HORTRIDGE DAILY ECH FIRST AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL DAILY VOL. XXXII, No. 82. SHORTRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1930. TWO CENTS SHORTRIDGE SQUAD TRIUMPHS BIG SISTERS TO HOLD DRAMA LEAGUE SOUTH SIDE OF FT. WA YNE MEETING WEDNESDAY TO HOLD MEETING An important meeting of the Drama LOSES 22 TO 10; SEYMOUR IN 2ND AUDITORIUM League will be held Monday at 2:30 in Room 120. The purpose of the mcct- FALLS BEFORE BLUE 25-24 Mr. Otto Will bc Chief Speaker- Ing is to elect officers for the coming Instructions Will be An­ * :n ster. All members are urged to be McCullough Stars for Blue At nounced by Mrs. present, as the meeting ls very im­ CHARLES CRING TO BE Seymour; Payne, Seymour's Thompson. portant. The meeting will be short. Chief Threat; Shuttleworth The present officers of the club are: NEW MONDAY EDITOR Plays Best Against Fort Wayne. A meeting of all the girls who will President—Robert Oberreich. Vice-President—Helen Lucile Smiley. assist, the incoming freshmej}. will be Carl Sect and Emily Dorgan The Shorlridge Blue Devils defeated held Wednesday, Jan. 22, the second Secretary—Virginia Fosler. Treasurer—Louis Darko. Appointed As New Assist­ the Seymour Owls in a fast and rough auditorium period in Room 345. All ant Editors. game Friday night, 25-24. The contest students studying in 345 that period was played at Seymour gym. will go to 209. JONES LAW IS CHIEF Charles Cring will succeed Dorothy Shortridge opened with an attack The following girls will attend the Campbell as editor-in-chief of Mon­ that netted 7 points before their op­ meeting: Winifred Holmes, Elaine Hol­ day's Echo. Charles showed his ability ponents succeeded in hitting their stride loway, Barbara Joan Holt, Esther Hoov­ INTEREST OF SENATE by his work as editorial editor last year. and tying tho score. From this time er, Eleanor Holt, Anne DeCroes, Rose­ Ho was also treasurer of tho Junior until the end of the contest neither mary Dedert, Jane Davis, Delia Daw- Political Blocs Arc Formed To Class, nnd elected to the Honor Society team led-tho other by a score of more r.on. Elizabeth Davis, Ruth Heckman, Aid Passage of Laws For in his Junior year. He was sent as a than three points. Seymour was ahead Janet Hill, Edna Hoalt, Mardena Hess, Personal Interests. delegate from Monday's to the Press at the half, 14-13. Elizabeth Hershman. Marguerite Her­ Convention at Franklin last fall. With three minutes of the game left man, Marlou Klophcl, Flora Jane The Shortridge High School Senate, Carl Sect and Emily Dorgan are to to play, Seymour started to stall with a Ketcham. Marian Kis:;el, Eva King, be assistant editors. Carl Sect, although three-point lead, 24-21, but the Blue and which meets every Friday at conference White finally obtained possession of the Deana Kline, Hilda Cunningham. Vir­ period in the R.O.T.C. room, discussed he is a comparatively new member on ginia Cunning, Elsie Danneker, May the staff, has shown grout ability. He ball. McCullough t:ank a long one from Dannacher, Dorothy Curtis, Mary Vance revpipl very important bills at the last succeeds William Forshaw as second the center of tlie floor, and Case, with Trent, Louise Trees, Zenna Valinetz, regular meeting. Friday, Jan. 17. page editor. two minutes to play, scored from be­ Mildred Tweitmeyer. Mary J. Truit, Sue Discussion began on the famous street Emily Dorgan will take Marjorie hind the 1-nil cirrle to put the Blue Volecker, Madge Wallace, Mlgnon Wag­ car bill of Senator Robinson, of Indiana Carr's place as third page editor. At Devils into the lend. 25-24. Tho gun oner, Mary Ellen Voyles, Lawa Van (Herbert Eibert*. but interest soon any rate we are assured of. ]>,o.'nty of ended the game shortly afterward. BcmiiiiT, Lula Werner, Lillian Weil, waned and the bill to abolish capital , McCullough and Case were best for laughs next semester. Shortridge, while Payne was the star Irene Worker, Hazel Warren, Mildred punishment was put before the house. Dorothy Campbell, the outg<Xrig edit­ Warner, Irene Westfall, Alice Wild?. Senator Johnson, of California, spoke for the Owls. The lineup and summary or-in-chief, has worked -^nscicntiously •if the g-tpe follows: Mae Wickers, RuMi Wien, Virgtnia M. well against this measure. and the stafT has appreciated her jour­ Wheeler, Fan White, Helen Rogge. Helen Senator Robinson, of Indiana, read nalistic ability in editing the Echo. Shortiv_ge (25) .. B. F. T. Roof, Ruth Rootstcin. Blanc**!- ""femey- several letters from tht» people of the William Forshaw, retiring editorial Case 5 1 11 ers, Margaret Sissenguth, Doris Slavens, town of Cornbread. Ind., requesting a editor, has shown groat skill in getting Shuttleworth 0 0 0 Nellie Slate, Harriet Skillman, Loraine new roof for their church. material for the second page. Heckman 2 0 4 Skelton, Jortia Carter, Doris Carter, On the question of armed intervention Marjorie Carr juid James Orr are also Berns 0 0 0 Margaret Carter, Wanda Carter, Al­ in foreign countries, Senator Black to be praised for their work of last sem­ Bulliet 0 1 1 berta Cherry, Virginia Carr, Martha (William Rasmusseni, Senator Frazler ester. James Orr will continue hi.s McCullough 4 1 9 Belle Cady, Edna Cabalzer, Eleanor (Fred Cretors), and Senator Robinson work as sports editor next semester. Rangborn. Virginia Parish, Helen Pat­ spoke with a good deal of fire, both pro Totals 11 3 25 rick, Julia Neales, Mary Jane Myers, and con. Seymour (24) B. F. T. Deris Myers, Mary Frances Newhouse, The diminutive Senator Harris (War­ Mrs. Thompson Expresses Thanks. Walters 3 0 G Nina Pike. Mary E. Pell, Louise Pierson, ren Shearer), entered late but present­ Mrs. Thompson wishes to uiank thc Goons 3 0 6 Marf-aret Oliphant, Jane O'Neill, Mar- ed some startling exhibits in support of girls who have so faithfully assisted her McFadden 1 1 3 par-* Nolan. Lucil*? O'Brien, Margaret a bill concerning thc repeal of the Jones' in the lost and found department. The Payne 4 1 9 A. Clippinger, Joan Clevenger, Betty law. They are pictures of his grand­ following is the list of girls who have ClaiiL>, Mary E. Clark, June Ellen iwcCord 0 0 0 father before and after the before men­ as.-5i.Mted this semester: Betty Kalyeene Aufderhide 0 0 0 Clark Esther Coe, Mary Clibton, Mar- tioned law. Irene Westfall, Portia Carter, Allyune Ian Eperry, Jeiui Spickelmier, Eunice Senator Heflin (Franklin Seiden­ Bruene, Betty Jane Wolfe, Eloise Welsh, Totals 11 -4 Speer. - ranees Stalker, Dorothy Stan­ sticker), the president of the Senate, Virginia Fosler, Betty Fathauer. Stella ley, Mary Jane Steei;, Mable Storms, left the chair long enough to deliver a Wolfanger, and especial appreciation to South Side (Ft. Wayne) Jeanne Stearns, Elizabeth Staytoir, convincing* "-TH previously memorized Ruby Bailey, for time served during The Shortridge Blue Devils brought Helen Starost, Mary Taylor, Betty Tem- conference. perly, Virginia Swope, Janice Suite, tfipntinued on page four) home the bacon Saturday night in the Mary B. Sullivan, Marguerite Sullivan, second game of the week-end to the (Continued on page four) tune of 22 to 10. TO HAVE OR NOT TO HAVE (Continued on page four) "And lunch the fifth! Please, Mrs. ! we'll get and all the things we can do. S.H.S. GIRLS'VARSITY PEP SESSION IS HELD Campbell, do be a dear. I promise faith­ i When the family is out of town. I'll fully never again to leave session \ have to have some one fix the furnace. WINS FIRST GAME IN AUDITORIUM TODAY Well, I should say not! Do you think I do love these big brave men who rush I'd nave him again after he flunked I to the aid of a poor damsel in distress. Songs and Dance Help Incite me? And I worked so-o-o hard! I re- ' (And incidentally eat all my candy, State School For the Deaf Is 1 member one night I took a book home j wear out the radio and furniture, smoke Defeated In Hard Game; Student Body Toward Score Is 31-28. Game Support. j . Here, I'll sign that doctor's order dad's cigarettes—but at least, they don't jfor you; she isn't looking why, I run up the light bill!) The pep meeting which heralded the want that lunch period because I get Vacation—oh yes! A big time of The girls' varsity team defeated the City Tourney was held in the auditor­ hungry, of course!" ; course, but just think of the amazing team from the State School for the ium under the direction of Mr. Roache. ! These remarks, and many others are possibilities of a new semester. Mod- Deaf Friday tn our gym. The final Tlie program was opened by the band often heard in session rooms these days I ern literature—J. Don's ears Just fasci­ score was, 31-28. This was the first and three of the best known yells. Mr. as the old semester draws near the end. nate me! Physics—I love to wnteri Bill game of the season for our team and Roache gave announcements and in­ , (And teachers, too, for that matter). Hausman- eyes twinkle I English— troduced Jimmy McClure, who contri­ ! Only three more days will we traverae oh, that thrilling deep voice oi -*aul as this game is always one of their hard­ buted "Foot-pep." Mr. Buck spoke at the semester-old routine—three more Hall's! Spanish—I ask you, could any­ est ones it looks like a successful season.
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