September 12, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1241 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PERSONAL EXPLANATION other. When she confronted Kent about it he I ask the House to join me in offering well admitted to having taken some. wishes and congratulations to the men and HON. BRAD SHERMAN She asked Kent why and his answer was women of Tilden Township’s St. Michael’s OF CALIFORNIA chilling. He asked his mother to think about a Church. May the next 250 years continue to time in her life when she had felt ‘‘Great’’— see congregational growth and meaningful IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘The Best.’’ When she nodded Kent said, outreach to the surrounding communities. Monday, September 12, 2016 ‘‘The first time you get high, it’s better than f Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I voted that. It feels so good that you want to feel that against H.R. 5063, the Stop Settlement Slush way again—only it’s physically, chemically im- TRIBUTE HONORING THE COMMIS- Funds Act of 2016, and voted in favor of possible.’’ He explained how the drugs alter SION OF THE USS MONTGOMERY amendments that would reduce its scope. I your brain chemistry and why people take NAVY SHIP recognize that the power of the Attorney Gen- more and increase their frequency of use in eral to impose fines (or civil settlements that an attempt to get back to the feeling of that HON. TERRI A. SEWELL have the same economic effect) should nor- first high. OF ALABAMA mally be used to generate funds for the United On a Monday in September, 2003, there IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES States Treasury. Normally the amount paid by was a knock on the Obert family’s door and Monday, September 12, 2016 the wrongdoer should go to the United States soon they heard the words: ‘‘Your son has Treasury, and it should be up to Congress to died.’’ Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I appropriate funds. When appropriate, Con- Kent and two other kids crushed some rise today to recognize the commission of the gress should provide funds to mitigate the Oxycontin and washed them down with beer. USS Montgomery into military service as a damage done by the wrongdoer. However, the Kent got sleepy and the other two left. As Navy ship. Alabama’s capital city is honored to bill that came to the floor of the House was in Kent slept, the drug slowed his respiratory have another ship to bear its name in the U.S. essence a purely Republican bill with substan- system down until it stopped completely. His Navy operating in the U.S. 7th Fleet. tial flaws. In particular, it did not provide a roommate found him the next day—already The city of Montgomery is proud to cele- mechanism for major settlements to be re- gone. brate the second ship named for the state’s viewed and approved by Congress when f capital. It is especially noteworthy to have a those settlements provided for payments to Navy presence in a predominately Air Force third parties. I look forward to working next CELEBRATING THE 250TH ANNI- town, and I along with the city of Montgomery year on truly bipartisan legislation designed to VERSARY OF ST. MICHAEL’S and the state of Alabama are honored to know address the concerns voiced by the sup- CHURCH that this U.S. Navy ship from Alabama will go porters of the bill. all over the world. f HON. CHARLES W. DENT The USS Montgomery commissioning has OF PENNSYLVANIA been a six-year process which began in 2010, KENT OBERT: PHOENIX, ARIZONA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES when it was proposed to Montgomery Mayor Todd Strange. The ship has since been re- HON. DAVID SCHWEIKERT Monday, September 12, 2016 ferred to as one of the most technologically OF ARIZONA Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to advanced warfare systems in the world. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bring to the House’s attention the 250th Anni- The USS Montgomery, an Independence- versary of St. Michael’s Church, which has class Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), will operate Monday, September 12, 2016 served as a place of spiritual refuge, com- close to shore providing surface, undersea Mr. SCHWEIKERT. Mr. Speaker, Kent munal gathering, and a historical landmark for and mine warfare along with search and res- Obert, 18 years old, died of an accidental pre- the surrounding community of Tilden Town- cue missions, maritime surveillance and inter- scription drug overdose in 2003. One night ship, Pennsylvania. diction, intelligence, amphibious operations during his sophomore year of high school, Located at 529 St. Michael’s Road in Tilden and disaster relief. Kent called his mother to say that he was out Township, St. Michael’s Church was originally The ship will support its sister ship, the USS with some friends and wasn’t coming home organized in February 1766, although services Independence, and will operate in the U.S. 7th that night. He was calling because he didn’t were still held in houses and barns. It would Fleet and will be under the command of Offi- want to worry his mother, but when they hung be another three years before the congrega- cer Daniel G. Straub. up she knew something was wrong. Kent’s tion would have a physical building donated by I ask my colleagues to join me in recogni- mother waited for him when he came home at Philip Jacob Michael, the namesake of the tion of the commission of the USS Mont- 6:00 AM. Church. Michael would leave the Church in gomery into military service as a Navy ship. Life changed for the Obert family that morn- May 1777 to be a chaplain in the first battalion f ing. Kent went to the doctor and tested posi- under Col. Michael Lindenmuth—one of the tive for substances. His family restricted Kent’s original elders of the Church—during the Rev- COMMEMORATING ACACIA LODGE computer time and monitored his activities. olutionary War. As the need for a larger meet- NO. 586, FREE AND ACCEPTED They made a lot of changes that next year ing space grew along with the congregation, a MASONS ON ITS 125TH ANNIVER- and Kent adjusted fairly well. He transferred decision was made to move the Church to the SARY schools and graduated with ease. Kent got a present-day site in 1810. job he loved and spent time with his friends Two centuries later, St. Michael’s continues HON. BILL SHUSTER and family. His family thought they had to thrive with a robust congregation that car- OF PENNSYLVANIA dodged the bullet—Kent didn’t want to be ad- ries on a long tradition of engaging with the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dicted to drugs so they mistakenly thought community through ministry, fellowship, and they were out of the woods. It seemed that all service. Monday, September 12, 2016 was well, but Kent’s family didn’t know any My heartfelt congratulations are extended to Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to better. the members of St. Michael’s Church on this commemorate Acacia Lodge No. 586, Free Before Kent turned 18, he was scheduled to 250th Anniversary. I am confident that I speak and Accepted Masons, of Waynesboro, PA, have his wisdom teeth removed. His mother on behalf of the community when I thank them on its 125th anniversary. filled the prescription before his surgery and for their efforts on behalf of the people of The Waynesboro community has been fortu- as she was looking at the bottles, she noticed Tilden Township and Berks County as a nate to have the Acacia Lodge No. 586 since that one of them had fewer pills in it than the whole. it was constituted on May 22, 1891, and today ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:35 Sep 13, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K12SE8.001 E12SEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1242 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 12, 2016 I congratulate the Lodge for standing as a Accolades go, of course, to the young men and administration of Peninsula College. symbol of brotherly love, relief, and truth for who were on the baseball diamond, including When Peninsula College had to navigate dif- 125 years. Jace Cambell, Ryan Cheatham, Jonathan ficult budget decisions, Mr. Johnson was key Since the club’s chartering, its members Groff, Hunter Haley, AbeRee Heibert, James in engaging the local community to explain the have included a diverse group of individuals Kuykendall, AJ Merkel, Chandler Muckleroy, need for some of these changes. united in their passion for everlasting fraternal Kyle Porter, Josh Raiborn, Adan Ross, Garin In his other capacity, Mr. Johnson serves as bonds combined with service to community. In Shelton, Sam Sitton, Weston Smart, Travis athletic director for the Port Angeles School that time, hundreds of men have lent their Smith, J.P. Gorby, Austin Ballew, Mason Mal- District. The Washington Interscholastic Activi- time and talents to improve the quality of life lard, Brentten Schwaab, Tanner Arst, Luke ties Association recognized Mr. Johnson’s ac- throughout the Waynesboro area. Though Boyd, Nathan Methvin, Matt Mikusek, James complishments in youth sports by naming him much has changed throughout Waynesboro in Phillips, Payton Stokes, Jordan Trahan, Hun- 2016’s League Athletic Director of the Year for the past 125 years, the commitment of the ter Wells, Jarrod Wells, Colton Whitehouse, the Olympic League.
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