SPECIALE GLACIER CAVES NIMBUS 23-24 Ice Caves of Terra Nova Bay (Victoria Land, Antarctica) Mirco Meneghel - Dipartimento di Geografia, University of Padova, Italy Giovanni Badino - Dipartimento di Fisica Generale, University of Torino, Italy Associazione La Venta Abstract Baia Terra Nova, sulla costa occi- wider Terra Nova Bay, on the we- In the 2000/2001 expedition of dentale del Mare di Ross. Sono stern coast of the Ross Sea, at 74° the Italian Programme of Resear- state esplorate tre grotte nella 41' 42" S lat. and 164° 07' 23" E ch in Antarctica (PNRA) an inve- fronte dei ghiacciai al contatto col long. The Transantarctic Mts, stigation on the presence of ca- mare e un'altra sulla sommità del whose relief is often higher than ves in ice has been carried out monte Melbourne, un cono vulca- 3000 m, fringe the coast. South near the Italian Station of Terra nico di 2700 metri di altezza. Le of the Base the mountain chaine Nova Bay, on the western coast of grotte sulla costa sono crepacci is crossed by outlet glaciers that the Ross Sea (Northern Victoria ampliati dalla sublimazione del drain the ice of the inlandsis. On Land). Three caves have been ex- ghiaccio a causa della differenza the north huge valley glaciers plored at the snout of glaciers di temperatura fra il ghiaccio e flow from the mountains to the reaching the sea and an other l'acqua marina. La grotta subgla- sea. The Italian Base is placed one on the summit of Mt Mel- ciale sul monte Melbourne è ge- between the region of the Dry bourne, a volcanic cone 2700 m nerata dal calore delle rocce vul- Valleys to the south, where broad 1 - Below - high. The caves on the coast are caniche; l'acqua è estratta dalla deglaciated areas are present Animals near crevasses moulded and enlarged grotta in forma di vapore lungo and a northern region with a mo- the Terra Nova base. by the sublimation of ice due to strutture a camino che attraver- re extended ice cover. the temperature difference sano completamente il ghiaccio The mean annual temperature is 2 - Right, abo- between the glacier ice and the che copre la sommità del vulcano. -14 °C, the warmest month is Ja- ve - A general warmer sea water. The Mt Mel- nuary (mean temperature -2 °C), view of the bourne subglacial cave is gene- Geographic overview the coldest ones are May and Au- Italian base rated by the heat of the volcanic The Italian Base of Terra Nova is gust (-23 °C). The vertical rate of region. It is rocks; here the water is carried placed on a granitic peninsula the air temperature is 0.52 possible to see out from the cave as water va- bordering Gerlache Inlet, in the °C/100 m; in summer it rises to the Mt Mel- bourne and, pour along chimneys that cross on its right, from bottom to top the layer of ice the floating covering the summit of the vol- tongue of cano. Campbell Gla- cier. Riassunto Durante la spedizione 2000/ 3 - Right, be- 2001 del Programma Italiano di low - The en- trance of a Ricerche in Antartide (PNRA) è large cave in stata condotta una ricerca sulla the Campbell presenza di grotte nel ghiaccio vi- Glacier front. cino alla stazione italiana della 130 NIMBUS 23-24 SPECIALE GLACIER CAVES 4 - The glacier 0.7 °C/100 m. The permafrost is lar, low temperatures limit the stals. All this morphology deno- front at Baker everywhere, few centimetres or possibility of plastic ice flowing. tes both sublimation and mel- Rocks. decimetres under the ground The average ice temperature of ting/freezing processes. The surface. Water (in the liquid sta- upper parts of the glaciers near floor is flat and smooth, and is a 5 - Above, te) is present only occasionally. the Terra Nova base are around - little bit lower than the fast ice right: The Campbell Gla- In the warmest month some ri- 40°C and this gives a crevasses outside the cave (Fig. 6). cier front, floa- vulets have been observed, whe- depth scale of many hundredths The main process that governs ting on the ice- re rocks warmed up by the sun meters. It is possible that so deep the genesis of that peculiar covered sea. melt ice or firn. Small lakes are and large structures behave like morphology is the thermal ex- The contact present in the deglaciated zones cold air traps, becoming "cold change: the caves are exactly at between the of Tarn Flat and on the Northern points" for the glacier. If this stra- the contact between the glacier ice (around - Foothills; on the Hell's Gate Ice tification mechanism is really ef- ice coming from the Transan- 20 °C) and the Shelf a meandering stream (with fective their temperature may be tarctic Mts, that has a tempera- sea (-2 °C) allows ice a discharge of few dozens li- well below the mean yearly tem- ture approaching the mean an- sublimations tres/second) drains the water perature and their depth much nual temperature of the air, that create due to melting on the surface of larger than the former estima- about -18°C, and the sea that un- large caves. the blue ice. Some other small tion. der the fast ice has a temperatu- creeks flow on the eastern side of Their climate and morphology re of -1,9°C. In the perspective of Mt Melbourne, at Edmonson may be very particular, and can Thermodynamics the caves are Point and Baker Rocks where influence the glacier behaviour, in the zone of thermal contact dark volcanic rocks outcropping but no studies have been devoted between two "heat sources", able from the ice are easily warmed up to these structures until now. to yield heat and maintain the sa- by the sun. me temperature, because of their Caves of sea-glacier interface heat capacity that can be consi- Karst in the Antarctica ice The caves of the second group are dered infinite. An other element On the base of our preliminary more interesting; we found many of contrast between the conti- observation in the area of the examples near the terminus of nental glacier ice, the fast ice and Northern Victoria Land, three glaciers reaching the sea. We ex- the sea water is the content of kinds of ice caves have been plored two caves on the ice ton- salts, that in an unknown man- found: gue of the Campbell Glacier (Fig. ner influences the process of - covered crevasses (tectonic, 5) and an other one at the front of freezing, melting and sublima- syngenetic caves); an unnamed glacier near Baker tion. - covered crevasses moulded by Rocks (Fig. 4). The initial stage of As a first approach to analyse the dry speleogenetic processes due these caves is tectonic: actually process we decided to measure to sea water heath; they are crevasses closed in the the temperatures inside the ice to - volcanic caves (caves in ice co- upper part. Inside the cave two understand if, how much and in vering a volcano and related to its opposite facts are present: tem- which direction the heat flows. activity). perature is 15-20°C below 0°C We found that the floors are qui- The first group of caves is the mo- and the ice walls show evident te warmer than the walls and st numerous, but the less intere- solution forms. On the walls the- that is the key to understand the sting for the ice caver (almost for re are scallops and rills elongated process of that dry speleogene- the involved speleogenetic pro- along the dip (Fig. 13). From the sis. The water vapour pressure of cesses). These caves are formed ceiling stalactites hang, someti- the floor ice is higher than that of by crevasses sealed at the top by mes covered by sublimation cry- the ice of the ceiling. So the floor new deposition of snow. So if the 6 - Drilling walls of the cave have a tectonic holes inside origin, the roof is formed by the the Campbell deposition of new layers of snow 2 cave, to whilst the glacier flows measure the downward from the line where thermal tran- the crevasse have formed. For sfers from the that aspect the cave can be con- walls and the sidered as a syngenetic one. It is floor. The air temperature is necessary to note nevertheless -19 °C. that are probably interesting to give a direct access to the most internal parts of glacier. In the temperate glacier the ice plastic behaviour in general prevents the existence of very deep cre- vasses: it is possible to show that their scale depth is less than 30 m, because deeper the ice flows to fill the cavity. Nevertheless the ice mechanics strongly depends on temperature and, in particu- 131 SPECIALE GLACIER CAVES NIMBUS 23-24 7 - Campbell warms up and moistens the air in Glacier, front. contact; the air rises and, if it is This entrance not driven outside the cave, rea- is so large and ches the dew point and forms su- unstable that blimation crystals releasing the the cave roof has acquired a latent heat at the same time. Pro- parabolic equi- bably it is this latent heat of su- caves in the Terra Nova Bay zone, wave had a displacement of 0.75 librium shape. blimation that warms up some at the contact of ice with the cm. air whose flow besides the ice warm surface of the Mt Melbour- Campbell 1. Small cave (10 m) 8 - Above, ri- crystals moulds the rills.
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