Oracle VOL. LI NO. I October, 19 41 Contents Staff COVER-Jimmie Powers STORIES Editor-in-Chief . ...... ... ........ Leon Higgins To Satisfy the Appetite . .... .... .. Page 7 Assistant Editor ......... .... Marydel Coolidge By Barbara Carr Business Manager . .. ... .. .... .Thomas Hilton Scholastic Ape-titude .. ... ... .... .. Page 9 [ Janice Minott By Faith McLeod I iterary Editors ............ { Faith McLeod [Barbara Carr Gold in Them Thar Hills ........ ... Page 11 By Wayne Thurston Philip Murdock' Activities . ... .............. 1Joanne Springer POEMS Louis Homstead In Memoriam of October Twelfth .... Page 6 By Barbara Carr Movies . ..... ... ......... .. ... Judith Banton Sea Fever .. ..... ...... ... ........ Page 10 Radio .............. .......... John Downing By Marydel Coolidge Book Reviews . ................. Edith Fairley The Evil of Swing . .. ............ Page 10 Hokum . ...... ................. Mary Farrar By Elizabeth Palmer . R . Ayer Fantasy ... .... .................. Page 10 P assing in eview........ ~DorisWh"t J . By Faith McLeod . .. .. i ney enms<m Fashions Editor . .......... Margaret Knowlton FEATURES You Will Cough When It Hits You- Yes Assistant Fashions Editor . ... .. Elizabeth Burns Indeed! .... ..................... Page 13 Alumni . .. ........ ......... Margaret · Garlisle By Marydel Coolidge Girls' Athletics ................ Marion Cop-ners Editorials .. .. .... ..... ............... page 14 Boys' Athletics . ........ ...... Harlan Goodwin Passing in Review ..... ..... .......... page 15 Staff Photographer . ........... Mary Spangler Hokum .... .......... .. .. ...... page 16 Fall Fashions ..... ..... .............. page 18 Lillian Howland John Ballou Alumni .............................. page 20 Hayden Bayer Business Staff . .. ......... Outside the Classroom ............ .. page 21 John Clement Betty West On the Bookshelf ....... .......... ... page 23 Richard Giles Movies ..... ... ......... ... ... .. .. .. page 27 [Esther Smith ~ Sidney Bamford Girls' Athletics ....................... page 25 Artists . ................... William Drisko Record of the Rams .............. ... .. page 24 lJames Powers -,ir...u;;- '- - - -,- In Memoriam of October Twelfth by Barbara Carr Through mist and rain and fog and sleet and all The weird and eery shrieks of the gull's call; Encircled by a death wind whispering low That above a cruel sun went blistering woe; Through this unpromising fate he made them sail, So that to reach this land they would not fail. , No clear and chartered course did he possess­ N ot even by hope of return was blest- His only knowledge of that far away land Was stories told of gems and golden sand. Just where it was or how he'd find its shores­ Not he nor crew knew where their ship would moor. Their faith in God above sent them straight on Always in hope of land by the next dawn. At night they tossed and turned with heat and cold; At day they fooled their heart~ by actions bold, And soon not even faith in God was there To calm their fears and ease their grief and care. With tortured souls and wasting minds it came­ A day when it seem·ed that they sailed in vain. To die would bring to them a pleasant rest They thought. But soon they found that they were blest, For bordered by sky and ocean they saw our land, Salvation! God bless the spirit of this brave band! To Satisfy The Appetite BARBARA CARR SENIOR Barbara Carr is that cute, little, blond senior who jusi loves to write. We're sure you will enjoy her story of the Malbourgh family who live in the slums of New York and who by a quick turn offate are able to visit Maine. EW York is a dense, dusty, hard-to-pene­ Just then their mother called, "Supper's ready chil­ N trate city. Its tall, impersonal buildings dren, and, .Jack dear, please turn off the radio until catch up the glare of the sun and hurl its after supper; my head's splitting." rays straight at you. Everywhere people are dashing, Impatiently, as youth always moves, Jack snapped car tires are screaming, children are squalling, dirt is the radio off and flung down the paper to wash for sup­ flying, people are bargaining, and even I am running per. in circles, thought Mary Malborough. Mary was twen­ ty, pretty, and the family bread-winner. She couldn't .remember when her father and her mother had not always been the same~tired, and patient, and striving. Mary was sick of striving. She was just plain sick and tired of being shoved around in all this heat and dirt, and she was tired, too, of moving from one squalid two­ by-four flat to another. It wasn't exactly the kind of existance she dreamed of living and she was sure her younger brother, Jack, didn't like it, either. But just as with thousa..nds of other middle-class families, there didn't seem to be anything either Mary or Jack could do to better the situation. All day long while Mary worked, she tried to puzzle some way out; however, there seemed to be none. At night Mary solemnly wound her way home, -only half hearing the blare of radios and the street noises. Climb­ they saw neat cottages farming straight rows from ing the stairs to their flat, Mary fell into her old habit the harbor of guessing at each landing yv hat the Smiths or the Mc­ Gees or the Masons were having for supper. Somehow Shortly, Mary appeared in the kitchenette, and lean­ the smell of supper cooking made her feel better and she ing across the table, kissed her mother's hot, tired face.
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