If undeliverable, return to: Winnipeg PC User Group Please Rotate 337C Pembina Highway I thought I’d give you Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 2E4 folks something to perform that you couldn’t easily do July16 June18 June25 GarrickTheatre with the PDF version Whata Summer! GeneBarlowDemos Tid Bits N Bytes PowerQuestProducts like MicrosoftWin98Presentation UGParticipatesinWin98Rolloutat ROTATE YOUR MONITOR! from the WINNIPEG PC USER GROUP, INC. A Charter Member of the Association of PC User Groups (APCUG) VOLUME 16 NUMBER 10/11 JUN/JUL, 1998 80XXX 1. Can you believe this? — A PRINTED newsletter! Now we need ALL you folks to per- suade your favorite computer dealer to help us defray some costs by advertising with us! 2. General meetings are held at the Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute, Jubilee Auditorium, 181 Riverton. Meetings start at 7 p.m. The facility is wheelchair accessible. 3. The June General Meeting (Thursday, June 18th) will feature a presentation of Win- dows 98 by Neil Froggatt, Microsoft Product Manager, Windows Platform Team! You asked for it — you got it! And then — a week later (June 25th) the WPCUG will be participating in the rollout of Win98 at the Garrick Theatre! Call 1-800-615-0319 and register for Event #18125 or go to: http://www.microsoft.com/events/windows98. 4. The July General Meeting will be held on Thursday, July 16th at MBCI. The presenta- tion will be made by Gene Barlow (formerly with UG Relations of IBM) and now repre- senting the PowerQuest Corporation. Come and see some exciting new products from this innovative Utah company! You will LOVE Gene! 5. If you haven’t made your initial $28.50 (incl. PST/GST) deposit towards our Internet serv- ice, bring along your VISA or MASTERCARD to this meeting. You can also enroll by charging it to your “plastic” by opening the door called INTRNET on the BBS. Renewal of your User Group membership can also be made through the BBS using your credit card. Just open the door JOINUG and follow the on screen instructions. Winnipeg PC User Group, Inc. Volume 16, Number 10/11, Page 2 June/July 1998 he Winnipeg PC User Group, Inc. is a non-profit or- Elected Officers for the election year ending Oct. 1998: Tganization formed to provide those with an interest in Home Phone the IBM Personal Computer or compatible computer, President George Bowman . 338 2658 with an opportunity to come together and otherwise assist Past President Roger Buchanan . 475 2936 one another in the use and understanding of these computers. Vice Pres. Jon Phillips. 888 9180 The group serves as a forum to exchange ideas, to discuss the Treasurer Perry Exley . 488 6830 latest developments, and share information. Membership Art Cavenagh. 888 1432 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Exec. Sec. Brian Lowe. 478 3561 Online Serv. Mgr. Michael Kendrick (acting) . TBA This periodical is published monthly for the purpose of ad- Newsletter Paul Stephen . 284 2810 vising members of the various group activities and sharing of Shawn Zayac. 222 1813 information between other similar User Groups around the Group-Buyer Greg McClure . 942 3301 world. It is mailed by bulk mail to all members of the group Advertising Mgr. Bert Gutzmann . 932 3357 and to all other User Groups who reciprocate with a copy of Forum Coordinator John Kesson . 489 7617 their newsletter. (Please do not call executive members after 9 P.M.) ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Home Phone The group is not affiliated with any commercial organization Program George Bowman . 338 2658 and receives no financial support other than through member- ship dues and paid advertising in the periodical. The officers BBS . 958-7280 (28.8 kbps) are volunteers and only receive the following benefits: they Resource Centre “Voice Line” . 958 7228 learn more about their computer; gain satisfaction from hav- Resource Centre “FAX Line” . 958 7229 ing helped others and meet many people with common inter- *** N E W S L E T T E R *** ests and problems. Home Phone Editor Paul Stephen . 284 2810 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Co-editor Shawn Zayac. 222 1813 Group By-Laws describing the purpose of the group, can be obtained from the Executive Secretary at no cost. Res. Centre Mgr. Bert Gutzmann . 932 3357 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Contributors To This Issue: Membership Information can be obtained from the Mem- G. McClure, J. Phillips, B. Gutzmann, G. Bowman, B. Vane, B. Lowe, bership Secretary, explaining the various benefits of member- J. Binkely, D. Christle, N. Longmuir (photos), D. Gonse and P. Stephen. ship. Deadline & Ad Sizes ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ All copy and all advertising MUST reach the newsletter editor no later Monthly Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each than the third Thursday of each month. A cheque or Money Order month. The Executive meets on the 2nd Thursday. Volun- MUST accompany ad copy. Classified ads MUST be submitted in typed teers for many activities are always needed. form and must not exceed four 42 character lines. Ad copy MUST be ready to offset print and MUST fit: WPCUG ONLINE sERVICES Winnipeg PCUG BBS Width Length Full Page - 7.5" X 10" 958-7280 28.8 kbps Half Page - 7.5" X 5" - 3.5" X 10" Quarter Page -3.5"X5" Winnipeg PCUG Internet Service -7.5"X2.5" Eighth Page -3.5"X2.5" 958-7220 USR 33.6 kbps -7.5"X1.25" Advertising Rates No of times(x)/12 issues COPYRIGHT POLICY & LIABILITY WAIVER (Dollars) This publication is (C)opyright, Winnipeg PC User Group, Inc., Ad. Size 1998. The reprinting in another publication, of original material ap- pearing in this newsletter must give credit to the Winnipeg PC User 1x 3x 6x 12x Group Inc. and to any author indicated. Such material may be re- printed at no cost, but a copy of the publication in which it has Full Page 50.00 135.00 240.00 420.00 been reprinted must be provided at no cost to the Winnipeg. PC Half Page 25.00 67.50 120.00 210.00 User Group Inc. Some images copyright www.arttoday.com. Business Card 10.00 30.00 60.00 120.00 Flyer Inserts 225.00 Views and opinions expressed are those of the author indicated (or the editor) and not necessarily of the group or Executive. The group, contributors, and the editor of this newsletter do not as- Classified Members entitled to one FREE Ads 4 (42 Char.) sume any liability for damages arising out of the publication or line ad. - non-commercial - per issue, non-publication of any advertisement article, or other item herein. others $3.75 per 4 line ad. Extra lines $0.90 each. Winnipeg PC User Group, Inc. Volume 16, Number 10/11, Page 3 June/July 1998 Mailing Addresses Contents Of This Issue Page Advertisers General Correspondence: — Attn: Exec. Sec. Membership: — Attn: Membership Secretary Dave’s Quick Print . 18 Healey Visual Inc. 4 Winnipeg PC User Group Inc. Tellier Electronics . 32 P.O.Box 3149 Winnipeg PC User Group ISP . 27 Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 4E6 Items This Month Controlled Escape . 5 Periodical Exchange & Review Software: The President’s Report . 8 Paul Stephen Wondering About Microsoft Windows 98? . 8 401-1025 Grant Avenue Experiences from the Saturday Drop-In and Install Forum 10 Winnipeg, Manitoba Winnipeg PC User Group Forums . 11 R3M 1Y4 Evan Burns — “Champion of the Disabled” . 11 Group Meeting Schedule / Coming Attractions . 12 Yearly Membership Dues: PowerQuest Presentation — July 16, 1998 . 12 Home Improvement Help for Computer Users Junior Membership(under age 18) . $25 A Review of the Book and CD-ROM Adult Membership . $49.95 “Just Ask Jon Eakes” . 13 Associate Membership . $20 DiskMapper2 — A Software Review . 14 Corporate Membershp . $125 Through the Years With the WPCUG — A Contest . 15 PowerDesk Utilities 98: A Review . 16 With an adult membership you receive one copy of our peri- Upcoming Changes to Our Internet Service . 17 odical and any member of your family (age 12 and under) may attend the UG meetings. After an adult membership has Report from the April 1998 General Meeting been purchased, additional associate memberships may be of the Winnipeg PC User Group . 19 purchased which include a BBS ID, draw ticket, but no pe- System Commander Deluxe Version 4.0 . 23 riodical. A corporate membership entitles you to two copies The Saturday Drop-In Install Forum . 25 of the periodical and any member(s) of your organization New Cartoonist — Don Gonse . 25 may attend our general meetings. Ask Art Cavenagh for fur- Claris Home Page 2.0 . 26 ther details. FreeSpace 1.0 — A Revolutionary New Way to Periodical Submissions Get More Hard Drive Space . 28 Report on the May 1998 General Meeting . 30 The editor will accept almost anything you wish to contribute. Short submissions may be in any form whatsoever. Internet Access Form . 31 Longer submissions should be made on 5.25/3.5" floppy disks or uploaded to our BBS. Files must be zipped before uploaded. If you I would like to thank all those members who participated use the BBS, send a message to Paul Stephen, and use the SA in the User Group survey. The deadline has been EX- (save attachment command) to attach the file to the message. TENDED until June 25th to encourage more members to Other acceptable formats include: WordStar 3.x—5.0, WordPerfect participate. Prizes will likely be awarded at the July gen- 4.x—5.1, Word 4.0, XyWrite and ASCII. If you use one of the above eral meeting, although you will not have to be in atten- wordprocessors, DO NOT put blank lines between paragraphs or at- tempt to “format” your text! dance to win. Survey URL: http://survey.wpcusrgrp.org The SurveyMaster, aka..
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